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Show nn a newspaper A) 10 Iaeaicaiea THIRTY-NINT- FTT5 a policy of to all sections ol s. HESALD PHONES Business Editorial PROVO. UTAH. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29. 1925. YEAE, NO, 294. H i?h fni rn r? n? o Offke ..... 93 Rooms.,.. 107 PRICE TWO CENT? Ml la Jll IcJ Ull lJ O o e o o o o Noted Lecturer to 'Address Br6voE iisiness Men Thursday ' HA IS OHM ' o 4, o o o 0 IBI! D L OF , IS DEMANDED SECOND NORTH STREET SHOULD BE OPENED Speaker 0 0 o o o o it-- si Jf ' J ) ' s s. v s s" v t - "i v. - -- . fc , rH . vN CELEBRATE ' - i Com-missio- 1 UTAH COUNTY FARMERS TO J. To beC. of C. Luncheon o o o o o E PIO - b TRAGIC SCENE AS JAPANESE FREIGHTERSINKS . Citizens Petition City to Do Away With" Mill Race C. Penney Representative o o o o o o O v J? n V .11, jn f .:C?--.- . . " 51 Declare Stream An Open ROTARY AND KIWANIS Sewer Which Should Be Condemned JOIN WITH CHAMBER Luncheon Arranged at Hotel Roberta Thursday at 12:30 o'Clock ,v l - V. - - Principles, to Be .furthered by Farmers American . 1 ill PROVO of Nation ' vvirt-ij'- vns :,,.. ' i' " " 4 ft . f ;n " 7xHni .. - s x jJr " . " :: V. f- FOURTH OF JULY TO BE OBSERVED Franklin, Maeser and Parker . Schools to Compete for Will Commemorate the 150th Singinj Honors Anniversary of the First LARGE ATTENDANCE Revolutionary Shot 13 EXrHCTED July 4. 1925, wiU be a memorable-- : event in the. history of American Rotary Club to Give Two e celebrations, when more than two Schools Cash . of the million farmers will take an active Prizes of $75 - id That there Is quite a general deWin-nin" mand on. the part of citizens living in" T IIIII It 111 IIIMI"Mll'nlllll ft IIMMH M Wt' in the vicinity of the mill race on this (.iiotti. tLe (.reatest picture ever dude of sea tragedy. Is shown, as seen from the aerks of the 8. 8. Homeric, the tost .thruea Second West street for the removal In "Religion In Business" Is the topic of what Is termed an "unsightly Japanese freighter, Raifuku Maru, as she was engulfed by the raging sea off Nov Scotia, carrying to the depths with her, officer and crew. part in commemorating the 150th of the address to be given at the and unsanitary open sewer" from Passengers and crew of the Homeric lined the rails helplessly, the Women with tears streaming down their cheeks, a they watched the doomed anniversary of the appearance of a The Provo hlgt tchoul and.torluiu group of farmers at Concord bridge, I expected to be filled to ovor flnw-1n- s chamber of commerce luncheon at the center of the city, is evidenced men on the sinking ship wave their arms in frantic appeal for the aid. that could not bte given.. in Massachusetts, who fired the thsl evening for A be mc.)mi an- 11 at in the fact that the city commission the Hotel Rolerts Thursday first ahot' in the great battle for nual chorus contest of the boys of 1239 o'clock by Dr. F. B. Short, has received a petition asking that American : independence, April J.9, theProvo, grade .scbooi, Jivld under, of the the krgeropen stream be done away the direction nf the Provo Kot.-ir1775. , with. Penney company. l)ne hundred and fifty year of club, a part ; th Boys!Weck'e This petition was submitted to the All of the member of the Provo' ; glorious history has been. , U'rltten actlyltle,;,-;- -' Rotary and the Kiwanls club will cfty officials several months ago, of three the four Only si Massachusetts we these farmers grade at luncheon the the tie present together and possibility of removing the took their stand at Concord bridge scbfKils will participate in the con- with the members of the chamber of stream has since become topic of and since that time they have been test, the Tlmpanogos 'achmd with.discussion among citizens who concommerce. the pioneers in the progress of the drawing pn account of lack n fiicill-tl- e During the past five years Dr. sider It existence a detriment to sMne-schuo- L The Yuuuir uni- - . nation. liv. to the those Short has been connected with the city and especially versify training School will have a a In keeping with nationwide pro educational department of the big ing in close proximity to the race. Mothers . to Be Honored at gram commemorating tbia event the chorus but will not be in the A number of the manufacturing Heart Trouble Fatal to Thomchain store corporation. During thaj The schools to compete are the as Stanley Maxfield; Dies . menders' ef the Utah County Farm, Program to be Given by time he has traveled extensively, plants that in the early history of the Franklin, View Parker, Grand and the v "Y" At Students bureau Will other with or 'throughout the nation visiting those the city used the power .from the " ' of this county in observ-- Maeser. cities where the J. C. Penney com- waters 6f this stream to propel their ganisations The Judge of the contest will lie Thomas Stanley Maxfield, 30, By ROBERT A. WILKINSON. ance of the day.-- . x machinery have long since adopted pany has its stores. .'. Miss Ll.de Bradford, musl Instrucof the details of Whlle or the celebration Dr. Short U making a sincere ef electricity. At this "time, tt is said, manager and proprietor AU preparation are completed for tor the ; M & M Auto Top company of Salt Profesor Arthur celebratious la Utah county have not fort to teach business groups every- duly one or two firms use the water Girl's' day at 4 he Brig-haO. Overlade of the East 'high.-anannual the Lake died morniug Wednesday City, been worked out, it is the intention where that the practical application for thi purpose and they are conthe, home of bis fiaHlcee, v Miss Young university to be held oa of the farm bureau to lend out In Professor Leltoy Robertson, of Uto' the Golden Rule begets happiness nected with electric power In ease, at Beatrice Smith . at Graiid View. Ioung university music department . bus!-of good-wiland Friday, May h - The girt' commit- furthering the true principle ' of and head emergency. that religion In of the rnnafe sectiou uf the to. Death the due ;was. leakage pf a tee attendance Anterfcanixin. ia ef desirous large" "It seem to ate that new i attainable and that it In poor Grove Pleasant. months-o- f two high school. the heart. past Daring of mothers for the day's festivities. spires one to do better Work and to economy to keep this stream, jot ; AH illnes be had been living at contesting choruses will sing his, water Is commercial our make of mother the running through The entertaining relationships help Jtjr uhe Smith home. Mendelssohn' "Lift Thine Kyes." both pleasant and constructive. tnrougnout tne season of the year the biggest feature of the celebraKwh "chorus will aUing a nt:ml)cr Mr. Maxfield was born in Ijike He is said to have amost dynamie when the water is needed so badly tion. of Its own selection. Following the moved bur 1895, 3, View, January Miss Vida Broadbent,.preldent of personality and a kindly spirit and on our lands," said John T. Taylor, congest all of the boys will sing his parents to Salt Lake City is known throughout the cities in discussing the possibility 'of the with Associated Women Students, the "America under the. direction of had since he where whena boy, where he has given '"his lectures as reuioval of the race. will act as chairman of the girl's Professor George Fitzroy. resided. then "In addition to the economic In the affluent and entertaining speaker. day, program to be given I deal of rivalry exists be Mr. Maxfield. and 1 Miss Smith phase of the question, one needs but tween the various schools for the assembly exercise a the initial to' have been mareied next weee to walk along the stream when the The following honors. Anticipating the contest, the eipent of the day. ' water Is low to determine just what June. Mar program will lie given contesting schools have dritJing - Surviving him -- are his parents; kind of an open sewer it "1T feel their, boys chorus for several garet Pjerpont will offer the invoca certain that if the state health I Harris T. and Emma Brown Max Sadie Howarth tion ; vocal duet, by According to school Qfficljiis Wife of Wealthy Scion on months. authorities were to make such.ail.ta-spectio- n field, one sister and two brothers. the music among the boys of the ' and Maurine Gammet; Tocat solo. and Xelworth Mrs. for Trial Jrene""C&nni.f,' Disfigurinir. the stream. woaOTTJe conMaurlue Gammett, entitled "A May eity school has been raised to u John R. Mfixfield, all of ShII Lake 4 Hubby's Face ' demned immediately," added Mr. hlghet-Jeve- l since the introduction Morning ;" welcoming address to " City. here a year ago of the contests. Taylor. mothers by Hda Brondlent ; a read LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aprli 2D. Other citizens express the hope The school wtunlug first prize jvili ing by Libbie Cook ; Norma Jensen, Darby Day, Jr, scion of a wealthy DR. ARTHUR LAWTON BEELEY that if the mill race cannot bere Ruth Gammett, Maurine Madsen Chicago family was called to the be given a cash prize of $50, while moved pjitlrely,JjhoiildJhpwpj Echoed Will be uUen foTWsTEesis: an experimental study iwd CormaBaUif wiU render a nwf-- f witness stand today To tesftfy thejecuud StaaTTbtmFgeTaldT both of the prizes being donated and the stream lowered to the instrument selection ; Mel-btet by striug " of children' in against his estranged wife, Berniece, the Provo Forest Officials Inspect New Btreet level north of the Knight ' Chicago, April 89. ; Arthur handwriting, which wa published Rotary cjiib. , Boyle will entertain with a piano awtte hi of face' with disfiguring Road , Loop and Declare Woolen mills, in order that Secpnd will acid. Lawton Beeley ef Prove, Utah, as a monpgrapn by tne university solo: the winning short story Is Fine North street might be opened and has been awarded a degree or doe-tThe' later wa principal of the by read by Its author and Mr. Elsie A jury of eight men and four the streets and sidewalk's north of of philosophy (Ph. D.), mag-it- a Emery Stake academy,- - and then en Chamberlain Carroll, the donor of women has been picked to hear the y Second, North made accessible. One of the most beautiful emntuade, at the University of tered the University of Utah faculty the gift, will present the medal. case against Mrs. Day and her sisGRANV-ILL&April 29. announce an to It Is the desire of the petitioners auto drives now accessible to and Norma Dana JepChtrago aeMrtfing as a member of the department of Marguerite ter, Carolyn Lundstrom, ment made by officiate or- - .the psychology. During that time he' person will renderiTT5i,ar duet en the people of this section is the. loop that" action on their petition- - be (CP) Search for Earl Wo)dward, " from Provojolg tra wberry!ake, yla taken .by thfticltyconim bsion dur extconvjet. alked flbduiQrofllLJ hool today. was becretary of the social advisory f itlwTTfie Vbieeof prifig." The young millionaire expects to or year-oL.uciue cnatterton tf is Doctor' thesis, a study of which Elder --Stephen L. Richards Daniels canyon' around the great 'Prof. RuberOiauet wil conduct tell the story of an eucoiTuter with reservoir .by way of the cast portal, Granville, led today to the, town of criminology, will be published a band recital on the University his was the chairman. wife, following a domes EasLBrijiikfieliLjwyeiijnllegJrom .over the great divide and down a monograph by the University of "Threeyears.Tigo he war granted Height campiurbeglnnlngrat 2:3ft tic qnarrel, in which he was a where in Fork here, the opinDiamond storekeeper reported canyon, Chirago. Dr.- Beeley' laboratory a leave or absence This will be followed by a May day seared a vial of acid.He ion of Wv M. Campbell, in charge seeing Woodward yesterday. for his thesis ha mainly been the verslty of Utah since which time he festival pageant under the auspices claims with the acid was deliberately No trace of the missing girl ha Cook county jaiL He has been a has been of the Provo office of the L'inta of the of Miss Wiluia Jeppson attending the University conBenefit Concert Thursday at 'lJ..:-National Forest. yet been found. She was last seen member of the faculty of the Uni- Chicago, In the school of social ad women's physical education depart thrown at blm, but Mrs. Day ; tends It Stake "Tabernacle for. New Wassi)ille(t accidentally. 'fola was to .on This opinion spring, expressed Friday night going versity ef Chicago during the past ministration, doing work especially ment. Prof. E. It. Eastmoiid and The oci'tiredv. on attack Band Stand ' allegedher father's farm here. lowing a recent Inspection tour of in the departments of psychiatry,, Lynn.S. Richards year. re tbe'eomposer Febbrnary 23 at Ia.v'i Beverly Hills C. E. Evans, from the engineering ecibnomtcs. and ph.vchology, sociology of the pageant. home. when Mrs. Day sought to efMr. Beeley is a son of Mr. Eliza- He has also done extensive research department, of .the' district:, forest , Mrs. Florence Jepperson Madsen fect a reconciliation. The couple hud A great deal of interest Is imnil- office at Ogdeisui who accompanied 882 North First A. beth work in. the social aspects Beeley, will, present ah operetta entitled wen separated several weeks after Mrv Cnmnliell "'over the Diamond fested in the coming U'nefit nn- East street, and a brother to Mrs. and juvenile delinquency. In :30 7 the Girl" "The at Japanese a short period uf married life wbl-jt, Fork road last week. Mand Beeley Jacob , of the KoQ Thursday evening By WIXONA FUANDSEX. evening. The concluding number of followed their eliiement In Chicago. rert"jrp"Tdwn With a. few. jnijtor repairs the in the stake taberiiocle under (Ik school ( InvK Y. U. is extending an high faculty. y'The.U. will be entertainment Day recently filed suit for divorce auspices of the Busine! and l'r"f. road from Three tat ion to the public to join them on 4 He. was bornjinl 8portnl-kudftvete- e a dance in the LadieV srwnasimTr Fotks to the graduated from the flutnif PrmTi. Tbe nlke wni(. PARIS, April 29. France's dis- high schm)Lilnter Coming to Provo splendid condition, ; Air. Canplcll will take place Sa turday, May 2.; entire prweeds will tm nsed'for tijf Field satisfaction "at the election of states. These repairs will be made For a small charge trucks will For a constnictlon of a new nioden; Inr.ul With his parents in 1908. carrjr Marshal Hindenhurg to the German next week and wilLJncJide-A4luni-lieshort while lie was'employed lat 'the tand in Houeer Park wliere the hikers to the mouth of Rock the, is not to Interfere with Offices, of the. Knight Investment of turnouts, a cattle bridge belProvo Iwind will give its weekly cup- meet thepi of Vivian presidency tanyon'and . seenritr a reeaniinir some conThree low negotiations Forks, and " certs during the summer niciit'it-- . comitany and then s' entered' the Park In" Provo canyon. st met ion work. . .: pWf,"it. was indicated in V'ouug uulversltjr ;f rom. where he The Irovo baud bus donated its From the month of the canyon-it- ' circles today. The Utah county commission will Is '; f , service in Interest of the graduated with an A.' B. degree in vt ten mile hike to the' end of a The foreign office said that ton 1913, majoring in psychology and lnsiiect the lower portion of the BERLIN, April 2?. Police guards sponsored by the women's dub. rw Rock, canyon-- "over, thf ridge and Presiden1 next of around views Luther the were Increased today road with week, it said, with education. evchange , . have also tbe assisting artists who of Provo villa at the intentfon of making such re-government; regarding' a security Hlndenburg's During the war jieriod he was sec t-elect At midnight Tuesday the local will appear ori the program. .. , agreemejit would be contiailed, de retary of the European mission un- - Hanover,- giving' rise to rumors of pairs ns will l)e fotfkd necessary to1 : fUerlfTa" Prof. Robert Kauw will direct tbe ffiiewa liotified 4f a by- - the biology and put the road In good condition for (Directed; der the late Hyrum M. Smith of an attempt to assasinate the field spite Hindenrburg's election. alleged holdup ou the county high band. Assisting will be Mrs. Kiith-tywill hike' the "' ' departments, ' summer , traffic. v marshal . ' the L. D. 8. church. ,the Pardoe," reader,. Mrs) Fay ;.TIMA, Arl AprU 29 (I P) way leading into. Cedar .Volley near ' Returning to America in 1915 he Those who are familiar with this lie. of siieitlal interest to nnttii'S Emphatic denial of knowledge of George Lynn, editor of the Ynma Fairfield. Deputy Sheriffs G.i H. Stielil and Murray Rolicrts. vocalto Wish and those lovers who learn . loop know of its beauties, and hun-..- attended Columbia, and the follow- any plot wa made at piiHce'Tiead-- q Herald.' accused of criminal libel, Davis and Charles. Goates were ists and Harvard" Olsen. elttf. :; dreds are enthusiastic over this sec- more about the mountains and taught at v the uarters, where it was said the will take hi fight for freedom of assigned to investigate the case. ing school yea The program Is as follows:-"Eeniwto were in tion of the state as one of the most plants growing there. additional The next year assist, guards Young university. the press to a Jury. Fidelis," niarcb. I'pou their arrival at the scene of Sousu,' Prof. Walter Cottam, Dr.; Murray outrefreshing drives for a he received hi master' degree from keeping off enthusiastic denjtnstra-tor- . wa ' or the trouble they found that a sheep-- liand ;. overture from "Momiiig, : The case Lynn against O. who and Brlant Decker, lift Hayes ': found. ing .that fan the University of Chicago writing dered removed to superior court for herder by the name of George Soou and Night.! Suite, land:"Tbp will1 guide the hikers, will point out trial when the editor refused to aW Wlllett, who was carrying a rifle, Kiss Trait,' Arditl. Mrs. Fav Lneso The sixty day Jail sentence imthe different spring plants and the BOYS SENTENCED. low Justice H. S. Smith to dismiss Interceded when two young team Stfehl, accompanied by the band : ' forma-tio- n . the in on H. E. feature in Vogel posed 'Tuesday; interesting The charges. c stem are said to .have proceeded jo "Whispering Flowers.' the city court on a charge of having of the canyons f2,000 beat one of the two horses they LynnHras Silver. Jldland FlygnTe and Ted Wing, Wind, liquor Sliding down into' PovaajiyonJs n)ssion--of-ntoxi,atii' was put Into effect Weduesday noon. 'The opportunity given some of respoiuiitiiiities that rest upou those bonds after spending three self-- were driving, which. Deputy Davi Murray Roberts: "The Rw uf tffToung " men or 7Sprm(r'ille7 timefTHaTsiittffigaTb are six In county declare was o thin one could read Mexico,". Intermezzo, Curti, Imml: and ' to the have of imposed who night days city was school charge sentence trial arrair, At the boy the There the Tuesday long Wood the with . high Timpanogorf jail hurglnming urged d naturally tne boy will be mora jail rather than "surrender' In his a newspaper through It- reading, selected. Mrs. Kathrvn l:ir-doMenantile store, in Febiruarv, ap- slides, " which carry Tine down : to suspended when Vogel said that he participate 1u the civic affairs of "a free press aul equality selection from "ales of The antmnl, it Is said, had fallen will be of un: sympathetic and iess inclined to hattle-fou a had government and willow the Ella promised-IHansen city where 'spring "position .before Jflynjdn ptissy Judge peared Inma H. in from of Offenbach, . band; .h(Vli".ie" crirlclie a the td exhaustion and valley." Boy ihem," tola benefit say he alleged fnleave to abd that they flowers 'V serve sentenced were grownup. again. InteiidSng porelalm. spring 'Wednesday He wa arrested Saturday on com- fenders were beating it with a wire from "Aida Verdi, cello solo, history and civics " '"Better cooperation between the 'from 1 ,t 20 years in the state JShtf hiker will J climb : slowlr. Immedliitely for (hat plat. Fall- Slack, head ofofthe" the Pnovo Olsen; Tlie Grand High student and the various city offl- - plaint of E. F. Sanguiuetti, million- whip, Wlllett told the officer. The prison The sentence, however, Wa . making it possible for inexperienced ing to leave the city, he wa placed department " " aire merchant, who charged the Her- team" Is said to have belonged to the ,White Ibmse" frmn the suiii df4n a lietter dif- In the custody of Sheriff J. D., Boyd schopL'. to make hlkewlthont the nnder people certnlikljjstfuctlons ."ttspender come as a of the problems confront- ald libeled biro ' by .making false Fred Drape' of American Fork, who "Tate' of a Traveler, Soiimi, band. the conrt, among which , was I ficulty. , Boy Sconfsand Beehive to serve the jail sentence, ne was r "If'nojhlng else will will an and would bo of untold statements (about his milk business notified the sheriffs office of the Ticket may be purchasod at tbo ach. of it result ing each, experience, o on. fined to on same also the. chargQ go thnt each boy should .attend school 1 Girl are especiallyInvited and bis alleged tax evasion, - - alleged holdup, door, pea the eyes of .the boys as to the beucfit to the city.' a fine of $15V - .7"l.--- . the hike. pay Xor a glTcn.Icneta of time. , t Vnw . - l SjALT LAKE MAN J.--- jpeciaL-representativ- I"! t DIES AT HOME nwnM.'t''ii ' T fT Hi j BIG PROGRAM ARTHUR LBEELEYGIVEN FORGIRLS'DAY HIGH SCHOLASTIC HONORS OF FIANCEE ;' IS ARRANGED AT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1 . 3 East-high- " l, - it-t- s : EOPEIENT FINISHED IN . eat COAST COURT STRAWBERRY Ik-c- LOOP ROAD IN ' GOOD SHAPE KIDNAPPER IS a SEEN BY MAN BIG PROGRAM one-da- ,'U . ARRANGED FOR J BAND CONCERT , SPRING HIKE - SCHEDULED - FOR SATURDAY .... "of " -- SECURITYPACT . " HHr--ejidjft- easTlBpaTBjfiJituoa eTOBEPRpSED the-da- POLICE GUARD H'lonar-Wium'u'g . HINDENBURG . semi-offici- ' EDITOR TAKES SHEEPHERDE- R- LIBEL CASE STOPSCRURTY , BEFORE JURY iX'&, B - - - n 1 LAWJIOLATER one-da- y GOES TO JAIL lw (he. ': SPARKS FROM LIVE WIRES (character-raeT71audrTrttd- er ig -- r Iiufr-nian- IIhj--var- nnder-staudi- "om j ', |