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Show THE PROVQ, 1I2KALD 3 "Goc&foht Coras I Use A7o .'Gots-H!- UTftHSTATE-HEW- S A " tlafTes CaDerg the Idaho inmet s Drops in 3 Seconds. TnatYAIL Does the Eest "GETS-IT- " f SeyerTaik- - They let you know you' ye been who attempted suiciJe at Ogderi by putting his throai with a pocketknife, hag been adjudged insane,, CflUlil BPS llOW SehooHiQuses in Carbon cuukiy "are few' people use the most jffit. Si? and painful wayMhev-cabenefit of the public and mayfarhe iXt rid of corns, iney i wrap vneir be used In any' legitimate foVs up with bandages tno a ing packg ihkt shoes full of to a ruling: of the board. sot .o they'v painful g&S'corM - --The prefceftt-bond-ed indebtedness1 of the state l $2,8j0,0o0, represented In eleven series. The first issue of J 1 1 Your will matujn. September 1. 1918. , hTK and RicaardVette, 19 yeas-ef-jlg- e, Helen Bennett, aged 1L were Injured In a coasting accident at sait Lake when their Bled ran into, an automobile. Demand is -- ade in the tenth biennial report of the state board of , filed with the governor tecem- ber 16, for a change in the method of taxing nrinea. In the past two years a total of predatory wild animals .have been killed in the state of I'tah, and the to walk sideways and wrinkle m use ealves that their laces.' Or theytoe and make it state has paid the slayers bounty in eat right into the raw and spre. or they'll use plasters the sum of $68,265. pick that make the eerns feulge ndormake A total ut 396 manufacturers in Salt their .corns EWKt tM toeTbleed. Funny, isn't it? "GETS. 4 Like. .City, manufacturing 12f kinds for wonder j'f" is the stmple,3modernon, ' dries It of rorns putnntndrops Just XTrt 19 shown in a list corn- products, ' 11.. ? fnua fiT.l,. Heunett, --a Villions Use nothing else." pupil in ! he public schools.; eOnies'iff. ' ('RT-TT- " if sld en4 receromend-h- v Salt Lake's gain in building'' during druTistson everywhere, 25c a or pnt receipt of price, by November wfcs 6 per cent over the to'tln, i 1 jittTpnoA & f!o.. ChicatrO. 111. i nmnrt trr according to the 'Sold in Prove- and recommended Aim-- icat: t,iitiWMr'..rt-.--uii.w buildoy mg .stutis-ricof large cities. is .tlieworld s oesi corn reineay Hediiiiist Drug Co." smo n way,-accord- . other words, Chesterfield But they're MILD, too Chester-Cigarettare MILD and yet they fields are!' satisfy.: This is something totally IfVOu want this newciftV.i; to cigarettes. It . goes further than (satisfy, yet ) you've got to get pleasing your taste satisfy does for ;;:' Chesterfields, because no cigarette I our smoking .what a - juicy slice of maker can copy p&Chesterfield blend. tot roast beef does for your appetite. This blend is an entirely new combina- Chesterfields satisfy they Act ' you J tion of tobaccos and the biggest discoY-- i. " know you've beea smoking. , ery in cigarette blending in 20 years. "In . - 50,'-00- 0 ves as "bject . ignor.- - es . quali-Jtation- t or "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SA TISFY 40,-24- eople ed by Li i what' ."";, "'ocial rz) h in Av ""fsw : - ; gave thirteen ifj mi m nil wrzzzv mi m for m - - i-- : feT s;V 'VvV- olTWfmrTOT fal.initu -- electoral - - ,Hu-i- , 4h i, - - - i - kt)utij . . . - - ' - . - ' . - , i ' t,.u. . 'OVO, ELECTRIC GREIM !rrrri , ety riiarF paid off - - v-- ing aivi1 to the SALT LAKE CITY - r.372 in - PAYSON --T. Is. The .. !'' wl" " i - ' " h- Public of.the ie,H;ra,;;ocution, with ,,,006. in sight DA I D ser-roan-1- -- . herefor in ma-- Leaving PROVO dueg, "found ears it low a iouthbeund 'No rtB bound" I Feb- - o th ald to .300 ll lents. dsome 'tween essing of the honiei ers of :iiri8t- hvest- - 8: 14 59 ;7:06 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 1:60 p.m. 3:50 Pjn 4:50 p.m. 6:50 p.m. 6:50 p.m. 8:54 pm. 11:10 p.m. J??;. Ul, ; OREM Book will te tlirxiugliout the .state. , Mwnbers of the. Utah field hospital ho have been doing duty with corps the I'tah. troops at N'ogales, Ariz., have t been" ordered" relrased' and will ak'- - as soon a s--tf at i s- r aSn ' f ot-S- ?. Tportatiou is availaUie- .' 4 '4 V -- " .' A' X A"v -- , h ' -- Headache and Eye positively removed: by Dr. save you tl G. H. Heindselman, Hia system of Eye, Muscle and Nerve measure- two-yea-r who was ueteat-en'CenTeic4Jtion7"hH8 filed con county commissioner, the ment, using the test" papers, claiming errors were made tT eoiinting scratched ballots. Carrying the same suit case in which he packed his wife's effects and shipped to Denver the morning after she was slain, Howard De Weese arrived in Salt Lake Saturday m charge of an officer, and will face 'a niuidei Investigate Ask the Agent. The Interurban can give better charge. service on your freight shipment A brief in the ca?e of the Western whether li be a hundred pounds or against Railroad company Pacific - lines:. Take No Chances Prof it by-t-he costly experience of those unfortunate people who have lost " your hard earned savings with the" State" Bank of Provo, where you are inloss fronr sured regains ' any cause. STATEJAl latest-in--strum- ents known to ence, gives perfect correc-- . Thoution to the Eye. sands of testimonials. sci- SI1IIAVI. CHICHESTER PILLS 1IIK lilt MOV l LndlrHl A.k your ni olin.ter. Ulainom I'llln in Kt-- an.l Gold - Through rates and routes to inter state points in connection with the Union Pacific System and allied Eye sight Specialist. Eugene Santschi of Hiawatha, term candidate for "-- lu w . strain Ih n-- 10:59 a.m: 12:f.i p.m. 2:59 p.m. 4:59 p.m. -- 5:59 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 7:59 p.m. 9:41 p.m. " 1:22 a.m. EXPRESS On all Trains A Mileage money, a.m. a.m. arload. 08 -- f l - C "T; 7 -- I W 0 IKf? f"lOiS 1 V I1 ' ' 1UI1U ser- - organ- - 'J vXr' lependg the ,;r&X 'VV ' ' - XS !, Malf.l ith Itlue 4 Take no nfhiv. Itn r rnrl- - Askrnr'll.'irKM.TFR'i I)IAMXI liRlMl PII.I.S, f , yews knoii n as litit.Salest. Aluivii eliiLlc. jn: nM - co. I i R -- WMBWBsBMssMMsMaswMHWsMBiMasj -.' Holiday Excursions on the Salt Lake Route. PC- aid amKHmemasmwmm - JfellumdeJIotoiyC(k Excursion tickets will be on sale at all Uth stations on the Salt Lake the Route, also to points reached-bUtah -- TraiispoFtatiou - company, via L. on 0. the to and '5 iMilford, points R. R., in I'tah, via Salt LakeCity. Sale dates Dec. 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 2.':rd, ifth. 25th, 30th and '31st, 1916, and January 1st, 1917. Good returning until January 3rd. 1917. For tickets and further particulars see agents Salt Lake Route. Win. Warner, A. (1. V. A., ' ' Dec. 31," Salt Lake City.' y make room for New Stock, we are offering the lowing guaranteed used cars at sacrifice prices; To , fol- U$100.00 passenger overhauled , 1914 Ford Five passenger demountable Rims. . . . . .$175.00 Chevrolet Five passenger demountable Rims, New, 475.00 , . .$650.00 Brisco Five passenger 1916 Model New Hudson 1913 Model 54 Seven Passenger overhauled. .500.00 1916 Model Right Cylinder j)ldsmobile Run 2000 -- SLOAN'SLtNIMEriTEASES PA1N ltnin'-fe i.iiiiiiii'Ut snies first thought of ;.. r.Tr$To5oToT mothers for bumps", bruises and 1916 Buick Six 5 Passenger Fine Shape .$800.00 sprains that are continually happen- .1 5 to Fine Six It children. 1916 Buick $800.00 quickly penterates ing shape Passenger, and" sooths witliotit ruiibing. Cleaner" 1912 ChalmerRoadster, new tires, goocLshape $150.00 and more effective" than" iluissy plast ers or ointments. For rheumatic in 1912 .Studcbaker Five passenger, $200.00 good shape aches, neuralgia pain and that grippy soreness after colds, Sloan's Liniment 1914 Overland Five assenger, good shape $350.00 Have a bottle gives 'prompt relief. fine 1915 Overland Five Passenger $425.00 lia"ndy for bruises, strains, sprains and' shape all external pain. Fi thc thousands in first class shape Garford Ton Truck $550.00 whose work calls the'n outdoors, the' paius-a- nd . . in 1914 Buick Model 37 Roadster $100.0 good shape ... are relieved by Sloan's Liniment. At 1915 Oldsmobile perfect condition, 5 passenger $675.00 all Dmggmtn, 3. $60e.-00One Ton Ford Truck 1914 Buick 25. Five ii -Punof I'taTi. to recover $18. 5v0-pSOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVIRVWHERE -' incoran der protest to the state as poration fee, has been filed in the fed . eral court. Insist upon getting CROUPINE for Roland Iirowning suffered a painful all throat and lung troubles. All ffrug- injury in the manual training loom glBlS, OC. at the Weber academy at Ogden, wheu hi3 riglit hand came In 'contact with TOOK THE HURT OUT OF HER ' BACK a buzz saw. Two of the fingers were wad hand and the severed partially otherwise, "mangled. Mrs, Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia, Ala., a into of From the effect faling writes: "I was down. with my back so -nd half ! n of g' bru?h wh en he wai: I xould Tiot-eta" tin. fntny thrown from his pony,. Deloy .ucAice, ft,, pjp took, pll onhe hnrtrout." -- Rheuntatie pains, son of William the swollen ankles, backache, stiff joints McAfee, of Bt'Jrer, is dead. In the and sleep disturbing - bladder - uil - i It would be interesting to know how noshis fall a stem entered one of ments indicate disordered kidneys many numerals' the average news- trils and penetrated the "brain. and bladder trouble. Hedqulst Drug Jj paper has carried in the last few days'. Jlarve-- Cluff, secretarjof the state Co. Davtd-lartst- : ........... '- .aUis.-rzaawjiigex.Mjs- Try board "oflnsanff report for the biennial term ended November 30, 13T67 It snows a total balance on hand of $77,220.61. From this amount the expenses of the institution for two months, December, 1916, and January," 1917, will be deducted. Discovery of a small, note book In the pocket of Andrew Petersen, found dead &t Salt Lake oh December 9,. led to inquiry by lodge No. 78 of the Brotherhood of Salt Lake which ' ..... THESEJARE CASH PRICES; FOR TERMS ADD JIENT.. It! -- Tclhiridc Motor Co. rl . Dan-la- OLERaVOL ALVA NELSON, Cashier. in estaTilisHinglhe memBership" in. goodstandimioX. Peierjseninlhat order, and, prevented his burial In the ' ' . potters' field The Box Elder county farm bureau was organized at a mass meeting of The farmers held at Tremonton. object of the organizatibn Is the farmers' crops, of improvement the growing of better beet ..tonnage and. the securing of "a better return for investments by keeping in touch wftb the co'st of its production. History of two years' prosperity la told in the biennial report of Jesse D. Jewkes, state treasurer," filed wifirthe governor. The total 1 receipts of all 1 .ojr PROVO-STOUND- . . School of ;V MERCHANTS SX JEPPERSON Instructor Instruction in Drawingr " 510,138, ARTICLES. ' W'"1 I - a Adlerka-pTe-ddy-and-Ted- 10 : mm . dy f P r TfL'.. rover the preceding bienniaL period. Utah, spends", an average of $10.07 per capita for her educational 'work, wttne'MjssMppI, vhich 18 the lowest - Water Color, ii Z Oil Painting, 1 tuadrlil91iL&ggregeJ9,:l an increase of $533,514.39 STORY COPPER MINING rain . PARLEY CO. FILES Tl Antelope Cojiper Mining and Milling company has filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk. A merchant relates the following: stock is one million .The capital I IWlt With X?nr rnulll Slppn Manra u-r - i , - ... 4 & Whatever snares 01 me imr vaiuu vi uuo out turning every hour. Also share, "based on the value of the Tom' I ate caused gas and sourness. had stomach' catarrh; "".""ONE Jacksoe, Tank, Cedar Ridge, Cedar FD.L buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc, ,e NoLo ' j relieved me las mixed in Adler-i-kui; U and 2 mm- ' Because ' Aoa.l INSTANTlY'. the ENTIRE alimentary ' fng claims in an unorganiei district flushes tract it relieves ANY CAJSE const! pa- in 13eaverT:o-unty- . r a tion sour Btomach or is the company's princi- Provo City QL vents appendicitis. It The directors action of anything we ever sold. The pal place of business. . L. Brtmhall, Wells are: Co. and officers Hedonist Drug. vice presi-deti- t; W. A. Clyde, president; i )rt 'HE ANTELOPE BY ED - V nrltr-Trrftm- - a Suggestion. e; VY A secretary Denuls, manager; ami-treasur- er; Minister "I've- brought so many It. Dennis and W. R. Holman. Fflittrated. hUKluuidsi niii wive tegcth-e- r tluttvl " regard ni.vKelf. us a clerical Severe Critics. "cotibler. Deneim 't VATHE "SCENE AND COLD FROM ''SHADOWS SURSHINE." vn.Trrl.r.rnt: ROOSTErT"; wjeeem timi u $1.4 pend $9.66 per capita, . Idaho, Boti. lou ongiit. to iiuxe ........ , ... ihj, hiun. i won .' ' o iiiiuiiie iiiiei vwujt V PLAY. PRODUCED BY BALBOA. t jasi jIinister-"Wl.atw- ,.uld North Dakota, $9.62: Montana, you suggest?" ' "Shadows and It. the to at w. Columbia, mIus failures Osborne, featurin pieces picking g l Sunshine," Babyr In next and Washington are ' ' V" ' l')cucon 1 A 1 I X . -- 17 1 Phone " Pastel.' - 592-- ; 8-- . . ArJ-on- - 'Mnli-liuonla- -- crdr. ". Saturday, matinee and night'' . ;, , WLUe I6U Wait? g ,Uu,kv ' -- il- |