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Show THE PFOVO HEFALfc Whieii Yoii Become a I ti Conscious Re a der S r of Adve rtising R 111 1 fly J. U. Former Advertising IIAM1I4-OManager f Wartamaker'e, Philadelphia .When you learn to read your advertising as you read your news, the cost of everything you wear or use is going to be lowered ' for you." . .. .4 . ..' i i iriilic Ablillllll 0 U M-n- What is Chiropractic? It is the ?nse applied 4o the Human Machine. 0 i Science of Commoa Those who scoff at or speak lightly about new idea A New Carload of I iH -- II . rt O 1 1 yhich they have not investigated, :rand dthemselver Bigots; while those who have no opinion on a subject which is demanding general attention must pass as ignor-- ' -- ant. ' . Don't Be Either . INVESTIGATE soak an lJeFinto If jolr yur nuiul. your mind subconsciously you would be ashamed soiueLimes io get you to j ILactualLjTtakca as w think and say a certain word. j in-- ' -' i;;lk.In teach a baby Lslike - Every' known trick of psyrlMflo is brn m L Hieir adveriiseiiji nt Advertisers have even, been knovVn to ..upside own, imping, penuip, iisai n you nau io suum on your liead to read it. you might reineniber' what tliey say. And what you so often refuse to receive with vour will the ramcra of your eye records in spite of you. So that 9G of what youbuyyou buy throTigk And. yet, in the face of Till this, the. advertising method. of Wa selling things is twenty times" cheaper than any other method -- T , JTk iTK ifTl in 1 I 1 ais yrr." tor 1 , i , move along so rapidly nowadays that people who say "It can't be done ' are always being interrupted by : -- Things Because it is new do not say "Impossible." That is what .. they told Marconi. Call and be convinced, Consultation and special r analysis free, . ; ' 1 ii ii u a h ,u n ..1 . G. E. SANDGUEN, D, C 1 -- . .... . Chiropractic. 2,5 and Office hours', Phone 7, 8. 666-- J. . known. ;. r Think how much cheaper still it would be if you would only read- - your advertising consciously instead of buying through it , in spite of yourself. The merchant who doesn't advertise hasn'even a chance with the one who, does. . You r eye i s t ak in g ph o tographs every t ime you tnrn. thes.fe pagces.:im;caakln.'t.-geiaway fromthese advertiswnents if you tried. Even the man who elaiiiis not to see .them at all is recording them all the time. Every merchant who appears here is telling you his story' every day whether you know it or not. All 'we are trying to do is to make you conscious'Veaders of advertising instead of subconscious readers. This is being done " . equally for your benefit and'fbr ours. Every time you look for the advertising in this paper instead of making it look for you you bring down your cost of living, you increase the buying power of your money and you get a better quality tor the price. This is true because the men who advertise are always the best jnerelmntsr--The- y anrtbe pnes who" lasTT The' others flicker up for a little while and then go out. That's the : Office at residence, 341 Newest Brass Jardinieres N. Academy avenue, Provo, Utah. 17, 1A These are in all sizes and grades and make very -'- beautiful presents. G'edar Chests : I deceive. ...prices-- -- . If 'ever Jubilee prices, .r We should llec-tion- $2.00, 13.15. $3 25, iThink of 4.C5. $ $3-G- - $3 50, $5.25, $6 00. " V stf'tt.trn-T 1 Foot Stools e. bring it? v$2o will u T he Herald for on e whole year. Is ...... '. In Plain Oak. In Brass. f$ s, i Costumers A complete lHaidaEEursiMSi . - via the assortment, bl $3 35, $3.75. $4.15. not take too easily the present gTeat el to sufanergc us in our owri prospprity." RnthMh au vfijuibuimjr Sinn as no country ever nau.to lay the sure foundations of a great future. we must not be so intent upon dividing the proceeds of present prosijerity that we fail to safeguard 1 Ul ' people. 80, Oak, Quarter-roun- d City Bank of New York people should pause, if ever they should ras" of oth 'should coffipreheiid thetr national dancers, in the licht of the terrible realities that are beinco enacted heforp - m Pedestals FRANK A. VANDERLIP a I d- Our Tabourets TA Universal Military Service to Bring Into National Life of Country V B I u PrcdeBt ot the National w.,HStiH--1?nCT8-."?9methlff- -- ' ' - -- ma,-ture- are selling now at $3.85, $5.40, $8.25. because we give them your will. And before we are through every subscriber we have, will be reading his ad vert ising consciously day by day never fear. For this is another psychological law. ; Mirror now at true, bargain See our elegant display of Magazine Racks that our readers to turn each day with a conscious mind to the adver tising news as well as to the general news, we make this a better medium for our advertisers. We give them more for. their money By I z.r- f -- Magazine Racks On the other hand, every time we get a hundred more of (Copyrighted Get your t t9.r.nn v...Jt 0n "fee 51U7.:I72 in dues and f63i208 in dividends, exclus- jat 5000 shares with a par vaue of ive 0f the unmatured withdrawals. Tha The amount of , amount withdrawn annually depends I $100 each, or $.100,000. the capital being long ago exhausted upon the number of shares in the ser-the- - article of incorporation, were ies, and every, series "diffors from an, of other in that particular. Tn. DIG, seramended to double the amount ies 4 matured and 512 shares therefor would shares. shares These 10,000 long i canceled; which took up $51,200 in mbeen for withdrawals and reissuing cl atured stock divided into $32,256 duea, and $18,944jl!vtdendH. matured stock. Four series have " When 'thia "society was first" organand one series ' will BIafu"re Lhereafter very .August. The stock so ized,- faith-- in its success was r found In :the treasury wauUug;""t)Ut""as it grew in yearTTt fwktue4-444-be-placealso grew in influence and is now re Ml ""and resold. So great have been the demand for garded to be one of the safest sourcei Lthe- - stock of the society that tho di- of investment. FeDuring the present year,-frorectors were under the necessity of loans to the t adopting the rule that 4n thetuture no bruary to iNovember, stock would be sold except to parties amount of $53,535 have been paid to ; desiring to build or borrow on their members. Of this amount $19,300 ii on new buildings and Improvements. stock. , A new series opens every February, Coming as they have, the handsoma and the fifteenth series" will begin dividends paid in midsummer between with February, 1917, when there will crops and harvest serve as a blessing be sold a limited number of shares not dreamed of in the Infancy of tha honiea now on .hand. society; and the comfortable To the small beginning Las been npw owned by the many members of added the monthly and annual c the society are appreciated this Christwhich now amount to more than mas time as among their "best invest-ment- s $300,000, and loans to members would and possessions. ., because they Jc not appreciated -' zx Modern Mirrors Are always now approach the half - mimm "mark"" (T. N Taylor, Presidents not for the amounts paid off The I'rovo liuildihg and Loan B0a V maturity-e- l stocks. XMr' of now at is the its close eiety Since, the first year of posting dvi toenth year. Tt commenced business1 der'ds Were haf been retumwHo the in February. 104. with capital paid 1 The very best of quality Cedar Chests going the lowest prices. Only a limited number left. 0 Pro vo Building & Loan Society hi in both Tle . . - Sale dates, Dec. 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, Jan. Good until Jan. 3rd, returning. Ut. and fancy Rockers. over-stuff- ed usual holiday excursion rates will be in effect all stations in Utah. newest designs - in This car has some of the its ' permanence. In a word, I believe the greatest need of the day ami a need so fun- damental as to make other matters4nconsequentiaI in comparison is" the need of universal military, industrial and economic preparedness. 1 ROCKERS ". . nomic waste, -- tt BuyaRockfo the light pf events of the last two years, military necessity of superlative importance, but that our national life would draw a unity which could be obtained in no " other way. v ; that it -- ;r feel confident ft in' v ' I CHILDREN'S ROCKERS 0 ( Honor System in G)llege Fails Because the Students Will Not Be Tale-Beare- ... i The honor system in college is a practical failure ,because,there. is 7 no agency whichcau'ieep all of the students indeflhitely stimulated, as the honor system demands that they must be stimulated; When the stim- etuucu'' 18 lltLKlJ iauin one or tne othet of his duties the j - SIduigrJa.refrain 25, 35, 45, 85, II WW. ; 'H;ffl . " PAVENETS. " - "' Now, '. By MJSS DEBORAH DYER Calif 8 ; to $1.50. W-telli.-o- WVheregu : i?r; , : DAVENPORTST NEWESTJTARLOR SUITS. R !a comes back :, from the laundry only partially washed and poorly ironed and a collar with rough edges and a dingy color? We launder your shirts and TOUarrlhe way wb 'want ourijwn- more aggravating B . absolutelf perfect. in I U Uf IUl :MI UJIyB IMQJffl I f 3 . Shirts and Collars Laundered Right What's ;" ' from- - mother - J 5aU tudenVhallTeport the nameof the student cheating. But it is to convince the student of the Justification of euch a course. It is vfiiucult to believe wholly in it oneself. : v. , ' ' For further information see any D. & R. G. Agent. E. EGGERTSEN, Ticket.Agrat..,...-.-i.,..-.:.---:- . - 3 cheating.,. The failure in the second is perhaps the jnost striking. : ; Under" the best of conditions H is hard to combat the tenets of con-- Tentional ethics; pne of the most universal of these' is that "no honorable ; . C. s? ' , : rs Unimsty cl EXCURSIONS EAST, December 20, 23. ' They range in prices from $3.00 to $4.00 up. The Karpen Chairs and Rockers are the . best . that, money can buy. . , Call and see them. us 'X' Your Christmas is not only a. IaMructoc la EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA, December 20, 23, 29. 1 U : r thana "shirt that ' - ... '. . Steam Laundry TPhonc l64. . Our wagon will call foTZ and deliver goods .. JOHN GlTT TClCPr'-- ''" |