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Show Thursday, Julvjl THE MURRAYEAGLE Murray Social Events Of The Week 500 Bombers a Month Is Plan Plane Builders Form Pool American airANGELES. ure pooling their builders plane productive resources to give the United SUitos and Britain an unprecedented (leet of e heavy bombers. The aviation news committee of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America reports that this would produce an estimated 500 bombers monthly in 1IH2. It based its figures on government records and forecasts. Col. John 11. Jouett. president of the chamber, said the;.e bombers, sucproduced in suflicient numbers, from could convoy shipping cessfully America to England. Producers Form Pool. Three Pacific coast manufacturersBoeing of Seattle, Douglas of Santa Monica. Calif., and Vega of Burbank, Calif have agreed upon a program for producbombers. tion of Boeing's Each will produce completely assembled warplanes. Parts will be interchangeable. Consolidated Aircraft Corporation of San Diego and Douglas are building two f22.000,0l0 plants, to build The plants are bombers. scheduled to begin operation by the end of 1941. Consolidated will operate at Fort Worth, Texas, and Douglas at Tulsa, Okla., in another program. will be produced by the automotive industry. Output of these plants, the Aeronautical chamber predicted, will Increase production of heavy bombers to 200 planes per month. LOS lung-rang- 'V v MR. AND MRS. CHARLES DAVIS Taylorsville Pair To Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary August 8th B-2- 4 Total of 500 After the Month. a begins production in 1942, the output should total 500 a month, the chamber added. The chamber stressed that these figures cover only the heavy bombers and do not include other cofor the production of operatives medium bombers. Under the latter, and fast ships of the Martin type will be North American produced by the Glenn L. Martin company and North American Aviation, Inc., at government plants at Omaha, Neb . and Kansas City, Mo, Automobile manufacturers will 6 supply To augment the program, Boeing plans immediate construction of a large addition on the No. 2 plant of its Stearman division at Wichita, "blackout new Kan. Douglas' building froir plant"' a window-loswhich no light can escape soon will be ready to manufacture bombers at Long Beach, Calif. Vega will produce them at its new factory at Burbank, Calif. E Jungle Beasts Are on Order List of Pharmacy SANTA FE. N. M Want to buy a white elephant or a rhinoceros? Just go to the Capital pharmacy, which handles wild animals, along with its usual line of prescriptions and fountain drinks. A baby Indian elephant Is priced at $2,000; elephants cost lots more. The rhinoceros has a price tag of $3,500. Now these animals aren't kept In the pharmacy, but are listed in a catalogue from which you take your pick. Lions are "priced according to size, type. age. condition, etc.," between $100 and $.")00. A lion cub is $100. Bengal tigers are worth $1,000. Or if jou want a friendly Sumatran tiger. Just hand over $H."0. Pythons are sold like rope at $5 a foot. Or ou can get "special pits of 10 large assorted snakes at minus the pit. you fur$23 a pit' nish it. The catalogue says monkeys are cheap anJ easy to care for. Give them a handy chandelier to swing on and plenty of "attention and along wilh food Companionship" and water twice daily. Costs range from $12 to $f")0. depending on whether you want a marmoset, gibbon, baboon, MtaeamH', chimpanzee, mang.ihry or s.ipaj nis. Dahlias .should be hoed instead f watered dining dry weatln-rThey tieod a gn at deal of hoeing from the time t'w plant is through the ground until it bo. nus to bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of Taylorsville will be honored at a reception on their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, August 6. at the Jensen home, 2730 Highland Drive, from 7 to 10 p.m. The affair is to be given by their five sons, Clifford of Granger, Delbert. Burl, Merrill and Newell, and one daughter, Lavon, who is Mrs. H. P. Flora, all of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were married in Taylorsville at the home n of t helate Bishop Heber on August 10, 1891. Mr. Davis was born in South Wales on September 20, 1871. a son of Thomas and Jane Davis, and came to Utah when he was a year old. lie has lived in Taylorsville ever since, having been raised by Llewellyn and Catherine Mantle. Mrs. Davis was born in Taylorsville on May 16, 1874, a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Mackay. Seven sons and three daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Five sons and one daughter are living, and they have 17 grandchildren and one great grandchild. All friends and relatives are Ben-nio- invited. Births At Maternity Home July 22 to July 30 Thomas L. and Phyllis Whea-de- n Emery, Midvale, Box 408, boy. A. P. and Vivian Ottley Hales, 4932 Poplar street, girl. Lawrence J. and Gertrude Fox Morton, 2837 South 8850 West, Magna, girl. Stanley D. and Evelyn Snape Bennion, 6612 Regal avenue, boy. Earl R. and Lucy Anderson Jones, 27 East 61st South, girl. Jack and Bennion Beulah Eyre, 1208 West 48th South, girl. Carvale and Edna Wallace Kaysville, Utah, girl. Ras-musse- Allen E. and Viola Snyder Hilton, M.dvale Rt. 1, girL Weston J. and Afton Workman, Midvale R.D. Beck-stea- The Hammond cup was won this year by Richard Hansen. This trophy, donated three years ago by Kay Hammond, is given to the Holladay tennis champion in men's singles, senior dviision. This cup was won the first year by David Pihl and last year by Harold Green. If won by the same person two years in succession it may be retained. The junior matches are now in progress and some fine games are bvinr played. Medals are awarded in this division. Nevada Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Lambert and two children of Ely. Nevada, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlos Lambert. Missionaries Hold Outing The Brazilian Missionary association, of which LaDell Reynolds is president, had their sum- John and June Walton Brad-sha120 E. 33rd South, girl a Redmond A. and Rosiland Stevens, 4865 South State, Sna-taz- boy. Henry E. and Lova C. Garrin-ge- r White, 328 East 39th South, boy. Ross and Martha Brown Day, Draper, boy. George B. and Florence Niel-so- n Osborne, 559 East 6th South, girl. Daniel Mart and Nellie Bird Barton, 67 2nd Ave., Murray, girl. Heber J. and Maxine Gordan Glenn, 735 South State, girl. Clyde and Mary Harkness Green, 52 East Malvern, boy. M. 47 Earl and Leona Smith Kemp, Sixth Ave., Midvale, boy. mer outing Monday evening at the Jordan stake lodge in Little H tnsrn Wins Tennis Trophy Cottonwood canyon. They entertained for the missionaries, their partners and Charles S. and Alice Faye Draper Wyatt, 1290 East 56th South, girl. Louis G. and Ellen Emery Nelson, Bingham, boy. parents, Lloyd W. and Eva Clegg Mackay, Rt. 5, Box 117, Murray, boy. Family I.raves Holladay Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sorenson and family have moved to Salt Lake to m.ike their home. The A. (). Clark family is now occupying the Sorenson homo on Russell avenue. Entertains Club Mrs. Caiaol Dame entertained at her homo Wednesday afternoon for numbers of the Jolly Contractors club. Krtnrn from Vacation Bishop and Mrs. Gideon Omer and family have returned from a delightful vacation in Yellow-Mon- Held swimming class is being field at the Holladay Recreational Center for women, under tho direction of Stella Tracy. This class nietts between 9 and 10.30 a.m., Monday through Friday. A k of appetites because our prices are right loo . , . VARIETY QUALITY COMPLETENESS, all nr fcrj DC Wright's Cafe Across from Murray City Hall 1, W. Gerald and Ivy Steadman Andrus, Draper, Utah, girl. HOLLADAY Max L. and Rosa Hoffman Nielson, 99 Lincoln, Midvale, boy. Harold and Vilate Whittle Nielson, "60 West 48th South, boy. John and Goldie Horr Wayne, 4340 South State, girl. ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Erick-so- n spent Thursday at Spanish Fork, where they attended funeral services for Mrs. Erickson's mother, Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Gardner. Swimming ( lav You won't tday hungry Ion when you com to WRK. JIT'S. Our Hume-Cooinj Ustes mi eimhI that you rat and rat until it's all gone. It's fAy la satisfy the blKcrxt d girl. o. very n, Leave for Visit to Coast Mr. and Mrs. Hamld Drage left Wednesday for a visit in California. I'ntrrtain at Canyon Party On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lom Hey Holds entertained ot a can " party given nt The Spruces br Mr. K. N. Jacklin of Murray. Service Star Plans Meeting Mrs. R S Collelt entertained tin foeinl f. ition of the Service Si.ir L gi,.n at her home in Olympus Dtivo Thursday. She was assist, ,J i,v Mrs. E. C.Knowl-to- n and Mrs. V. M. Mason. CHURCH CEREMONY UNITES COITLE years Following dinner, they motored to Black Rock and spent the afternoon swimming. Mr. Borg left Wednesday for Washington, where he is employed by the F.B.I. tifc saf Arr:....i. a at fairs members of the family present. Out of town guests were Mrs. Emerson Neff of Nevada and Lieutenant Maurice Watts, who was on vacation from San Luis Obispo. Returns from Idaho Mrs. Ray Alsop and daughter, Donna, are home after spending a week at Crystal, Idaho. Attends School on Coast Mr. Phillip Stone has gone to California to attend school. He expects to bring back some big new ideas for the Murray high school students. SPRING RUN INN Run Recovers at Home Mrs. Ida James of East 64th South is reported recovering at in for Good Refreshments MRS. J. CLARK, Prop. 48th South and 9th East her home, following a month's illness. HERE'S A TIP . . . MURRAY EAGLE WANT ADS e are the quickest, cheapest way of Le-no- re Visit Grandparents Mr. William Breitling and family spent Sunday in Provo visiting the children's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B Loichty. selling household odds and ends. Take advantage of our low 5c Spend Week in Brighton A group of girls of Bennion left Wednesday morning to spend the balance of the week at the M.I. A. home at Brighton. They are under the direction of Paula Wilson. a line rate now. 4-- H Return from Coast Trip Parkcr ond tMn ' JJerb0J? Mrs. Dorothy Franz and Miss Thelma Price have returned from a two weeks trip to California. Murray Eagle s, Phone Murray 35 ea UUUinn nn n n n nnnn run UV V V L uu 4 Guest During Week Mr. Birrell Penney of Kanosh was a guest the past week at home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis the B Woolsey. Visit on Tuesday Miss BethDouglas and two "sons of Grayeagle. California Mrs. Nancy Ballard of Draper visited at the Bowen home on Tuesday. A lovely church ceremony held at St. Vincent do Paul church on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. united in marriage Miss Sparta Leva and Stanley St.Sure. Father Filliam F. Kennedy performed tho ceremony. Entertains Visitor Bridesmaid was Miss Elma Miss Lois Dnran of Berkeley has been here visiting with Molta, little Maxine Stofanoff. Miss flower girl, and Steve Stefanoff Mary Doran. acted as best man. Vacationing in California A wedding reception was held Mr. and Mrs. Wilrnrr Barnett Saturday evening at Fraternal are spending the week in Calihall for relatives and friends, and the couple left that evening fornia. for San Francisco for a wedding Dinner Guests trip. The Misses Sue and Martha Mrs. Victor St. Sure of Simons of Salt Lake City were r nir cti uT"1" HI, California, mother of the (lintu : ir. ana Mrs. O. Simons was for the bridegroom, present Saturday evening Covers were laid for ten. wedding. Ora-vill- c . SJ and flower shows in the state. Sacred and lovely 'services were held Tuesday in the Sixth ward chapel in Logan. We flower lovers and the state have all lost a wonderful friend and a great and useful man and we extend our sympathy to his family. (Contributed by Mrs. D L. Bowen). his 66th birthday anniversary t his home on July 24, with all Visits Daughter Mrs. J. B. Olsen of Salt Lake spent the 24th and the week end in Murray with her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Turpin and family. Entertain Guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Moore of 3987 South Second East have as their guests Mrs. Moore's mother Mrs. Maude E. Umphrey and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Musgrave, all of Twin Falls, Idaho. End Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gerrard and family have just returned from a delightful trip through the Yellowstone national park. San Francisco Guests Visit Mrs. Louis Capitalo and daughter, Joan, of San Francisco, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brady. Guests Here Tuesday Mrs. Ellen Swenson of spent Tuesday visiting with Mrs. J. R. Prcmo and Mrs. Larsen. resigned He was an unusual and his home, which hgardener Lyndale Gardens, was crowned with old and new snprioo flowers. He grew extra ,,:. a1d hpi?6 dSias and S'a5 Celebrates Birthday Mr. Eugene Watts celebrated Spend 24th in Hyrum Dr. and Mrs. Wright and family visited over July 24th and the week end with Dr. Wright's mother in Hyrum. Return from Coast Visit Mrs. Ernest V. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Armond Meyers have just returned from a visit to Los Angeles, where they were guests of Mrs. James Cannon. Miss Velma Meyers, who has spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. Cannon, also returned with them. An-fel- was well and happy and at all sesstons. He g. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ohlin of Richfield spent part of last week here with Mr. Ohlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohlin. Entertain Week End Visitors Mrs. D. C. Fxkerd of Los and Mrs. William Yeates of Mesa, Arizona, were ovvr the week end at fhe guests home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Simons. last state convention held atM na JJune 22 and at this Glen Borg of Washington, D.C., was a dinner guest Tuesday of the Misses Joyce and Mae Lim-ber- Visit Parents Salt-Lak- suJ Entertain Dinner Guest ago. 1 ganization. were xQZZ to read of the their beloved president, Dr 1 H. Linford of Logan. Dr. Linford was present at spent last week visiting in Idaho and Yellowstone national park. Celebrates Birthday Miss Gail Healey of 5053 South Second West, entertained at a party at her home July 24 celebrating her birthday anniversary. The party, attended by 26 of her friends, was her tenth birthday anniversary. She was born on the first Covered Wagon Days celebration in Salt Lake City, 10 E Magna flower garden r,,k"' and who are affiliated with the Spend Vacation in Yellowstone Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Westover, with Kenneth and Lorna Dean, Entertain at Dinner Party Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Turpin and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Turpin entertained Tuesday evening at a dinner party complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dimond, whose marriage took place a short time ago. The Misses Ruth, asPhyllis and Norma Turpin sisted. Mrs. Dimond was the former Mrs. Marie Turpin of Sandy. Spends Vacation Here Miss Lucille McLoy is spending her vacation here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLoy. four-engin- Club Head Dies . Visit Coast and Northwest and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Berry and daughter, F. Banks B Mrs returned from Marjorie, have just and VanFrancisco San to a trip returned by way couver. They Portland. and of Seattle To Speed Production Of War Craft. Flower Garden H ffrjJlUjl -r erf- M AiU mum res 1' i I -- VI .w i im-J- III! V i " i in A!WU i JJtiissiJ r A Great ...A' Arfli'y t Tlii. fliLVry - I i- ,1 YEAH "' National Distillers Curp, New Yotk, " N- - |