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Show Murray Eagle, December 26, 1929 jl . 4J,44,AAA TREE TIMBERS TELL HISTORY Nevs Notes Yield Key to Date of Important Eras of Past in United States. It't a Privilege to Live In UTAH i j t - - Nail in P:. Sticks 919 from a tree that was 219 years old when cut. Pueblo Uonlto had reached Its golden ane In KK37 and was still occupied In 1127." Some Mesa Verds Dates. In many Instances Poctor Loug- - Two Ya Petersburg, rears Percy n ! Mf . Va , sot,VftM ar-ol- d river V1 K ' lass' report points out, one group h tershurg, hn. ' name Is applied to several nilne. uch nail D .a 7..." The "talkative tree rings" enabled tune near oe u h7 the explorers to date each ruin of and been none SALT LAKE Utah has 220 miles the group studied. Thus, In the of concrete highway, 53 miles of our Southwest, was announced ry Mesa Verde group, (HIT Palace Is bitumin concrete, 1304 miles of grato give him dated 1073; Oak Tree House, 1112; the National Oeogruphle society. any 1 vel surfaced roads and 1191 miles The answer Is given In a unique Spring House, 1115; Balcony House, "y the, 'I worked to tree-rinTower House. 3147.92 a Square calendar, of graded roads of the total ascerl,.m form, ?ffcir cou,h miles of state highway, It Is shown out from the study of more than 1204, and Spruce Tree House, 1216 u covered. 5,H K) cross sections of living trees and 12(12. in a report of the state road comthe procedure of the mascores from Explaining timbers by and Subsequently per( mission released recently. tree-rincalendar was taken to a PhlladeloW. J jor Indian settlements of our South- which the exDoctor worked MONTI CELLO Itecord breaking Pltul. where an o, west. out, Douglass Performed and The quest for the missing dates plains; balmy weather has obtained in all "The method which we have used moved. extended over years. It ranged portions of southeastern Utah durWith the nail in n. . from astronomical study of the sun In extending the historical calenHoes are ing the pa3t month. clal tuho geology, archeology dar of the Southwest Is the outthrough spots, ! birds the around hives, humming edschovil.ro;-,.''and kindred sciences until It cul- come of a long attempt to read the siDging, the hollyhock leaves "are the trees. diaries of minated In piecing together Every year the 8a'es wl.h his frfcw peeping forth and the buds are fragmentary clues of timber and trees in our forests show the swing swelling on the trees. tree rings, evidence as conclusive of Time's pendulum and put down hhHvHhJ1 a mark. They are chronographs, EPHRAIM The annual fish and as that of finger prints. GeoTwo series of National recording clocks, by which the suc- fur solar game report for the Mantl National were In- ceeding seasons are set down er, and changes affect IT3 society expeditions graphic weather In turn forest set forth the following facts: One series, through definite Imprints. Every year trees In volved In the results. Arizona's dry Zf Three hundred and two thousand comprising eight expeditions led by each pine adds a layer of new elsewhere. 1 two hundred fish were planted in Itathlng beauties decorating municipal C'lirlstmns tree In Venire, Cullf., where It is sunny and snow-lesNeil M. Jndd, explored the world wood over its entire living surfuce "The first conflrm!itin .. 2 New portrait of Joseph It. (Jrundy, appointed senator from Pennsylvania. the streams in the forest in 1929 as famous Pueblo iUmlto ruins in of trunk and branches. German troops salut-lueral Interpretation tlie flag of the relcu as It rises over Khrenbreltvtein fortress after the dopurture of the French troops "If every yeur were exactly the compared with 155,000 in 1928, this Cliaco canyon, New Mexico, and between tree rinKs and of occupation. Includes 77,000 that were planted In patiently dug from tons of earth same, growth rings would tell the came In , " u,u" "Wat hundreds of art objects, household age of the tree and little more. Only periods the Scofkdd reservoir. Six hundred In cases exrare would ceremonial record utensils and appurthey deer were killed in France had accepted the theory of the Chicngo river, the Hughes re- and fifty-fiv"Evidence of the eleven tenances. The other series, led by ceptional events of uny Interest to limitation on the basis of global port was regarded as being about 1929, as compared with 400 in 1928. spot cycle had been easil,?., P.ut a tree Is not a mechanical A. K. Douglass, studied tree us. Ir. tonnage Instead of categories; that as favorable to Chicago as could In Arizona pine trees. The FILLMORE Recently 30,000 rings from Pueblo Uonlto and robot; It Is a living thing, nnj its she demanded the right to devote have been expected. food and dozens of other ruins. adventures supply trout were planted by the Utah through larly recurring periods hiZ ns high a percentage of her glnlml Mr. Hughes made It clear that It life all enter Into its diary, A Hash recorded for Sou venr Knew Details, but Not Dates. allot incut as she wishes to submaIs within the power of congress to state game department from the Of the daily lives of the people of lightning, a forest fire. Insect except for the interval (mt rines, mill t tin t she insists that provide lor a greater diversion for mouth of Copley's canyon to the pests or a falling neighbor may to 172o. Durinir thm 7', at the giant aparteach power tell the others Just navigation purposes. It appeared end of the canyon road. Members make strong impressions oo Its life tree rings gave no evidence or ns at ment house at Pueblo Itonito, what types of vessels It Is using In evident that if congress approves of the local Und and Gun club wcte riodlc changes in the weather and go Into Its diary. In the many other Indian ruins its tonnage. Premier Tardleu and Hie Illinois slate waterway as n instiumental in socuri.ig this plant"Hut In the arid regions of our us were to be expected. which was North AmerSouthwest, his delegation, It Is believed, will federal project the way will be Senate Approves Tax Cut demand u full SiHI.Imkj tons for the ing and assisted in dieng the work. "Several years after we Mi before Columbus Southwest, where trees are few and opened for a sufllcient diversion of The fish were of good size and ica's metropolis came, we long have known as much other vegetation scarce, the most countered this puzzling fan taU;French fleet, which figure Is Ihought water to maintain navigation in a should be of and French Debt as we do of the early Egyptians. legal size for the comtoo high by both Great liritain nine foot channel from Chicago to ft ml Italy. ing season. Settlement. Pahylonliins, or Persians. There Is reason to bethe Mississippi. As travelers stood In amnze-tnePole lieve, however, that France and VERNAL the Indian That before one or another of the Italy have made progress in reconBy EDWARD W. PICKARD members of the P.rltlsli TWO r youths attending the Uintah and ruins of these marvelous civilizatheir viewpoints. 1 17 ITH the tut cut bill Comair force. by ciling royal passed Squadron school at Indian alour ugency own of their tions continent Ouray A correspondent of the London V V mander Jones Williams and Flight Whiterocks are both house mid M'liate und the competent stock most Inevitable question has been. Lieutenant Jenkins, started on n Mellon ISercnger agreement for the Daily Telegraph Fays the American And that has 1 raisers, is shoxw by the fact that "How old is It?" delegates have prepared n series of e nonstop (light from Engfunding of the French debt nilllied charts, been the one question which of six and data that actualtotal the dressed, graphs weight, to land but crashed town, and (lie house, Cape congress quit by upper could not answer. ly demonstrate that the P.rltlsli hogs slaughtered were killed on a mountainside 3D Duroc-Jersework on Saturday unit went home Gilbert Grosvenor, president Is not not la Ir, navy only 25S5 was last superior thero miles southeast of Tunis. week, In celebrate Christinas iwd New pounds, They the National Geographic society, strength to the Americiin, but Is laid run Into a severe storm and an averag', of 430 pounds. The of Vent's. In the value of the finds correInferior. The Fourteen senators, most of them really greatly isUpMsedly lost their way. individual weights, dressed, wore of assessing the expeditions, says: More fortunate were Ma J. Tadeo respectively, 390, 395, 405, 430, 435 classed as radicals, voted against spondent understands that these "They have pushed buck the hisrevelations have "deeply Impressed Larre-P.nrgeof Uruguay und Lieut. and 530 pounds. the tax reduction measure but K toric horizons of the southwestern of the members President Hoover's Leon It were recorded In Its favor, and Challe of France, though they, United States to a period eight cencabinet and other American statesAssurance that Price turies before PRICE was promptly signed by President too, failed In accomplishing what Columbus crossed the men who bad previously accepted set out to do. They took off will be the site for a sugar factory Atlantic. Hoover. The net, whose terms arc the view, carefully fostered bv they refrom to Seville, known, fly and. in all probability, a canning Spain, hoping already quite generally have discovered not only without stop to Montevideo, but, factory, was given by officials of the"They mains In effect only one year, but propaganda, that the American age of the treat communal Is below tlie navy treaty strength It Is presumed that congress a year crossed the ocean safely, the Mapleton Sprlngville sugar facdwelling of Pueblo Honlto. me and badly oulclassed by the P.ritlsh havinglost their hence will provide for another rethey bearings In the dark tory to the board of directors of tropolls of our aboriginal South Is an Ironical circum It navy. and made a forced landing In a duction If tax revenues continue at west, but also have dated some stance that this disclosure should the present hlj;li level. I'rallian forest. Their plane was the Price chamber of commerce. forty other ruins whose time of ocTlie vole on the rati Ilea lion of have emerged from the work of smashed and both men were Injured Those who attended the meeting hitherto bad been uncupancy American naval ollieers who were, concern were from the Utah . M the French debt wttleiiietit whs county .slightly. known. anxious of to make course, the out C. H. Jones, president and manager; to 21. Senator Howell of Nebras"Moreover, they have developed case for a larger ship building XK of the worst mine disasters J. K Pird. agricultural superintendka, Pcpuhlicun, led the opposition a tree-rincalendar which can be on behalf of the radlcul group, diC. W. Jorgenseii, field of th ent, and applied to all early ruins In which which consistently tights everyAlester, tl,la. An explosion In the rector. datable timbers exist. h Town coal mine trapped ,V.t thing Hie administration seek to JAPAN Is deeply concerned over "A collateral finding of great InGU PAN a was ITCH There total sltuallou In Manchuria, men, and not one of them escaped accomplish. Howell conti'mh'd that terest, yet to be developed. Is the the eflcit of the setilemcnt was to and Malcstiieii the world over see death. Seven others who were on of 37C1 deer killed in the Kaibab between the possible relation cancel the entire principal of the In It the possibilities of another his on forest of rim the north the weather tipper levels got out alive. Kescite revealed In debt. His theory was Unit the paywar in the Far Fast. Mongols in tennis penetrated with great effort Grand canyon during the season this tree-rin-cycles clearly calendar of the ments over a period of iV2 years the district have seized conto the lower levels, which were that just closed, it was reported at southvvesiern I luted States and represent merely Interest at u rule trol und declared P.arga Indecud tilled vvilh gas, and there found the the oihee of the Wasatch national Miniiar cyclic variations helng re cut of China, and the young Man of 2.17 per rent. bodies of the victim-:- many of theni forest. corded ly a third National GeoApproximately 2::72 hunters Tfio French Indebtedness, which go party In ll.ular is reported to charred by the blast. The majority graphic society expedition (In confrom all Calisections of Arir.oiia, uus fumlcd tit a total of ?I.CV have organized an Independent govhad do d sv. inly of gas suffocation. junction vvilh the Smithsonian in fornia, Utah and other western puMKm. not only was one of the ernment, installing as nilichils emisStltlllioti), an expedition which still f Ty, shoot on states the forest. There Is largoi if any (if the debt but is saries from Frjja. the capital of In the lieid. ut Mount Priink-karos- . I.I! relief was as- the last to be disposed of except Were 25:!!' deer killed by l:!!ir, huntouter Mongolia. Those movements CONSIUKKA!: Southwest Africa, tna'iing .Mrs. William I'.yrd. grjitidiiinther of the Intrepid rxph'ivr. $k lllnse of liusslu mid Armenia, w hii h sue believed I' be Inspired and ers on the west section and 1222 daily observations of solar World war when the senate raIn to radio reports as Hie at present listed in the siippoitcl actively by the Soviet famous grandson flew over the Seutb ' deer kill 'd by '.'Tii hunters en tlie diation" p.is-ethe veterans' the brst to do so. Commander P.yrd was also the first to fly over ft IJksm.iii government, and if the) liopidess (lass. The principal iitnl east sui,e of the forest. bill whi 'h bad previous1,200 Year Weather Chart. North pule, making the triji vvitli tbe late IToyd P.'tiueit as plM w accrued Interest n( the time of the aie Miccc-sfthey will hi in:; the 1'o.tor ioi;;.!as. In pw report to now holds ly bet ii put through the house. The a record which will be (liilleitlt to eniml. Mrs. pyrd w LEHI Pei t farmers of lahi Ihis tin National Soi jet one several tnih s iiishi,. Hie funding of the debts totaled up tie. 'sure carries a total nppi'oplia iieoigi aphie Micii'iy worried ns the explorer made Ids Illght. although she admitted bf.tf V.'ei-Chinese llilssiaii d d.vtrihu-thI' frontier. in proximately $1 the present pnr'Jeip; !.".!.(H n I. writes: of I'lilcs the entire debt ipicstlon Is I 'i- pati lien troiu Hatpin said Japan lionWurl. f.nat itist.illm' i t 'J'.Jst ns the far tamed i:oset: i thiilied by Ier grandson's daring. war veterans an. I depend tioM of $!'t,iii.i. t a d the lit had Seine future lime verbal p:...-freopened ii.a.ast Id. ih comI': th" i ah f SiK'ar Slime iilils i decease.) veterans wlm have paid by provided the l.i v to the writ the Sovnt activities vv.l.'i !,c Ku controversy Is now 'ti t;i ly closed. ten lilVSteries of Hieditlt F.;:ypi. so Important tiling to pnn and trees Is Dr. P.. Walter Maunder, in ui for 1929 crop, haluling not tiled the for federal !ipi!ications p.iny I :t I If the an Impression There to lohyo. soil) the collection of unlirokeii series of rainfall. This fuel has helped vast- I'tigllsli astronomer. uinrt (lupens.'itioi) tire warned by oi!i-- the November payment, beet farAmericiin public debt continues to tree rltiL's has made clear the cbru ly In our dating work, for ceitaln (inilings, wrote o me tluit kf I ials of tne veterans' bureau that mers In th" L"hl district have be retired t Its present rate and of the Southwest. do sei'.eiecs nf years become easily discovered lhat there were no IT so led later than ikicvfi: s r quest they mtist2. Is ml inly wicd out wllbn I in- Jcsre N. Sntith, Hoto'v ;2i.0nrt. "These researches have carried recofnied front tree to tree, coun- spots between Ml-"- ' nmi 171Jai uarv t iiullmrlU ( for a send ill 'minis 17 I'i next or H years nu agitation ri prrscnii.tive of ih' ir the calendar ha k to A from Hate to lhat If my tree rlns l J M " 7il in ty to cminiy. sloii to invest, gaii rs Mi Haiti will Immediately develop f,.r a can comi auy. reports that a yl. hi above tlie Southwest, ami they l. Mate." dlcule some effect of tlila have ii 'i i: :vr f.s proi::t ni" appointed lii'Bial was renlicd. the (clhlllon of nil filtelll debts whnb Was approved by the leoise cf rep Proui sun spots to tree rings of sun spots, my work wai -' average vided the hiviMiin-- s of a continuThe debate provided Joseph P.. Faslliian of I'.esloll, per acre being between 12 and 13 ous weather remain outslaieth at that time. seems a long nelentlllc Jump. Hut conducted on an erroiiwa chart for l.l") years. an opportunity foriisi.ir I'e I'liest, a I'euioirat, and Uobert M. Jones1 A number of farmers raised t tons. ihls work we have It lllusirates ho. ore fact of u. pnlhesls. "Through t !.. Tenll.. a of Chicil e selital red u trolil Knowille, licpubllciill. pl learned of some oinstatidltu eventii enee may have tar flung results In "The coincidence bet ween figpuOSPFiTS for theIn naval to make his llaideti In (if the Interstate Cola j as much us 25 un3 to the acre. London in lion conference In Aniciioa w hich were other fields. Kor ure of Arizona tn-e- s in rebuffM'1 Doctor Douglass ii morce Hie contemporH cotiniiissloii tor terms of ' LOGAN In bis 1929 annual i'siiioii. He t.ik poit of jr is Willi January are not quite s tov :is eic.ision an lleolis sun the smi rlTc(i upon tie of conquest to give the Southern Spain siveti years hcginnlfg Januiiry 1. to the cxiensian service auice the they were. In the first by the Moors, mid we know that A Dratmatlc Confirmation. during ihiw years, snd td'- l been Fasiman a the has sotne member of made nhiettd j that dis entire! ii.ivld Sharp, agrleullur-a- l certain Pmhlo Indian selllemeiils Japanese delegates, who have been the "Originally my work was h study tnetit of the fact, by tl Une ojt commission for more than ten thorities, llepiihlicai.s hiu,:li. W ere ctitct tallied lit Washington on Hielr r1 that In,. Ihelr golden Ss:e far cn)..y Summit . f (lie of study, sun pendent ngctit Is county writes. be New was givis "It veins representing the Fug Ileji. epposil did ant way to I "ngl itiil. revealed that their pellet, when William the Conqueror faced known sputs." an interesting account of the counI here Is n periodicity nry sun spot cycle thai I. sclitat ive Hild lli slot! of Alabama, Is JoUeS. who laud section. (hall fTers il e program sharply fn.tn that i.aioni s. i;,e Saxon at the p.allle of in their occurrence; ihey are most during iipproxlmate'y ti M"'' t.t erve ell II ccilor nf the Flevelilh Judicial (lis j ty wool pool organization which ki tciciiUv of li e Fluted Slate In C . matin Haslin-numerous hi Intervals of eleven rlod helped coiifirm Ike r'1 Was koine in oietnlt.-192.". in nuceecd will (fTected I'e The 'I'eiinucssee, Priest lilil first f of cruisers und subtni' 'no. Ti e "'I be earliest beam we recovered ! ship betwwn the urewtn As an aid in that astronom Pi. V. it one of hard Mobile. j of oi:i;e. Tiohir Incni el, ap; Ala., year's pod contained 17H9 fleeces from Pueblo Itonito was rut A. I). jear. Japanese arc still nskiru a 1" 7 solar and changes. leal tidied Prestt liivcsiigalloii. trees. l"'s. and the next year this figure was appointed three jour nco by ratio for all auxiliary craft. Inch). I ident tVolldge tu lill out un Seven H ii! 'n p. !i' nl rg.iiil.ato Cwu Increased The suelnj the big gun cruiser, thoiii'li It tiolis three have a ke. lie I inteil States Barber U Fire Chief, term, I ! reed in i; years taw th" pool grow hoped they will liio.lfv t .1 to SI!'C!V!m IUR0LY the isl.il. resMiMe i HIOWS JUST i WHO fcl HE IS IN HIS OWN FAMILY In ci.hr c hi Mauds to fioi ccs ii l:2"; Ij c ain I II . Ill tloll la April. U'.ui '1 heir Shaves Are Often WIGHT W. MoKF.iiW. nnibas steadily .Hi ( oie'emliitf k;tiiiit ilics their imh'i fii u es in 192s. l.U"ii 25 t il .oil i fisl.Ii I'll el e ted max of anj Fast Hampton, t Viiti.-- Tl adnr to Mexico und delegate In 1929. ton of pi They wish t retail! a ci,uip.(igl l f the iinil Poijio I ie , . t of how lo j:et st.unlnicm, lent confcrei-eeforUnderwater rraft t ow in Hair has the n.ival lo Indiana Parmer's Marriage Pro Stunt's children t . vv I., , I) I former shave here Is r" by hi to !T(V the with ' A (ir ui'ili r coiisitm iioii, COALVILLE l' w iiiaily iititmuiiced hi aeis ptnnc( (if j ducei Cravelinc of the Skill Enigma Requirinj marriage, His present wife- wan an !l n! Aiaeri. an iitarlne before Hie Paul nVenwn Kvrr tJuce Filled Mate j tttiXlotlS to shatp'v from Lincoln highway from as senator itpMiintllicit cf . M.uter bis Kimball's to I children's his I Unravel, v ev bi'ls-re '.'.'id. (!,, I ion utepgratidiuother, irat at in j ,,f ti. e I" r siiVcMti'ie IhIiii.i.'i' nu. I New Jes, upon the resignation (if Junction ta lampion 'a only Wanshlp. where It will Hi!.! I hi. ! t! e I nili piesenl wife's own children were pointed assistant ftii.-- of 'M ate took Senator I'.aird, He will nsume hi tleie ate s..in (nei(!i..i lie Illl t Dublin. Ind centn-iThe recent chiloil t!,v wph and bis mints Mepiinctc in ' iM mill., f the re itcw daties ns ooii ns hi work in Javemmt com fire depurinani w cril'i'r iVlnan'l by Japan in. iv ho of timer Man!, nre-- forty, a dren, iitnl Ihe children of Joseph untis-'' . la:! i plet'd Mitiinior. under bis l.i'. whether tiiniMait. ti e J.,r.'ii knows way lotiniH Hon with the London parley .;;', in;,-farmer mar heie, und Mrs. Joseph I jitiiherson and bis wife, who Is will by forct s of (he sl.re .;id eotnuiis. or I be . lour fiiri(;.! , the ( hief rompleied completed. I'.aird was given the Men I.atnberson. lu-,thirty nine, of nw Slant's wife, were half uncles shorn and ivcred with and It I expected that !h. (l".!act, to an bhoi,i , itt.n ;!.. rv, t e teiins of il ijecree place when Fdj'e resigned to be j Straight!, has produced an enlcma und aunts to bis children. . Work win Miili.c-saiiobe bartver rhalr wliile 'p W"l inrH, to with nnmhed the France, .,...I In the Supieine early next which will rttjuire the skill of a ' Now, since Slant bus married A fief U nil tl.1V n It month. tlliib Would be rihtWig batlxT dachci " that i'f. h M.t'cipai. t,;,t ti,! rllil'd n, lc, i by F.e step Tt tnaster t" unravil. pv; , ,1 Mant bus Joseph taiiiihcrsonV widow, be . an alarm. . , aside for M.oro'.v. II ly. Tie (ppi,rj to MtMi ltitv J.il'iii poll Ion I'f t'le t,. ilia wr.l be oil, i l.ileli (of his .i, ),, ,; Meplliiither-ilr Hn. husband ,f his W. K. IKimls. li.'tH rw- - 7, i tali 1hiC i im- - f.",,. l i. t next ii n. in ,, law. His chief vvi.riy I to (In sc.is.ti wiih the Improve ,iiit.iy in law. In Addition to In M ill 1., rrV P. M.-- AFGH T. win ha I -n tiiioti for (,! n.iii'.i'j v . .n file lit of the toad frtn Kitnli.ill teittolie What he thnl cull Ids log a Mepbroibcr In law to bis for- llculatly loud i,, l.i !!;' to a bet A IIM In ti e fail l nt p. lmils waitress . .l vv I'l-u o I in ill prohibition si h., i.e.,t pro 'i.iitplb-iHei..?! to Cin rtigiigul Jiinn mer tiiany relallves. wife's ln brolhei no,) '.'I In 'i" siimmtj of Pat lev s I''J P'llilleit lOe t.HVV, oJe . t Mj.l, i. ' r the vo.tr elected viisr:ti1elu!oiil Mant former wife was a d.ineti Is How (hiir lepfa(brr. iiln be Is get bis half nilthe Nl. Iowa, Wli nrs-- t will caiivon a m.i.. clan . M t.r.k o,l. at.VVl lllHT.it ri:v;,t t.;on. 0 s .. efi I'llof it, Indiana Anii S,i!i n oa ;ue of ht prccni wife Inishaiol. Mcpfiitlicr htel Mepliiolher In law Ihe rhif '' r. j of t!1(. S'smiu.t cum- wcn f'. Ir ! i. IL ("lilac! bad . II i hardly J.ipiltl Col.llol I.f I (. o:ii. ii S kite F, Sliimuiker. if tiw cee.l (he tosi'ph l.atii!tor..ti. now ie:n). Jos In h preset,! wife', ihildrell by wu Mliitil'SI b n C'C e I XI v mi, . ly peril, n i f ti, ,i hi,:hw.i. tofi over w l '4 i Hie t ! ,.t Chi Ilo vva l lie (!ioite of F. S oi Mc ri!l l.itiiibcrou rt wife, tmvr Ihe bcr first inurr Iklc iiiid Is stepfather soundi-d- . ",f t Iciut li.ilo jxitt i' Droppiiit T c;..; of i H i' wife of Maid, nbo titi.i ihihben by and l uif bioilier In law in the n' I'lii'e, the national SALT LAKE cl.iwork for th" k . i md e!,!.rr. r w trails I (lashed lo anwrr the is V, Illl 1 furtner liairrbige Ixfoie i.f the Uakite, M other call li lalc I an Person was fall cbibbrli I'p of und al ijuii-.j Joseph the (!i n!'ii iei,t University if ' mnrtled to I innln-r-t'ln i; ,i t lei i1 lelili d finui ( oltipi tilloii. Childr. it bis wife, m.vr Mauls wife. Utah will it,,) Fx.imina- i,1 tel. reunify, but nhsohiicn , Frc Weir born In Joseph I.ntnbi r ' The (hlblri-1... tl.un nf Joseph l.ntnbrr-oti- . Spontaneou. Farm n k.ue n II ; n r h '! we. the ptomnithil) .f n I k. all i ti .on and bis wife, w'o ,i new the nhi-iidCFVAU'll 1. Ttb'MIAS III I t IN Work in tin wm'cr quarter do.and sunt, uiicbs f i In Perl Sclent V'f wife of Maid. This made three are v j.lll polO ' Baflle U. S. l"i 'il'c of Al.lb.'llll I. Who lippxisc,) I how step bnlf brother ami I l tiitii's'et t ' . i ; ! f, not rum,:. nee ut.'il January r,. The sets "f children In ! 'i '. T family. n II. l"..v rt u;.i..-tcS'liiili s end to sisters Sinn! ibildteti. Ills Vasblnetn-Sp- -'"' ti. iMval ti.iiu !, ivrli f'o holal iv I the j, nrr?t ( hrii'tm.is b.r it ,, nil of I in (. Mum l t,w rIated ' er 111 Ihe I'.'LS e'criion. Iris boell wife beine ' cotillnius I" busilon ,ik presetil 'I .., ' ! Step lip ptOVed tie Je:'!, vacation for f viral year. The eilbcr (llredly or Inditeelly. .ij.id IhMli.e r.iii,- - piri.v f f""" Is iuw slepnioiber ott the read of ii'VVoin cause griitidmoiher bafllina that )t fit !, f t e ti ).. ire Pa da'e w; ' f ofinini; fore fixed ,r im,t l,,s rsi t,t marriage Mini hi rhildren and his wife's own only (hrotich rl'S",,,,, I.'il don i . e'i iet,i p eit Jve ts.t ,1 . (fciUir Wi'll other "I li.iuen tals a week afi- r Die .'. ! an i!,e Ms Wh a lesou in law to Ills pr. x ut children tiew car to th.iko wlm bad alii oiile i d themselves ii by b.r lirsi nmrrlsse sre will the raue l d',r"rr4 ? : i v. itiI In '3t;c nii. t I f ii, i i " ,, l.nm now both strpuiicirs and aunt and means for prrvrnlhn lintliin.it.on In ti e Ihe end . n June 7. wife, brother lii law to J catl ! d.l'l S tH 1 the I p ,,f ai,ct' . I i jrar ii e ; o I ..f 11 n n .) ib ' berson's (hihln n. niepbrnibrr In stepbrothers end 2 KeclMetatl-- ti f r the fall mi AugiM litt'1 :t. tit rrortn ' e.ri f.if nrti'er Aiiij.nr.i pritn.-irami the Henry U. Knltbl. rl " p. ( 'mil of l.e S'ipti 1i .n cioirt nf quarter law lo bis wife's children by Iter children of Joseph titer. n'' 111 a liken by the t'etn n.tioti t'eft ef Half p,eij,!n ns . ticrn them's''?' of rrau of arI just I jntii) Xh iih I'l 11. h1 Ib.re .ir i,tt pi'otp.n Jn'i.ny, " firt half brolher In taw bis wife, who Is now Slant's wife psrtmenl of AjriniliiKoi tiilie t xei'lllive rsiiMiiittro. h'W I Wl n Ib'fl tJ deht. It C'.rtfd !' I'lil'vcl f t k.--, t .r v -r I mprdfd that neatly to theninrrlase, (' i!o1 i f w children f Joseph Imlnr-o- are now fliinouncel be woirfl run I on ietl t'roernm. rf fat sunts and unrlea and recentl;. reject!'") tnoj ii),;irr ;rtf.t,:i ter t cvoti l ti e e1ti.(it-i)tHmudrnu will fur tnroll vmiil ion n an Indfpchdenu )f o snd bis now Mant' at wife, the same time sirp bslf bmth fmm Mihdnul la the f.,nuniiM(.i t;:ilt spontsn-oths winter nuatler. nount limfsmi .,( biivlirs.tion In ;,wM i v wife. The children of Joseph Urn-rsoWtrii Nttlnt t'nlnB ) ets and siters. Kisnt Is nw frv resrbrs an esllmalsd '"'" were undea 0JU,OiJ annuall tnj aunts to Crandralher to bis ess chlldrca. of the Solution Washlngton. most halllinj,' question in the study history of the of the United Slates the dating of the scores of Imtiortant Indian ruing of Appomattox M I'iO'sl'anfel 1 e 1100-1200- ; i is s .'1 I "I WS ,4 g iJ I !,. t ""Iri C of.S 2 g e h.. - "Hears" Grandson Fly Over nt fi,MHi-inii- arcbe-ologlst- ( ' if itf; ' s " Q a , &r.cir5& tzt)-l- v.a x iinani-nioiisl- li.-- r d al e - 1 oino-issai'ii- i )!:!ih:t - s';--.- p j ll-- s , re-po-rt I'eia-ecrat- s i vv 1. UUeX-pire- I li.-l- 10, ; .. r 1 - I ' ' mar-rlnv- e r e reiil r , e l Mp-mothe- I nu'-tna- s. ! - , I , I I tt.ic-ei- . - t'f !r UIe-Inle'o- ' ! U- '' v i r t i i !'! j : v I j - . fi-- ' h-- . "1-o- ' ! 1 1,1-- 1 1 t- r i tif Is |