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Show f I 1 I I I II I No726: 7OLT40 Murray City, Utah, Thursday, December 26, 1929. Established 1892 WTOl B LW A0 LPr MEW Utah Pioneer Dies At Home in Salt Lake Wonderful Natural Gas Savings Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols and The Introduction of natural gas children of Ogden were the guests ith its greatly increased heating of Mrs. Nichols parents, Mr. and value, together with the reduction Mrs. Jessee Wheeler on Christmas of rates made by the natural gas day. companies, will effect large annual Mrs. Mary L. Dudley and daughsavings ti the people of I'tah. ter, Ludle, were the guests of Mrs. However this conforms to good Dudley's sister and brother-in-labusiness .since it is believed and is Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camp of Union already proving out In practice on Christmas day. Ithut a greater volume of gas would Ward The Bennlon Sunday gold at the lower figure and thereSchool will entertain the members more patrons would le obtained. of the ward at their annual party Many home owners have install on New Years day, A program will ed natural g:is heat in their homes. be given at I o'clock In the morn Which due to the absolute cleanll- lug, followed by a matinee dance taess and the consequent lack of soot for the children. Another big dance ud grime iloing away with the In the evening will conclude the soiling of furnishings, wall paper, day's festivities. t0., has effected additional savings. bursii Miss Ilattle Dimond Is spending A further saving is had, due to the holidays with her parents, Mr, sthe perfe-- t control of heat. There I : Mrs. T. W. DIuiond and will and as no storing of fuel always a fire Km on New Year's day to Price, return lazard. There Is no furnace atE. Nichols Is convalesc Mr. W. tendance, no carrying out of ashes, home from his recent lur cleaning out of soot, all of this ing at his kffect additional havings, both in Illness. The Eighth grade of the Tly pillars and to disposition. IB h" I Incidentally it may be point el out mouth Seminary will entertain at a hf to hat the desire of the natural gas pnrty Friday at the home of Mrs. to cixiTHte In bringing Mary Brown. Progressive games will J a lower cost of living would le played. t!Out In obtaining the good will of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Urockbank 11 t' a factor which and community, family have as their guests, II II Ivuld not well le estimated In dob Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Guruea and ara and cents. r daughter Hutu of Price. The lower rates will not wily Mrs. Eva Jones had as her dinirntly reduce the cost of the gas ner guests Chriatmas day at her Tvlce as compared with the form- Mrs. V. home, her mother-in-law- , ff manufacture! gas, but by that It. Jones and brother-in-laand V'kn will more to sister-in-laMr. and Mrs. Levi pjy lliw higher standards of liv- - Jones and daughter. which the ne of natural gas Mr. and Mrs. Verl McMillan anJUkeS m.smiIc. nounce the arrival of a daughter Thene higher standards of living Isiru them a few days ago. to lr expressed In terms of greater Mrs. Thomas Powell left Friday valines, a more healthful com- week of last for Los Auge-les- , evening unlty, and supreme comfort and to winter with her txnil.-n.the spend Nawithin the home. , Mrs. and rul U the liiglml iiii.l prue- - children Elluibcth Moore. al solution to the "smoke prot- I e sister-in-law- f m" In Salt Ij.ke City which, as knows, hits Uvn a real koWnn for a good miinv years. The k fuel shoiil.I eliminate a great Ft uf the Hnmke cloud that lias 7tie I"mv ov.r the city during the f preceding winters. part ptrr .f .M.t on buildings, and will uls,, tn. thing ,lf rU with the widespread Use of Mturnl ;ns-i- ,, this will make Hit Lake Hly a more attractive. I Local Mention Mrs. Mary Morgan la comfortably located In hwr new home on State Street Mrs. Ernest Cornwall and son Kenneth, of Tremonton have been the guests during the holidays, of Mrs. Cornwall's mother, Mrs. C. L. In-la- Sandy City News Christmas 1029 will remain a memorable one to the Eagles of Murray, Some five hundred kiddies with their parents assembled In the Fraternal Hall Friday evening and awaited the coming of "Santa Claus." Previous to his arrival a splendid program was rendered. Some time during January, the date to he anonunced later, Murray Aerie will give a dance which will le open to the general public. This dance will le dedicated to the Old Folks. A prize waltz will Ik? a feature of this occussion. The prize to go to the couple over sixty years of age who excel lit tripping the light fantastic, in the estimation of the Judges. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orton were guests at a Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mead FORMER RAY FI RESIDENT DIUS NERAL IN OGDEN IN Ml'RRAY 2S-4- dent of the Primary of liingham Canyon, later moving to Murray, where she was Primnry ami Relief society president of the Murray 1st want, taught school and was active ly engaged in social work. Resides her husband, Luther T nakeham, she Is survived by the following children : Elsie T. Iilshop. J. Drown and I Webster Wakeham all of Salt Ike: How uru i. niineiuini oi nan rraiictseo and Leona D. Itudget of Ogdoti and 12 grandchildreu. Ita f'l - here during the wek. - fi... 4 Mrs. 8. K. Green of Salem, Oreiu " lokp I Vtntmiit- - ,,,, gon, arrived here a few day ago fran.hi the manufae. to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. '"trllmtlna of saa In Green U fore her marriage waa MIm i Thu "'y In .1 Norma Um of this city. IIL'OM tit ttVn fcxitu la.f S,.,,!.,,,,.-, I", ,,!-- , r8'" UMl -.- ..MH ''iitln Ilt. 1M A ' vl 'a till ' s 0.0. F.News Notes All Chcvcllcrs of Colfax Canton in No. 1, are rispa-ste- l to np)s-ar full dress uiiifarin for inspection ntul roll call at next meeting In Odd Fellows hall, Salt IJike City, at 8:IH) p. in., Saturday. iKvcmber - Important business in transact, so arrange to lo present. I'tah District Association No. 1, met with Salt Uslge No. 2, ut Salt IJike last Frhlny night. Ivo. A very --iMh. giMnl ni.i'ilng was wan held, after whlill (lie turmsl over to the entertainment luis-liii- (Continued on page S) iCoiiilniKsl on ge 4 Texas Town Makes Electric Profits on Lite Shiner, Tex ll Thl Tciw city of know alt that It rare to know nl.ont tlo much dlwlisod I s,,,. of the IuiiIiIi-Iimof liip public litllitl. i CoMiiiiud n ig'' owner pi-ti- oii 4 l h gll"stS. Mr. and tertalm-- Mr. at d tlu-l- It. lllstiop en home Christina M. r day In honor of ibeir children a to grand ihlldrne. Mrs. Arthur V eager cve l.lrlli day rty In honor of hr lilt I" daughter Ruby's eleventh birthday annlvenwry, Tburlay, InvemU-2. llfti-e- tf the J'filig ladj's a d.llghtfnl after friends rtiJJoy tion. Holiday deoiratluns were In evidence throogliout the houm and a Mithdsy rake was a ttwwt attraiilve Hem no the din in ttfAf. ul ,rw ,,,,,! ,,,,,, ,jf on Wllford Cowley of Salt Ijike, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Oldham, during the week. The Literary Club of the Sandy Junior High school enjoyed a party in the English room last Tuesday evening. The following program was enjoyed : .Heading, Phjdlbt I'oabteo : Neva Gusklll and Mae Wllhlte. A very Interesting story was given by l.lla Hansen, followed ly songs, (stems, toasts and Jokes. Refresh-nientwere served under the direction of Miss Emcllue. Grant and Miss Mildred Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swenson and family, and Miss Mary Armstrong, were entertained at dinner, Sunday by Mrs. Walla.v Itateman of West Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Nels A. Nelson and sons, Aluion and Glen, were guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. lleber Crump of llerriman. All the children of Sandy enjoyed gifts of candy and nuts from the Tree on Community Christmas Main and Center Street Christmas Eve. A program was also enjoyed. Mr. a ud Mr. J. C Ctapo ami children were guests at a dinner Xmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cm J i on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. (trig. Smith and son of Granger wen guests arl of the wiik of Mr. and Mrs. Itert lUiulter and family. i tut JcIincii euterlalnisl Miss I at a Miriv at her home on Main Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Aatwixsl entertained at dinner Christmas at their home. Mrs. David W. Moffat will entertain the ladies of the bridge club Friday of next week at her home on Vine Street. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cauipl?!! entertained at a family dinner party Christmas day at their borne on East 4Sih South Street. Mrs. Alma Iroctor entertained at a Christmas day dinner at her home on East Forty-eightSouth street on Christmas day in honor of her children and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Berry entertained at a Christmas dinner party at their home on State Street In compliment to the mctulierg of the Miller family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yeager of Taylorsville had as their dinner guests Christmas day at their home in Taylorsville, Mr. and Mra. Thos. P. Simper and family of Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Holmes and family of Salt Lake. Mrs. Laurie Nichols gave a de lightfully planned family dinner party at her home on Ylue street on Christmas day. The guests In cluded Mrs. Xlchol'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colgrove of Mllford, and her brothers and aisters. Her sister Mrs. Ivlla Frame who h;is been 111 so many months was able to be with them also, for which the family were eswclatly grateful.. Mrs. Frame has aroused the admiration of the entire community by her patience aud Bweetness during her sorrow and afflbliou and was showered with gifts, jsTsonal calls and telephone tneswiges, cheering aud wiufortlng her on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Icwla Tripp entertained their children and grand children at a Christmas day dinner at tlndr home on Vine Ktiet. Covers were la I1 for twelve guest. Mrs. Charles White entertained Christmas day at her home In honor of her children ami their families. Covers were laid for Mr. anil Mrs. Iner Johnson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. lHmr.lt Pike and children of Salt Miss Helen White sod Mrs Emily White and children. Mr. and Mrs. FhnI Morgan enter-taitn-at a Christmas day dinner at their hine on State street isirty in honor of their children and Mrs The decoration Mary Morgan. were In Christmas colors, wlih large decora tH ClirlMmas I net Covers were laid for fouttei r fr r week. 1. 9 December 21, at her resilience, Lincoln avenue, Ogden, will ! held Sunday In the Murray First ward chapel, at 2 p. m. For seven years she was presi- 1 and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and son Donald, were guests of Mrs. Pollard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hills of Klvcrtou, part of the OF Ml K Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie T. Wakehani, 04, early pioneer and prominent participant iu primary and social work In the I.. D. S. Church during her life, who died Tay-liirsvll- f SocialMenhon F.O.OJE.News Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eyre have as tlu-l- r guests at their borne, their Mr. and son and daughter Mrs. Guy Eyre of Provo. H U a H tuoM healthful cllv In Mrs. Amelia M. Plxton of Comimlsbloner Howe assures full Wh to Ue. Is attending a few day etMijR'ratlon with Murray from the thiri i he home. Natural Can ulM her son and family, Mr. and In the ii- Commissioners County jff'TU CltlVeiil,.i., ... ....... ...n.r,.,!. niiuiorif tt...l Mr. and Mrs. iHtidl like and building of tlllll thoroughfares. m' by any other Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pike spent r'1- - H btiiig, ant..niatballiv con- - Thursday with relatives In Ogden. -The Gem Theater Is to make an uioform henlthful Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Austin are ,, ,Mhr f (,(1v. hpcndlng their Christmas holidays linMrtant announcement soon. r tending of fires. In Arizona. lke t lit- to,J ,n lul,,,. . Mr. and Mrs. D. I Peterson of . 1"M '"'III for limnv vmira ogden have bwn visiting relatives ,i. f o page 8) " FATHER OF I. BRANSON BRIN-TOOF Ml'RRAY,SrCCl.;MB3 TO HEART DISEASE N David Rranson Brlnton, 79 years of age, father of David B. Brlnton of Murray, died early Sunday at his residence, 405 Fourth avenue. Salt Lake City. Mr. Brlnton was one of the earliest pioneers of f'. '...aie to realize iLj immense possibilities for tho growth aud development of the resources of the west and was one of the first to take advantage of them. Mr. Brlnton was for 23 years a bishop of the Cottonwood ward, and has served actively In the Church all of his life. He was born Feb. 23, 1850 at Savannah, Mo., the son of David and Harriot Dilworth Brlnton, who emigrated to I'tah before he was a year old as memlers of one of the largest ox trains to come across the plains daring the year. Mr. Brlnton attended the old University of Deseret, later entering into a life as one of the moat prominent builders of the community. He directed the construction of many of the highways of Salt Lake county , and was Instrumental in settling many of the laud problems of the day. In addition to Lis activities In the bishopric, Mr. Brlnton served r a mission In New York state. He was married in 1874 to Miss Susan Huffaker, who died la 11)10. Later Mr. Brlnton married Miss May McFarlatie, who survives two-yea- him. He Is also survived by the followMrs. ing children: Edgar Neff and Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Young, Chester P. Oihoon, all of Salt Lake; Mrs. William G. Wagstaff of Mount Pleasant; Mrs. A. E. Taylor of Mrs. Iiouis K. Sims of Los Angeles; Bishop D. Branson Brlnton, Murray; Wollerton Brlnton, Mt lienssnt ; Van B. Brlnton, Mesa, Arizona ; Mlnton Brlnton, Hex-bur- g, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Harold Brlnton, Salt liike; and Wilder Brluton liis-he-, Nevada. The following brothers and aisters also survive: Caleb Illworth and Frank D. Brlnton, Mrs. Hyrum Baglcy, Mrs. Vincent Shurtleff and Mrs. Lawrence- Young, Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 p. in., In the Twentieth - ward chal, street. avenue aud Sis-on- Q The Eagle Observes M oiiilnuod from last week) That Santa Clans said: know Mr. Morgan, all alstit lbs and which let probably liiof tiesssi ters to send to the offsv of the men and the proiT ones to go to their boimK la avoid dif ficulties, Mil as a Judge of manl oii Mit oflli-- hiliis pulchritude I fear you are not so hI. However, J U good with a wrench, two turns aud he wants fx i cents, n maybe you wers think ing of your car when you let him ave my nblrt decorated with rlo- do rs, and I will have to see him." When Santa Claus arrived at J.V Garage he found Joe playing lm Um with fieurre A. JeuW and Interrupted them long fB""b (Continued on page 81 |