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Show ins n: :Avi:n COUNTY T7TEKLY PRESS, EE AVER. UTAII DOUELE BEAUTY 'J Better be thinking about OF YOUR HAIR Cbruiir.ii gifts. TKis will tugjssi Boyd Park' complete jewelry store and prices that ease the way. "Danderins" creates mass ci. thick, gleamy waves ,4) ra v "A : ii m ' 4 .' k ir a. w mmmmmmm i n BOYD PARK i mm Vii Irw . MAKERS OF JEWELRY , sau iaki no mam nam cot . HE mind of a child Is a tal Images, unrelated d kaleidoscope of men-an- ." curiously Yk In stable; K few moments yon can transform four plain, dull, flat hajr. Ion can bare It abundant, soft, glossy and full f life. Just ret at any drat or toilet counter ft smalL bottle of "Danderine for a few cents. Then moisten soft - ttoth with the Danderine and "draw this through your hair, taking on small strand at a time. Instantly, yes, immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be ft mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive, oil is re i . , ' .moved. Y ; " '.' Let Danderlne put more life, color, vigor, and brightness In your ; hair. This : stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautlfuL Adr. Evidence. un AH work of things heard and seen and only half unEunice, derstood. was six; too young to grasp the meaning of much that she beard, but old enough - to remember. All day she p 1 a y e d happily with her dolls In the shabby furnished room which waa her mother's bedroom. The door was locked, and Mrs. Holmes, the landlady, waa under Instructions to look In from time to time to see what Eunice was doing; but since Eunice was never doing anything except splaying with her dolls the good woman's visits became less and less 4 rShe's the most . contented Uttle body In the world, ma'am," said the old Scotch woman to Hilda Groves, Eunice's mother. . Mrs. . Groves was also called Marian Fay, but that was when she stood behind the footlights and enraptured her audience with her girlish charm and Ingenue manner. By day she was Hilda Groves, wife, of John Groves, an unsuccessful writer, and the charming ingenue was a very tired woman with a ' discontented droop to ber mouth. "I'm glad she's keeping out of mis Eunice's mother chief," answered freHeotw;:iu, nikM Rmttad, Repair!, Sold. to SIOO. BrieMS7.60 Utah Office and School Supply aa W. 2nd Sonth. Salt Lako City, UUh patch- Writ for Tires at Yftcksafe Prices! Uk Cmpte AS stktn 1,000 t.000 aihs sil. I Republic Firsts Archer Cord Firsts National Speedway Firsts Firesloae Cords Firestone Fabrics v I silent But when the curtain fell at last her Uttle form waa trembling with fearful ' Joy, and she clung ec . . statically to her father, 'N6'w :we are going round te Mam ma's dressing room." said her father, , f V u U rm i VZ, 1 1 I W Fisb to ar big kmm? Um, Aa Muninatiea will prow that they r all (trieUr bik rd tin. Owing to th- - rrmt variety of Hr ..W'iL. . b - opportunity . .ill I - makaa, kindly ipocif ftnt, Meond, and third cholea. ' ; nmMmber. that wrtrf tin b and that try on niwt by this oonerr Meet w4th your . approval befor caept " aoea. Order today. LIST 81a Bib Cord Cord Plata Noa-Skl- d SOxt 416.1U fit.is t l rurnted - raici and before Eunice knew where she was she had passed through the tunnel again, and through a second tunnel, longer and gloomier. Into a queer Uttle room. In which her mother sat before a mirror. Her shining dress! lay over a chair, and she waa deadly tired,. and her face was all red and white and streaky. Eunice looked at her and her heart was full of helpless misery. She burst Into sudden sobs. "The child's tired to death. Jack," said Hilda Groves petulantly-"S- he ought to have been in bed long ago. What made yoa bring her herer Eunice behaved uncommonly badly. She cried, and cried,. and the more her mother scolded ber the more uncontrollable became her sobs. 80 that at Jast she had to be carried out In the arms of the dressing woman and put into a taxlcab, with a very cross mother and, a very subdued father. and after that she found herself to Stxl 11.7S IMS 14 7S II xl IMS nonsense." Hilda anawered.: flf you the kind old man guarding the tunnel. 17.SS 2xt ISM " knew the T" with trouble have in I her, ;' Uttle , "What's ti.oe tti4 girl your name, ress In the restaurant, don't you?" tl.l 12x4 I1.4S Mrs. Holmes, you wouldn't be asking quired the man. "Who's your Mam-maid the business man. 2 4S . IMS . Uxi me to put any new ideas into her 14x4 YY ' Y-- ' J K.1S ts.ee , "Always," replied his friend. "She's 14x4 ts. I7.t si.te head. tiM her Is with She contented Tm Eunice, and my Mamma'a a S2.4S ery careful to bring me clean food." 5x4 4d. ts.es ! dolls and Me satisfied, and my work fairy godmother." ST.tS SZ.M Mx4 .V; ."How do you know?" , 16x6 7.oe ' time." takes 4SM minute of up every my Miss child." said the man. 7x4 "Why, today I saw her brushing the 4S.W SS.1I I0.7S 4S.I9 And you' dont do your work," She toldFay's to come for her, ehf" you dust off my piece of custard pie with BATAVU AXD KKTSTONX TIKES cried woman. the Scotch "There's Eunice did not know what she an Strictly Flnta CaaranUot SSSS MiUa tier apron." Yonkers Statesman. better and more natural work at your frfeaLbtKea-Skl- d PrtftLkt for she was running down the swered, ..29.0 Hxl hand for you to do. and you leave it txS 41l.& remembered pastunnel a well 29.TI 1' "' along IOjIU - 41.11 ASPIRIN FOR COLDS" ': ' to others." '. 0.27 15x' shone I2iIH that of star toward .-. a ' ' """''' light sage V i ' 11x4 17.1S SSxi ,, ,. 4H.4S coldly. "What do you mean by that?" ' And then In the distance. there S7x 18.SS Sl. M4 "It's a wonder," soliloquised Mrs. "I mean Eunice," said Mrs. Holmes burst upon her eyea the daiillng spec Order today tneloa $1.69 deposit. Name "Bayer' is on Genuine Holmes, pausing In the act of taking defiantly, and wiped her hands on her tacle of the Christmas play. salt la at ties coaroBATiON a pair of sheets out of a closet and I Rtrmt Btract apron and stalked away, leaving Hilda those that understand not did She Aspirin say Bayer . t Uty, t'Ui looking at the closed doorr "lt a: a Groves indignant and resentful or gnost-us- e rows faces siretcnmg wonder that sort of parents has them Mrs. Holmes had , put her little away Into the distance were the aukind of children.". Hyiwantblswilara charge to bed on Christmas eve and dience, and to her the setting of the t LIT V'JTTra bartwr of trad, banyamall The good woman disapproved on tiptoe to the . door. stage was reality. Her eyes were towns Mtd barbeiw torx opportuoea later open stole, Mrs. Groves, whom she thought hard in army hT men over Barlntn lor dratttse. Eunice Was lying with her face to fixed upon the beautiful woman who as oltieora eommlMion. ft prepared and unmaternal. As for John Groves. good the wall, her head resting upon her stood and bowed and smiled, a won- To lew weeka. Call or write. Holer BarberEunice's father, who worked all day, arm." Tbe good woman' looked wist derful being Illumined by a great CvUefO, U 8. Woat Temple BU ball Lake Otty.bed. thumping npon his typewriter la the It must have been all a dream! fully at ber. and at the little stockings shaft of light from overhead, which little half empty back room, two The ENDED IDOLATRY IN HAWAII was old enough to be able which . hung from the bead of the followed her every movement Eunice stories up, whenever he met. Eunice of bed. She had Hilda never child a had and had children ; gone, fairy he experienced a curious sense of em to distinguish dreams from reality. her own. Groves bowed finally and withdrew Brave Aot ef Kaplelanl, Daughter ef Y . Dreams were things that happened to ' ' Insist on ll'Bayef Tablets of Aspirin" barrassment and shame. was fill to to over tbem toward the palace threshold. " She she and going were when Chief, Resulted In Establishing asleep, yoa When her mother entered the room you ta a "Bayer package." containing propa concentra store all certain of with, her had needed She ' good had been ' Christianity There, but she- waa wide flowing er directions for Colds, Pain, Bead-ach- e. Eunice would experience much the awake now,asleep; It was' so things that she had purchased and tion to play successfully that night why wondering that embarrassment same of -' feeling RhenNeuralgia, Lumbago, and He longer do the fire lakes In the dark In the room, and looking through hidden away In the linen closet among and In spite of that more than one matlsm. Name "Bayer" means genuine aha occasioned her father. . Though the crack of the door at the streak of the sheets and pillow-casecommented bad dis 8be of the newspapers crater of Kllauea carry terror to great she had never been told that mothAspirin prescribed by physicians for came from the room ad- candies and oranges, and firecrackers paragingly the next day upon her per- the son! of Hawaii aa a message from that light caress and love to their ers ought nineteen years. Bandy tin boxes of 12 that snapped disconcertingly, contain- formance. It was unreal, they said, the dreaded fire god, Fele. It Is a cenjoining. ;;:;".:v at tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trad children, Eunice wondered dimly the ing foolscaps and mottoes and paper and lifeless (Could tbey only bare tury since Kspiolanl. daughter of she were Her talking: parents her mother's kiss, ! mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mooo- - cold formality ofand ornaments within their fat and crink seen ber after the curtain fell!) To voice. mother's heard her high chief of the district of . petulant felt chilled repressed.' cetlcacldester of , SaltcyHcadd. Adr. and . bodies; ... too. Hildaa - It was agony. ...The mothers ling and of Nathe, high chief of wife Hllo, we sure donVknow ;whatOne snowy night in late December i i.i and a doll. Just large enough to be heart .was aching. , but she did not Kona, and the national orator, defied when she child will with do that downstairs gets came Groves John slowly ) Seeing Things. was say cunningly concealed Inside a stock know the cause, or that her child the Ore goddess, and turned her peo' Flatbnsh You know mirrors 4o and dismissed Mrs. Holmes, who was older, John," Hilda Groves is not ing.. Mrs. Holmes watched the child. could cure her malady; she thought ple from the idolatry. Trior to that course the bed. E"Of for Eunice ing. .profession ready wonders toward brightening tip a making Her eleep did not seem sound, for of Eunice only aa a hateful and repug time the superstition ran that whenhe to of her." be for me. daughter." "Congratulate thought ';'borne. once .;: or twice she stirred, and the nant duty to which ahe must return ever Pele stamped her foot on the bot.- "I have an offer of a position on the I saidBut that It take position Bensonhnrst I know. It. MyWlfe landlady had that morbid ter- after her. evening task. She turned tom of the volcano Mauna Loa, her on the staff of the Manhattanite." Manhattanite we can have a home of good ror of discovery : which a real Santa and entered through the palace por "House of Everlasting Tire," there always seems happier when she sees our own;" answered her father. Eunice looked ap vaguely. herself In a lot of mirrors around the feels. ' ,YY 7. tals, which gave upon the wings. were earthquake. If she became an'And have me give tp; my work always, "How would you like to celebrate '" ; ': Now she was only a tired woman house.' Mr. till "III has wait Cunningham gered with hapless lovers, or any who the occasion with me, child T Inquired Just when I am beginning to attract come In and then 111 do re again, anxious to divest herself of failed to worship her, she was credlted she It," her father, addressing Eunice banter-- the attention of the managers," an solved. Mr. But to the with GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER.. Ingly, because be did not quite know swered his wife sarcastically. "After Cunningham, the last of her - tinselled trappings. out torrents of lava and before her she liquidporing stood that little to her come boarders was al figure home, flame. All who went near the . ten years of drudgery, to be 'robbed what to say to her. ways punctual upon the stroke of was an Olympian. Eunice stood lost crater were expected to do so with huConstipation Invites other troubles "Ts." sald Eunice, slipping ber of the reward of It ell! No. thank eleven. Eunice would then be sound In amazed admiration at this wonderwhich come jpeedlly unless quickly chubby hand Into his own.:. Y mility and sacrifice, and high priests you, my dear." ful being who was her mother. V no doubt checked and overcome by "Green's "The motion Is carried," said John "But L too, will have to make the asleep, ' arms of the goddess kept the people in awe. . Mamma!"-The Mamma!, But Eunice had not slept at all People gave their dead to the volcano, August Flower which Is a gentle laxa- Groves. !We are to go. then, to see sacrifice," answered T ber . husband. With s child's ; i were outstretched. she deliberate craft beneficent a Into hoping they would became ghost gods In of both I transformed Mamma am not tive, regulates digestion thinking - ' "Frankly, Hilda, "Eunice!" , the land to aid them. Then Kaptolanl, In 1S20, ' stomach and intestines, cleans and fairy. As you are doubtless aware. you In this matter, nor of myself. bad deceived The harsh tones broke the spell lady. - She waited till she heard Mrs. after three years teaching at' the feet sweetens the stomach and alimentary she takes the part of the Fairy God I am thinking of Eunice." .. The ehild remembered ber last visit Eunice!" repeated his wife bitter Holmes go Into her room, and then and the disillusionment that followed of missionaries, accepted Christianity, canal, stimulates the liver to secrete mother In the Christmas play now she rose up ever so softly and pulled and did what is recorded,' as one of , ly. "The child Is quite happy with the bile and Impurities from the blood. running at the Hudsonlan." . on the empty stockings, dressed her It She, clutched at ber mother's the Groves time John will was take Mrs. first the Holmes That greatest arts of moral courage ever her dolls, aid It Is a sovereign remedy used In many ,,, , She gown. to- alt the care of bet that may be nec- self, end crept Into the ball. '.".;. out been ever Eunice had .. She visited the .volcano performed. and over households the of all thousands ; Who brought , you beret How listened In terror at Mrs. Holmes' the advice of her huband and against civilised world, for more than half a gether, except for an occasional stroll essary.' It la only when yon take her door. ' 6he was have comet Ton should dared yoa reading aloud, aa she friends, and hurled stones Into the pit. way from them and try to amuse century by those who have suffered round the block to the .newspaper did of an evening, and the solitary been asleep hours ago." To and ate of the enchanted berries near corner or man , the troublesome. grocery. she becomes her that with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, The little arms were clutching at 1L She was aa aston I sometimes wish we bad. no child voice was terrifying. Not much less defied the goddess. Before gosensation the Groves '.. of liver food, paland the up coming up sluggish so was the regular breathing of Mrs the fairy gown frantically he Here was she as left 4 message," saying that to It us." to ing burden a be unexpected. tip InIshlng turned face waa one of piteous en , pltatlon, . constipation and other if she didn't return, her people should " Eunice understood, and all her Bennett next door, the middle-age- d Sold y druggists had been creating his dream men and testinal troubles woman who always insisted on stop treaty. was if she and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, women all his life, while there to bea world seemed to tumble Into a fathom ping and speaking, no matter how "Dont scold me. Mamma. 1 want continue to worship Pels,, but did they should accept the new teach want his Her did not less mother own, live waiting child, abyss. . " . . most He Clauth. ed Thanta take no substitute. Adv. gives busy Eunice might happen to be. The ings. Her return safely banluhed the discovered, and full of the most amas-ln- g her, then. . floor creaked, and once Mrs. Holmes anything to good boys and gtrla." j; he would hold what touches Groves John YY.".: hut the hre offer, of accepted In the Majority: In child's - of sIdolatry In Hawaii. the face ar The . . Hilda went, on with her work. Be- stopped reading and .sat up In her rested tragedy ilrs. Bacon I see the Judges at a called. In his Jargon, "human Inter Hilda. The cold crust of self Courage, But as tor Eunice, she was tween them they could Uve comfort chair. Eunice shrank into' the recess ishness was baby show at Cedar Falls, la., did their est" breaking. between the. hall curtain .and the um True courage is e spiritual victory "I wanted him to make yoa love and cannot best to please everybody by awarding la wonderland, and It- far transcended ably and save money but there could brella, stand. was .: right be marked with a physical all.; doll-lannever jThen Eunice. had no left She If Hilda home for be imagined every contestant a prise,. Mrs. Holmes voice droned me like the fairy children. Mamma." and again la label. It as so the means straitdeveloped and strengthen-ed- , be would their lights. the stage heavenly Mr. Bncon There must have been a anything ,. Love conquered. .If only the critics Is everything, by exercise." "Its" as " of Shea.:' ""The ""disagreement between on. The ehtld opened the- ball door an the then myttery the people, theri.' lot of booby "prtia "awarded,' and fled out Into the December blasts. could have seen Hilda now! Sudden( Index Is not la squareness of chin, but approach to the thea them on this subject bred rancor the tunnel-likShe had gone to find Santa Claus, ly she understood the Infinite sorrow la squareness of purpose; not In flrnv wall and the which brought suffering to the child. ter, the gloomy aisle, of the child's mind, .the tragedy of ncts of tips, but in fashioning the Hps behind the row of Uttle lamps that Eunice's mother could hardly bear to for ahe knew that he .would not come the Utile life which, she had created. to to ;; . ber. .,... disclosed roof and the truth; not In depth of Into Mrs. the' Holmes went up became look at her, and speak a for loneliness, the craving In depth of soul ; not In The theater was only three blocks the but Mother! more and more indignant -- ' , , chest, , mother's pity and love. Tears gushed " but ta walking uprightly. cried Eunice, leaping op "rU wager there'll be no Santa away,. and Eunice could see the dis from her own treed, and with mingled eyes W. S.C. out of her ehalr And nobody scolded Clans for you, my lamb," she said tant glitter of lights aa soon as ahe the child's as she drew her to her Y or even frowned, because this waa despondently, aa she put the child to was in the street The road was full breast ; : , Man and the Job. The Christmas play and the spirit , of bed two. days before Christmas. "But of vehicles, and pedestrians went hur The doorkeeper ame harrying up. L Job may be toe easy or too. hard Take ?CascaretsM If sick,. Christmas was me no out she upon everyone. sidewalks, rying aiong your op stockings," youll hang "Miss Fir." he cried excitedly, "you've tt may not appeal as tt should to our body molested ber or was curious There was her Mamma, all colors continued angrily, giving the pillow got your Uttle girl tbent 1 thought sense of responsibility, to our amBilious, Constipated. and shining things, standing in the shake. "Ill fill 'em. I mean. 111 tell about the Uttle, thinly clad girl, that she was waiting beside me I lust bition, our loyalty, our honor, our 4f. Santa to do so. Tell me, dearie, what slipped among the crowds,, dodging missed her. fairy garden, while her There's a gentleman" Let us ever remember, howEnjoy life! Straighten upl Your grouped themselves around her. And would you like Santa Claus to bring here and there until aba reached the He gave way to John Groves. Mrs. respect more depends C. the man corner that of bowel t and How third block. ever, Mother! filled , liver Is a transformed with Then the, such system your Holmes had discovered the empty bed than the Job. We always bring more Thanta Clauth," 'repeated Eunice, Eunice halted before the rush of an five minutes before, sad. frantic poison which keeps your skin sallow, happy they all were! She was laugh with your stomach upset, your head dull ing as Eunice had sever heard her and her eyea . brightened. . "Gives tomohues that w hissed past ber la alarm, had rushed up to the lonely lit te the Job than the Job brings to us never a and are Holmes' Mrs. In ending line, and aching. Your meals big police tle room on the third boarding everybody everything they want' turning laugh story. John sauty. into poison and yon cannot feel right. house, and she kissed the children "Yes," said Mrs. Holmes. "Good man took her by the arm. Groves had shrewdly guessed his animals living la nature are everyare "Where most Uttle can wonderful them and Uke you Feel Uttle the and gave going, you . Don't stay bilious or constipated. get girls boys glrir daughter's objective. where beautiful; but It la only smog' most anything. What would you like ne asked grurny. splendid always by taking Cascareta toys. "You've got hr, Hilda. Thanh men that ugliness flourishes. ,.Svs4w, ."Thanta said most Clauth," who , dearisrJellow old Eunice, that ."Do the .. know, act la world, without, gripyoa point Cod!" he tegan. and then stopped, occasionally.., They nearly everywhere, are gracious snl "I wsnt my Mamma to love me ing toward the theater lights. ing or inconvenience. They never alck-e- n Is, EuntceT" inquired her father. In astonished at the look of happiness harmonious It is only among the civil"Do to Christmas an the you a or I Oil cuuaren, character belong Eunice like the like theaterr on bis wife's face. Calomel, Salts, nasty, sicaUng airy you ised that harshness sod discord are ts asked the policeman swered. harsh pills. Tbey cost so little too , "That's Santa Clans," dubiously, "She came to find Santa Claus," -permitted te prevsIL If the engine w&ere is your wammar Mrs. Holmes understood and hur "Thanta Clauth," repeated Eunice work while you sleep. Adv. ' "Over there," said Eunice, and the said Hilda, "She wanted something Ideals tbst arenew Boating befcrs ried out of the room to give vent to happily. of him, and I guess he's heard her men's eyes never lend us lo any Hilda policeman carried her across the "Yes He's the spirit of Christmas. her tears. She approached Depends en the Style, But I think it must be Santa heaves' at alt," but merely dwunu; woman to He gives everybody everything they Groves that evening on the matter. Parker "Is your wife street, while the automobiles parked prayer. sent to me. John, I've found among us the generation of her look forward to something to worry want on Christmas eve," "Won't you be telling Eunice to upoa eltber hand on a wave of hla somfthlng tonight that I never knew eresrures below the le?H of t!f!it J- Indeed, "Does he live hereH asked Eunice. hang up her stockings tomorrow lordly Engors. He sot her down st I'd aboutr Tucker-.--Y- ea. I'm going to keep It and lost, the stfls entrance. vsrry. they will serve tlu'Ir tura, she Is if It Is la style." Jud , "Well, for the present, yes." her night ma'am V she inquired. Eunice home with me us always ElllA, Kvelck "I certainly will not teach her that Eunice was very "Anybody lost a babyT he aeked father answered. (Coprrttt kf W. OX Chtpniai I Mve that same wait "You always , , . a - ar - . Noit-Sk- ' . ItS-U- rri -- ;. Ta . t . "" '" -- . good-nature- d . ' , ' - - e TONIGHT! ton-Cde- nt . "O-oh!- - " . , . , Cas-carc- -- t 1 : ' |