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Show THE BEAVER COUNTY WEEKLY PRESS. BEAVER, UTAfl "CUJFCrlA F!3 SYFJr . ! TRYIIiG TO PRESERVE THE LAST OF THE BISOIJ 13 CHILD'S LAXATIVE tt Lot tonguel Remove poisons from stomach, ttver and . ' bowels. ' -- Prominent Women Tcctify HomnanL TTah. "I in sunh a was n ton-dow- eondiuoa that 1 had to ait down to do my 4 i work. My back and bead ached . flftntintuMialv. I Wvtook twelve bot. .Wtles of Dr. Pierce's sv avonie rrescnp uon ana It eon (M III (1, pletely cured me. I am doing all my own work and feel .war: n va.. rvwt ail t ttmM llaaTVL iLllA8TiNaa, 2423 Simpson. Young Motherhood VaDeW. Vellelo. The Atnerlcwa bison, hlch was tor years the prey of ruthless nunters, bus now practically become extinct and a last effort Is being made by American rangers to preserve the few remaining speclmeus. .This photograph shows the . v only herd which Is roaming our western plains. ; , , Accept "Calif ornia" Syrup of Flgt only look for th name California oa . the package, then yon are rare 700 child is baring the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little r stomach, liver and bowels. Children lore its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot ' tie. Give It without fear. Mother 1 Ton must say "California, " Adr. - - Rebuilt typewriters,- - familiar to Have Not "Amerlcanizef Coun- Americans, have been Introduced to try,- but Meet Success the French by Lieut J. L. McCann of Tuscaloosa, Ala, and George E. Howin Business. ard of Pasadena, CaL Their difficulty ts -- - Rebuke. "So this Is the office of the Clarion T "Tes," replied- the editor, proudly. "A temple of troth." y. - Tell ' the truth '. and . shame the SQ?.1E HAVE BEGOIJIE WEALTHY .devil! ehr "Sir, the office "devil' has nothing to our Several Thousand Discharged do with the editorial policy r Birmingham paper." Age-Heral- YOUR COLD IS EASED " - AFTER THE FIRST DOSE , Ameri can Soldiers Remained In France to Try Their Fortunes News-. paper Men Land on Feet, rnrls, Several thousand discharged American soldiers who remained In "Ptpe'a Cold Compound" then breaks France to try their fortunes are farIn a fsw , up cold ing as must fare all pioneers. A few hours Belief comes instantly. A dose takes tvery two boors until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold ana ends all the grippe misery. ..mo very nm aose opens your clogged-n- p nostrUs and the air passages In the head, stops nose rnnninc relieves the headache, dullness, fever isnnesev eneexlng, soreness and - stiff-nea- t. ,,, Dont stay ! Quit blowing and snuffling Clear your congested head ! Nothing else In the world gives each prompt relief as Tape's Cold stnffed-np1 - ... Compound," which costs only few cents at any drag store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, contains ne quinineInsist upon Pape's K Adr. Golf In Dreamland. "Well, yon should be thankful your husband can't PlaT golf at night," said the sympathetic neighbor to a golf widow. "I don t know about that" Rhe replied. "He talks about It then." Lon don Answers, : ; i . have become some are "reporting progress wealthy the majority, however, are flying rather lower than they were when they set ont to "Americanize France.". Nearly 9,000 American expeditionary firce men were released here, and It is estimated a fourth of these have set' tied down to work here. The others are visiting, sightseeing or have gone home after a discouraging look at bust ness prospects. "Several hundred found employment with large concerns, chiefly American flnus preparing to do business in the devastated regions. Another group took various small places to pay their way while studying. The majority. It was said, started to make good by capitalizing American methods. But most of them agree that easy money is not one of the natural resources vt France, but a few have proved that It ts. A negro made 125,000 francs (normal value. $25,000) buying and selling army and navy supplies at Brest His case Is vouched for by a n American commercial ex reasonably . well-know- ecnrive..--"--:-- -- Chicago Press Club Driver Wins, Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cared - The most striking success reported by local applications ma Ur cannot reach Is vat of "the kings of Paris,' tbe diseased portion of the ear. There Is air one way to cur Catarrhal Dealneaa, as they term themselves, Gerald Klley, and that ts by a eonatltutional remedy. wno drove the Chicago Press club am HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces b usance, and Harold Fitch of St Paul, f the Bytem. Catarrhal Deafness la wno was at the wheel of one of Mrs. caused a Inflamed condition the fox-tr- of by nucoua Itnlng of tho Eustachian Tube. VT. K. Yanderbllt'a ambulances and when this tuba is Inflamed you nave Inter went to the front Klley an.1 rumbling; sound or Imperfect heating, and Fitch, the former said, got their start when Is Deafness it is dosed. the entirety ' result Unless the Inflammation can be re. over here when the wife of. an Amernor to tube auosd and this its restored BOO ' francs mal condition, hearing; may be destroyed ican banker "pressed forever. Many cases of Deafness are (about $100) on us" when they played caused hy Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed in a three-ma-n jazs band at a dance condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for any she gave. ' They organized a Wilson case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be eured CATAKBii welcome ball at a leading hotel when by , HALL'S the president arrived in Parts and net All Drusrtsts Bo. Circulars .free. . ted more than 10,000 francs on the af7. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. fair. ., This success, they said, they Soma men would rather owe yon a often duplicated, at "the Dixie club" "' bill forever than put yon to the trou dances they organised.," roust hot that things' good Knowing , ble of collecting it fcr overworked, the men took over the ice cream making equipment of the . Any .man can can make a fool of A which baa a capacity of T. It himself by trying to act" smart. k thousand (gallons an hour, and late In October began wholesaling "Dixie" '. ice cream. ... ' ome of tte most Interesting of th American business experiences here are those f mea who married French ftvtc unxion people, glrla. -- Tare thesey are "farming BS2D IT LAST TEAS east of ' rarte, "making more money 1111x3 than they ever tboaght possible in the United State,"" their business aaid. One oan oaarriad inte a dairy shop. Another retstrned to his trade of tailoring In the same way. Scores ot Anierfcas' boys. are. In bus!- k " with their French fathers-in4sttteaerd sell nmttf far t -- C Aolt for "HILL'S -- ed-vis- er . X r,: as a s 3 seM fcs M as a (ails, las' bee a 4 Mr. Kit's ifr"SI MS with At AaTtVew ttmm CcticuraHezb Ttf1vey Rr e Sldalfroiible mm eSLO4 MJS Teav too much business. Isadore Court, who .was a paperhanger, boldly set himself up in the decorating business In a fashionable suburb. ' Lieut 8. L. .Tyler of Memphis, Tenn became a merchan dise broker. Harry L. Drucker, photographer, returned to his trade. One man who wanted to bring In carloads of automobiles and bicycle tires turned defeat into success by opening a tire sale and repair shop. Another one with the same Idea Is awaiting arrival of a real steam vul canising plant to give Paris a taste of fast work. , Lie said virtually all tube repairs here now are made with ce ment patches Instead of vulcanizing. and take a week instead of an hour. Irritatlnrr Courrhs ptmoprtf tmt ota.'M, cold,' htmnrmm. Srav liiu and kiiiulw initaraH and liritated cnuuiM at tiM laroat wih a td iwdr TO U Dayton. O. Stepping off a train to make a change of routes. J. A. TThlte, seventy, Xenla,- - 0 end George ' White, seven Seattle,. Wash., re--; turning from the G. A. R. en rampment at Columbia, were introduced hy a fellow veteran. They recognized each other aa brothers who more than hnlf -a century: ago left Towanda, Pa one' going Into the Black Hills of the Dukota Territory and tho other coming to Ohio. : ty-al- x, It is a physician's prescription. t is a strcngtbening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, hver and bladder do the work nature intended they should do. Swamn-Rohas stood th test of rears. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Bs sure to get Swamp-Roo- t sad start treatment at ones. However, if yon wish first to test this treat preparation send ten eents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sore and mention this paper. Adv. Swamp-Roo- ....... ot . Toe Free, Church My spectacles are my beet. friends. " ' Gotham But you forget ttietn at . times, do you nott "Why, yes; who dwsnt forget his best friends at times?" , ' t f ll ' Wash.4 fr uncla used Dr. Golden Medical Discovery with. on results. V "I used Dr. Ve-- Freshen Heavy Skin'' the antiseptic, fascinating Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient economical face, Wltb, CaH-Ctu- ra j lis rrescnpuou for woman's skin, bfcby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment Talcnm)v Adv. i trouble and was V , cured, " - "I consider both of these i medicines 'to be "Walr tonic, slrr "Yes." , "Inside or out Judge. . to evenrbodv.1 PUTMA3. : HalrTenlc, .0. wonderfully and re jZZ' .'good commend them Mas. EiST ' Divisions among families are aa so Newspaper men seem U have landed W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. satisfactory kind of arithmetic. on their feet most quickly, Nearly all of those who stayed are developing some ."Idea" outside of office hours. Ideas for wealth .may result in the establishment of a chain of hotels and restaurants along the battle-fron- t towns. One young man who missed Get some GOLD 1TFDAL ITaartaa K4 organs of the human body era so the Oil Capsules at once. They are aa old, the American "shine" is negotiating a Important' to health and long lite ascomtried preparation used all over the kidneys. When they slow up and g lease for a parlor. mence to lag ia their duties, look out I world lor centuries.' a bey contain only ' ' ' In is sight Danger soothlnr oils combined out what the trouble Is and with strength-givin- g out delay. 'Whenever yon t esl nervous, herbs, well known and ased by pby- weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, aiclana their daily practice. GOLD erhave pains la the bark, wske up st MEDALinHaarlem Oil Capsules are Imones. Year kidneys need help. These srs ported direct from the laboratories in signs to warn yon that Tour kidneys Holland.' They are convenient to take, are sot performing their functions DBU and Witt either give prompt relief or (HUT III AOej Tiy. so that arrests, press prosecutions and wnrlr and ara aliowins imonrities your money will bo refunded. Ask for to sccnmnlato and be converted Into them at any drug store, but be sura expulsions take place on a scale inconurlg add and other poisons, willwhich ceivable in Sweden or Norway, where to get the original imported COLD dere causing yon distress and MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes. the left'eoclallsts have the rank of rec stroy yoa unless' they are driven from In sealed packages. Three sizes. ognlzed parties. your system. "Further, the Danish employers are W EVERY ST AXLE not helpless. They threaten a great delockout declaring if the wages ma udea go beyond certain point Is the one Indispensable remedy for eontsr tous and infectious diseases among- horses end mule. Its eucras as a they will cease manufacturing and will I't.tK fclE, preventive and cure for DISTfc-MI'KCOUGHS and COLDS for more than twerity-fW- e Import and sell cheaper foreign goods.' years U. the highest tribute to Its merit as a medicine. It Is dorsed by the best horsemen and live stock mea In Amsr lea. Buy It of your druggtst. SI'OHJI MEDICAL CO, Oaahea, lad V. S. A. SEEKS ART TREASURES . BO-1- r THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES shoe-shinin- "Reds" Unable to Gain Converts ' in Denmark. Tendency la to Regard Them as Mere Anarchist Rabble Merchants .' Not Helpless,., ; k London. Bolshevism has .'not obtained so strong a hold in Denmark as It has In Norway, writes a Copenhagen Britcorrespondent of the widely-rea- d ish weekly. Common Sense. In Denmark the syndicalists strive to play much the same role as do the in Norway, who are reported to be supporters of the Kusslah brand " of socialism. ' "The syndicalists, however, make no show in the Danish parliament" says the correspondent "Since the riots In Copenhagen last November, when the Grontory district In tie center of the city "was wrecked and many scores of civilians and policemen were injured, there has been a tendency to regard them as a mere anarchist rabble. . But aa everywhere in Scandinavia, their power over the wage earners is greater than their voting strength, and they have succeeded, usually - against the Association of Trades Unions, which has a large majority behind it in bringing about prolonged strikes., "The Danish syndicalists, by violent attacks on the majority socialist party ana denunciation of its. leaders, Staun-tn- g and BorgbJerg,.have gained .a cer: tain pull among the wage earners. "The syndicalists' . connection .wltb the Russian bolshevik! xhaa been reThis gsve the peatedly Indicated. cabinet a good excuse for repression ng Armed to Church.' . Goes Kansas - City Frank Dams, of Kansas City, Kan, a negro, started to church Sunday morning armed with a revolver and iTraeor Jnst tfr "meet a friend,". be said. It cost him 50 la the Kansas side court ."He done me wrong," Danns told Judge A. L. Harrod. "Ah couldn't fin' him all dat Sattldy, but Ah knew he'd go to church last night Ak, tuck the gun and rasor aW fer protection." "Fifty dollars will do, Darms," said the. judge. ... ; sponirs distemper co!.toui;d - DREW NO STRONG HYPOCRITE level Is figured at 115 per cent HI;S Cosi, cf Living It Felt for September and 120 per cent for Around Glebe. October, as to actual necessities of life and based upon average living conditions of wsge-earnerI l A more England Haa Expertencad .Increase distinct rise baa occurred in the coat Prices aa High . of commodities so far as the other t 13S Per Cent elements of population in England ere concerned, being unofficially estimated Washington. That the whole world by some at approximately 133 per Is struggling with the Increased cost cent with a steady upward trend. In Sweden figures furnished by the of living is indicated in reports to the state department The Increases in Swedish government indicate that the Europe are particularly high, although cost MJving has Increased 1ST per a the governments are cent over the cost In June, 1014. In la anxlouf over the situation and are try-in- f. the cities the Increase has been very to find means of combating the much greater than the average for the -. t difticultles . presented by the. high country. . Th Argentine government has sugprices of commodities deemed essengested to other South American countial In "Portugal the government In nn tries and discussed with them en Inattempt 'to lower the cost of living, ternational armngempnt with a view baa placed, through the minister of to doing sway with Import duties on finance, a part of Its gold reserves In unmanufactured food products as one t means of cutting down the high cost of IW batiks of Lisbon. In Encland the cost of living obo e living. pre-wa- r -- a. ,". Concerted War on Tuberculosis. systematic campaign of culosls education hits been conducted In France for more than a year, under the patronage of the Rockefeller foun dation. v Three traveling exhibits and groups of lecturers visited ten departments, and In 141 towns of 3,000 or more population gave exhibits. Dur ing the year more thab 2,000,000 pieces of printed matter, posters, pamphlets," postcards, games, rtcv were distributed through the whole of France. It ts stated that the public material, written by French men and women. and charmingly Illustrated by French artists, has set a new standard for popular health public education. . ' " - anti-tube- Absence of Such a Dominating Character From Shakespeare'a Pagea Explained by English Novelist Material for discussion among those who more or less know their Shakespeare has been provided by Sir Walter Raleigh's suggestion on the lecture platform that Shakespeare created no omplt!te and "carefully, drawn figure of a hypocrite because the dramatist had had a free and happy childhood. "It Is the child," says Sir Walter, "who sees hypocrites";" and' so, as 'one follows the argument at second hand In the column. ot a newspaper, Dickens, who had a harsher childhood, was more impressed by hypocrisy, and later wrote almut hypocrites. One inspect, however, that there may be readers who will deny that Shakespeare failed to Include the hypocrite In his remarkable gallery of dramatic portraits. Hypocrisy certainly figures; one lias only to- recall the behavior of Gloster or Iago to find the characteristic, but Sir "Walter no "doubt has ground for bis conviction that the plays contain no figure dominated by tt. -- ON t-- 4r- WW l s The Wise Man. Be?' Mr. Ssverio Rossi, a great, loverof line paintings and the bolder of several of the world's greatest masterpieces, ha sailed for Italy in search' of some works ot. an which be will exhibit la this country upon his return nerev HIS UKOOIKQ ta the wisest ma n whtf would famine." . . ' ' well-chose- n (a , There 3 something rdaUy c fascinating abcutjfche flavor of ntit-lik- . Every stove In Paluao'a house, and ther were three ot them, was tilled with bottles Of bonded .nhlsky. The stove 'pipe had Ita quota, the chimney Its share, more hot t lee reposed In Pa luso'a bed, at least thirty were. Immersed In the rain barrel, the half, fined barrel of pork In the cellar had not been neglected and the old fashioned clock had no room for the long pendulum to swing, for a bottle was . . there, too. The renson more men don't succeed there are too many of u who waut to wla without effort Is because : ' - have the least to do with, the multl New "Aristocracy" , tnde.... It Is not for the wise man It's no longer the "movie," if tie to be much affected with the censures of the rode and unskillful vulgar, but, motion - picture - engineer! "have their Cinema" hi the correct term, to hold fast onto his own way. and ,well-nxeresolutions every . fool "Atovis". Is , too. plebeian. PlttstKirLk -".'Z knows whst Is wont to be done; but Gasette-Tlmes. .?. whst Is best to be done, Is known Te Win Success. I , only to the wise. Joseph HalL. j The talent of success Is nothing ' Professional nptlf tern and all regu- more than doing what yoa, can well, lators should be licensed and required and doing well whatever you do withto glvo bond. out a thought of tame. Longfellow. New Kensington. Pa. Whisky every whers and every drop to drink, was the motto ef John Fetuso of this city until the state troopers swooped down on bis cache and despoiled him of his board. The troopers were look lor for red propaganda. They- found "red , Butter Problem In Ireland, The recent . ministry of food order Increasing the price of butter from 63 . rents to 72 cents per pound Is expected to stay the decline In butter making by the creameries1 which have lately found cheese' making more profitable. says a Oiristtan Science Monitor letter from Dublin. The experience of butter retailers is that butter is bought at practically any price in preference to margarine, even by the working classes, , If the price bad . not been raised there would have been a butter ' Had Many It Seemed te Be tlgn He Expected a Long, Hard Winter. Honor. , . t John .... Rot. Pierce . WHOIJE WORLD HARD HIT MSPsluseBOTTLES . For many years drogclstt hsvs wateWI with much interest the remarkable record saabUainsd by Dr. Kilmtr'a Swamp-Root- , the great kidney, hver and bladder medi-- Women's Troubles k ti r:r" w......fc..J IW Bolshevism Hits Snag Latin-Americ- Softens the SkirJ 50 Years Will btuwww system-cleansi- -- Hand Sapolio ATOetv'" Brothers," G. Meet After GOOD IN FRANCE r - A MAIOPIG YAMCS-AR- E Calif.:wI (So. took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription during expectancy and found it excellent; it relieved headache, backache, and helped In a great many ways. 1 was strong and bad a good appetite and had ft much easier time than with the other chudrea. I was strong and well when I cot up and had a nioe healthy baby.w Mbs. 8. P. Hoes-row- , 640 6th St nr,MtlJ 7TKe's'ixetjTTs5Kd nutrition . gleaned from this wheat and malted barley food make it a most sensible brealcfast cereal, ' while its low cost adds true economy. Vw'tlssSetf(eeS |