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Show mmm i IjLARRY AND ad noiselessly mounted his wheel to return to the into the library. dropped Then he removed office. his shpes and stole out into the halL "Onyhow, I've done my duty,' 'said walking without noise in his stoeknig Larry, as he rode along; an' if thim teer.j At the foot nf .th cfow- I f ellys don't catch the rogues, It's no , paused, hearing The door of tLe: room was eviWhen he reached the office he was dently open, aa a broad beam of light shone into the liall. besieged with questions by the night-cler- k . and the other employes, and for With his heart beating so we was quite a hero. In time he imagined he could hear it, Larr? about halfLarry an hour the patrol wagon the,stiUrs .cMnSlng closely SPtSS drove back on its way to the police sta- the bannisters Lfuu, ana S? floi1 of f 7oiainS hand-cuffesecurely making a noise. He halted were the msiae, three dilii? They had closl tn tho and; aPP!ying his ear been comnletelv burglars. nnri ya snmrisod door, could plainly surrendered without a Sin. the Pn struggle. conversation in the room. Ap, . , m Whw or waguu rront there were sioppea three parently men, and the office Larry mounted the and the theyjwere. discussing said "There's just one thing step I would blowing open a small advisability which' like safe to ask you fellys: Who turned In stood in the room, evidently the recep- the ?l??v and other valuables the call for a messenger bye?" "That must a1 been me," answered of household. One of the men was one of the burglars. "I was feeling for trying to; pick the combination lock, as the noise of the explosion he along the wall to get to the door of the I ran my coatsleeve feared, might awaken the servants in library, and a little up of crank that against the rear of the mansion. The first bur- moved and made kind a sort of clicking Insisted the glar colonel would not be noise." at home that night, and they as well take their time to makemight ("That accounts for the call not coma cood ing in full," said Larry to the night-clerjob of it. y , ;r,., ,;i half-wa- y heard; this much,, and being back." "The crank only went v, Ilavlng satisfied of the intentions of the In"And now, me f rinds," remarked truders, Larry quietly descended the, stairs and returned to the library to Larry to the burglars, "me advice to is, don't try to rob a house whin put his idea; into execution. He first you there's a call-bo-x in the library and closed the door leading into the hall ' on Dolan's Larry duty." A muttered and then groped his way In the dark-nesst- o a corner of the room where he growl from the trio was the only anas the wagon drove on. x knew a telephone Instrument was lo- swer, Col. Collamore had spent the night cated. Larry had often sat in his ih the city, and the first news he had room waiting for the colonel to answer of the attempt to rob his house and the message he had brought from the the the effort was the anfailure city station ,and was familiar with,v the nouncement of , in the morning papers. .'. apartment. He knew that this telephone had a In the afternoon he drove home and stopped at the Mutual District office patented arrangement attached to the on his way out,, where he found Mr. transmitter to enable one to speak in Fisher j ust f coming on duty for the a lower tone of voice. Bv th iri at colonel had some converThe night. this instrument one could almost speak sation him and then drov on. ,with in ajwnisper, and yet be distinctly unwhen That evening Larry came en derstood by the listener at the other a found : duty he large, square envelopQ end of the wire. his the Collamore pn table, bearing two call bells on the itamp. When he Covering the opened it he found a telephone with his hand, to deaden the check for $50 and the following note: sound of their ringing, Larry turned "Col. Collamore his complipresents the jcrank at once, and, taking down ments to Mr. and Dolan, begs to Larry the 'receiver, listened for the reply of apologize for the unfortunate incident the operator at the central ofilce. , f last summer, which placed Mr. Larin a "(rive me 279," said Larry, Dolan In an embarrassing predicaof voice, when he ' received the ry ment for a short time. "Col. Collamore cheery "Hello!" of the girl at the cen- also begs MrTSLarry Dolan to accept tral office. the enclosed as a slight testimonial for In another moment ho distinguished the conspicuous services rendered by the voice of the night-cler- k at the Mu- him last night." ' tual District Messenger office, and the "Faith, he's apologized at. last," said familiar "Well ?" with which that per- Larry to the night-cler"and av son answered all telephone calls. coorse his apology is accepted. More "Misthcr Fisher, this is Larry," said over, I'm no longer 'Messenger Twenty-sthe! boy, in a whisper: ix,' but Mister Larry Dolan." "So I observe," answered the night clerk. Found In an Ostrich' Stomach, "Sh! Not so loud, if you plaze," cauThe stories about the omnivorous tioned Larry, forgetting that Mr. Fishappetite of an ostrich are sometimes er's voice, however loud, could not be received with skepticism. But actual heard beyond the receiver at his own exColla-more's, facts as revealed by a ear.: "Mishter Fisher, Tm at the and there's burglars up stairs. amination of one. of these birds which Send word to the police station, quick. recently died in Central Park, New - ; York, would seem to indicate that th I'm in the library." digestive distinctly, half had not beenantold. The are Larry spoke slowly andtook even ostrich of in the capabilities and evidently Mr. Fisher whole situation immediately. . The ex greater than those of a Harlem goswt, clamation of surprise which he uttered and it is less particular as to whatdis-it was half cut off by his closing the tele- swallows. The ostrich, which was taxidermist a few dajm phone suddenly; Larry knew that the sected byinahis stomach the following had would act promptly, and ago, night-clerwooden One articles: clothespin, two at that help would :: be forthcomingana Lpieces of glass (the bottoms of ber once lie closed tne .teiepnone incnes stole softly back to the window, confi- bottles), a mouth Harmonica nve wide, a metal dent that at that very moment a pa long and two Inches of an umbrella of men would be leav skate key, the ferrule trol wagon-loa- d : in it about stick the a of with I piece ing the station house. an inches wiU be four ordinary brass long, "Yes, and thim omadhauns aifther driving up the avenue, ringing! door key five inches long, a woman's comb, a woman's silk handtneir gongs and giving the whole thing black horntwo to himself, as he kerchief, pieces of coal about an away," said Larry window. three 6tones about an and thick inch "I think climbed out of the some cabbage, grass. with inch meet them." thick, I'd better ride down and ....... THE BURGLARS. ! I Larry Dolan thought it the coldest jjgbt be had ever experienced as he - along the wide suburban avenue jn the wind. face of the bitter northwest Larry was a messenger em- i . ployed by the ger company, ered a larsre Mutual District Messenand, as his station covsuburban area; he was called upon to make long Tides often upon his bicycle to answer the calls of tbe patrons of the company. In nearly of the rich suburban homes were g 3. d, I CLl the little electric call boxes which enable the owners to summon amessen-ge- r by Turning a crank. in been the had service He about a year: in fact, ever since his arrival in as he America from "Auld Ireland i He had been-quic- k to learn of his adopted country,: and, Cn account of the shrewdness and inof the best dustry, was considered one ' boys in The service. 'Bad luck to the man that called for ft messenger this night." said Larry to himself as he coasted down a grade, steadying his bicycle with his feet, while he rubbed his ears vigorously. v5b his disengaged hands. In his long called it. the ways ar- I . -- : :'--;- - id i i - gpun . k. : ..; ,:-- ea. ; - I k.. ' ; or as: ! ill t iicv lb . ; Silently Climbed Throve tle Open Window. night rides he had contracted the habit of talking to himself, "to tape me company," as he expressed it. "Cowld as it is. and late, too, he ought to be ashamed to ask any one to come this .distance. Besides, I don't believe he meant to ring for a bye,-onhow, as the annunciator only fluttered a bit, and did not turn in a full call." In act, this circumstance had led the night clerk to suspect that it was not a call, and he was once on the point of telling Larry not to answer it. "It makes me mad to think all this la for Col. Collamore,'' muttered Larry .44the most disagreeable ould curmudgeon on the line, v Didn't he have me station house last sumtaken mer, charged with stealing his pears, whin I'd been to his place to answer a all? There's no telling how it would have ended, either, if the mounted policeman on the beat bad not come in with the very bye from the reform farm that he had caught with a basketful of the colonel's pears. An the colonel niver so much, as said, 'I beg tour nardon. Larrv ." for the hurt to me feelings. As for that, he does not I I teem to know me name, and only says it:' when he sees me, 'Hello, twenty-six- , is that you T Bad luck to him and the Vowld weather together." Having restored the circulation in his benumbed ears, Larry increased; lis speed, and with head bowed down sped out the against the cutting wind, soon avenue at a, rate which brought the dark outlines or the uoiiamore Tilla to view. This was a large three-stor- y Queen Anne house, sitting back I surrounded by trees and shrubbery. As he rode up to tne siae entrance, he was surprised to see no light in the olonel 's L orary and - office. The only light visible was one that shone from second-storbedroom. ; The absence of a light in the library led Larry to believe that the call had been a mistake, for if a messenger were needed the colonel would be in "that room, which he used as, an office. Larry biew that the colonel would likely be alone, for the family were in Florida for the winter. He dismounted, and, leaning his against the carriage block, was about to ring the' bell, when he was startled to see that a window " leading into the library was open. this "Faith, now, an what doesfollowit mane?" said Larry, half aloud, ng Ms ha mt of talking to himself. He approached the window, and then he saw a large hole in the bottom of the upper pane, the piece of glass that had been removed lying upon the ground, and near it a gunny ack which rattled when he touched It with his foot. This discovery caused something like a cold chill to. course ' Lsirry It ; ; low-ton- : - I - y to-th- i- k, - post-morte- m i ; i k: 1 : I . 1 I i ' ', e e 1 " Tr T . "' it f mil mSmmm y $f-.t- y le i ar his back. ' - R:-- i . - ; Txri,.. toy' V.. navt a.-n- r ll ! TninilteS the burglars V disturbed. "Why should I bother mesilf looking nt for him? ' thought Larry, bitterly, "Sure, he's treated me badly enough nd it would only serve him right. Almost immediately he was ashamed; of Mmself for harboring such thoughts the better nature of the. sturdy Irish lad came to the top. "Faith. I'll eet even with him an do me other war." utv. tnn T'rri tVi rtnl v one that can ev the colonel from a robbery now, ad I'll do to him to it" It occurred assist--; fcount his for ride bicycle and eace, but he remembered that the; barest police station was nearly two ?"l?s distant, and unless he should Jteet some straggling patrolman the; psiars would have time to get awayj otq help arrived While debating; matter his eye fell upon his bicycle: l2sap, which was making- - a broad str&ak of light on .the driveway- - lie quickly rolled the wheel aside and hid behind the shrubbery, turning out "5 liht. a bold step; Larry resolved onhouse by the would go into the the burglars ISnd entered. He felt, ';:re the marauders were up staJr3J ? vicinity of that light, and Larrji -- an idea could be suc-.- , which, if fully carried, out would fw"11 quickest means of obtaining 'a nee. The lower sash was raJfea full height, the burglars having ! a Piece from the upper paue to eni a them to get at the window silently climbed through away and leave ' ' I ! i t as-- i j ; i ! ; ; ; s y 9 : fast-larr- y 1 . , med-Iclaes- i ; high-frequen- ic ((4 The Hit '. of the Season... ic is made by Aycr's Just Sarsa-parill- a. at this season wlw?n Sprirg and its debili-ttin- g Another View. ' "And anally,", said the retired business man to his son, who was Just entering on business life, "don't be too prompt in keeping your engagements. If you are always there sharp to the second, you will waste a days are with us, there is noth-inglikye- W Lead, Others Follow. The Union raclflc run the fastest trains to Chicago, Minneapolis, St Paul, Gouncll Bluffs, Kansas City, St. Louis, Salt Lake, Oeden. San Francisco. Portland. nntr Helena and all other principal points in - the Unitednearly States. See that ticket reads via this popular route. Noyour trouble to answer questions. Call at Ticket Office, 941 ... 17th St., cor, ' Curtis, or telephone 457. ... . f cy high-frequen- If the Baby Is Cutting; Xeetn, Be ure and wse that old and well-trie-d Win blow's Soothing Syrup for CMldrenremedy. Teething. St.. 1 . " e weakness.: The Master Is It raining very hard, Thomas? No, sir; only hailstones, sir. Walking: w mid often t m pleasnre . were it not for the corns. These pesta are easily removed with Hinder corns, 15o at arogglsts. Ile-- I see your friend Mrs. Overton has written a society novel! She Oh, dearl and I always thought she was such a nice-mind- ed woman! - . AVER'S Sarsapzriila Cend for "Curebook." too page. Free. J. C A yer Co., Iowell, Mass. Denver Directory. HARNESS The best $yu dou- - ble Concord liar- - for $18. , With $20. breeching. .ICTIUI 1. . for 4J UUUU1B harness with f breeching $16. $25 steel horn stock. paaaie ror $io. single buggy bnrness for $8.50. Do not be decelred by worthless imitations but order direct from us and get. the lowest wholesale prices. Catalogue free. All goods stamped. FRED MUELLER, 1413 Larimer Street. Denver, Colorado. Goods sent for examination. ' r - 1 t Denver tent ?777737. The AND AWNING CO. Puuflf' 'ffHl .MOSTH'S tfflfS Z4frfy PATENT ERE SACKS 1728 LAWRENCE ST. 'MWSSSM DENYER BLUE PRINT sppplles. 625 CharlfS B. MINING, PRINTINO) eta. Pips threading and cutting. III Uschlnsry, Espairs iTslght elQTators. Nock & Garsids. 1U5-1- 7 13tti at. f 9 A.CHINIST Of cy AMERICAN HOUSE KS?" " out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing: will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused but an inby Catarrh, which Is nothing flamed condition of the mucous sur-- 5 faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by: druggists; 75c. HaU's FamUy Pills. 25c. TStDS leaver's old KeUable Hotei td Wood Working Machinery (second If 1 1 111 IIU b and ) of all kind s bought and sold. S. 8. M&ehinsrjr Co. 159 LswTence. Works 6 A Market Steam Goods. Pscklng CI! PI !JC Trimminsrs, 11 oee, Asbestos Goods, Bsdiator Paints. CllUlflC etc., Denver Engineer Saply Co., 1429-3Curtis, niinilO 1 PIAIIOS AIID ORGANS JSlsaf fSSS CaUlogTie free. Knight Music Co., 1S08-1- 0 Arapahoe Works. Offles, Albany QTATC Pmpling U II C Hotel O I A I C flDC Block, Denver. Pocket rsf. to ore erepcebook, valnsble shippers, mtviled free. ' ' away cob. webs. It does not brace up. It builds up. Its benefit is ,lasting. D o you feel run down? Take l i : ' w . The Most Ifastidlous sys- broom sweeps Agent Sir, do you need any typewriter supplies? ' Merchant Yes; send me about four pounds of candy. . FITS All Fits free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer.stopped No Fits after the use. Marvelous cures. Treatiseand 42 trialBrstday'a J it cases. Send to Dr. Kline.S31 Arch bottletreetj Fhila. Fa. Persons cannot fail to be pleased with the elegant service now offered the public by the Union Pacific. Through Palace Sleepers of the latest designs; vestlbuled trains, fast time, dinlnsr cars (meals "a la carte"), free reclining chair cars, steam heat, Pintsch light, etc.- Ticket Office cor. 17th and Curtis Sts. A diligent watchmaker need have no standstill in his business. , This article goes even if it is unsold. m- - uses Prlcfr'8 The m-rGinger Tonlo the more its pood qualities are revealed in dispellpain and every kind of ing colds, Indigrestion, . sluggish lan-guidne- ss, ft, Ragson Tatters You don't know what It is, pardner, ter be t'rowed down by everybody, wid no filen's nor nothin. The Other Don't I? I'm a baseball umpire. Philadelphia Record. ' My doctor said I would die, but Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, Ills., Nov. 23, 1895. . "I had always been an American until I went arouna a curve in a cable car th's 'What difference did ' that morning." make?" "Then I became a Laplander.". new tem. It sweeps away the dullness, lack of appetite, and a as pain, Corroborated New Yorker Are Phlladel-phian- s as slow as New Yorkers think they are? Philadelphian (surprised) Do New . Yorkers think we're slow? ' to put life into the A' . r'3 Sarsaparilla ' -- . : busy brain did a great deal oi uniting. His first impulse wc un-- , le the I , V--- nt I . "Burglars!"' thought Larry, as he stooped down and felt the tools in the hn at depths of knowledge for the mere benefit of brother physicians, but for the benefit of the world. They place in the hands of the well man a means of keeping well; In'the bands of the sick man a means of recovery. To the parent give the power of saving the child.they Science Is working for you will you accept the proffered help ? Mrs. George Rowend, an estimable lady ; who resides at No. 276 East Main Street, has cause to feel grateful toward the science of medicine She stated to a that she had : been suffering reporter with ' a female r She had been trouble for many doctored : f or the ailment for a long timein fact, nearly all her life and had never received anything more than temporary relief.! During the last three years her condition grew worse and was by an affection of the heart.aggravated Her health was so poor that she found it almost impossible to perform her household duties. ," "I never believed In proprietary Mrs. Rowend, "but one said day - last fall I read an article In a newspaper which told of the cures effected by Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and I decided to try the medicine. Before I had taken thf contents of one box I began to feel "better. The depressing weakness which had bothered me for so many years began to disappear, and the action of jthe heart at once be--" came stronger . and more regular, and "J took nine boxes of the I have I am now feeling better thanpills for several years, and I have unbounded faith in the medicine." ' Dr., Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to new life and richness to the blood give and restore Bhattered nerves. They are for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T., for 50 cents per box,:br six boxes for $2.50. New De8 for X Rays. Bacteriologists have been melted to renewed activity of experimentation and research by the announcement that the play of phosphorescent light will actually kill the bacilli of tuberculosis, and the value of the Roentgen ray for the same purposes will probably soon be determined. Pending further results in both these directions, D'Arsonval and Char-ri- n have been investigating the action of currents on bacterial toxines. , Former investigators have confined themselves to .H continuous currents, in which the results obtained are vitiated. by the chemical action due to electrolysis,! D'Arsonval and Charrin, on the other hand, have used alternating currents, the toxin contained in U:tubes plunged in being Iced water in order to prevent heating. The effect of the electrical action greatly diminished the virulency of the toxines 6f diphtheria and pyaemia, when tried on the Guinea pigs. Furthermore, the toxines, thus rendered harmless, sensibly augmented the resistance of the animals to Infection of a similar kind, becoming, in fact, preventive vaccines. If this proves to be; the case with the toxines of other bacteria it will provide a much better method of attenuation than that now in use, for, though in a few cases, this can be done, by age or drying, it is usually necessary to pass the .virus through the system of some unfortunate animal. A purely physical process would not only be more humane, but would give a certain and measurable result, instead of one always liable to be affected by unknown factors In the constitution of the animal operated upon, The Influence of the action of alternating currents on the bacterial, products in the human body, is one of the subjects tor new' lignt, on which electrotherapists and scientists generally are waiting with intense interDeafness Can Not Be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is: caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When the tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing:, and when it 1st entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can' be taken T down Anti-Asthmat- est. ; semi-circul- Anti-Asthmat- . j : Smoking Is of tea considered a bad habit, if not a vice. This, however, does not apply to the of Kutnow's cigarSCIENCE HELPS YOU TO BE smoking ettes, which do not contain any tobacco! and YOUR OWN DOCTOR. might be called medicinal tubes, being made of healing herbs, gathered in the German and Scotch mountain regions.. They From the Era, Bradford, Pa. win ward off calds, cure catarrhs, remoTe Too few people are acquainted with phlegm, and heal bronchitis. them, and the rapid advance of medical science, you will be charmed with Try their If you cannot inhale the smoke of aefficacy. cigarand too many doctors are still plod- ette, use with the same beneficial results In Kutnow's the to old comes ding Powder containpaths. Once it the same ingredients. Try a sample pass that people know thenseves, that ing which costs 25 cents, and you all physicians are abreast of the package will not regret only Mail orders promply deit world's knowledge, much of our suf- livered, if your druggist does not keep our literature free, KUTNOW BROS., 52 artd 54 fering will come to an end. Medical P&atl?1?1ValuaD Lafayette PL, scientists are not delving Into the in e w xork. high-frequen- cy - di-tyc- "Know TJiyself." CUT FLOWERS Comes Gladness of the a better SSTW628Designs, Corresoondenoe BU solicited. H. B. Kllnp, Florist, vv y, iipm ww mm Tel. 16th 1S14 ty i.iux uuu u liUUllUUl X lumber, Paints. Lead, OIL glass tmrpea mre, jxaiis, uor rufrated Iron. 18 It Wssee. Dnnirmn 11 U tainted and fie red. understanding jus-- iiuui vjn"i A Co., 1509 .Aiapahoe 8t With HenryMiiier nature of the many physical Ills, jvhich vanish before proper efP y,3Lsenoelsfa STENCILS, juen. ixoT'ly Woiaf forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts O. Box 81 is comfort in rightly directed. There the knowledge, that so many formsdis-of TRUSSES. CRUTCHES ftSStSSKS sickness are not due to any actual bu James. 1508 Cnrtla btreet. Established 1874 ease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which the pleasant PAPER BOXES ;iF3S5KrSS?Sas iLnTclope and Box cor. and Arapahoe family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptis the is removes. it That only why ly millions of families, and is DENVER MUSIC COASBRBSa remedy withesteemed so highly by all Goods. CaUlogue free. Champa Street. everywhere who value good health. Its beneficial We re effects are due to the fact, that it is the BLin.THEJEWELER.M watch 12 one remedy which promotes internal for and Insure It sya'Dst ali u?cidents for one yr. cleanliness without debilitating the SECOND HAHDMACHIIIERYk?naS organs on which it acts.toIt is therefore ENGINES, BOILERS, HOIST?ERs' STAMP all important, in order get its beneMILLS, HUNTINGTON'S, PUMPS ETC. ficial effects, to note when; yon purTHE DENVER MINING MACHINERY artiCO., 1723 WAZEE STREET, DENVER. chase, that you have the genuine Calicle, which is manufactured by the fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by HARNESS. SADDLESJURFCOODS all reputable druggists. Etc. We make a specialty of Fine Good, and Best Ore Harness in the and If in the enjoyment of good health, no shoddy, goods. WM. market, B. LLOYD;" and the system is regular, laxatives or handle other remedies are then not needed. If 10U Fifteenth Street, Denver. afflicted with any actual disease, one PERFECT FITTING SPECTACLES skillful may be commended to the most physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the everywhere, Syrup of stands Figs highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. Transits, Levels, Microscopes and Supplies. HRAVFI Materials, Tin Roof. 1 1(J7-1(- & j well-inform- ed and CllflO Caliiornla Ull. tllUu ited to Medicinal and flD ' FItEJC Superlative.' Cored with Semedles Positively Vegetable 'So you" have been having a pretty dry U&ve cured thousands of cases. Cure eases pro. nounced hopeless by best physicians. From first dose time out in Kansas?" in ten at least rather. "Why, the air was so symptoms disappear; Well, "Dry? out there that the moon used to fairly all symptoms removied. Senddays for free book testimodry of miraculous cures. Ten day's treatment free raise a dust as it went through the sky, and nialsmail. If you order trial send lOe la stamps to pay by the moisture was all evaporated out of the postage. H. Gkkex & Sons. Atlmta, Ga, It like a long trail wu order En. H.return milky way, until It looked this Advertisement to as. trial of pulverized chalk." , "How did you get water for yourselves and stock?" NO AGENTS. A used that was a hard matter. We to tha n "Well, direct .el bnt to have to run the well through the clothes-wringsnmer at wholesale prices. every morning to get water for ship anywhere for examin ation before sale. ' cooking, and we would go and throw a lot of warranted. 100 styles little pebbles on the barn to make the horses of Carrlafes, 99 styles of think it was rain falling on the roof, and In HtfMM, si styles KliUag 8a. that way keep them from getting discourdies. Write for catalogue. aged." Truth. CLKH1BT CARKIAGK TREATICD ,7 . 201 204 Mack Block. 16th and slree.s. Praottos limC A D 6nrgl- - XVC cal Treatment of Urease of C I Cf CM ill NOSE AND THitOAT. Glasses Fitted and made . - order. GiASS E7ES F UttNISHtiD. for inf rnaion.-- . M'nte -- - two-thir- , nr hnt not " fme CoaTeriatlon inthe Room. celery, common dirt and a few " "v., lmlnor 'pieces of vegetables. The bird stg Putting on his shoes he to did not die from the effects of the junk ping hjcethem. w heel showdown the drtveway stomachj but from and into tte avenue, losis. s h saw two A. - f I s pecks nue 1uw, "in 1 BragrBrart. thA'ave- - "Yer a blow, ye arT' I heard one newsboy say to another on Park Row on focfAripil his the other day. Dismounting. a f tP-r, lighting it, "Yer or' a liar!" bicycle "No I hain't! Yer blowed around that stood could he uear;iue;"" rectly yer fadder was sent .to Sing Sins fur sure ,i hnrses li'.r' r as they tree years!" "Ana wasn 1 uex two a Naw; only got on months at de passed aDout island! ws wagon to ye and ye'd A11 de kids is the patrol When ucv--. wv.v ' irnil to netier lumuic j,. half a square from sw?, driver troit Free lamp ana stoo .C" lonrside him. He Meant the Planet. pullingfew words he toldT the sergeant He said that you reminded Minnie in a 7 Venus. aV1-him of of the situation Mamie Dear me! Tha impudent and suggested " .Ve police would Said you looked so much better " rn,.. captured .isilv be house after dark." IndlanapolU Journal. su rround the jvu pa trol wagou sionally uie street-crossinv.i-- : g. v- - the crong 1 i-re- E H AV E er Erery-thin- Fair and Fruitful As the West is, It Is' often malarious. But it is pleasant to know that a competent safeguard, in the shape of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters exists, which absolutely nullifies the poison of miasma. Western bound emigrants should bear this in mind. Nor should it be forgotten, the Bitters Is a sterling remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, kidney and nervous complaints and rheumatism 'If I had your pull," said the small boy who was struggling with' a large kite in a March breeze, ! could git purty high up In the world. trx." W. B. Pratt, "Just Don't ' sure C3 HI Tim - Elao Spots" DeadAckes" are an wen Known of fiesH, bone, . - iwt v- - nrjtt rf8t m mm nil imar j- mtr ill ! cusumsvui I va . vianna. rrosccutes tiuccessTUJiy Bureau. U.S. Pension iAte Principal iifttmlner 3 vrsln wr, 15ari,iudUati:i!relaiui, atty since. l L 1 w u vm SM XI l" -- 4 (BH Crick" "A Stitch" EMi jJ W A lt Jam" , IlilX III? im "v. rs-- Thing Samples mailed free). Address Dr. Bosanko Med. Co. FLiia. Fa. 'A Halt" "Kaw Spots" . or Only One for a Dos. Sold by Druggists at 25c. a box 4g& SSti. 0S 5I1T1P. Feel Well, - KiSLIVEfi- FIllS to nse. the One CPS ss. X5D. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK . sst v.-- w. r w K r 40g V- M. C. SMITH, ORES SOLO ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. Denver, Colo. ar HAB. SE8S BT6. CO., KUCHUKT, Secy. Denver Public Sampling Works, PumecMT. E. Ei BURLINGAfilE'l ASSAY WFMtX by mall or Established In Colorado, 1868. Samples express will recslre prompt and careful attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION - Refined, Melted and AuMfd or Purchased. Adireu. 1736 and 1738 Lawrence SL. BENYE2, CCLa THE COMPANY PAYS THE FRKICHT nn steel horse "rhlss. mm 'VTillm On theis omtTioiyens boist 25 tons of rock J0 tvsttch shift. I, snrwhsrs sn snains. It est bs pseksd md riisb u tow wotui or ku. ) clatch" to brssk. Vj pmr ent. is wroasht iron sad stei and will bend Mior oreniTiji. utm KaJ tn ass. om runninn 6 jresrs witboat on ezosnsa. Ws nik dollar's VS V ' . . jat 7 1 hrtitr. o t r.'l l W ' and on np Send for an Ulnstrstod circular to WHIM C O . . 1222 Curti bu. lMar.r. C as irj i. "TV. - V fT f7 ' re (:3 , S w THE W. Jf. Dearer. ToL XIIL No 17-6When writing to advertisers, please siv tha. you saw the advertisement la 33 thiaer. |