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Show L THE BIG REDHJCTON SALE OF 13d OCAL INKLINGS cream always on hand at Sparks'. Shirt waists cheap at Hyde & WJiit- - Cce . more's. I?. Give L. L. Sheeting only 5cts per yd at Chas. J. McNally went to Salt Lake yester Foote's. Go to conference. " Qo to Chas. Eoote'.s for your carpets. The home of James Biche ia quarentin- - - p. Don't Miss It. Come and got your Goods CJieaik EXCELSIOR geles. - Hats, Hats, Hats, at Hyce & Wblt- - more's. blanks for sale at The BiADB Loc? wion oflce. The best assortment of silks and trim minps in Nephi at Chas. Foote's. Sam Barrell of Payson was visiting in Nephi the first of the week. From Fruits. Lemons, Oranges and ' Bananas. Sparks'. If van need anv kind of Job printing call o ) us we can save yoa 10 per cent. Calico's and summer goods, every thing " Wall paperand carpets extremely phetip new i. ud che$p at Hyde & Whitmore's. ' . Apostle F. M. Lyman and George Qod- -Call and inspect the elegant line ot Tin dard of Salt Lake are conference visitorsware and Granitaware at Cooper, Pyper & Gents get a pair of Qx breeches at the j Co's, Co-o- p. of clothing always A larsre amount of wool is haincr ship on hand. A full stock S. ped east from Sanpete county qver. Old papers for putting: under carpets P. V. R'y. a shelves for sale atthe The Blade and ' 500 Pairs Shoes and SHpPers Must be office -Sold Next wee K a.t the Excelsior at Sacrl A few beautiful silk waist pieces. f ice PricesCo UK-- , quick anc get something nice at Pbilo Witman came down from Payson the po-olast gaoday to spend a tew days With b,is . A number of wagons from Provo were , friends n thi city. in tojvn Wednesday with pottery fqr the Remember all of our old stock is clear merchants. ana see Can ed out. all new thlners. ; QqtoT. B. Foqte's for your banqanas, them. Ord Bros. - and lemons.. oranges Old papers for sale at this ofiQce at 10c. Bcrn-r-T- o the wife of Q. O. Qstler, jast a nunarea. uooa to put unaer carpets, a girl, The mother is doing as Sunday, line shelves, etc. well as pould be expected. A nice lot of Ladie's and Misses' shoes Pyper $ Co, can, save you in the very latest styles at prices to sqit Cojper, on Call and see us, i hardware. Co-omqney the times, The we yant tq catch your tfade. Jacob Bieler Was made baony last week People are fiidg up 1 the graves how by the arrival of a 1Q pound boy. Mother tha. interest baa been awakened to the and child dojng well. of tbp cemetery. condition Evervbodv that lias seen out silverware For ladies stylish shoes( and slippers saY it la the best premium ever offered in & WhUmore?s is the on(y place. Hyde Whitmore's Jephi, Hyde have such, a nice assortment. Charles Henry Sperry has begun the They A lot of medicine belonging to Dr. E. erection of a handsome new home on his was sold under the .hammer in J. parley corner up 0. P. V. B'y street. front of the Union hotel Wednesday noon W. I. Birchett. the insurance man is by Mrs. C. I?. to pay a bqard bill now located in the Expels ior block, room whjco, the said Foote, ia.riey had left unpaid. Cajl and examine our line of hose, lawn We have a fine line of Jewelry just ar mowers and sprinklers at prices to suit rived that we are selline at a very low the times. Cooper, Pyper Cj. figure. Call and see us. Qrd Bros, Just received a new sfock of Sabella A clever Exchange says don't loaf CrepoQs and Chiffon Crapes in black and A. spendid showing in Ladies' Sbirt Waists with about the streets and depend on the Lord al) colors the very latest - thing, out in for your daily bred. He isn't running dress goods. Call and see them at Chas. Nobby ties to match. Our Baby floods are the beat , a bakery, Foote's. 9 m we sell articles eood r n r xwm Attn nr. ti B.nd only 4cts per yd at m.ni In,town. Remember Bob Boy oil red prints " 20 per cent on your clothing:. . All tailor Qhas. Foote's. And at the lowest living prices. to select .'i&ei made, and over ZUUU samples ' ise cleaning,-carpe- t ' raising and " Whitmore. from.Uyde Call and inspect and admire, stove moving are now - in order and as We are always selling cheap, and we have usual the men folks will be busier at .'.:; ': !w;,-.'.v';. the nicest assortment ox laces, embroid their places of business than auy . qther time of tqe year. eries, and sumznes goods, ever in Nephi. teo in and Bee us. jno trouoje iq snow Ladies ready made calico wrappers ' to? Hyde Whitmore. you goods. poets at Chas Foote's. C3 The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro The Democratic State Convention, for motes the growth of the hair, and restores I the purpose of choosing six delegates and frees and the color natural its beauty, C23 Bix to represent Utah in the alternates tetter, and all impuri scalp of dandruff Convention at ChiDemocratic National :r ;: , ..;.! ties. In Salt Lake, June meets 7th, cago, MERCANTILE IHSTITUTIOII. The best spool cotton, 7 spools for 35cts Qth. July at Chas. Foote's. Sam Ord had an addition to his family in the form ox a nne younsr onthe2l8t Tuesday from son: also Charles J. A. Hyde jr. returned Grace on the 20th, but the Nevada Sneep Co's. range. Lon says it was of the feminine gender. The fore good a company as going should have been sheep don't makd asana in last week's is giaa to get in- paper, tout he has been used to to the bashrqlness of owing to civilization Again. the above named gentlemen it was withThe Excelsior Mer. Co's delivery wagon held . has shown a novel way of advertisement Everybody is excited over the big re the past, week. It .was by means of duction at the Excelsior and aro streamers on the wagon and gives notice glad withsale the bargains they get in shoes, i I ol a big sale now on. dress goods and clothing. Calicos, Ging-h- a Goods ng, Cassimeres and wash goods. The A new game, called the Editor's I have decided to close oui my Entire Stock ofGarden sale lasts next week only. Be sure a t is Take sheet this cheap Tools, way played Glassware, Consisting of Groceries, Crockery, some of their bargains. See careful fold you get ol it ordinary writing paper, hand bills. their j a note enclose bans Tubs, Buckets, ete. and sumcientiy ly, to one and all arrearages pay up , and phase of the large For every Keep an eye on the many diseasesvariety year in advance. which attack the air-pa smile adorns bis face, the sages of the throat and editor, and iflike lungs, Ayer's a charm. Now is the Cherry Pectoral will be found trick works a specific. to the Ex. time joke. play Its anodyn and expeotorant dualities are Men's Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes I have also a large Stock ofwill wear is to neck are The promptly realized, and it is always ready These your only place get be sold at Cost. and Rubbers, which for use. at Ord Bros. All the latest things. worth twice and Shoes rial taD subs Lu Neff of The Blade force, and Geo. good IX The dance given in Miller's hall Mon- W.A.Sudbury started in the early dawn of the price we ask for them. means to buy hose for day night to raise Sanpete county Friday morning was wen not very attended where they expect for the cemetery Those Cash. COSt for to enjoy themselves Sold at Will be T?.nt.irn Rt,nck & v,imrTiT?P.. Tha but those that did go had good time. for a few davs. Their first point will be The musicians came gratis as also did the Mantl. They were accompanied by wlsbihg'to secure a bargain should call early. 12.25 house. The amount taken in was which will give a band quadrile Sperry's hundred will the which necessary buy dance id Mantl that evening and then foot hose, but it will not be of the best proceed on to Salina for the same pur grade. pose. NEPHI, Call and see Low we can fix your boy MAIN STREET, The monthly conjoint meeting of the Up with pretty tan shoes. Ord Bros. was Y. L. and IT. M. M. I. 'Associations All Star Specialty Co. played held in the tabernacle Monday evening. Buggies ; Dissolution of Partnership-- ; in Nephi last Saturday night to a poor The attendance was not up to the usua e standard. Alter the, usual opening ex house. The company consisted of Bug- ercises Notice is hereby given that thefirmhe came a most interesting lecture by & the name of Bird Booth, gies and his family. The smallest being existing under of In the The to Nephl, knee-hig- h a perbusiness city upt. jonn x. miner, uiiss ijuia Ustler grasshopper. dentists, doingState ot Utah, is this day dissol- On and Miss Sallisbury recited in a very en formance consisted of feats performed venJuab County, consent. manner. The song1 by the ved by mutual tertaining the trapeze, clownst high kicker, C. H. BiD, was very good as was also Adams Misses of a number tricks. other and A. triloquist Booth. J. one Miss Essie the was Sperry sang. The it Talteti altogether passable. Nephi March 25th 18S6. were teen rendered and exercises CommercialTraVcios.ng for Oood Sample Rooms Sheet men and farmers are sure to ad the meeting adjourned for one month. ot men's and boys our nae line co-o( elers. v be found at his mire still will Ofd, Bros. Clothing Co., have their Bird C. at H. the in shoes t)n just Patron I IrTw. nToto inhouse at Lehi going at full blast. branch to wishes and W VU ait Trains. Jree to old stand at Intervals, are called npon tq chronacle anothWe I. of JSlmar Taylor of Juab, Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery to and from the station. form his patrons that ne will be prepared er deaththat : held and TOH in well known itn man Nephi wbrfe his and merchant of Goshen, V ., hasin feinda of profession. all to do He t knew him. all bv that sav on the subiect of rheumatismto psteem Kih this Dr. C. II. Bird. from Bright's disease been take suffering has pleasure In recommending Cham II. GOL.DSBROUGH, in his last and time same Sunday part Pain liaim ior rneumatism, as berlain's for None But Ayer's at the world's Fair; drama of life ended... The fun- 1 snow from personal; experience that it the great exttra Proprietor. an services were held in Levan at is ciaimea ior it. A year tnat do will eral Aver's Sarsaparilia enjoys the he been-t,.wir n. m. Tuesday. A number of ago this spring my Drotner was laid up in distinction of having at HAnrta from here drove over to pay their bed with inriammatory rneumatism: and ordary exhibit f an allowed onlvWorld'? J Buffered intensely. The first application fair Chicago Manufactur-iSTo- f last respects. , SUBSCRIBERS. every of TO sarsaVrillas .fain aaim eased the Uhambenain's NOTICE by have Excelsior rooms of the other ,oaB?t sales The use one bottle completely of and the a SI1UW1UB pain fry obtain peobeen packed during the week with -- .r under the sale cured , For aim. This is to give notice that Andrew 1. ,ara by McNaliy & Lunt an were their-some bigr secure miucu of to thv ot the rule forbidding the receive, application ple anxious Their 15 , of Nenhi is authorized tosuDscriD Druggists. sale is days cheap bargains. nostrums. delincment and all we if ior. : success, may judge Uet .au receipt S Yr Knv. 23th. 1835, your passementry and gimps provinjr a hugh of dictate? oi?b2 World'- - fafr authori-flock to at the your Co-othat Also something new in number pecple the was by faior Sarsaparilia Aver's be paid without mammoth a is still There etc. buckles stores. belt ladie's ,bich mast their ieSi,Vt Z ?foHowVf Sarsaparil- stock of dress goods, shoes and clothing Soecial atte not It does the X Wm. Park and Lizzie Painter - were fsottoa the pa eoYmedicie. to eo, during the next week only, atbeen here is h! HtVdSd at the d4te ol its suspenslotu It nostrums. of holy bonds of matrimony list reduced prices. This institution has in Vmitedintheafternoon belODg at the home of the Wednesday new ail the things on iiouic the one to introduce are Stout tied the Justice bride's a pareuts. and great making merchandising methods. The silverware knot. A wedding reception was given in success of their the hall in & Miller's WEDGWUUU, evening. Wm. not as a premium with purTHURMA they areofgivingr a albut fourteen head o only bride, and gets one dollar and upwards, chases as deal bv the of The Blade. this are result of a last - at - Law. cattle, grea tly so the large Crayon portraits,Besides this Dacember bet with a number of cattle Attorneys their customers. pleasing me a of this city to the effect that he the with purchase nre away thev f iving to would be married within a year from that letters testifying: and of their dress goods, shoes and ladies date. The aatosrraph "I The bet was thought to be a safe r Av'Pr'3 Ar. Every ladies bicycle. a high grade poods, one as Wm. was a bachelor and rather 3, n ra on Ille Rv the ia one and chance to Room 25o purchas entitles you Builolnpr. Bank but he has proved to tho con Lowell, Mass. bashful, and VroHc 7' your week next National get for ;rv?r out "Look First it. oale laa;a. trary. ; UTAH. bargains while tse cheap diroas ot w m v r !":"r; t - - MERCANTILE at the Excelsior. . te CO - - Leaders in ILow Prices. pt " Nephi farmers are at present too busy to think. Money will begin to ' show up' now the wool cip is coming in. Bet glove finished cambrics qnly. gets per. yd h Chas , Foote's. Tbpre i evidence that Nephl will have a building boom this year. We have the best $2.00 shoe pn earth , Try a pair. Qrd Bros. John Cooper was over from Mercqr the first of the week on business. Lie return ed Wednesday. 11.000 Be ward for any found in our 1.000 sattin calf shoeshoddy only 2.&0 per pair. Ord Bros. John Witbeck of Salt Lake laid over in Nephl Tuesday afternoon. He took the night train for Black Bock. Large sleeves and pretty designs In Shirt waists qnly at Hyde & Whitmore's. For the occasion of the Eerublican National convention. St. ' Lonis. the Missouri Pacific Bailway Company has room sufficient to arranged for storage accommodate 104 cars. ; The ' most ; com-- ; plete provisions will be made for lights (including eas.) fuel, water and sanitary arrangements, making bur facilities su perior to those of any other road, and as there will be no storage chargesxnn"ars using our line, these arrangements shou id prove very beneuclal in securing our proi per share of business, very truly, H. B, KOOSBB, C. F. & P. A. Best carpet warp only 15c per bunoh at Chas. Foote's. . Leave your orders for Job work at The BLADB office. ! .'. s p. . JUST A3IlElD Choice Selec . tion m Spring and Summer Dress Goods. r . "Vt List of Unclaimed Letters; :j The following is a list of letters remain Pqst office at Nephi Utah ing in1st the 1896. May KranK Butiree ti, W. lirlant William Hamilton Miss Frant Uuggins Mr. Hartan P. Niels Jenseu John Leonard Joseph Mt Kerr Dr. Lewis John L. Wittin. If the above letters are not i called for within 3Q days Will be sent to the dead C. F. Axdebson P. M. letter office. , Cire for Muscular Rheumatism. Mrs. R. L. Lamson, ot Fairroount. Illinois say 8: MMy sister used Cham Der ates Pain Balm fora rauscnlar Rheumatism and it effected complete, cure. I Keep it In the bouse at all times and have always found it beneficial for; aches and pains, It is thequiCKest cure for rheu- I matism, muscular pains and lameqesp have ever seen." For sale by McNaliy fc Lnnt Drilggists. A . ; : - V ' - . Grand Closing Out - De-iieht- ." " . as i , JOHNS.! PAINTER, - , : ; EPHI HOUSE reto-for- : -- -- ' p. . 1 anyu- - p. . Ex-publiPh- er : 1 , . ,'r::iri Ht i i i y ;;nn, paova, . Th3 Eaujrcr 13 Av erieA Ly Vr n - 'Y "Nearly forty years no, after siclaiev my hair turned gray arid K-'fallifijr out so rapidly that I was: threat cneil Eomo "weeks pf an with inimediatd bnklness, Heariaj; Ayer's Hair Visor highly spoken of; I cominenoed using this prepara : 1 fr yL - tion, and was so well satisfied with" the result that I have never tried; any other kind of dressing., it stopped the Jiair frpm falling out, stirrm. lated a new grqwtlxof hair, apdcept, the scalp free from dandruff, pnly an occasional application is tq leep niy hair pf ;gpodt natural color. I never hesitate to, recommend any of Ayers medicine II. M. IIaigiit-Avocto my f riends'r-Mr-s. a, Nebt Ayer's Hair Vigop PREP ABED BY DR. J C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. , . . tate News, Culled and nd General Condensed for Blade Readers. Seven qf the boys of the reform school at Oeden made their escape last Sunday night after over- - powering the guard. All but two have been captured, j If you have anything you want to get rid of, advertise it for sale in The Blade, Charles Lake, a miner, was 'killed in the Crescent mine at Park City last Bat tled ay, by the explosion of three stici s of giant that he was carry I iu his v r S. A; Notice to Creditors. ... Estate of Mary L. Pt Teasdale, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven by the TinderislKTie4 administrator of the estate of Mary L. P. Teasdale deceased, to tbe creditors of, atid de-- , persons havlnf? claim ajralnt the said pease4, to exhibit them with the necessary voucners, wnuin iour monios aiwr vne nrnv, publication of this notice, to the ail adminis-in Nephl City, Juab, trator, athis residence the place for. County, Utah, the same beirsr or said estate.; the transaction of the business i Giobog TKenALB, Administrator of the estate of Maiy L. P.. istrator. - - t , Teasdale, deceased. Hated Nephi CiLy, April 2, JR96. Fretlerick W. Chappell Aitoruey for Admin CREAM OP OUR EXCHANGES - ! at: Tin state. day on business. Will Continue for ONE WEEI ONL,Y, AJtD Public schools are closing all over the j Clothine. the best, the cheapest in town. Ord Bros. ' Confereijce yesterday, today aid to morrow. Large numbers pf sheep outfits are passing through Nephi daily. Eresh radishes and lettuce at T. B. Footers, the grocer. A beantiful line of clothing. Every thing new at lowest prices. , Ord Bros. Belicrion and politics make a most ex plosive mixture. Brigham City Bugler. Ladies see those beantiful babies shoes. A new line at 0 and Jo cts. at the Co-oRev. Samuel Hqoper. once of this city. died last week while en route to Los An ' at Excelsior. .er a liltThe Blade. Cheap Sale V43-4- 0 COI.D AND WINDY ; WEEK.. Spring Seeding Finished! except where, Storms Have Retarded the Work. ; ,'.. pocket. Qents B'cycle hose and sweaters at Chas. FdOLe's. .'v A prie fight took place at Salt Lake City Monday night between Dick Cbax-and Bob Thompson, a negroi Chase succeeded in knocking his opqnent out in 1 , - e the 44 round. George Udall, an old friend of ours, was in Rich field the first or the week, en route to Arizona, Qeorge is a jolly fellow and stopped in town awhile to have a good time. He was the guest of bis old chum, Carl Qoldbranson. Richfield Cen- sor, Harry Hayes, who for some time has been ou trial at Provo charged with the murder of Albert Hayes at Pelican Point; was sentenced by Judge MeCarty Monday afternoon to be hanged on the 19th day of June. Hayes was the coolest man in the room while sentence was being passed. General Richard W. Young today tendered his resignation as business man-aee- r of the Salt Lake Herald, i He did so it is said, in order that he might devote bis entire time to code commission work.' He has been succeeded by E. A. McDao-ie- l. formerly in charge of the paper's Ogden department. News. The State Agricultural College which for the past two year has been ably aud presided over toy Prof . J. H. intelligentlynew Paul has a president in the person of Prof. J. M. Tanner; This change with other important ones was made at a meet held in this city ing of the college board today. Tuesday's JNews. Provo is soon to have one or two week- lv papers. R. Maeaer of Beaver is look with ing over the field, so ita Is reported, a view to putting is weekly or and neutral In reare and negotiating with parties ligion, the Enquirer Co. for the old JDispatcn to putting in a religplaut with a view ious weekly. Provd Enquirer. County Superintendent of Public schools John T, Miller, of Nephi, has been engaged in visiting: the schools of this part of the county the past week. He expreses himself well pleased with the emcient ana thorough systematic ' manner in which all schools immediate vicinity are being conducted, notwithstanding the ereat disadvantage under which they are compelled to iator ior want of sufficient room. Mr. Miller is an affable and pleasant gentleman and he appears en thusiastic and earnest in his work. Eureka Democrat. The little town of Mammoth" was the scene of much excitement last Saturday evening about 6 p. m. in Miss Agnes while wending her way to visit a friend, being attacked by a furious cow. The young lady was knocked down and upon by the infuriated animal stamped and was severely bruised. Several people were attracted by her screams, and they came to her timeJv assistance but it was much difficulty $h.t they managed with Sticks and rt Aritra t ha nnimil awav. and Miss Andreaon rocs wire freely uzed faiatio; was carried to her come insbe shbt to condition. The animal will mcrrow. Cr. Deseret J,ewst , I ' , semi-weekl- non-politi- y,, cal 1 Tbe 'weather dnrincr th week ending- April 37th 1893, was cold and windy, and", unfavorable for germinatlqn of seeds and, grovyih qi vegetation. Tne warm rain at; tne close of the weel$ was fairly distributed over the northern ' poition of the. State and was of erreat beneUt to all kind, of vegetation. Plowing and seeding progressed during th week io all sections where tha soil was in condition for work-inis nearly finished Sprlog seodinar fsw of the northern districts. except in assorms where the of the preceding weefc: retarded tbe work. In the soathern portion of the State the prevailing dryness b. having a bad effect on the grain crops, In Kane and ranges and meadows. Wayne counties, a great deal of the fruity such as peaches, apricots and plums havet-beekilled by frost i in other sectioLS the. fruit crop has been injured to some ex-- , tent .Winter wbaat, and spring grain..-. well, beets coming up, and lulooking cern In fafr couoition. QarJens In Utah. Davis and Salt Lake counties are as looking line, end considerablereported of tha. track Is ready for use. Warmer weather during the comiiig-.wee- k would greatly improve the Coodi-tio- a of the crops. , J. fl. SMixa. Observer and Section Director; 'Salti Lake City, Utah. " g. The Cripple Creek Fire, . Cripple Creek Colo., April 29th Last; horrors were repeated threeSaturday's fold in tbe destruction wrought by a second fire this afternron. To an increase io the amount of property destroved on' tdds tbe loss of Saturday the fire today lite and leaves from SCiOO to 4030 in a city of desolation, with no. homes to offer and no food to supply the?, , ; : people-homele- ss daily wants. yv- -' Tne business portion of the city left, standing tonight I less than would cover a city blosk. . The residence section is confined to what were formerly the sob nrbs on the placers of East and West Old. Town to the northeist and a, portion of ' Ciipitol Hillpn the south. Awarded' ; tllshest' Hbnors-World'i'F- d alf An-dreso- n. s til USiKiVV 4 TiT) t ' MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar from Ammonia, Alum or any ether adulterant. u TCfcAKS TIU- - 5TAKDAPJ) ' |