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Show And if through such unworthy means as are claim to be being alleged by those who a SUBSCRIPTION ATES: injured, a victory should be achieved, driven 2.00 Peryear. ............ wedge would be started that, if ' in by repeated victories of like nature, rayapiQ in agyance), will split asunder that structure which Editor. an united people have been building J. F. GIBBS, face daring so many years and in thebefore Application has been made at the Nephi post' of obstacles such as have neyer ffSce for transmission throiisjh the mails af been encountered by any people in a g; pja.it uau waiter. ; similar untfertaki ng If the forces that are alleged to have OCT. 26, 1895, SATURDAY MORN., been at work shall secure a victory, there are tens of thousands who will ask themselves "if eyes that wera; qnce LAD AGENTS: Inspired have not become darkened by TS&qw is a list of pur agents, who will the film of worldly ambition? ;lf lips fgpeiye subscriptions and repeipt for that were once inspired to instruct and payments: encourage all the people in things Wni. Ghastairj; Itjapah, Tooele Cq. spiritual and temporal, have not been i: Jfl jXAgD COUNTT. transformed into a talking apparatus Jpseph A. Lyman, Oak Clfy. Christian Auderson, Fillmore and used in the dissemination of disThou. Uemmott, Scipio. 0.1 A. Bates,. Holden. union and evil? Apd if prophets and Leamington. phria. Overson, anostles have not allowed themselves Peo. Crane, Kanosb. James Hattqn, Petersburg. to bepome so imbued with political ' Vjrgil Keiy, Burbank. Hrrum Adams, Meadow. ambition that they are willing to tramJames S. BJake, Etjnckley. ple others into the earth that the npwly-bor- n hunger for political prefer-tpe2 may be gratified?" The foregoing is plain talk but the PUQULTt BE gTOPPED. occasion demands it. The occasion is TftE BLADE. 1314 -- ; : ' ; j . r ' ' a EDITORIAL NOTES now asks them to do so. Bladx ' . nt The "Great Campaign" has gone Democratic. One of foa the next one. big showa is over, now for Oontipuing the subject of laet. Springville is already figuring on the county seat of Utah county providing Piovo gets the capitol. We wonder if this, is assured. The Salt Lake Afgus issued a pretty and crpdtable supplement on the lpfh, in the shape of a lithograph of the Republican state ticket, 1895.' ' Notwithstanding the uproar that tb!( Jate priesthood meeting, irjpkjent cre- ; -- ated,' Apostle Smith has continued bjs ptumping right along, and is as bitter and partisan as ever. It seems to The J3lade that puch coqduct is flyjng; into phe face of fire 'and. is an open dafiancje pf the wishes of 15,000 voters, at the Jeaat calculation, pf bis bretberen ia the Mormoa church Add to that num- smmons fight.- - ."' ber at least 15,000 women who are hs 0 gisters in the Church and we have adults whose hearts swell with indignation at what tbey rightfully regard as an Jpyasion of their rghts bV Apostle Smith and other high cburchj-men'In addition to the thirty thousand adults our readers may safely add two to each family that will soon be come adults, and we have a total of more than 60,000 souls that are now discussing the rellgio-politic- o history of the last three years, and the events ' and incidents of the last three weeksl In all of those discussions there is bound to be more or less of bitterness of feeling and rebellion against a condition of things that every one who Jcnows the peculiar relation that Apos- -' ties bear to the rank and file of the peo-- ! . pie and they to the Apostles, must cop fees is incongruous, inconsistent and detrimental to the faith of over 400,000 members of the Mormon church. Whether ' or not, there are good grounds for the allegations that there has been ecclesiastical influence wielded in metamorphosing the political complexion of the people, 'does not enter into the present controversy. Whether or not the incident of publically disciplining Apostle Moses Thatcher, and resident-of-thSeventies B. II. Roberts was intended to influence voters, has no bearing on the present discussion. One thing is very certain,, the "time and place were most inopportune when the effects on the minds ..of the people already wraught up to fever beat by a succession of partisan incidents; and the excitement of a hotly contested campaign, are duly considered. In the event of the failure of the agrieveid partv to secure a victory of which it claims it was morally certain at the time of the priesthood incident, the feelings that now rack the people will be intensified to a degree that cannot now be estimated. Whether or not. the defeat might be justly charged to ecclesiastical influence, makes no di(" fereDce so far as results are concerned. Wero it uecessary to invoke the causes that have caused the present commotion in order that Home worthy object might be attained, there would come to the people a feeling of resignation, and th thought that the end might justify the means. There would also come the hope of reward for things Vmffered. But there is no such motive, no such object in sight, and those that claim they-havbeen injured are not buoyed up by the belief, that the trial of their faith in men is either necessary or for their welfare, because only a part of the people are suffering, while many of t'--e other party are gloating and some mocking. Do those that are even now chanting peans of expected victory because of those "incidents" ever stop to reflect on the gravity of the situation? Do thef give a thought to the fact that many of those that are now in a state of quasi-revoat what they deem un30j-00- Baron Rqthchild is "There will be more money in the Unjted in the next five years o the woild." quoted as saying: chance to make States of America than in any part .' . . j I e j i - e ; lt warranted infringements 'on their rights, are bent with age and their hair white with the snows of many winters, and who are just as true to their faith in God and in their allegiance to au thority righteously exercise d, as are those that jeer? Do they ever stop to think that those very men and women who are; now so" intensely aroused would lay their very lives down as against a common foa if duty demanded such n eacrif.ee? If they have never to those thing, The given thought ' : Hear all speakers, peruse all their The following paragraphs are from arguments and then when election .morn dawns vote carefully and do some Utah exchanges, and e different as to men and parties. The scratching if you think you can put a better man in the plape. Exercise a Blade does not comment. ' free vote. Political opponents of John p. Graham are cajling him "the Uriah Heep The Blade man fully appreciates of Utah journalism." Argus.. the kindly feel i tigs that prompted the Col. Trunlbo is, so it is said, making notice from our friend, ih& an independent canvass for the Senar following Mercur Mercury. torship. He will be about as successJ. F. Gibbs, of the Nephi Blade, has was canvass ns . ; in his Springville In- accented the editorshin cf the Provo Dis patch. He ts a forcible writer, a man of enerey, and the democratic untiring could not have se of Utah county farty a more able champion. The Advocate whirls itself into a raging fury becaus3 Frank With the admission of Utah as the J. Cannon said he would rather see Inter-Mountai- , n . Republicans vote the Democratiq ticket than the Populist ticket. Springville Independent. The nomination ot H. F. McCune of Nephi, for Senator from Millard and Juab counties, was by no means what our Republican friends are pleased to term a weak nomination. McCune has a host of friends throughout both counties, and while he.expects a close race, he still expects to win. Eureka Domo- - crat. forty-fift- h Mexico State, only Arizona, New and Oklahoma will remain speak. The admission of these three Territories will bring the number of t, States up to at which figure a long time, will for stand it probably unless we take a notion to annex Cuba. forty-eigh- that there are 230,000 girls in this coun- Mrs. E. B. Wells and Mrs. Emma J. try who lead degraded lives and that McVlcker visited Springville last Wed on the average they live but five years, nesday in the interest of the Republic not less than 46,000 going to the cemecan party. We are glad to say they tery or potter's field e Very year. The confined their remarks to striot princi figures were carefully prepared by the ple and personalities was left for others. Secretary and are probably very nearly One good derived from having ladies in correct, 'i politics. Mrs. Wells is a journalist. Springville Independent. Hardly had the little mound in the Vote for Jonn Ward Christian for graveyard, in which sleepj the wife of District Judge, Tha gentleman's ap Rev. Isaac Roberts been rounded off pearance in Tintic has given everybody when he hied himself to the county confidence that the Democrats selected clerk and procured license to marry his the right man for this important place, housekeeper. He preached that it was and many Republican voters , have al not good for man to bs alone, and he ready expressed themselves in his favor. was determined to let tio time be wastChristian is an old Utah settler, coming ed. It is; needless to say that this haphere from California in early days; he pened in Indiana, not far from Posey is a man abote. reproach, mature in county. Park City Patriot. 1 to deal out judgment and well-fitte- d .fellow-menJustice to his Eureka The Republican woman's parade in Democrat. Sali Lake this afternoon and the mass 'very It is with a feeling of pride we learn meeting to follow, willThe is to plan proportions. friend. Judge E. "V. pleasing that our e have a line of women in carriages, on Higgins, has been nominated by the horseback and on bicycles, to cover at Republicans of the Fifth Judicial Dis least one mile." There will be intertrict of Utah for the exaulted position of Judge of that district. Judge 'Hig- spersed various musical organizations and men will be allowed to drive the gins la learned in the law, of unim- carriages.! With these no peachable integrity, a hard student, a men will be allowed to exceptions participate. good speaker, and in fact has all the qualifications that go to make a sound The Republicans of Weber county have jurist. -- If the people tf the Fifth Dis made least one nomination over which trict knew the Judge only half as well there fsat no kick. It is that of George M. as the writer there will be no doubt Hanson for Superintendent of Schools. Hanson ia bright, brainy and popular about the result of the election. Paci and every indication points to his leading fic Grove Review, California. ' his ticket.1 The above from the Salt Lake Argus, shows up in true light some of tbe IMPORTANT, merits of a native of Millard county, and nothing gives us greater pleasure The publisher of The Blade has in than to record the success of Millard's contemplation some important improve sons. Mr; Hanson has been, if not just ments in the paper which it is hoped now, editor of. the Ogden Standard, will materialize immediately after No- and we believe will make an efficient ' vember first. Two this end we ask our officer. ' subscribers to assist us by remitting, as far as is possible, any balance that IMPORTANT. may be due The Blade. Each one can at least do a little and those littles We desire to call the attention of our combined will enable us to effect the desired change or improvement. If read ers to the call of the . Trans you will strengthen our hands, we will Congress for a meeting to be held 30 within days furnish our readers with in Omaha on the 25th Prox. the very best country weekly in Utah These conventions are of the utmost Territory. The Blad is here to star importance to this and grow, all it needs is that which is region, as any one can see by reading justly its due. the call. Utah has the greatest of resources and the grandest of possibilities, and Aperson, the man convicted of high every time she is properly represented way robbery in Oklohoma not long at those conventions, the more widely since, is sentenced to life in the peni- will her attractions be known, and the tentiary, This may seem hard to him, more forcibly will attention be attractbut that Territory don't propose to ed toward her. tolerate so much of this kind of busiJuab County has as many undeveloped resources, Iron county excepted, as ness, ; j " : I - :: V:;-y:V:;- o!d-tim- j j ! . ; -- inter-mounta- in Mississippi l ny Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, i WALTR JAMES d I ; . EPHI HOUSE : JB . mter-mou- n SECUKE THIS COURSE Wi! - : I Book-keepin- g ; e ; rd cooxxxscccccccccccccxxcs' ! er-wor- ks ; South-boun- The statement was made at the Social Purity Congress in Baltimore piah. p any ether resources are practically unlimited. Its ac pin Eas see that your ticket reads vi tive resources consist (1) of Agriculture; (2) of Horticulture? (3) of the Sheep industry and (4) of minerals. To the North, West and South The Missouri pacific R'y Is a large area of as fine agricultural lands UUk. Bltck Millard Co., Bock, as can be found in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bleBs the labors of the husCp aches, Quick Time and Superb Elegant bandmen. To the North, thousands of acres pf Road-bemake (his line thePepple's Far waterea meaaqw, naturalout! oj large springs, rt itouje, a emerald like great carpet. The spread vegetable gardens of Nephl are unexcelled in the west. V Its fruit and that of its contigu ous towns, is as as can be grpwn in t35 p. m, Leave Ogden , , .i this latitude. ,Inperfect order, to illustrate what can . 7:00 p. m. Leave Pueblo ......... be accomplished here with bees, it is onlrnec Arrive Kansas City ..;,, p.m. cssary to state that a Nephi farmer last sea Good m. Arrive St. Louis....,'. i,.,. 6:M a. k CommeroialTrav-Soomi for Sample son, Bbipped 8,700 povmds of nne honey, and m. Arrive p:30a. Chcagp..... lera. the apiary is merely an adjunct to his farm. The wool industry of this locality, is one of Hacfe Meets all Trains,' Free to Ptroa and is such as to demand the largest in Utah, tp aad from the station . attention of two wealthy firms and large warehouses for the storing and handling of Call upon .$h nearesjt tfckej agen of aldreaq the product. A couple of miles east of $he city, and near H, B, KOOSER. H. GOLDSBROUGH, Commercial Freight & Pas. Apt. tne moutn oi &ait ureeit canyon, is a Teritapie mountain of. pure cf ystalized gypsum. Con p. n.2STINSON, Proprietor, venient to the quarry, is a complete mill for Traveling Pass. Ayt. which is grinding and refining the toproduct Sal Lake City, TJUh, the being continuously snipped Ojr I?. C. TOWNSEND, tain states of the Pacific Coast, 300- tons last General Pass. an4 Ticket Agent. xoontn oeing tne output. , StvLouU, Mo. Up Salt Creek canyon and north easterly about nine miles, pure salt springs gush from the mountain side, and by means of one of the most complete salt manufactories in the Uni ted States, the brine is converted ino table, and packing salt tha$ has but few equals dairy ana no superiors in tne; wona. 'xne brine is 35 per cent, salt and the supply practically unlimited, in addition zo ine manuiacturea there are several mines or quarries product, of rocif salf, he extent of" which cannot be To advertise our Collage we will give computed , a thorough course of instruction in Don-As a- distributing point, Neph recqgnizes bleand Single Entry and but one superior in Utah. It is the key to Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at Southern Utah, and with the advantage of two railroads stretching out to tne east and south, best point in furnishes, without question, the One Fourth Regular Prlc e Utah for the establishment of manufactories and yholesale houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residerce to a limited number of persons. This situtown, are unique in their variety. Ii isthe'Qi-vidcourse will be completed in. 40 lessons. ated on almost the highest portion of No charge for diplomas." Address, the flow of waters porth into that turns south-wainto the Sevier rivUtah lake and er, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead COMMERCIAL sea of MiUord County. Its altitude, gravelly CAPITAL insure of the best soil and perfect drainage VyOLLE&E such, that fact, ne conditions are occurred health, incases in of diptherj.a have but two 116 West Sixth Street. . five years among a population of nearly 3,000. The are and citizens Its progressive. thrifty KANSAS. TOPBKA, wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, and lawns cosey cottages, beautiful elegant modern public buildings, make of Nephi a LOCAIi TIME CAflD. is a real luxury. placeis in which life system of wat It supplied with a complete ' v.. In effect,Dec. 16, 1894. flows the water from along whichsome arrive Train and depart at various tatloE miles the three up distant pure springs tne THE as follows: i nve me daily aoout mues, wesi canyon, to mountain range is low, roinng'ana oi easy ac Stations. Leave! Leave Arr. Arr. cess, and abounding withTich pasturage. To the east a comple of miles, the Nebo range o.du am z.uu am ... uani .... s.u pm &.4&pn kWESTERN 9.30 am 3.10 am Ar i Salt J Lv 7.00 pm 4.45 p rises, to the north east a few miles abrubtly 7.15 am Lv Lake Ar 4.35 pm the top of Mt. Nebo rises into the regions of 7.41 am ....Sandy .... .4.05 pm eternal snow, IRAILWAYI 9.12 am .. Fairfield .. 2.25 pm Without exageration apd witnout coloring, 11.05 am... Eureka.. .12.45 pm the foregoing is a description of the lovely in 8.15 am.. LehiJunct.. 3.30 pm city of Nephi, thetneCapital of Juab County xne won, . xmwe, oi mines which are touna 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 3.20 pm r ' Beder and admiration of the Great West. 8.2am Pleas't Grove 3.13 pm sides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a 8.55 am 2.50 pm Provo 9.14 am Spanish Fork 2.32 pm portion of Deep Creek and other wealthy and Browing camps are situated in the Western 9.32am ... Payson... 2.17pm i 10.35 am ...uNephi.... 1.25 pm ; part of Juab County. 11.15 am Ar j ) Lvl2.45 pm Following is a directory of Nephi's business ill.35am Lvrua,D fAr 12.30 pm hustlers: 1.05 pm Leamington 10.55 am C. ANDREWS CO., 3.05 pm 9.25 am Oasis Dealers in Woo1 Grain etc. 4.50 pm Clear Lake 8,37 am Choice of Three Distinct Routes, I 7.10 am Arj MilUTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, Lv 5.85 pm 7.50 am Lv ford f Ar 5.15 pm AMD TUB E. R. Booth, Manager. 4.00am 9.40pm ...Frico.... NEPHI HOUSE, . MOST MA6NIFICENT MILRQAD SGEHERV Arrive Leave Mrs. E. Golds oroughj propr. Trains souh of. Juab run daily Kxcirr Suii- A. W. PALMER, 'i o ats General WOULD. and Wagon Carriagei Shop, Two' through trainn rJallv frnm Bull : . PERSONALITIES ful as Chas. Crane for the governorship. dependent. Stpre : 1 Bheep Men's , ' i op-pinio- j Nephi Her Resources, Advantages For the Coming Season. ana Atpfaotious. The latest way for a fawn to get a free advertisement in all the news-- ; Pelts will be Bouglit aid Ileals to out send is the country papers pf Geographically, Nephi City is situatod al Furnished as Usual. most in the center of Utah. Its latent natural word that it wants the Corbett-Fit- z me whole rja'onle of the Territory. Co-!-p s 1 peo- -' wek ujsjn - one pf deep sorrow for many of the The following from the Eastern Utah pie, and, unless tap pauses for disconof interference the hjgh tent are removed, und at once, no man Advocate, is appreclatPd by a heartful regarding phurcbmen in politics we desire to can measure the irreparable injury that spirit; The Frovo Dispatch has moved ahead agajp say that the practice cannot be will com to the Mqrmon Church. several notches since J. , (jibps. assum ptORped any tod goon for tfte peace and ed editorial control welfare or tne onurcn. anq oi . Dr.C.S.i-iosnie- r, any other county mi Utah, and it would SHEEP-MENpay back an hundred fold if a live man or two were sent down there to repre sent this county. ryysicicfn and also Millard Our neighbor. county, Will soon be moving their has grand iesources and possibilities Flocks to the Winter range that are pearly equal in mineral to in the Western part of rriCE; those ot Juab, and much creater in At Kesideact resources MiJIard County. Second door Jast undeveloped agricultural HOURS: A great canal enterprise is being inauWALTER JAMES, of Black Rock, to 4 p. m. gerated, and if the project could be ''.in Has a Laid J;( r r convention he Large just before placed fairly on 5th the be held in Omaha grea Supply of GENERAL results would doubtless follow. MERCHANDISE And Juab and Millard ought by all means Tiio f.Iisspuri Pacific to send good energetic men down tq that convention. If yon are coins tQ North-beund- v d. Standard Gaue - : i i i i J t '; THROUGH THE. . r . j NS! , i , f i ; 1 f i i i j Black-smithin- i g. : . NEPHI LIVERY STABLE,! JnQ- - K. Downs propr. Tgo Fast Express Trains Pail? UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. ' GAZETTE SALOON, J. W. Hartley, propr, M. McCUNE, . EACH WAT UEXWEElt - OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVEH, ; McNALLY A LUNT, LEGAilT ; .,: Druggists COOPER, PYPER CO. Dealers m Hardware, Tinners and ; '' : : i GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, Blackett Bros. Froprs. etc. j- Plumb-ers- . . i ! Dealers in General Merchandise, NEPHI! COOPERATIVE MERCANTILB IN STITUTION. T..S. G. Parkes, Supt. W. H, PETTEGREW, Manufactur of and; dealer in Harness, Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s supplies. JNO. Dealer m General and green Groceries. ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, Dealers in Clothing and Gent's furnishings. ! j OSTLER i OCKEY, - .Butchers.;)-- H, H. HAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. J. M. C. OSTLER, Boot and bhoe maker. t j I Furniture and undertaking. BIRCHALL A OSTLER, I Ulotning dealers. j A: j NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. Cazier, Supt. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., ueaiers m General Merchandise. W. Paxman, Supt. pexton a chase, BlacKsmithing. KNOWLES A WEBB, vrneei wngnts. ; ..... . James ; i HLQ&2 TSCfiOITGHIiT . ; i - Work. dodgme; d.c General Mangaer. THURMAN - Breezily Brilliant, Winningly Witty, Satisfactorily ; Liberally Loquacious, Overly THE B,. Coudert, Receivers.. iifiii SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY v TIME TABLE NO. 14. Effective Thursday , An gut 1st, 1095. North. No.l Sontli. Dist. from Daily Manti 10.55a 11.20a 11.50a 12.05p 12.23p 12.40p 12.50p 1.23p 1.45p Manti La. r...n ! I First National Bank BuUoing. raoTO Frederick 43.0 38.0 S3.0 29.0 23.2 19.5 18.0 8.0 ' I " Stations. 1 Lt. Nehpi Ar. Salt Springs Holloway Fountain Green Draper Moroni Chester Ephraim Ar. Manti Lt. Dist. from Nephi No.l Dil 10.1P-9.- 5.0 J0.O 14.0 19.6 23.5 27.0 S5.0 43.0 9.C-- UTAH. Advertising Patroiis Solicited at 5 :25 p. m. 9.0 S.40 8.25 7.17 7.30 . Direct connections at Nephl witli Uai Padifie G&livnT fmm m..jt in s.lt Lake Ci Ogden, Butte and intermediate poist, vaA pomte East and Wevt. "j Stop on signal. ' TnEODoim BEtJBicnc,! . atob. & Uen'I Manager, Salt Lake City. n. 8. Kerb, Bupt. & U F. U P. Aseat, , 9.23. -i AeitTv nxnnvi ior sening,jr um Wednes and Morrison at 2:20 p. m.. Monday's, day's and Friday's. Returning arrirs (HOMB PAPER) Room I and S, i . Traffic Manager. F. A. WAD LEIGH, Qen'l. Pass. Agent. WEDGWOOD, Attorneys - at i s. u, baboock. !.,.. & Burley, Gen'l Agt. Passgr. Dept.,1 L, Lomax, Qen'l Passgr. and Ticket Agt. mti,. mcumnon, CJen'l Mngr., Oman, 8. II. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Andersoa, John W. Doane, i i .uentists. K. i , Original, General Merchandise, Boot and shoe Maker. THOS. BELLISTON, Agi. nit. Pleasant Marble BIRD A BOOTH, EQUimD . HYDE A WHITMORE, GEORGE HARDY, v Sagacious, ; H. THILL A COMPANY, Merchant Tailors. FRANCIS SELLS, ' "S3 , ; CHAS. FOOTE ' ..! . E. D. WIOKINS, Agent, Nephl D. E. CHAIR GARS I CJ1b.m.-5- . of fr?m Sei Chicago without change ' Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. coaches. Elegant The only day Hue dining oar service, The shortest operating aEd fastest line to all Doiirta Direct Conn9Ctn3. ssada in Union Dapots. Liquors M. P. KONG, Cabinet and Cofflu Maker. OSTLER A ALLEN, Manufacturers or Harness and Saddles of horse furnishing and dealers in all kinds goods, ' A. V. HAGUE, ' Butcner. W. M. STOUT, Repairer of Boots and Shoes. A" SONS REGLIfie ITi'oo y Dealers in Wines, j Lake to all points East. xurougn fullman Palace Sleepers Lake to east. Bakery and Confectionary. ; :!, IN'HIS l , . - ,Iti; VL' |