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Show Our Stockralsers' loumn, nutMn TkiBudb will continue In to publish branda under yearly contract at "nominal price." The advantage to the stockralser of famli larlzlngr the public with hla brand and mw are to well known to need attention, jit U u tietoBtookmaa as valuable aa an adTertuemex V It the merchant. e-- - THE ENGLISH OF THE ENGLISH. . 1 , :V-'-- ?; ..':.---- ' Ctas. F. I. eli!). ' VT7 :i ; RANGE: Lower Serier and Sink of Beaver. Address: Uuh. - Oui, Jno'Dewsnnj Dpper silt in under slit right, ear. la left Range: Cricket h m That Struck American Tisltor. Pecullarltie ch One of the first sermons the spectator heard on landing in England was Tho preached in Westminster Abbey. service is, Impresslveness of the Abbey marred somewhat by the by the way, ''crowds" crowd the which manner in the monuments, the women sitting on the pedestals and the men hanging their hats on the arms or any other projections in sight. The preacher that evenDean of Ely. ing was the Very Rev. He gave an excellent sermon on certain all problems of modern thought, but evoluthe way through he pronounced The next evening tion was the guest of a well-knothe spectator London journalist, a graduate of Cambridge, who also used the word evolution, pronouncing it also "e"-voluti- oni wn "e"-volu-ti- So odd and Mountains Lower 8evier. Address, a Recent Deseret, Utah. Jos Dswsnnp i Under silt ! ripht, under all' In left ear.; on. a pronunciation might be set down, in the case of a Church of England clergyman, as one of those pulat least pit peculiarities or affectations unaccusso they sound which those tomed to them cannot escape noticing. This theory can hardly be stretched to apply to a layman, and a newspaper man at that, and so the spectator asked was the ordihis host if nary English pronunciation. The latter replied that he had never heard any other. The spectator thought he had discovered a new Americanism. Consulting various dictionaries on his return, the spectator changed his mind. as Not one. of them gave a even possible or alternate pronunciation, not the Century, nor the Standard, nor even Stormonth. Indeed, the last authority went so far the other way as to give as the proper pronunciation of evolve. The spectator was thus driven to the conclusion that the English are more independent of dictionaries than the Americans are not constantly "looking up words" as we are here.and accept the ordinary usage of the people with whom they associatee as authoritative, which would be a typical British way of settling almost any question. An amusing bit of art slang came to the spectator's attention was, in fact, thrust upon him at this year's exhibit of the Royal Academy. The one comment (whether of admiration or surprise) was the invariable phrase, "How very extr'ord'n'ry!" This was applied indiscriminately to any and every picture, from a bit of realistic flesh painting usually, in Paris and London alike, the back of some reclining woman with the reddish hair, which must be the latest fad with the realists to one of Sargent's portraits, or a wonderful setting of many figures, such as "Spring." It was how tiresome the conextraordinary stant repetition of that phrase became after a single day at the Academy. But it was at .the Royal Mews, the stables of Buckingham Palace,' that the spectator had impressed upon him how much importance attaches to a proper discrimination in the use of English. The groom in attendance was a most impressive person so very impressive from his cockade to his boots as to satisfy completely one's ideal of stateli-nes- s In even an humbler royal flunkey. And he "lived up" to his livery, ia manner was dignity itself. Referring to the parade at Hyde Park the day: before; at which the spectator had been present, he asked; the groom whether any royalties had been "out riding" there that afternoon. "Oh, no, sir," replied that functionary, with freezing sarcasm; "their, Royal Highnesses and the ladies and gentlemen of the court 'ride' in the morning. They 'drive' in the, afternoon." There may iiave been previous occasions In the spectator's experience when he was equally crushed by the sense of having used the wrong word in the presence of a critical authority; but he? failed to recall them then, and he has failed to recall them since. e"-volut- ion Rangre: Crieke Mountains Lower Serler. . Deseret, Utah Address, Joan "e"-voluti- on Siftift Y Horse Grower and Deal au RANGE!: Hou Mountain;, ev-ol- Lower Serler Oaslft, Address, Usi urerson Bros Breeders wi dealers in Short horn Dor hams Horses s a as brand Dm left thigh: Cattle-Up- per slops is eacn ear.; Rang' Sevier rlvsf and mountains V ll ''l'fTlll' between Wilis' station on the U. P. Ry and Learo jsfton. Address, Leamington, Millard Co., Utah )i III Parley Alirtd I ; tgZ Horses same brand on left thigh. Cattle-cl- ose crop in left and slit in rignt ear. Range, Lower Sevier. Address, . Des eret, Utah. 'r'' i gnu L on left thlz&f tame brand om Iel hip of cattle. Rasse m 1 Willow Springe. Address, Kearney, F.J. Flsk Sprlmffs, Juab County, UtaL Ton left thigh; double swallow fork in left ear. C Range, Lower Address Bo-Ti- er. CMs. Oasis, Millard Oe. Utah. , Kl Mark, alit In right and two elite In eft ear. Basse pp on1 left j shoulder brand on horses P. N. Petersen. Oasis Utah, Range, Lew Address, O Jv er Serier. I Same left on Horses. thigh Upper slope and one under slit is left ear, and two under slits ia right ear. RANQB :Oak Sims Walker kk-- Address, Oak City, Utah, i 'O. S. MARTEN", Alma-Tadem- ve a's . Baby-Lan- d. "How many miles to Babyland?" SALT LAKE. Anyone can tell; Up one flight. To your risrht: issi Please to ring the bell." V "What can you seewhite-DoDealer 1 in Babyland?" wny "Little folks in FRUITS, VEGETABLES, PUTTER, heads, Cradle beds, r Faces pure and bright." Game, Teal Fork AnA E2I) Poultry, , Beef, Smoked and Fresh Fish, . "What do they do In Babyland?" Flour, Hay ud Grain. "Dream and wake and play. X will pay you to ship your goods to me. It ; Laugh and crow, ' charge 10 per cent, for handling and reralt as Shout and first-clagrow: toon as goods are sold. Can giro ' Jolly times have they!" country references if desired. do they say in Babyland?" "What VWhy, the oddest things; Might as well Try. to tell What a birdie sings." "Who Is the queen of Babyland?" "Mother, kind and sweet; OFSTCJEt And her love, i Born above. C3 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY Guides the little feet." P. O. BOX George Cooper. ; 6HG0II OQlIercii . .; i-- i i , : ss W. Q. M STEWARD, - :3t Ilnnd Sample i Jxon Assay ;Oopper Assay Bottle Sample a ..01.00 ..! 1.00 . 1.00 . 3. CO Frankf tuD, Hcbbs, Land ' j (Lst- - U- - S. (Office.) Land "and Mining. Attorney. CorrespcBdcnce solicited. Twenty three years' experience. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. i BIRD & LOWE -- ODD ENDS. to be a total of 482 systems of shorthand in practical use. Orange growers of Southern California have realized $1,850,000 for their crop. The income of the London Daily Telegraph is said to be about $650,000 per year. Thirty per cent of the iron made in Tennessee i3 sold outside the Southern :; States. There are now 249,273 Indians in this country, or were at the taking of the last census. Illinois Stan!- - third among the states in the unmber of its milch kine, with 1,087,886 animals. v . Pomona County, California, will produce 750 tons of apricots this year, against 2,800 tons last vear. A snake alleged to be fourteen feet long, steals chickens, ducks and geese at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. The larpst map of the world is ia fifteen feet wide and 126 feet long. There is" said ' ; : - . md Agents & Aiiorneys. .' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ' another thousand meters, but thought the risk of losing all by doing- so too great, and therefore descended from FOB BOYS AND GIRLS. SAM DEL A. KING, - G. W. PARKS, LAND and that point. It was well that he did so, MINIKq on the descent he was seized with for YOUNG AMERICA. ' , Rooms 4 and 5 Eagrla violent shivering in every limb, from Elock, the terribly starving and killing effect Love's Kicliea, by Nixon Waterman of the dreadful cold, and for a whole SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ns Warn-1A Home Lost Terrible hour of his downward passage two of . collections Proijtli AU niei ti. Virgil's The Highest Balloon Ascent his fingers were frozen, and were only Studied the Wrong Answers. brought back to life by energetic fricFRANK WHITEHEAD tion. Dr. Berson was not only clothed Office, First National hank SUg., FT I. recall, my in furs as warmly as possible, but for' the last hour nearly of his ascent he PEOVO, UTAH f r le n d of' drew which Music, from the his breath oxygen friends, a for him in he with If carried bags. The days we filled few seconds he stopped drawing .his with joy; ' When you were breath from the oxygen bags, he was Will give lesson's on Piano. Orpan, Vi0v once dizzy and dangerously weak; at a little girl, just ito., and teach fsotids at lowest,' prices tj And I a happy and even with his ample supply of Ho reasonable terms. oxygen, which he constantly breathed, boy. For further particulars, address When you would and on which he could keep, at work, Hill Gold FRANK WHITEHEAD, say, "Now let his eyes once closed in spite of himself, was and he near letting go us play perilously . HINCKLEY. rtTAll his . The degree of cold at the support. a That I'm lady fair, final height reached was 53 degrees And you a king who brings a ring. Tli Oasli and Fish Springs tUffe leavca below zero Fahrenheit. The time O Mis And roses for my hair." and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Honda taken for the! ascent, the voyage of and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point! 52 hours. within more 310 than kilometers (194 miles), Since that glad time full many,a year and the. descent, was five hours and Ossls to Detroit, C3.00 Has all too quickly flown, " Fish 5.00 the of .time this twenty minutes, and And many a smile has come the while Springs, " Hill . Gold and 7.5Q descent took three hours. Ipabah. For every grief we've known. COPYRIGHTS. V' Fare for transportation out and return om The palace grand which then we CJA1V- I OBTAIN A PATENT? For . one-hafares. and Address, an answer honest and to write opinion, planned, Krompt XcCG.,whohaYe bad nearly fifty The 'New Janitor. veaiy F.; DAVIS, In dreams of long ago, tn business. the Communica. Proprietor, patent experience The Methodist church of a certain viltions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. In ours for still we play formation Patents and bowtoob. new a concerning in Nova Scotia had engaged lage them sent free. Also a catalogue Of zuechao. tain The things we wish are so. counleal and scientific books sent free. janitor. He was fresh from the Patents taken throneh Munn & Co, receive and knew little of the duties upon try notice in the Scientific American and specialare Anil that is why, my friend of friends, which he entered. Directions were thus brought widely before the public With, out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper Our lives are filled with joy; t given him.l however, ani he started in issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has br far the largest circulation of any scientific work ia the Foi you are still my pretty girl The first world. S3 a year Sample copes sent free. upon his work in WATCHMAKER, jf2JiO a year. Singlo i And I your happy boy. Building Edittoninonthly, Sunday morning was bitterly cold, and contains beau, Every number copies, '25 cents. UTAH. NEPHI, Anr so to me you'll always be phot.ojn-apbin and colors,! tiful plates, of new before daylight John had the fires long wit-TO fnowUM uuusea. pians, eunimug uiuiuers Address and A lady sweet and fair, Watches promptly jewelry rs;, and desiens latest been He had in the furnaces. burning Mail arflrs solicited. MUNN & CO.. SBT vott "Hj nwAY. And I a king who brings a ring, Instructed to heat the. auditorium until paired. And roses for your hair. the thermometer registered 70 degrees, Nixon Waterman. and at last he succeeded in getting the required temperature. An hour before the time of service one of the members Tlrgfil's Lost Home. came over to see that all was going own Virgil's origin (not differing ; with the new janitor. After comwell, had much from that of Shakespeare) a lasting effect in determining his char- menting on the severity of the weather ' ( Ay- V-... t 'A":'fy ..... x acter. He never, became a thorough he went to 'where the thermometer MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF townsman; even in his appearance hung, and reaching up for it was about to see he outdoors that it put might there was said to be something ' Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Collar All his life he felt keenly the how cold it was, when the janitor loas of his father's farm on the Mincio. stopped him. "No you don't!"; he cried, etc. Pads,. Hardware, The civil wars, which ended with the grasping him by the collar with energy. fall of the republic at Philippi, were "I've worked here for six hours ter git Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. the cause of the confiscations in which that fermented thing up ter; seventy, out an' git it down V Virgil's property was involved. Schol- and if yer take it me Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hare six hours more, ars have not yet decided the exact lo- again it will take the folks will come here an' freeze given the best satisfaction, Mail orders will receive prompt attention. cality of the poet's estate, though every and . villager of Pietole is ready to stake his ter death!" HEATED BY STEAM. life on Dante's accuracy in placing it ELECTRIC CALL DELLV in that commune. Tradition in such the' Studied Wrong: Answers. A young man, intending to enter into cases is not to be lightly' set aside, but strong reasons have been advanced for the matrimonial state, decided to study thinking that the farm lay farther the answers to the questions which he away from Mantua and nearer to where would be required to answer by the the Mincio leaves the Lake of Garda. preacher. Hfe made a very ridiculous This situation gives the scenery of the mistake by studying the answers to the r "Eclogs" with the gentle hills so often questions asked persons about to be r described in them. There Is no doubt baptized instead of those he should , "I that Virgil was thinking less of Sicily have studied. Upon the preacher's ask'ft than of his childhood's home when he ing him if he "took this woman to be wrote these early poems, in several of his lawful wedded wife," the groom ". V ... i. which he . alludes to his own troubles fearlessly answered, "I renounce them a all !" The minister was so astonished under what must have been then seems at his answer that he muttered, "I beIt that, transparent disguise. Men touched by his songs, Augustus" inter- lieve you're a fool." The happy grcexa vened to save "all that land where the blandly answered: "All this; I steadhills begin to decline and by an easy fastly believe." The mistake was soon declivity to sink their ridges as far as afterwards discovered; the groom was the water and the old beeches whose then told what to say and he said it m ITT i 11T"1 n r itt'&t i vrr ,tsv tops are now broken," but that, either without further mistake. exto an was make difficult because it ception in his favor or from some other Spoke Wiser Than She Knew, cause, the imperial benevolence was Tom is a thirteen-year-ol- d boy and speedily revoked. He describes the takes great little in his asking delight neighbors bewailing the loss of him: questions which he "Who. would now be their poet?" The thinks she willsister be not able to answer, farm-hanknow snatches of his thus to air his own enabling him verses, just as Verdi's peasants at before to her his utmost satAWARDS. Busseto sing his airs as they follow the knowledge isfaction. One evening he came home Support plow. from school with a fresh lot of questions and commenced on her in the following A Terrible Warning:. manner: "Louise, do you know what Home Some years ago, according to an ex- they call a place! where they make State Fair change, a special sermon was being stoves ?" The little one confessed her 1894, Gold preached in a church in the west of inability to answer the question, where- Medal. England. When the preacher entered upon Tom informed her that it was Industries the pulpit he said to cue people: "My called a foundry. "Now," says Tom, brethren, before Lproceed to the duties "do you know what they call a place of this evening, allow me to relate a where they make whisky?"; Louise Three Cream and j short anecdote. Many years have studied a little while and then ex- Baking passed since I was within the walls of claimed: "Yes, I guess they call that Powder Gold Medals. this place. Upon that evening, there a ! intenmen came three young with the a: tion not only of scofllng at the minister, A Hearty Response. but with; their pockets filled with My father, while in England, was a Superior Quality stones, with the purpose of throwing Methodist minister. At that time the Flavoring them at him.; After a few words one of Conservatives were In them said with an oath: 'Let us be at Lord Beaconsfield as power; 'led by Extracts Gold s, prime minister, Medal. him now;' but the second replied, 'No, and many of the peopla were dissatisstop till we hear what he makes of this fied with the way they carried on the point.' The minister went on when the government. One Sunday morning my one 'We said: have second a meeting, and in Best was father holding at But heard enough; now throw.' as was the the custom, prayer, opening the third interfered, saying 'He he. prayed for the royal family and for Suality and ' Is not so foolish as I ex- all of were in who that authority, asking Home. J The pected; let us hear him out learn wisdom, but if they 8dd Water. might they concluded without having refused to do so that they be replaced preacher Of been interrupted. Now listen! who would. Just !at this these three young men, one was exe- by othersa man in the audience cried cuted a few months ago at Newgate. juncture to out loud for all hear enough The second lies under sentence of death 'Amen; shift 'em, Lord, shift 'em."him: MANUFACTURED BY It M the jail of this city for murder. The was to be seen that he was a plain other," continued the minister, while Liberal. the tears ran down his cheeks, "the 9 V third, through the infinite grace of God, .' A t "T ft AlC j Painfully Introduced. BOX is the one that is speaking to you now."' n A who had been lecturer, two were three companions Here put Spices Pur and Ground Daily, to death for their crimes; one through invited to serve as a substitute, felt ; some was nervousness,1 he to knowing God's mercy saved. May this striking 'fill the place of a more famous man. to incident bring a three-fol- d warning the youth of first, to shun evil This feeling was not diminished when thus announced by a companions as you would the fangs of he heard himself keen-eye- d western farmto never harden your,; an adder; second, ' ' er: Has a full line of h r hearts against the influence of the Holys "This our is 'ere substitute. I don't Spirit; and third, that your only safety! know what he can do. Time was short, lies in accepting Christ now, for on the morrow you may 'waken in an we had to take what we could git!" s. ftternity. Ram's Horn. STORIES SHORT GOOD Attorney at Lay. FOR i 1 Professor of - for Detroit, Fish Springs, and Ibapahl ' : '. . rvP tf m3mjm - lf . to-d- w ! ay G. A. Gardner, mid-wint- i er, ' u secure-contract- r . . and Harness Saddlery GEO. W. WILLIAMS, ' i Harness, coun-tryfle- d. Leather, I 8 ll i l9 ' .'!.''. L. HOLBROOK, Prop. I Headq uarters for Sheep, Cattle dVMining wm wm ! n Mkim i Leads All the Rest- seven-year-o- ld ds i ! con-foundr- y!" - KeepJ rSsli I- r g"iK. HEWLETT i - I i. well-know- i : to-da- JOSEPH A, LYMAN Gerieral Merchandise, y; ! long-limbe- d, ! to-da- y, , The Highest Balloon Ascent. ' Perhaps the most remarkable balloon ascent ever made was accomplished recently by a celebrated European aero-- I nautist, Dr. A. Berson. Having made the necessary preparations he let the balloon go on and on upwards until at length his barometer indicated the tremendous altitude of 9.150 meters, or 20,020 feet. He felt, with the means! which he had for supporting life and resisting the cold, that he might go Tit-Bit- i : , And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost! A Slight Change. "Henry," she said thoughtfully. "What is it?" responded the! worried business man, rather shortly. ) "I wish you could rearrange your business a little bit." "How?" "So as to be a bear on the Stock Exchange Instead of at home!" Truth. Annie Russell will play leading rolca with Nat Goodwin this season. - r t '.! " a- : - si .... ' TraTelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAT, - GRAIN Ili-bc- ' .. A1STD cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. - STABIJN Don't forget JOSEPH A. LYMAN, OAH CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, : : : : ) |