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Show j 1 immmmtmmmmmmmmmtmtmmtmtmmammmmmmtmmimmmtmmmimmK-- I v.'---T eee food for earnest thought. Tb, Presigiyes us sincer pleasure,! it is to iKoisi ViaTTw Tint when such, utter dent in part says: v rtcacrorr nf thA nronneties. as are The real trouble ofwhich ;onfrdnuua; confidence, widerof artAcaorl ' hflrft riHrht &IOT1R in consists In a lack Knlni, the Increasing, .in. ' spread and constantly . The milliard Pub. Co., Props, of the makes ;ft or excessive continuincr disposition dancing, ability relation to ., , tn.i , , i,. EtOD- the Government to pay its obligation In gold. Via to 'It wnnlrt like so tf exv IVCi fcUBSCRiFTioir rates: This lack of confidence grows to someemor iu some and of mpmpers YiM apparent tent oat of the palpable Per year ......J $2.00 I the ' snoring flfmfi barrassment attending tbe efforts of the i 11 iu Una w nnmmnnuv. in " ahb hvhii adyance), (Payable OmrATnmnt nnder exist! nz laws to pro " a club. with cure gold, and to a greater extent put of Editor. J. P. GIBBS r f we 01 eitner Keeping it in tnepmposslDility Since the above was written, or tne obligations by canceling Treasury as gurdy came off The is after Entered at th pOJBjtplce of Oasis sua learn that the hurdy it obtained, its expenditure to only way left open to the Government for transferred if.v wn i ifecond-rolaamatter. usual, uitif and sale procuring gold is by the issue Oasis. and wae a most disgraceful 'r of its bonds. : fair Twn voudj?. drunken tough's, An adequate gold reserve is in an cir-- . WEDNESDAY, FEB. J?, 1895. v. "nA5P.rit. were at the cumstances absolutely essential to tne of our public credit and to the ors t.ho same DOys wuu upholding itKnri char LADI AGENTS: maintenance of our high National reacn-ed steal ot reserve t.imA fiinf.ft mvinted has mora anma Our acter. gold again rtnvw w 1Tnr la tr lla'K rtf nnr nrrant.Q wVlfl Will as to a of state diminution such require or ; : feceivi subscrjpfUns and receipt for J ing turkeys from A. Q. Christiansen its speedy reinforcement. Who at tne bovs niadfl tnld the naoia payments: J f Presdent Cleveland, auo points out woum ChristiaX Anderson, Flllmtre. we not desist did time if they , Tnoa, ateirLmott, that 3,' Rational financial calamity is 8clpJ. now will We O. A. Bates, Hfclaen. names. pub their publish impending and will overtake the peo Chris Overson, LiearaintcB. r i "'J J fV I - i 1 , I- - 4-- 1 -- ; a hf ; ' " ' j .. . , i X 4J r w , r ? if 'j " or-bli- A bull-flgh- I J - vy- co very fnr bia immediate "ut E very time ba groans, the. re- ts nd - H asm Cad . eastern quacks apply a nunarea mur r 1 i v si it j y j s linn Innnri nl aster to his back, or at I least try to., Every. timV be reels with wflaknRHs: the autocratic M. P's effect t.n "hpHAVft t.hAld ffent is tipsey, and PilT-D' and of gold, ' injections prescribe they ana mere, so .here Except Business.-1-;::';;- ! ; .yj ' it jsoes. imwhere local conditions my bave proved, the panic is being as' severely fait ne at, thiw time last vearj and al kinds of Merchandlsa "at tlio all Henceforth uncer of and fogs though the mists : tain ty and eastern fclindnesa Q. the : no or. true cause there is but little, , room for hope that improved conditions man ; will come to the Nation, until such vili be sold down psiore. has time as the tyranny of gold Thdt time cannot come been broken. until t.het neonle themselves do the prices' "for 'first plass' jtobds trill be be cannot persuaded They breaking. to break away from presept condi motto, H rV as become tions until they enlightened is a HOMB; ENTERPRISE )Md' peirjnanantl The Hinckley to the c.use and nature of their afflic " : 'A if tions. That can only come with ex estaWtted . perience which they are surely getting. A. A, ; HipCKLgfi H It is, however, a slow process for us of the West to watch with anything like SUPERINTENDENT. serenity. In the absence of recognition for our silver; let us go to work and develop, our agricultural interests to the largest possible extent. Something an wmm mam msmmmk to eat is a very satifactory substitute for a circulating medium. The Mercur Mercury says editorially of the flowing water of this locality: Down at Deseret tTfeyshave ah water that is remarkably soft and has solvent properties which makes it a specific for all kidney diseases, even to Bright's disease. Parties in this camp have used it with very beneficial results, , add Suot. Howard, of the Merour mine, who is from that country, says be has seen men who were so far gone that they - : j the : ? . 'm ' ' --k 1 J . ri 1 principle 1 h co:f pp, .mi iMim . m i NON-COMPETITI- " ' . , . Qo-g- p ' 1 " - - - : will find a NEW STOCK of STAPLE in the h ...... ; StriKE,i t I at HINGEIjEY: Goods at BED BOCK figures. j f . HINCKLEY 's ay-uor- t O HT lish thier initials, they are O. w. ana Die unless remedial measures are en- Geo. Crane, Kansh. James Rattan, Petersburg. A. S., and every time we learn of their acted in order to avert the disaster. Edward Wbb, Burbank. hnrtHlnmism wfi will add two more let Wm. Chaataln, Ibaah, Toelej Cft We do not quote the President's mes- Lyman, Oak City, Joseph A. until! the public sage because tne uiaae enaor&es nis ters to their names Hrruat Alan8. Mead what will know who and they arev "gold cure" treatment of the case, we we have for believe he is Were it not for the respect away off on his remedy THE MANIA FOB PANCING. riPir rmranfcs who are amofiff the best It is as one instance among quoted would names to in Deeerettheir families an be exception This locality may thousands of intelligent men who have other 'places in the matter of. a mama appear in full in this issue. well defined fears that a great finan for dancig. It iseineerely hoped that cial cloud, charged with evil, is overft is actexception. If not, the' other JUSTICE GAYNOR ON THE shadowing the richest land on earth. places,ursed as we are, have the Blade's BROOKLYN STRIKE. If it should burst, its fury would be mingled pity and contempt. After more than three weeks the ten fold worse than the present one To a moderate and decent;! ndulgence street-ca- r strike is in a con It would intensify beycnd present com in dancing when conducted under cer Brooklyn We the follow putation the sufferings of the poor tain regulations, there can be but little dition of statu quo. from clip Public Opin and those that depend on daily toil for on the subject Objection. It is only where the exer ing .. daily bread. cise is carried to excess and conducted ion: The men of the East are either col of the New York Su under lax rules that serious objections Justice Gaynor, or heartlessin their worship of preme Court, handed down his decision mav b entered. The intellectual and last on of the application Joseph gold. Tureday Tbey can. see the impending moral status of any community may be Loader for a mandamus to compel the storm and are endeavoring to break its tustlv and correctly measured by the Brooklyn Heights Railroad to operate its force by the explosion of political fire could scarcely walk, entirely curea in a nature or character of its amusements. cars in sufficient numbers to accommo- crackers and the use of the hypodermic short time by! the use of this water. Kid date the traveling public. Justice '' G If a community indulge in ney disorders are prevalent .here on ac cannot see that the count They gold syringe. ifc as of the water used. Anyi one can is in follows: decision is means of a as unimpeach part pastime, root of is at demonetization the secure this water at small cost,! by writ gilvef to is declare are law It the of this my duty whip evidence that lhe inhabitants to editor of the'Blade. the ing case. will This raiload corporation is not in of the financial evil, and they go brutal and morally depraved. If. the re the position J of a mere private individual on Wherever the water has been used its in tneir maqness unui aesiruction on business for pricreations of any people are of an inlel-Jectu- ereompany carrying are sure and swift. There has effects vate gain, which may suspend business over takes them.. them safely may put order, you temporarily or permanently at pleasnra. The law? of cause and consequence is not, thus far, been a single failure to do down as a progressive and moral gom- - It has received franchises of great value the State, and had conferred upon as inexorable in the financial world, as what we have claimed for it from the iriunity and one in which it would be a from it the State's transcendent power of emin t is in the physical. Tbe "crime of start, and that is that it is an nfallable real pleasure to live. However, here in ent domain. In return it took upon it for all and bladder disthe performances of publio duties and 73" is unatoned, and until it is, the vemedyand if kidney peseret the reverse of intellectual! self were not for so many big it functions, in the preformanoes of which people will have to suffer. The forces eases, the rule regardipg entertainments. it law not an is in and in fact individual oted M. D's, who sullenly claim that The r is, evidently, no inclination. on or entity, but the accountable agent of a,re surely at work that will precipitate they can do more than nature in the the State, The principles have often been political and social reyolution, the the part of the young to indulge in any declared ' this court the of way of healing, the water would find by highest other amusement than thatof dancing State and the Supreme Court. Of the tjni-te- d out come or end of which no mortal a speedy welcome among thef afflicted. . mind can determine States, it they are left to choose, During the The at '"fight to a finish" be will of it now before duty the company The present lamentable social condi- However, holidays tbere was a dab.ce every night the court is to carry passeneers throui?1l streets of Brooklyn and to ftjrnish tions can be clearly traced to the Jaws between the Blaae and'the quacks over except Sundayv and the .practice of the certain men and run cars to fully accom- that have permitted the rule of plu- the merits f "the Deseret water, and regular Friday dance is kept up with modate the Dublic,enough It may not lawfullv the Blade will win, or rather the water an extra hop Band wiched in as a: gener- cea8Slo perform that duty for even one tocracy and that have made it possible will hour. The directors of a railroad eortor- - for "fifty men to precipitate a panic at triumph over their poisonous kid al thing durlng.the week. ' ation are accountable to the public first will." ney cure nostrums. Were the d duces "select, social events, and to the stockholders second. They duties to the public to perform and VICTORIOUS JAPS. the barm would be minimized, but have must If thev cannot perfrom.them. they MUSCLE. AND BONE ll affairs, the oqly get labor to perform such duties, at what they ape wiped Out of Ex- Theie are a score or more of enter Two Chinese Warships of the male por- tney oner to pay, tnen theymust pay demanded credentials stance. more, and as much as is necessary to get prises in Millard, uounty tngtnave To "London comes a cablegrrm from tion of the gang is the -- mesmeric four it. Likewise, if the conditions in resnect heretofore of lack for the Hai Wei.Jdated Fedruary 5, saying Wei or of languished to no which bitsv It requires im hours, arguement otherwise, they more must adoDt has when pose, all Chinese Eastern been. the repel that jaopr, they fleet, has practically ceased money, point out the perinciousnesa of such lenient or just conditions. They may not or to exist. The ironclad "Chen Yuen" and now is .required to push them dances. Toinj Dick, Harry rand the stop their cars for one hour, much less her sister ship, the "Ting Yuen,", have one week, or one year, thereby to beat or through are bone and muscle. devil" (uriless the lattery self respect coerce or the been conditions ol labor LV : sunK, and the other vessel of the price is walk from down to the price or conditions they offer. Among the numerous enterprises Chinese has been under estimated,) fleet are within the grasp of the - rods distant, pay f or them to do so would be a defiance of that; may be mentioned is the Beaver few milKa the gin I r . . . law and of government, which, beonmino- Land . and. Water Company's reservoir Japanese. their 50 cents; walK in ana mingle witn gemeral, would At daydreak on Sunday the Japanese inevitably by the force of the youDg ladies, (and girls that ought example leaa to general disquiet, to the and canals. Although the reservoir is fleet opened fire on Lui Kung forts, of the social order and located in Beaver County, it is in reality disintegration to be in pantalets,) with the perfect even which replied vigorously. The bom- to the downfall of government it- - a as Millard County Old enterprise nearly of bardment became terrific. The first Jap- freedom acquaintences. land lies to Bea the all of north the the Later anese division directed its force against Justice Gaynor Issued a writ of It is a fact clearly proven by Investi- alternative ver line." the eastern Island bateries, while the sec mandamus, requiring the gations and recognized by nearly! every to division ond resume its Fort Sehih.; The service within company thoughtful man ancTwoman, that even twenty days or show cause for failure to A bother, is that of the Snake Valley Chinese fleetshelled soon came to the Land and Water Co's. reservoir and can- assistance where, balls are conducted properly, dO SO. the The forts. of, located in the southwest corner and made, select, tbey are the The ' als, "Ting Yuen" tried her guns with effect opinion and writ of Justice of this source of ho small proprotion orimmpr County. The only cash oxjt-labut succeeded in diverting some of the do to credit his hon bead and: Gaynor ality. ' The positions the, dancers as-- 1 esty. The managers of the Brooklyn that has, been needed to push the entire Japanese fire from the forts to herself . is conducive sume "Sn the round dances, work to completion,was that of powder, The "Lai Yuen, "a smaller ship, also Railroad ' run a Heights baye against to'too much freedom. Frotn the'; liberfuse and caps w ith which to ruij the fought well. There were many casualitis. 6 nag that they cannot easily rje legal custom in the ball move,' and it looks as if they' will be out-le- t tunnel through the point of lime- - Two Chinese gunboats also assisted, but ties thai permits stone. Like its near neighbor the were, not badly damaged. These fonr room, it is only another step or two to forced to the of 'mandate the obey; g mendishonor andjlife-lonsorrow and Beaver reservoir and canals,the remain- Vessels fought desparately until dark, Court. If the every judge'among the firing ceased on both sides. hightal torture,' It is believed by the writ-er,th- er courts would stand hv t.h law anA der of the work required only bone and when bombardment was resumed by the The the unusual f reedoni of the ball muscle for its completion. as the' Japanese fleet on Monday, Sunday's optyrannay and 00against Another room, ;a nd wh tch wouldyndt be tolerat-ec- l justice is; that only .enterprise erations being The ;fire from pressionf of the corporations, the ef :: of bone and 'ort Benin . repeated. the touch elsewhere, is tbechief inducement fort awaiting magio continued to weak. The the labonncr element muscle trample near to mapy m enj to attend them. Where still further canal the is Chinese were Leamington so into the mire of hopeless repeatedly a man; with little, or no principle cari which j the Blade referred to last and effectively hit that their guns were and proverty, would be checked. week. There is room r alongthat pro handled with difficulty and with less closely embrace a dozen or exr; girls-lThe toilers the have un only.recoujse Towards the ' close of dav rt.h one evening for four bits, 'it is certainly to spirit. canal sustain to frOm3,00f jected; der existing conditions is to strike. Un4'. Cheapispof t for him. 5,000; population,'yet nO move is being fTing Yuen" andi' Chen Yuen" Jwere der conditions with present disabled. :Tbey gradually settled down If the injury- to morals ceased with market , au- - made by the people to avail themselves and foundered, amid the shouts of tri- with men, glutted hungry the ball room;- it would not, be so bad, at any pnce to furnish their starv of it. Tbey will simply sit dwn , and nmph from the Japanese both on land but acquainteuces 1 arey formeii that xiousfamilies with food,; the only course toast their shins during the long win- and sea. The other Chinese vessels were continue and often end in ruin and ing to the strikers is to prevent others ter months, and fodder their stock and in distress. shame. We. can hardly belieye that open The dispatch concludes with the state from4 filling their nlaces. Thev arp. feed idle work horses while Eastern rmr nkinU am o tf n rr nnnnr.i OAnea money will take hold of the work,' and ment that the Japanese are preparing to plied to Deseret, There are doubtless make from 200 to 500 per cent on the carry Liu Kung by storm. otheri. localities than this where the Che Foo, Feb. 7. The Japanese forces investment within two years. to use them servation,' violence impells ame evils regarding excessive dancing The way our people are working they today arrived near Nine Hal; a town' bein what they deem to be a just resisttween Wei Hai Wei and laxiBOciai. restraints exist, "And ance. this citv. nrt hope for nothing better for themselves began a bombardmentand In their other frenzy they push of the forts on the weearhestlyl invoke the attention of men aside with the same in and children thaa to becomeithe "hew- western side of the town.' The starving foreigners parents to, the evils that we ; have stinct that ers of wood and drawers of water" for in Che Foo are. under- arms The of the impelled many pas gate pointed out,; and appeal to them to do strangers. "Friends and brethren'' vlet of the city have been" closed and barria little hard: thinking on the' subject. sengers on the fated "Elbe" to push the us stop snoring and avail ourselves of caded. It la thought probable? that the weaker ones aside or into the sea that " Thinking may be an unusual exercise attack on Nlng Hal is a feint on the part secure seats in the boats. some of those ?'snaps4, for many of you, but as repugnant as it they might of the Japanese to fcover a "new landing While it looks like an act of unwisdom f should be it done of and done their forces. be, may news from the Japan-Chin- a on the part: of the strikers to resist. The seat and thoroughly. Let the older quickly Heme JSHsstoaarles. of wal1 is of the most encouraging deones call the young people together and they can not be blamed. For the' next threw monthsr the fol The have watered their scription; The Japs propose dictating point out to tbem the evils of too much stock tocorporations terms of the deceive as to in the the puchc peace their imperial City lowing dates will be filled: dancing. Than organize some kind of i3 complaining of Pekin, and they propose to do the J. D.. Smith and James McMahon a society for the intelluct'ual improve- earnings and each one Meadow, Dec.' Z Oak Creek, Jan. ; Oasis. in ment ; nf. and, amusemont!. fnr: tho of being debt, and thus offer a wat dictating all by themselves. . That alsp D'et, ; ered excuse for their oppression of their is good news, because we thi nk the AllenA.Rttssell' and arfe ; John Ashman :. young people.' If they taught bet employes. know all to ask for enough they Japs uaK ureeK; uea z; Oasis, Jan. t: Peters ter, tbey would, do better They are So for as the can takes If entire Chinese the it Feb. 3. Brooklyn get burg', Heights R'yis anxious to do Tight, but you, parents, concerned If. N. I. we to meet the bill, Hinckley, Jr. and John Trimbles hope it will they are really runninc empire . by your criminal negligence encourage behind, Oasis, Jan. 6: Scinio. should raise the nrice nt be paid in full, and that it will be a Feb. 3. . Dec. 2; Petersburg:, ,, them to do wrong. The indifference fares. they , The traffic on that roadj is de- sightdraf t without even one day's James Abraham and A. I. Rappelley that many of you exhibit it simply as- - rived principally from the aristocratic grace, . ' Petersburg, Dec. 2; Scipio, Jan. C; Destonuding. Peb. 3. eret, uiuK iua& are aounaantiy aoie to pay The Blade has, no desire to for their H. G. Labrum and L. .W. Stott The hope for silver during the pres transportation, and thus en work up a reputation for being a fecipio, ueo. z; Deseret, Jan. rillmore, ent tne aoie down to to is company congress pay wages rapidly going hying chronic kicker. We would much rath to its zero, and the hope will soon be out . of J. !. "Webb and R. W. Reeve' employes. er say pleasant things than to utter Fillmore, Dec. 2; Hinckley; Jan. 6; Holden, down in the blub and frozen solid.' sight harsh, critical and oft times cynical J. String-aand Willard Johnson- It begins to louk as if hot only Congrel b, B.xaim;Kiey, uec x; liowen, Jan, 6; Kanosh, words.; The Blade writer loves sun In connection with the foregomg.the l but the people are unequal to th tbe shine, rather than clouds, and jif there Special Message" of President Cleveland A. Lyman and Anthoti ChriBtenson task of financial reform. Uncle Sam Is J. xioiuen, z; 8: rawlntr, Jan. jjec. Kanosh, : v, v.n n uu juub iriirrr rrmro hifi nnnrhPT t.n.li I nono;l question. financially sick, very sick, and with ton; Feb. 3. ' C. Etake . .' 3 uiv - .A al prices papi Highes"fc Si Grain. fofr ; ; -- . si ,-- !!! ' 4 free-for-a- Just Ileeieved Pure Wines, Whiskies, and r Brandies THE Occidental AT 1 , AL00N. ALSO PURE AliCOHQLu - . I GARDNER, - In el(Tect,Defe. 18, 18P4. Train arrire and denart at Various atattonft j daily as follows? f Southbound.ci- - Stations, i - Northbjtund. Leave Leavlel Arr. Arr. ...... 3.10 tm 2.00 amf. . . Og:dSn iv.iu am pin 4.20 pm 3.10amtAr I Salt Lv 5.20 pm 1..50 am 7.45 am Lv f Lake 1 Ar 5il pm 8.10 am.!....Saiidv. 4,43 pia. r. . THE Jplllll . laMard Gauge 52 RAILWAY! THROUGH THE;, . at Ai-riv- e , . ; N1 'f 'I M 11 ; Choica of ar men-of-w- I '' ,'lf fl " f g".',"f.)T.' Threo-Distinc- t '! '!!;' Lake to all I'Vr r HASTOESiT MOST t$lm BA1LR&AD or JU.OH ' : t. V .1 yrxx xunr-vrssar'- . v .' v .' E.Dickin)n, - S. H. , ' OGDENj ISALT LAKE AN f DSNVEFU Mnjr., Omaha, H.Clark, Oliver W. L v- f "r . ELEGANT REGUMiSIB ' ? - - 'r8ritu, . BurleyviGen'l Akt. PaaegT. Dept., D,J' City Ticket Office, 261 Main st.. Salt Lake. Jf' IP1' Paasgri. and Ticket At. Gen'l Two Fast Express Trains Daily ; I ': . : - ! points East. JlXD 1148 . I Through Pullman Palkce Sleepers fr'Sra SaH Lakto Cbkagr wUhoiit change. Impr6ved Tourist Sleiepers. FreRecIinij3(r;ChaIrfcar8. Elegant day coaches! The dluinjf car errTic. shortest-aEThe enly,lineaperatiiff fastest line t all pwirt i east. . G. Xite, , Aent, Oasis. R&wtw, , n , jGi-ov- ! ; . B.42 . , . ' Jk I. Fairfield . am i .Ihi Jinct i. 4.12 pm . 8.50 amj Amerni Fork 4.03 pm e 8.55 amij Pleas't 5.56 pm . 3.37 .15am!.i;.Proto.... .34 W Spanish Fork 3.18 pm pm anuvv. Pay (son.,; 3.01pm 10.55 ami1 ..r.NeEfhi.,.. 2.00 pm ami Ar i , 11.55 amf Lv 1 Juf b Lvl.20pm Arl. 00 pra 1.35 jpraf 11 25 am iLeamgtoit ' 'i U Oattts . . . - 9.56 am Pm 4.10 ptal ClearlLalte 9.10 am 6.00 ant Ar J Mi- - Lv 7.15 pm j ; am Lv) frd f Ar 6.00 pm , .!. ; .Frifcco .... 4.30 am 16,00 p ' y f Leave Tralns souh mf Juab Irun daily kxceft tiu . DATS Two, through' traihs daily from Salt so-call- ed, y . m Mail orders solicited. paired. w I NEPHI, UTAH. Watches and jewelry promptly re - " A. Watch Maker- self.',:.;''!-i"..:-,.':'r- A UTAH. G. " . s KEYSR, Prp'r. - DESERET, - - . W. A . .k.E. ,J,if ir ; . ' ; t Mink, Ellery Anderson, Jehn W. Doime,' Frederick R. Coudert, I , Receivers. , r - v - . ; Direct Connectiaos Huff Hotel nads la Ueiaa Dopata. STJlipED aiTLA' TES COST TS0S0UQ2LY i. OASIS UTAH. Continguous to Bailway Station. - B.0. BODGE, A, E. WELBT, jr.H. Good farei . Rats reasonable. ! ' . HOLDEM -- -- ; . WL CO-OP INST'. DEALERS IN - GENERAL" ICElROELfiHBISE. : ; . W Alk NOW SETTLED IN - torn . - ; y 3 Clerk. f- " thind needed by our , i , Asdeesos, Anl carryla full Line of every. Numerous Matrons., a Distance ! . OUR PLEASANtr them Fri?nds from f?! lriteUr same , ' ' . to continue their Calls, and assure ' " Generious Treatment as in the past y " - , ' ?ca11 , U lUUIl d Otiil nlla nv i;illTnin w.Wl.MHfc mm ---- ; ''A. Y; 1' I ' . r - attention toour Special Selected Jipe fTiLiCU . 1 of wtjareoiiertnfT iar below thej Usual priceSt Steph!en$en Siipt V 1 |