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Show y X, m05I BACK THE BURGLAR. A GRATE. TRAILED The Man Was Suffering From Nightmare BY BLOODHOUND? i A Tonnenseo Thltf Ran Down.- - k - 7 EMBARRASSED - . Afti . fi 'itaii ft ;VV J 1 a 1 - 1 1 - JL A ! j te -- ; fcB-- grer IS f; ,S ff of , ' W 3 1 tno-ether- . v-c- . uo? btocKraisers' comma. Meat Market -- to- : Teem Blasx will continue In each nnl&hes to publish brands under yearly contract at a nominal price, v J The advantage to the itockrai&er of famil. larlzlns: the public with his brand and mark are to well known to need attention. It la tt the stockman as valuable as an advertUeaeat la to the merchant. . modern of the inward The Exchange. m ' CIies'. i Ill . .el. F. RANGE: I ! Lower Seyier andi Sink of" Beaver, i) . Address: Utah. Oaila, 'S. W. WESTERN, hinges, j j if - DESERET . fl4 l".Vlrf "' '" ! j Si- , J Srrr. Cs"T 1 tl THE DESERET HOUSE. new-woul- be the : puff cheeked wind- , i i t d ;- " ng ui u. uracea ana suent aoni; &duj in order to sell it must supply the in J telligence which men want and man's wants, because they are human, are necessarily ethical and meet in ethical scales whenever brought to knowledge that can not avoid comparison and judgment. In the daily newspaper man lives the whole world's life, throb by throb. The newspaper gives him a world consciousness. During the day he buys and sells by an almost constant appraisal of the world's markets; he watches the stages of an international regatta while it sails; he sees cholera from spread house to house the along back streets of a transoceanic town; he attends the debate of a reichstag whose vote may precipitate a con linental war, and all the while he feels his private values and schemes flicker like a pulse through which flows the blood of the whole world's market. Day by day, each day between two nights, a distinct life between a birth and a death; the day that has no newspaper losing that much of the world's life from consciousness; newspaper a back number an obituary, an order of death and the sepulcher. to-day- 's Mountains ind Lower Serier.!i Mima IM. for Eeaiprters ! Deseret, Utah. Address, Oitj and county Newspapers from all parts of Utah. Ore tpeoimens from Detroit am4 M Jobn Y 'Smith 0 Every thing RESPECTABLE. ( f e. Ue-irher- Horse Grower; j rangU j X POM WATER SH EARTH Ob the Premises. This Water la a GUAR ANTEED CURE for all House Mduntalnt and Lower Sevier. Oaeis, Utah, Address, Diseases ofthe Kidneys and Bladder help-rtee- t, J. F, GIBBS, Prop'r, - .DESERET, - - UTAH. Horned Stock, same brand on right thigh. T uran & RANGE: Lower Sevier. Wefigewood ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW- , Deseret, Utah. Address, . Water Right Gases a Specialty. s4 Dfu-ttaras- brand left pn! Sevlefl f rlTfr . ana mountains. teani-ingto- between Mills' station on the U. P. Ry anil Address, Leamington, Millard Of., Utah. H- t- n. Miners and Sheep Men. a com- Parley Allrea k f plete line of MEROHANDISIS and Horses same left SUPPLIES suitable for your needs. brand, on Cattle-clthigh. SHEEP DIP a specialty. FOR TRAVcrop in left ELERS I have COMFORTABLE and slit in right Range, QUARTERS. MEALS AT POPULAR ear. Lower Sevier. PRICES. Hay, Grain and Stabling. Ha! ose XZ eret, Utah. PELTS BOUGHT. A. M. LAIRD. Drum Joslai SnLjtl Springs, Detroit Mining District. Until reeeaty a I branded I left ribs' Slit it. left ear. Horfk off Snake Valley and eaal I FRANK WHITEHEAD, Manufacturer of Harness, Boots 1 Humming birds are very shy and fleet of wing. It is difficult to make their acquaintance. A gentleman who had a rare opportunity to watch a TAKEN n , www mi Creek mountains. a4e of Deep Millard Utah. m i iy-at- mi i hi" Shoes ! CO-O- m ItiSt Httictf braatf ctti4BB?o- hte x ffllw . . 6taoa.; i f. j, ins OovwJsri left Wgh; swiallow totrk ka itM aar. fianjpa, Lofviar E-V- Afftiass tr. f Dasis, UlUxM Go. UtahJ slit ;'! Mark, right and two slits in eft ear. Same on left brand phoulder on horses P. Petersen; n Fire-pro- M dofcbla -. HeRing-Hall-Uarri- mm F. mother bird and the tiny nest which she had built near his room says that one day, when there was a heavy Rubber Stamps, Branding Irons. shower coming up, just as the first S. J. GRIFFIN, drops fell the mother came fluttering Twenty-fift- h St., Ogdaa, Utak. home, seized a large leaf which grew of Rubber and Metal gtampc,als Ifaaafaetajer on a tree near by, drew it over her f Notarial aad other Seals, Badges, Stencil. Bras tag Iron, etc. Also has far sale Check nest in a way to completely cover it, Vucfaes, Numbertog Machines, etc., and is afsot then went back to whatever work she (tot Oolanbia BicycleGo. tcfes aoi for had been about when the coming storm ystWork. Box a, ST. Steel disturbed her. The watchers at the window wondered why the leaf did not blow away. They found it hooked to a tiny stick just inside ' the nest. When the storm was over the mother came home, unhooked the green curSALT LAKE. tain she had so perfectly put up and found her babies all dry. fc i. Wak (Scduu, O-- T-i- - j L oa tort thighs . SHOP, Opp. QINCKXJBY M m Addressy flffah county, EXCHANGE IN i Ill m liBe, & JEtanzei SI VI Will also do repairing: of the above articles on short notice. PRODUCE of Address Qafcls Utah, Range Lower Sevier, ' f O. S. MARTI2ST, Same left on HorseS. thigh" RANGE t Creek. :ak MGoiisiflUerGMl The Women Tote of Colorado. ; thijjh. SCattle Hope in Upper each eait Baaga ATTENTION (have i j Breeders dealers in . Short horn Horaee b n jflKijonttT in First Matiool Bonk B2Wllng, Frovo Oity, Utah. ION'T FORGET that I I i i Oyersea Bres am. A Good Mother. j Teatinosiala on Application. Wives of Great Men. 2ke the famous wives of the En glish statesmen, Charles James Fox and Blbnjamin Disraeli, the lamented Princess Bismarck was a true and was a bulwark of strength to her spouse throughout their long and eventful career. The wife of Fox brought to the aid of her', husbajid all the resources of a brilliant mind and rare personal beauty. Disraeli, after his first failure, was encouraged by the devotion of a mate whose vast fortune was not an inconsiderable factor in his subsequent successes. The uplifting stimulus of the ideal home life she made for for the iron chancellor was the Princess Bismarck's unfailing solace to her husband's carking cares of state. She was of that noble type of womankind who lay all considerations of self and all worldly ambitions upon the sacred altar of home. What a monument of these attributes is Bismarck's elogium to his departed mate: "She it is who has made me what I , and DeaMP, A Flowing Well of to-morro- w, -- -- j. j '.--.- ' ' BLACKSMITH . 1 v i . ! , i 1 -- - - . , The liberal compass of man's warm embrace closes about the ; The Pioneer misery that leans right against his'Square crop faafl in right,! diagoslit Caste heart. ere long will be impossinal under tilt In left ble. No house, no spirit, can shut out 'ear. y the light of humanity, high and low, Mountains and W IH.l-.-- .J rich and poor, that with the newsOf Deseret, paper enters every door and leaves it - , Deseret, ltih. Address, open. No matter what the reader tolikes, the headlines run so close Has removed to his new shop just north gether that he has to see sorrow at the Jno Dewsnnp elbow of gayety and birth upon the of the river bridge, where he breast of death while sob' and laugh, will do all kinds of Upper slit in 1 shout and wail, "blessing and prayer all right, under slit blend into, an undertone, which his in left ear. busiest thought and purpose can not lacisiilliBj mi Wsgtn EfjEiring. Range: Cricket hush. , He is what he reads, and his H At Bottom Prices for PayDpwn.! Mountains and character is richer and more harmonic, Lower 8evier. Will be pleased to see all old and new cua because with life's higher tones torn . Address, Deseret, Utah. ere. the lower too are heard, at tlie alto of their soprano, the Jos Dewsnnp bass of their tenor, in a full choired humanity. "In. all this, perhaps, the Uaderl slltl Ln newspaper has no ethical intention. right, udder slit Profit may be its chief and only aim, in left ear. but profits require sale. Unsold, its J Range: Orleket 4 - ' v I - I would speak about j n d '. night is the newspaper of times. Already the arm newspapers is lifting that opening door from its t Sbort-S;hte- NEWSPAPERS.the Press from newspaper 1 - - JWU i e : ? ; - ; .m 1 ! ed - 3f ' ' ,.. j""!';1.".'"" AIL well-know- T . ! i ""V ! - T ' - '" ' who used to be the rector of Trinity Episcopal church in Chicago, recently I am prepared to ftli orders for delivered an address in Boston before the Episcopal ., church congress, in KINDS OF MEAT which he paid a glowing tribute to the modern press. "Some' newspapers," he and Game on Bologna, Head-chees- e said, "are scandalmongers; some make hand. Highest cash price paid for scandal to publish it; some are black- pelts and hides. x ' mailing newspapers, and some are JAS. H. MACE, Midway Plaisances in print. The . well-know- , y .w,u...'hmw ! Good Divine.' Rev. Robert A. Holland of St. Louis, . r - v uwi"" ' I Y Chase of Twenty-Thre- e and Might YUike Somebody. Mile.. "Once" Patrolman RECEIVED to a retired said and the MESSAQE TRAGIC Perry Phipps hjutwo burglar writer for the New York Sun, I trusty bloodhounds, Joe and Jim, have FROM THE OTHER WORLD. looked from the upper hall of a house done some fine work lately, says the that I was in into a room that was Chattanooga Times. They trailed a jSTyiterious Recovery irom a Fatal ill miles down a, railso dark that you literally couldn't see thief twenty-thre- e ness Leads the Doctor to Investigate at it all. two road and if track miles through the into It seemed as they must A. Warning: Sent by ao Infidel Elechave the windows closed, the blinds woods and fields, finally running the trifies a Circle. shut and the shades all down. It was fugitive down, and thereby enabling blacker'n a cave. I turned my light the officers to effect his arrest. The in these in around on the floor to get the lay other night the depot at Wauhatchie no uncommon It is thing1 are of things'and fix 'em in my mind so as was broken into and a lot of tickets davB in wnicn. psychica. matters When the agent came exciting- so much interest," confided a not to stumble over anything. Over were stolen. bod a I saw n a to down a to the and Chicago chair, depot at about 6 o'clock by hanging physician from extraordina down he it trousers of have Times reporter, "to telegraphed to Agent John H. Peepair legs. of mesbles of this city, who at once teleabout I knew to was a there course, Then, you ary stories related in the come direct man bed, and that it was his phoned Chief Hill, and said he waited sages claiming to have clothes that were stacked up on the to To me, a hard-headand his dogs from spiritland. get Phipps shut off my light and and take " them down there and materialist, these seemed like chair there. the way, and I went see if the burglar could not be fairy tales, fit for thosebutwho choose to started- I knew so employ their time, lacking any very quickly, but when I got about caught. It was abdutx 7 :45 o'clock. information which could be considered half ay across the room the man in Mr. Phipps promptly took his dogs But I had some- the bed began to holler. Hbw he and went to the depot, where Mr. of the least value. see me I couldn't understand. Peebles was waiting for him. An enthing' happen to me not long ago, could couldn't see him at all, but I gine was already steamed up and the which if it did not banish the doubts I and waited. He party boarded it. The start was made Ifrom my minci, certainly aia ma mo just halted boiler of didn't deal very loud, though he for Wauhatchie and the party arrived :do a good thinking. to the was trying hard; but he was so there about 9 o'clock Phipps took the "I was attendingn professionally tna-was I tiauo-hteof a spiritualist. scared surprised to hear hounds to the rear door and there put fThe case was a serious one and I him holler at all; it sounded as though them on the trail. They took it at One morning-kvhe- it was al he could do to catch his onoe and started from the depot plat?watched it closely. I entered the sickroom I saw breath. I was afraid he Would scare form right to the track. They went to death taken a had on himself that down the the and I track change immediately right slowly spot. kept right dare back out of the room for ahead. had The worse. fever the for Mr. didn't Phipps stayed with the place increased and grave symptoms had fear I'd meet somebody coming in. I dogs and Mr. Peebles got on the developed. I thought it my duty to thought I could dodge 'em better engine, which followed at a distance. Inform the mother of the serious turn, after they got in; so I just stood there The animals traveled along the track in the middle of that dark room with for six miles and then suddenly dito I called her aside. i to said I am 'that the maniollerin' the best he could, verged to a spring, at which the purher, 'I sorry,1 as not I and wisling I was somewhere else, sued had evidently quenched his vour daughter has gained mornwould. I find this and wondering what was going to thirst. . The dogs did likewise and refhought she most in case her fact, turn up next. Well, sir, in about half turned to the track, which they folserious; ing 'madam' I felt at liberty to proceed, a minute lie stopped hollerin' alto- lowed until, after covering twenty seeing she did not take it hard 1 gether and for a minute or two he did miles, the pursuers on turning a curve not breathe. Then I was scared r but came in sight of the fugitive. am doubtful of her recovery.' "This did not seem to afreet the dn about a minute more he begun to The dogs felt that their victim was .1 TT wonan in the least. She went about snere. ?You see? He wasn't scared nnn n the room with a pleasant smile, tidy at me; what he was scared at w& their savage cries and sprang forward The fleeing ing up things. Thinking- she had not nightmare; he. didn't know I was at an increased pace. heard me, I said again: Madam, I there at alL But it was a mighty un- figure in the distance accelerated its comfortable position to be in all the pace. So did the dogs, and the chase said vour daughter cannot live.' to and me, "At this she turned same, because, of course, he was just was most exciting. Finally, when the 1 heard said: but as likely to wake up somebody hol- dogs were within a 'half mile of the i you, rolling, She will live.1 Vnow better. lerin' in his sleep as he would ha' man, he left the railroad track and I ," 'But, madam,' I persisted, you been if he'd been wide awake: he disappeared in a cornfield. The dogs more than I, as might have naked himself up as f ar's were soon after him. The engine ran are saying a good deal a physician, can. f I don't think she that's concerned. But he didn't, nor rapidly down to the place where he will survive the day.' anybody else, apparently, and w&en left the track and stopped. Mr. Peoturned to me and said, with a he'd got f to soring- again and every- ples, the fireman, Tom Carter and Mr. i"Shelaugh: 'Now, doctor, you thing seemed quiet, why 1 just went Ahipps took out through the field. The dogs were very much excited and physicians surely cannot pretend to ahead andolkedHhis trousers. " know all Jungs.' were close to their victim. Through "Her indifference at such a serious field and forest the chase continued. Children. nuestion aggravated me, so, saving- ' i Two OCT miles the negro ran and tried to In the publicschools of France 24.2 would call again in the evening, at per cent of & scholars are short- elude the dogs, but they could not be the same time, again telling her that sighted; in thos.of 35 per shaken off. They yelped at every I rApected she would be dying by that cent, and in thojof Germany made the forests ring. and -' the United King- jump now, time; I left. Well, I called again that dom XV peiy.cem lhe percentage was close behind the negro. of Phipps evening. is "higlist in the classes of He was about 200 yards in the rear, myopy "I found my patient sitting up in rhetoric and phisophy. The hygien- and the two were running through a bed, the fever having entirely left ic condition of tie school does not clover field. There was a house near her, and her condition was such that seem to affect it, t in the opinion of by, and calling at the top of his voice I had nothing to Dr. Martin, a Fmch 3 want to a man who was cutting wood in J authority, was couiu tnere xaai ior "say, of physical exercia is the chief cause front of the house, Mr. Phipps yelled notning be said, so 1 only prescribed again of it. modify the work of the to him, "Stop him!" and w&s about to go, when the lady classes By The man rushed in front of the and allowing reasonable spells asked me if I would) not like to join a of exercise betwe&them, the The negro negro and raised his ax. proporsmall circle that was holding a seance tion of the in out Gies-sea n and of whipped myopy revolver, glittering college i the parlor. I laughingly said: fell from 26. 6. to 17 per cent in the man fell back. The negro ran on, iV,if one of that for me, thank you. I five years. with the dogs not fifty yards behind "don't believe in it, and so don't care him. They were so tired they could ;to see anything of tt, and picked up flog Ltd. trot "Get me a horse, along. just She pay hat and started for the door. Hog island, on tie Virginia coast, quick!" called Phipps to the, man. naming over where Mr. Clevelandtook a somewhat persisted, however, "Hyars yer hoss," called an old pome prominent people who were in celebrated outing, once bought country lady as she trotted around the the circle, so I at last consented to go. for $3,000 by a KeiYorker who ex- side of the house ' with a horse with J "I had hardly sat down before the pected to send , the tedar lumber of bridle and saddle on that luckily was medium announced in writing" a cer- the island to ?!New ork for use in standing there. Phipps was almost tainname, which I at once recognized shipbuilding, but fouI the venture exhausted, on the anibut he vaulted as a patient of mine who had died a unprofitable because of the cost mal and started in pursuit again. 'He ear oetore. l never pretenaea to of transportation, the timber dn ran the a quarter of a about negro now the name, but it came persistent- - question was laid bare the mile and then he turned at bay. The by ti y until nnaiiy tne medium announced encroachment of the sea, upon sand dogs had just caught ud with him and t was for the doctor. I controlled dunes that had ' biul old wood were snappirig at his feet. He had y expression so that I would give no lands. .The wood in resurrected the his hands and he was pistol lew that I knew the man, when I was was far more valuable at animals. Then the flan it growing pointing umbfounded by having a slip of pa- - timber. came The up. Phipps negro whirled r handed me ini the handwriting of and at his the officer, but gun pointed former menu ana patient wnicn FOR AND ABOUTjHE LADiES. imy mind his and surrendered. changed each J , Dresses are soldbyht in Japan. He was brought back to jail. I am very sorry, doctor, 1 did not The. girls of Gilliam aunty, Ore., ask your advice the last time I saw The Pygmies of Africa. considerable pia money oy make ;y6u. Don't let others follow thjs misDr. Franz Stuhlman, who accomerable, unhappy wretch.' I pretended poisoning coyotes and eUecting the Pasha Emin intothe heart of panied on the scalps. pot to understand, but the truth was I bounty saw much of the people oalled Africa, Miss Gould of London Eri ffiands iwss chilled to the marrow. The man looks He them as the upon Pygmies. whose name was signed to the mes- - only female recruiting Serjeant. She of a primeval race which at remnant saga was a patient and dear friend works among youug tVs and the one time occupied the whole of trop Who was so misguided as to doubt the very poor, and has donea goo&, ical Africa and Southern Asia. They xistence of God. He had a lingering Mme. Rejane, the Preacactresg ig have lost their original language and llness, and when I saw that this was now recognized as the ger of til9 have been encroached upon by suroing to be fatal, I beseeched him to fashions for Paris, it; U jjer rounding tribes, even within the dense jonsider " his condition as he ap- hair lis slightly redder 4an ma forests to which they retired, until proached the awful valley. I told hogany, and red hair at r& they are met with only in scattered lirb. that he could not live more than he French capitaL remnants. No trace of degeneracy is i wek and tried to induce him to Mrs. Nurich-H- ow to be found "among them. i3ylau nake his peace with h3 maker. out in her arbstndiej, Artist making "He resolutely refused, to argue the Very well; only she Uy8 They Have Not Learned to Fear. luestipn until one day when I saw the on too , thick. Mrs. NQrjc colors The tameness of some animals in snd fast approaching. I tried with , father pan aft her all t t thinly settled districts is remarkable. ill my power to make Mm see the herright; she the all have paints ttt While a young man was fishing on an rror of his ways. X remember b South in A Knsingt(. lady old dam in a New England stream a aised himself upon; his elbows, and, new use fordej a found has Qne chipmunk ran out from the wood and pointing his shriveled finger ; at me, she Wasse day lately h fiaid.iin tones boldly picked up the crumbs from his by angert mudy provoked une k " 'Doctor, it's no use of your talk-ji- n street wii.ii u luncheon that were scattered near other an 7 in the umbrella him. Then, curious as to what kind As I have lived," so will I idte.' the terrier holding of animal the young man was, the ;aaa as ne sank back on his pillow 1 in his teeth. He never his leg as far as tkj chipmunk ran uponfor gave up all hope. I left him to attf an instant and touch the ground. his knee, chattered end another serious case anct? was de arc now making A whisked off into the forest again. Young ladies tained longer than i.I expected, but like bC. letten of their labeling jprhen I returned to my office I found them j ess A Field for Oar Furniture. 006 asking me to 'come to the house men and keeping da in frier to consuls i E Letters According to one of ourfield I hurried, but when I boxes. to relatives, th . eushin.?' Or Immediately. in that there is a great frrrived he wa3 dead; Germany I don't know epistles d e ' thft furniture school origin country for factory-madaatjhe wanted to say to me, but ters of Not States. only is United irom trcuucuicu pre in a strange company, cam6 a headings ! Mb 66 from the more are place and, expensive the German furnitureless effective piessage to me a horrible message, maboxes. full of regret and repentance--abd- ut because ours, than a a weai it, but it is A story is told of subject which I am pertain no person chinery is used to makeconvenient and "ho woman Wa$ jat also less beautiful, put my friend and myself knew about parsimonious the never mentioned it td anyone, easily affected; by aPeara0; durable. f3 : Being' informed that a ' i Misery. it was really what it purFashionable Then. to be or no was immaterial, in Ike ported Spectacles were fashionable the house, sue excUj were fV?ere was thep message, and I was front ofmam costly, take him to the hani. sixteenth century. They of 1 read' The'in-L- a "Poor la an what vV6d equivalent being Hde n t the eat the irrassthe and let him, a larger depressing effect upon yard C, It wS believed that Jhe 5 Tims the heavier, Cllr1 ? aatheso unlike the ' usual It grows higher," lenses and the the the to euuuM oi added 1:rom world. boara r3sai. other The Herfr CJrJ; the dignity ihe teachi5 the aa not made 'N J.V and whose recently happy llrw a regular part ot Xh j wearer's appearance. leZJ?m be in consumed cooking J. Safes. ' Burglar-Proday I cannot throw' culum for the upper gradessafes are Uet rCUlUr fiuence .which this female . scftoois. v . vws n - n nf t.l! f- d 1 ... i a" f rom the other world or thirty gins m w fw oo0l i ; a made of al . , w f maiAar-I But suffice it made a salad. Then .nejr ?e. io wnicn inft metal, to seanci ate it and everv Wessea th combination win no 'AID l. i r altencled.,, spiritualisUc Nthis sick. taken was promptly Uither drill or sledge hammer. 4 i : i - 7'"'"""": ; SimTwalklr Address: Oak City!, Dealer tm More women than men voted at the Utah. recent election in Colorado, and they FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, F; cast a larger per centage of their regis:.,-rJi;EfffS, Poultry, Game; Veal Fork aa4 tered vote than the men. They led the BeafJSmoked aad Fresh Fish, men in Denver by 8,000 votes, besides Notary and Conveyance)' Hay and Grain. Floor, vote men to who usually inducing 6,000 IX will pay yon to ship their yor godt to ta. I Deeds and duty. Only a few of charge neglected per oent. for haadllnfr aad remit as Mortgages made out and i the 70,000 women who voted took part ooa u 10coods s are sold. Cam signatures acknowledged; affidadtf in the street processions. A larjge ma- ooaator references if desired. - gira and depositions taken: rainine Ieedf jority voted the republican ticket and and business a specialty. a few supported.' the prohibitionists. i JGrIBBS,'il first-olaa- . Throughout the whole state not the slightest affront was offered a woman voter. Such are the silent facts of the first general election in Colorado in which women had an equal share. A Queer Custom. W. Q. M STEWARD, PROMPT ATTFNTinN hp with MILLARD CO. BL ADJ1 M i Deseret. - OCSce OFXTCBl C3 W. Snd, South, SALT LAKE CITY One of the queer customs of Russia is P. O. DOX -shown in the recent death of the czar. When V the death of Alexander at Li vadia was announced the people Ussd. Caraplei . made merry over the accession of the Irca Assay new .'ruler, and after the festivities Cteppcr Ar.ay were concluded they began mourning Esttl Camples..; f(r tke dead monarch. 3f . . Bflter 1 Utail ; -- U. ( v " Branlli! Stamps, t rtfM J. GBIFFIN, S. Twenty fifth St, Ogden, Utah, Mannfacturer of Rubber and Metal Stamya, alsi . .CLC0 f Notarial and ather Seals, Badges, SteBCili. Irons, etc. Also has for sale Cheek 1.00 Branding .u u offeni uu m n civ., rucMi, in. t j Colombia Bicycles.'""uucb, 1.00 fer n xiemnK-iau-arTixor uo. nfMAgent -4 8.C3 vault work. Steel boxes, ST. i.rii-vi--- ut . - lire-pro- ' , 1 V i H ill r S ! - |