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Show RIEF N EWS IN TUESDAY 113 Daily Utah Chronicle ush, Fox strike accord Tuesday 2315 Both leaders agree on immigration, Iraq However, Bush predicted, "There will be politics probably involved in whether or not it passes Congress." Fox gave the proposal his cautious support last week, though Thursday, speaking at a school in Mexico City, Fox suggested it fell short. "We're going for more," he said. But Monday, with the American president at his side. Fox expressed no reservations. "This is a very important step forward," Fox said. And Fox said his government was firmly in charge of security at Mexican airports where flights depart for the United States. Mexican officials recently complained that Washington was pushing for cancellation of airline flights without providing hard evidence of security threats. Governments from Mexico to Brazil have cried foul over U.S. measures to photograph and fingerprint visiting foreigners and to cancel airline flights over what some call dubious evidence of possible attacks. "In reference to safety matters on the airports and the flights, that is a sovereign decision in Mexico," Fox said. MONTERREY, Mexico President Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox found agreement Monday on the contentious issues of immigration and Iraq, ending two years of discord that followed the terrorist attacks of Sept. ii, 2oor. Fox wholeheartedly embraced Bush's immigration proposal rb grant legal status to millions of undocumented workers in the United States, most of them from Mexico. "What else can we wish?" Fox said at a news conference with Bush. The two leaders met before the opening of a hemispheric summit dealing with issues such as poverty, trade, corruption and unhappiness in Latin America about new U.S. security measures to combat terrorism. In the news conference, Bush dismissed suggestions that his new immigration proposal was an election-yea- r gambit to attract Hispanic voters in America. "It recognizes the reality of our country," Bush said of his plan. "The truth is, the vast majority of foreign workers in America are from Mexico." Attorney challenges ban on polygamy in Utah right to practice their religion, attorney Brian Barnard says in the complaint. The lawsuit does not mention what faith the plaintiffs observe, except to say polygamy is a "sincere and deeply held religious major tenet." The lawsuit argues that the Supreme Court ruling last June in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down laws criminalizing gay sex, protects the defendants' privacy in intimate matters. In the Texas case, two gay men who were arrested after police entered their apartment and found them having sex were "entitled to respect for their private lives," Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote lead- SALT LAKE CITY-- A ing civil rights attorney filed a federal lawsuit on Monday challenging Utah's ban on polygamy, citing the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Texas sodomy law. The lawsuit says Salt Lake County clerks refused a mar- riage license on Dec. 22, 2003 to plaintiffs G. Lee Cook, an adult male, and J. Bronson, an adult female, because Cook was already married to D. Cook. That woman had given her consent to the additional marriage. In denying the marriage license, the county violated the plaintiffs' First Amendment Eljc Jshu Jlork Simc0 Crossword . 48 5 Epistle apostle 9 Get-g- o 54 Will Smith biopic 56 Expose, in verse 1 52 Force 14 Words of 61 15 "Dirty" Cajun 63 dish 64 19 Aerodynamically 67 Cheery tune 68 Actress Winger designed 69 Fork over, with births 33 1 36 4 Unmannered sort Outdated atlas abbr. if TI "J44 ST 4l If ' ST" ', " 3T ii'l:iO""1l-JsS b" LTj.r "3 3 :" 6 hs ss Slaughter of Cooperstown I I I 13 "For shame!" 1 I a time 22 Nevadas 26 Get a good 21 Crash cushioner the Hari (spy) 10 preceder gratia artis 11 (MGM motto) Per unit Banjoist Scruggs hush-hus- h Pro-gu- n Bring up the rear 42 Brit's raincoat 51 35 "I'm all ears!" 53 38 Mafia bigwig 12 Barely make, with 39 Mushroom cloud "out" producer I rights org. 55 58 maybe Dance energetically Famed Harlem theater Religious principles Spanish princess Soup scoop Gymnast Korbut Turn to page 7 for the answers. 1 Mostly cloudy Esttcr Than Department Ul C; First Quality Des'j'v.-i- Cloth! i;i;!it Out Of Our Uarehout,': ' rond-2y-Frlday10:- Esfurday 13:3C3.t. rt - Mu-dd- ft ! New Warehouse Location Find us and save big! & Fitch, H.ke, Polo, Ecko, Diosd. DKNY, 55 Scu?, Levi, LCI, Yf.'t, Max Studio. Sean John, L"zeki!, ENYCE, Rampage, Rccswear, Academics. Outcast, Red Cr.tyne. Earl. Silver, O90 gclf bags. hazy 15 Thursday As part of the Martin Luther 2819 Partly cloudy 6c King Jr. Week celebration, Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. will present the keynote address at noon in the Union Ballroom. hazy 2516 Saturday Mostly sunny 6c hazy part of the Martin Luther celebration, an interactive exploration titled, "Playing the Road to Brown" from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Union Saltair Room. As King Jr. Week Forecaster: Todd Foisy Sunrise Sunset 7:50am 5:22pm TRENTON, N.J. New Jersey became the fifth state to partnerrecognize same-se- x ships Monday, but activists said they will not stop the fight until openly gay couples can legally marry. Under the new The S.J. Ouinney College of partnerships same-se- x law, domes- tic partners will gain access to medical benefits, insurance and other legal rights. New Jersey also will recognize such partnerships granted in other states. The bill does not authorize gay marriage, which is against the law in New Jersey and Gov. James E. McGreevey said he would not support legislation that would amend Law y 1003 VV. 3160 S. YVj-Wcs- r, eoi - : , 3 West, said Stephens, he wants the Division of Child and Family Services to take a more consistent approach to cases like Parker Jensen "so we don't invite the excitement and emotion of the families and community." "These are highly emotional issues...There's no easy answers to this," Stephens said. Parker Jensen's parents successfully fought the state's efforts to gain custody and force chemotherapy on the boy, but the victory came at a price. so , .4 B. Friday 16 YAKIMA, Wash. Japanese Upset with the state's handling of scientists met with U.S. agrin Parker Jensen, a culture officials Monday about boy whose parents refused the investigation into mad cow to consent to chemotherapy, disease, as more cows from a several Utah legislators will Washington state dairy farm make parental rights a major were killed. issue for the 2004 session. Agriculture officials are killLegislators are working on ing 129 cows from the farm in measures to appoint a parents' Mabton with ties to a Holstein that had the disease. Nine rights advocate at the agency and curtail its cows were euthanized Saturpower to take children from day and 22 on Monday, said allegedly abusive or neglectful Nolan Lemon, spokesman for homes. the U.S. Department of AgAnother measure would give riculture. He said between parents fighting to keep custo- 30 and 40 cows will be killed dy of their children a jury trial, each day beginning Tuesday taking that decision from juve- until the process is complete. nile court judges. Other bills, Investigators determined that including one that would rede- nine of the 129 cows came fine neglect under the law, are from the same Canadian farm where the sick Holstein was being prepared for the legislative session that opens born, but could not rule out the other animals in the herd. Monday. "That will be a very emo- Meanwhile, a team of agricultional issue for many because ture and health officials from anytime you're dealing with Japan, one of more than 30 parental rights or childrens nations that have banned U.S. rights, you're going to have a beef, met in Yakima with their very difficult time balancing American counterparts to disthose perfectly," Senate Presi- cuss the mad cow case. dent AJ Mansell, said re An- Fordham "Access to Debate titled, the state's marriage laws to in- Justice: Be It Resolved: Utah clude same-se- x partners. should adopt a comprehenThe law will not force busi- sive state plan to assure nesses to offer health coverage that all have access persons to same-se- x partners of em- to justice in all areas of law ployees but does require in- and in all forums" at 7 p.m. in surance companies to make it the Sutherland Moot Courtavailable. It also allows a surroom. viving partner to gain property rights and other survivor's Jest Billiards hosts its weekly benefits. "This legislation is a in the Union Pool matter of fundamental decen- meeting Room from 6 to 8 p.m. For cy," McGreevey said before more information, signing the law. jestustudents.com. At least one conservative group plans a court challenge to the law, while gay rights activists said they would push The Utah Museum of Natural for more. History hosts the lecture, "The Pitfalls of Memory: Memory Errors We All Make," by U psychology professor Raymond Kesner at noon in the Marriott Library's Gould Auditorium. CITY Man-se- ll presents the 20th nual Jefferson Legislators to Japan looks make parent into mad cow rights an issue disease in U.S. SALT LAKE U Chapter hosts Mark Shurtleff for a question and answer session at 7 p.m. in Union 323. New Jersey recognizes rr C:CC 4:C3prn 6c Friday child-welfa- WHOLESALE PRICES AT 2617 Thursday predicted parents' rights would be among the most debated issues for the 2004 session, along with tuition tax credits for private schools and budget problems. Mansell said he's fielded more complaints about the agency as a legislator "than all the other complaints I've had combined." House Speaker Marty COMPANY NAME BRAND CLOTHING Wednesday 14 Campus blood drive from 10 a..m to 2 p.m. in the Union Building. 45-d- ay in. EST' Abercror:f-!- Morning smog, aft, sun Monday. At a news conference, BIG ROCK CLOTHING 40 50 group feelings Screenwriter's creation 1 41 49 Coveted statue 32 Fed. III hs M I 47 Maze scurrier, 31 as much on the screen r thing 9 Bean n Theatre. child-welfa- re - st Morsel 2416 Wednesday cancer-stricke- 41 . 8 Not 46 " 53 T7 43 August 5 Danish filler conveyance? 45 tvr tfyf 40 27 Prefix with profit 29 Doodler's aid 44 J, """ ja 38 Looney Tunes 43 La 113 to M 37 Pride member 42 112 iS 3- 5- 7 The Bruins of N.C.A.A. horse-draw- m x, g f 2 Frigid time 3 Plum variety Auctioneer's cry Cube maker Rubik 34 110 DOWN 28 Not relaxed 30 ri rt The College Republicans i? a , tTzT no avail 25 To 3 "up" 23 "May now?" 24 PBS funder p ty- - S3 70 Many p T5 Prayer addressee Look up and 18 woodwind? p ITS Hillside down 65 Red Sea land 66 Score for Mia Hamm 20 Fish playing a rin p 17 party? some muic, like the Stones Tape for a music exec WWW addresses 16 Makes n p King Jr. Week celebration, the film, "Amandla! A Revolution in Four-PaHarmony" will screen at 7 p.m. in the Union Information by the University of Utah American Meteorology Society wurw.met.utah.educampusforecast case. Currently, the appeal of another bigamist, Rodney Holm who was convicted of bigamy and unlawful sexual conduct with an underage girl questions the constitutionality of Utah's bigamy law in light of Lawrence v. Texas. Its 57 Dirigible confidence 17 1 13 Tuesday As part of the Martin Luther Smog Moon Phase in the majority opinion. "The state cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime." Lawyers representing have recently cited the Supreme Court ruling. Last month, the attorney for convicted bigamist and child rapist Tom Green argued his client's convictions should be thrown out in light of the Edited by Will Shortz Chance for a hit ACROSS Ocean motion CAMPUS EVENTS FIVE DAY FORECAST The 19 Monday of Martin the Luther part As King Jr. Week celebration, organizers present a cultural performance by ADAAWE along with the Youth Leadership Awards at 6:30 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall. 20 Tuesday ASUU and the Leadership Development Office host their monthly installment of the Leadership Workshop Series titled, "Leadership and Service" from 2 to 3 p.m. in Union 324. Thursday 23 Jest Billiards hosts its weekly in the Union Pool Room from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, meeting jestustudents.com. events must be located on csmpus. All Daily Utah Chronicle Editor in Chief News Editor Asst. News Editor Asst. News Editor In Depth Editor Opinion Editor SportsManaging Editor Asst. Sports Editor Senior Copy Editor Copy Editor Photo Editor Asst. Photo Editor Sheena McFarland smcfarlandchronicle.utah etu Mike Young myoung?chronicle.utah.e)u Adam Benson abensongchronicle.utah.edu Andrew Kirk akirkchronicle utah.edu Eryn Green egreenchronicleutahedu Jim Bergstedt jbergstedtikhfonicle.utah.edu Chris Bellamy cbeilamyichronicle utah.edu Asad Kudiya akudiyachronicle.utah.edu Danyelle White dwhite?chronicie.utah.edu Dave Teigland dteiglandlchronicle utah.edu Lonny Danler IdanlerUchronitle utah.edu Josh Caldwell jcaldwellchronicle utah.edu Jeremy Wojciechowski ojochronicle.utah.edu Production Manager Art Director Stephanie Geerlings Online Editor Business Manager Ads Manager Accountant sgeerlingsfchronicle.utah.edu Dave White dow?utah edu Adam Ward 3ward?chronicle.utah.edu Peter Wilhelm pwilhelmchronic!e.utahedu Kay Anderson kandersonchronicle utah edu 801581.7041 801581.Nr.WS Fax 801581.7041 ftf Diily Utafi CfooflK is l Jtudrt umpwr ftl'sM ferfy Homily ttw fndjy Amng fjll H StKirn; (ncWng test trm and hwdm) md weUy during Umm SemnlM CruonKk tim 4 sialf sW msmm tot m awwaBtrt content hmnt) com horn twi'sng. irmm me i tmm stMt lee mmwt h tt PMskKn) Council SAot'iot at vmi lowid ill MvnMiM twTKMwiwt m ine (KDWI t.jl !IOilMS. commtnts or compijirti, u(i (M) HW OW MnjQN. 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