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Show Tuesday, January 13, "Daily Utah Chronicle 2004 Httsrik 1 lln-di- 4 k A V-- p tm, rtw.i ft tuft FOR RENT RLL DINING FOOD, FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE ESTATE fw MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! VOLUNTEER TRAVEL I E K. ft p. S Classifieds can be placed using the following methods: and no refunds are made, except for our errors. In keeping with the Urwerity of Utah's policy of The V per week per month semester MUSIC $38 $114 Email: classfiedsQchronicle.utah.edu Online; wVkW.dailyutahchronicle.com $325 In J ! Talk to a classified ad manager. Person: At The can discriminate on the basis of national origin, race, color, religion, age, disability, veteran statjs, sexual orientation, or gender. Roommate ads are an exception only in regard to Daily Utah Chronicle offices asp JjB I L O R TH 1 TQ f. TTh I D EIB R jA AlLjl 0 RTptlO G A O Q H L E Well 1 wck well.. 1 mo:-J-,$- 1 Semester $40 N j furnished fer. i BCD, 1 BaTHRC0M APT. BASEMENT 1 Newly remodeled, paid, pets, drinking, WD, utilities No Call $575.00-negotiabl- smoking. SUGAR WATCH. outi our annual January only! Backpacks, hunting & flsh-- j packs, headlamps, out-- I door tools, and a few other brands too! Doors open at iBaml 753 West 1700 South.! Call 801.978.2207 jing HOUSE: ingpets. 4 AREA: 2 bedroom 1 bath, heat, laundry Included, parkUNIVERSITY $49Smonth. ing. $3.00 WORD PETS HEIGHTS COnDB; 130South 1300East. One Bedroom with covered parking. Includes heat. Eve Best deal in town! WHY NOT! VISIT. 677 So. A 7th East. PROCESSING, bedroom apartment. Nice Hardwood Floors, High Ceilings, Large tons of Closet Space, Windows, Cute&Cieen. parking k Most utilities laundry facilities. 1st Iree! month Great paid Neighborhood close to the "U" and Trax, 900East 125 South. t U! Newly remodeled! 2 bth. apt. $ 625mo no smkgno pets 266 S. Douglas 024OE.) 1 MORTGAGE DISCOUNTS FOR U STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND EMPLOYEES. Call Joel Nelson, ext. Mortgage at 224. Email: joelutahtenderxom part-tim- e assis- - real-estat- e TANT WANTED. S5O0 utilities Included. distance of Walking both university & trax. BDRM APRTMNT. 2 BEDROOM, New carpet-palnoff street parking, great neighbors, storage, close to U and Trax. $545 and assistance deposit Bath, indoor pool, roof top hot tub & barbeques, party room, Internet, cable, covered parking. $1400. graduate students, or staff. Trax from front door to school. Call AWNTJBTTBraMTTATH. 633 East 3rd Ave. WasherDryer Included. No pets or smoking. $395mo Please call DUPLEX FOR RENT. 2Bed7oomi; 1Bath. Near Trax, Trolly Square, Fred Myer, plenty of storage, S650Month. Contact Brady at Ba- sic office, organizational, computer skills, & car winsurance required. Start at $7.00hr(plus mileage). Call MattU266-133- BEDROOM CAPITAL. HOUSE IN 1 NEAR Share with other women. Washer and Dryer 2 baths. No petssmoking. $275 mo. T'OWLKS. 2 "Bed 2 security, full exercise room, AMERICAN 2 to share 4 bedroom house, $300 per month plus 14 utilities, private room, share bath with one person, on bus line: convenient to 1 U: no smoking. Call FEMALE ROOMATE Oulet neighborhood near $400month inSugarhouse. cludes utilities (except phone), basement studio with prilarge vate bathroom. Snared kitchen, laundry, storage. No smoking. lease available. Available Please HOUSE. call i FlNTALTI'NTiiNirsTfiVTCT; SALE we drivel Studlos-- 6 bedrooms! S400-S2001035 S. 700 E. (across from Liberty Park). Open every day! (Landlords, we help you rentl) Call www.RentalFinders.biz house above Foothill. Spacious bedrooms. 10 minutes away from U. Washerdryer. $300 Including 4 utilities. ROOM IN ROOMMATE. Lae,"lean HOUSE Home. $325 Includes utilities. Responsible, mature, liberal, graduate student. References. No Myranda petssmoking. Call RAT!vWCTATXAT5CS"Sbdm7l bath, washerdryer, fenced yard. $595mo. Please call HI5T0R It aTTVICTOB A N"3 Bdr in, 2 bath apartment In the avenues, close to campustown, excellent neighborhood, $950.00 a month rent, available now, 1103 E. 3rd and ask for Ave., Paul or Ken. Female, no smokepets. Furnished bedroom $375mo, 2nd bedroom possible, utilities paid, buses. Grad. student, professional. Call and settings. Moun- Rocky NANNY WANTED. and Friday 12:30-6pResp-picup from school, help with homework, and prepare evening meals. Call p7TNAMNY NEEDED for 2 adoles: 6 cents near U of U. F pm. Car required. Part-tim- e nannydriver for Park City couple Duties Include driving to and from activities. Approximately 20 hours per week, Must have car, references, good grades and agree to background check. $150 per week. Call WANTED with two . VISTACARE HOSPICE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS. It Is a great opportunity for those who are In the ., or gerontology program. It Is a great for anyone. It reopportunity quires only 2 hours a week. People have a stigma working for the elderly and terminally III, but what you will find Is the elderly are just like us In many ways, only older. They differ In that they need more care. If you are 5 Interested, call Alan at or email me at: kentonlowe yar,oo.com. E Training (800) provided ext 153. 0 ADVERTISING SALES: The Daily Utah Chronicle and RED Magazine are looking for an enthusiastic and team player to join our Advertising Representative team. The ideal candidate has a strong desire to learn advertising and sales. The Chronicle offers an excellent commission program and work flexibility. If you would like to oln our tast- -' paced and exciting team, please email your 1 resume to: I pwllhflmSSichronlcle.utah.edu GYMNASTICS 581-704- HEALTHY WOMEN NEEDED 1 MU JNKJRMATJON FOR COACHES We are seeking healthy women for a research study of an investigational vaccine to prevent genital herpes disease. NEEDED for recreational program starting Jan 17th. Prior gymnastics coaching experience mandatory. Call Aki at leave message. THE BRIDAL 4 Please call: (801) or see the web site at www.herpevac.com. 585-987- BUSINESS! David's Bridal now hiring: Sales, customer service. Alterations, Call 466-240or fax resume YOU CANNOT GET HERPES FROM THE VACCINE NEEDED-ParMAD SCIENTIST t Time. Mad Science of Salt Lake Is CONFIDENTIAL HERPES BLOOD TEST 4- hiring outgoing people to present fun science activities for children at elementary schools and parties. Excellent lob for future elementary school teachers. Need car, experience wkids, available science, 4 morningsafternoons days a week(-1- 0 hrs week). Start at $10hr Apply online at www.madscience.orgutah COMPENSATION PROVIDED YOU MUST BE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 30 YOC MUST NOT RAVE COLD SORES OR GENITAL HERPES UNIVERSITY OF UTAH APPROVED RESEARCH DIVISION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES TAKn7JNLINE 5 for Sur- 0 for Focus veys. Earn e fee of $34.95. Groups. www.cash4students. comuutah. NI5hT7wEEKEND SUPPORT Get Inside Utah's entertain ment scene V DataTlxi Strong Cust. Service skills needed. www.smlthstixxomJ! Call Aaron at Find the ONLINE CREDIT FIRM needs ener getic people with good phone skills to contact consumers who have asked us to call them about their credit. Great work environment, flexible hours, paid hourly commission. Email resume to or call jobsiacademycredit.com 4 Extension 6. PHYSICIAN? OFFICE Mornings, starting with $8.50hr. Please call Lowest Textbook Prirps withllMick! NEEDED for Real Investment Firm. evening hours. Great job, lots of potential. Call Dustin at (801) RECEPTIONIST Estate Compare prices at dozens of online stores RECEPTIONIST WANTED! Rentallinders. only tree rental finding service! Outgoing personality! FullPart time. Fun job, near campus! jobsfRentalflnders.biz GTPXS CTJLLEE SINGLE, NEEDED as counselors for "Be The Best You Teen Girls Camp" at the UofU July 2004. For an application go to or www.bethebestyoucamp.com contact Director Barbara Barring-to- n New and used textbooks Get the latest store coupons hot deals I or call Read user ratings & reviews of stores becoming an Independent sates consultant for our gourmet gift basket and candle business. Be your own boss and determine the amount of money you make! If Interested, send resume and cover letter to aaroncltyglftbasketsjrg. CTHTrl7jN: Security guards January for events. $10.00 phour. Trainof this ing on ThursdayFriday 0 week. Call Tyler. TELEPHONE InTERvTTwTr7nB SALES Part Time Flexible Good Pay. shifts. dayevening Western Research Opinion We don't sell books. We fjnij you the lowest pric - TUT0R7TRACKER UVSC is applications for to work at West High School. Must be willing to commit until end of school year. ext. $7.72hour. Call t 317. OUESTiONS: Do you feel short of breath with moderate exercise? Is you exercise limited by GhaNU LMLKUM.L, 138,000 miles, new tires, runs great. $4999 OBO. Call Chris at STlTVOUR TATrroTrAV"wlftr6ne phone call, house calls made, paid for or not, dead or alive. It's to call. time worth your Car Buyers of Utah www.carsold.com V6. Nice, t at 4 i. etiju .ft (, 1 If liii "f.fi T, F ibv---v Instructors: Drs. Florshesm I & Vtelnryh 5 Place: 175 G$H ! CI i ' CC M' s . ... . 1 ?""?T ! 4 - i roweliedv.com. for additionalapplication Information. rs ' HIRING jTwTLW'TrWfr REPRESENTATIVES SALES to sell Diamonds. Flexible hours. Please call (B01I ext 2 Is- 12:55-2:2- pro- DE5IGnmaPk"CTiN INTERN: Excellent opportunity with Ivory Homesl See 1," 2210 Psychology cf Parenthood: Frcrti Dr. Speck toHoerSVn?$cr Mon-We- d CRaPhiI r ", PSYCH duction designer and Ouark wizard wanted for local award winning agency. Must be available the first week of each month for corporate newsletter production. DOE. Send resume to rwrayc f !,V- ' cough or chest tightness? Wether you have asthma or not, If you answered "yes" to either question, you may qualify for a research study determining the effect of acid reflux on exercise! Interested? Call Kathy at or Compensation M TSarMlrrw S A TWO 0P"P0"RTUNITY- - www.suwa.org Applications due January 30th. Counselors earn $350 for the week. STUDENT NEEDED to work with our 3 year old autistic child using principles of applied behavior analyslsftralning provided). Home based program next to the Unhours per iversity of Utah. week. Monday and Wednesday availability is needed and also every other Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Must be native English speaker. Call this semester? matters. Protect Sat k Flexible schedule. lfvj JLlC & Includes availability & shipping time Looking tor a ob Make ft one that F Wild Utah. . IGUANA WITH CAGE, heat roc lamp $60 OBO. Call Chris I e www.careers.cfdebt.com HayleeW801.364.8B99 Bryan699-S761- CIVIC. 1 Sundance film festival ' buicD YOUR rTsjmE with a national mortgage company who Is offering paid training to 35 people who want gain knowledge of the financial services lndustry.2 per hourbonus, flexible schedules, full benefits, earn up to 6 credit hoursi Apply tNvm ACTfvTTT924553 HONDA you off, please call our office immediately. Jones at (800) IBARTENDING! $250day Potential. No experience necessary. Green, 2door, moonroof, power evCO. Super Condi erything, tlon, one owner. 105K miles, 90 freeway. $7500 OBO 00 LARGE OWt BEDROOM clean, off street periling, close to campus, downtown, trax. Unfurnished $4?5. furor nished $465. RETAIL. PAY FIE M. N MdHTne'r get ic CREDIT people with good phone skills to contact consumers. Email resume or call Jobsacademycredft.com 4 Ext. 6 SUGAT5 j MAKE MONEY SURVEYS. Earn BUSINESS share 2 bdrm. apartment. Trolley 12 $300mo. sq.Trax area. utls. WD, off street parking. FURNISHED Wholesale prices. tain Diamonds. Colleen860-5529- UNIVERSITYDOWNTOWN bd. TAN, DIAMONDS: DON'T 100's of diamonds 1 WALK TO computer, laser printer, also IBM typing. Can check references spelling, grammar, Mrs. (specialty: APA). Neeley, 1 OK. B363-959- 9 L STAY 1 UNIVERSITY $700 2 BFjRM, 1500 square feet, utilities paid. 1226 12 East 2nd Ave. WC hook-upparking, no petssmoke. UNIVERSITY AREA. 2 12 $540 per month (heat Included), laundry In bldg, parking, air, dishwasher, etc. No smok- UNIVERSITY OUTDOOR ADVENTURES for UU credit. Add deadline FEB 2. Under PRT Land, Snow, Water are NRL classes: skiing, snowboard-Ing- , pistol cookingcamping, marksmanship, backpacking, map & compass, rock climbing Indoors fc out, bicycle Zion Park, fly fishing, kayakingl SMALL Basement Apartment. $450.00 PM. Single Occupancy. Utilities Included. Free Cable. NO Call Scott SmokingPets. January 7th, near UnionSSB, Reward will be given. Call Susan at 8L0W SALE! BEAUTIFUL OUEEN DOUBLE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS AND BOX. Brand new, In plastic. Retail $700. Sell $275. Call Can Deliver. 5ALTLAKEAPARTMErJTS.COM Apartments, Duplexes, Condos, Homes, For Rent. The best way to search for Rental Properties. CALL L'S AT 15 JOIN 4 MILLCRETK BEAUTIFUL our adult game shows. A SaltLakeAfterDarK.com BRACELET $2,500 Call Travis Gardens condo with fireplace, deck and much storage: Ideal for skiers. $650 or best of- WWW.SLAD.TV Utahs only webcast TV station. Whats hot whats not In the party and club scene, win great prizes, or become a contestant on our Booty Date dating show or another of GOLD 2X)9ct 1.47 Princess Princess $3,900 Princess $1,900, 1.12ct $1,700, 1XTI Round LiT EOS T E LARGE, Foothill LOST SELL: DIAMONDS-MUS- 1 rip GENITAL HERPES PREVENTION STUDY I f UTAH p. O N B scheme to UNIVERSITY luiAMrrfiiEri 1 k jrTo e A if you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, or feel that an advertisement is not valid or is a advertisements, ARODNPTf BYjP LACING A BORDER G A 1 gender. Advertisement requiring a fee must so state in the ad, in keeping with The Chronicle's desire to run honest Deadline is noon, two days prior to publication. N p. located at 290 So. Central Campus Drive Room 235 (In The Union Building on the University of Utah Campus.) WORDS 41 J Daily Utah Chronicle does not accept any advertisements that violate University policy, or State or Federal La. No ad Fax: 801.581.3299 TO YOUR CLASSIFIED E p o Pre-Pai- d. DRAW MORE ATTENTION A N Classified Ads Must Be Phone: 831.581.7041 I .S TTn "oOnIejaXjT H Gj Q (NT !"fr MO frJS Aprils' sm" jfT o n 4ciA HIP c aJF t o, oTp''' I - We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AmEx. WORDS 0 21-4- ,pdfi e .4 B g E $215 Tl WANTED ' C . I semester OPPS TfTpj aIuIl ft oTnTsTeTt tip R0 1 3oJUy.IS Tk j "spiK iplSIS 0s 0l WZ2 i $31 1 TYPING T per month CHILD CARE SERVICES A FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPS PERSONALS B COMPUTERS S27 JEWELRY : 0j inv The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements are not taken over the phone, All per week FURNITURE SEEKING RENTAL LOST & FOUND WORDS AUTOMOTIVE ROOMMATES i f PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD CLASSIFIED INDEX ADOPTION r-- v . r! .nwnj WirtfWi Ihrfomull (( s. ' :z. r. e: I i c j, end pr- - : I : Hil itf I;. ... i i ; ' ' ' i . |