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Show 1 S12 August 2003 The Daily Utah Chronicle SKIING know us, they know what we expect. We deliver that. And continued rom page Sil H X ' ..A :r j j kJ VJU I VY II I I 1 (H JW r tiPI 6 TUtUrG . A A i. J - IVIGnilOn IMlS 3Q receive a 1 0 J ' O WyWW 2k r r OT T f3 ITI ... UeSpiteiOSSOT r --, CPninr:if ledill II Cki that's important." With the ski season still five months away. Utah has plenty of time to get its roster in order and get ready to defend trt ikes its chances to repeat aS ChamDS r f OV f OI I UOdl i 6 CI VISIOn got that intangible covered. -- It's really in gression a natural pro- the tea.ti," Sweeney said. "In a way. lead- ership is a given. They know that's part of their role, to keep the tradition of the Utah ski team going, and part of that tradition is to have a strong leadership group. The people that are coming up have all the capabilities, so I just expect that out of them." The Utes will have five sen- iors on the roster this season who will be looked upon to take those roles. But with a Q CX X'TSKS discount. tions for Utah skiing will be as high as they've been in years. "Winning a title is a very special moment, and takes a very special blend, and there are circumstances that are out of my control,-- Sweeney said. cbellamyI-chronicle.utah.ed- . .. w ftiQrK lOUf g F Sj I fa Wl SP f1 fell 15 JAN. Utah Cross Country Invitational Soldier Hollow, Utah 23-2- 4: jk, With the ski team gearing up this winter, there will be more home state. The u skiers wi, get for the only time pressure than ever on the Ute to stay ail season at the Utah Invite, and coaching staff to succeed. One thing that I couldn't'be they expect to make the best of After that, it will be off to more happy about is that I foU coachi have staff Places like New Mexico and te mmm I .H.m,..,..,,.,.,,.. tfi )ifl itiiVI fltn1 P & 2008 s. 1100 e., salt lake city, ut 84106 telephone: 801 .466.6099 store hours: mon-fr- i, 1 0am-6:30p- faX: 801 sat, m; ITg is a huge in regard to continuity throughout the whole program. The athletes .466.6094 11 www.science.utah.edu Utah chronicle like t'O thailk the following people from the bottoms of O I UlllciLllb, UUI ornnhr Cllipiy pfAmrKn WOUld 581-695- 8 ' The new Student Mathematics Center offers study space, tutoring and computer use for all students enrolled in math classes. The College of Science offers undergraduate scholarships and awards in each of its departments. Crocker Science House-a- n student residence opportunity designed to enhance academic life. We offer a specialized M.S. Degree Program for Secondary School Teachers. Critically acclaimed Bioscience Undergraduate Research Program. The mathematics department consistently teaches the highest number of student credit hours (SCH) per semester of any department at the university. C Vm Aa.ar rsrrsXAr, LllC COClvicS Oi UCLp s, rA lilc ilcdrlb dilQ cnonn UI wiriA rtnan 5pdLCo VVIUL"UpCli UUI rr Leading research centers, including the Henry Eyring Center for Theoretical Chemistry, the Center for Thermal Analysis, the Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research, and the Laboratory for Analytical Laser Spectroscopy. The university consistently ranks in the top 20 of universities nationwide in inventions per million dollars of research. The College of Science received over $26 million in research awards in 2002. Over 350 publications by faculty members in 2002. ; of lectures feature eminent scientists from around the country, and are free and open to the public. Science at Breakfast lecture series presented at Little America Hotel for community and business leaders. The annual Faraday Chemistry lecture continues to delight audiences after 22 years. The College sponsors numerous educational programs specifically for Utah high school students. v rt ACnl I j I 5 1 ; I i V Slflll j J - PicllPr riollCl DVeFFOWCll Bill Keshlear TlTTl ) SDCl OUT J!?TZ'm C f UUlCb J j J (J :f?',; JiU(t&- -J! o J peer-review- t rontiers Vio-f- rl QcbOIcitC lIllilQS. (in alphabetical order) UULI Strength in Research Involvement Community Science through NCAA Championships from Reno, Nevada in March. The Daily:;;;;;; Commitment to Education tuition-waiver- Colorado all the way through the am-5p- m College of Science 220 JTB Tey saidi dads & H ff' 11101118. T 1 ! j ' Mittli- a taiiittit wit mi !hm i) |