Show I BAD TIMES TI AHEAD D FO FOR SMUGGLERS RS all signs signa tall fall this Is isI U tJ t I do te a bad season for It will III have to toe toS e S j very ery Ingenious evader of th p fusion a who will wll get gel past str III ut Loeb men m at Bl New York Tork without do earing cI he has ba oC of dutiable I todi This r g Ies es re also for the woman I be bo smuggler Collector Loeb isi 11 i determined to get for tor Uncle Sam the th Itt Iau penny that Is coming to him ht haa a tightened the net so closely n that flat It If bli bl h hopes pes are not tree me a foreign mosquito will be able to Iii through gh g weather prediction tor hr thOle Potions persons who have hao been living dora elers and dealers In other goods whose business has haa been affected by the tho corn com competition petition of ot wares waru on which no duty has been paid The men who buy and sell precious stones have havo been the chief sufferers In the past and they have Joined now no In tn the tho effort to put the tho extinguisher on the efforts of at too enterprising This Is the place to Inform the reed read reader reeder er that no less leas than worth of oC diamonds pearla and other jewelry jewell are smuggled Into this country each year ear It was a surprise to the th writer to learn this possibly It will vilt be so no to the th reader render Yet Y L tho the fact tact Is stated on very ery good authority The Tho Precious Stone Importers Protective association tion composed cum posed of at souse some of the leading lea dealers denier In tho the stones tones In New ew York Is authority for tor tho the statement and lid Its Hi word Is Ia entitled to credence Its mem Issem members hers bers assert a that the government hue has lost loet In the past at nt least a atar year jear tar In duties on Illegally III co II Imported precious stones Add to this amount the sums that should reach r the tho gov gay government government coffers but do cia not from du duties duties duties ties on silks silk laces lace tilts furs dresses brandy wines vines etc and It Is III easy to tose see se why tho the men In Washington are Bre making frantic appeals for snore more I NEW YORK CUSTOM HOUSE HOUE HOUEL I L r c fl l lI lL lI 4 S I L j I I I y i I 1 e et r I 1 t 15 the 1 II alt 01 Oo fa tb proceeds at atI muG muGI Li 1 ery cold and no reI chili tt In I II I 1 ot If the UI to clo e u ur p th meshes meshe I r Ima net Collector t r Loeb has haa of at the ti honL oneat Jew Jewl SEIZED IN N APPRAISERS STORES STORIS l a I money mane They Th need ned It when the th cus cuss custom tom torn taxes laxon are evaded at such a rate rata as that I The efforts of the honest diamond Inmond merchants of New ew ess York ork to protect from the th unfair competition tion of ot Jewelers kayo have taken shape chape In Inthe inthe the tho offering to all who ho before May lla 1 I next ear wilt will supply Information lead leal leadIng tag Ing to the arrest of persons person smuggling precious stones for hu purposes a ft reward of ot not less lees than i or at nt least IMst 10 per Ier cent of ot the foreign market value of the jewels Jewel It If It exceeds that amount Ludwig Nissen 1 Hn president of ot the tha association Is H now In Europe en endeavoring endeavoring to enlist the tho help of tho the large European dealers In the tue tight lIght against smugglers What makes people smuggle IH is I a IL question that thai has been asked many times In irs the tho pat past pa t and has been an answered In various wais a s The Th ease case 10 Is Ie perfectly clear with those Iho who iio Kle gie gl for tor business purposes they the money mone and evading custom du duties I ties and then underselling competitors Is 18 one ono wa way of getting It Hut flut how about the society people who smug I gui Eli They The Corel do not need the tho money mane and they the do not smuggle In Inthe inthe the th goods good for the purpose of oC ceIling helling them thom The amounts wv on tho the cost coat of ot gowns and silk Ilk and furs and other articles of personal adornment cannot be the Inducement that persons I of oC great grat wealth run the risk of or heavy h hi i tines lines and Imprisonment In federal penitentiaries I I The psychologists have recently taken token a hand In the of explain explaining Ink ing In smuggling Prominent among them Is III Hugo Hug of ot Harvard the th eminent Herman German American who states his hll belief that the tho reason re on people smuggle Is I because e they do not hot personify the government I to themselves that us they thea do elo not re regard reI regard I gard Incle Sam as aM a H man whom they I defraud when visen they th evade ade the tho lawfully Imposed d custom duties Hut that ex fJ explanation Is rejected or ur at any rate rat ratIe Is Ie not accepted by hy the majority of ot In Investigator of this Interesting subject These TheMo latter bulging brow assort that the temptation to tn Is I an nn eta ala laUc reversion to 10 the th delight dlIght In run fUn running fling ning risks In facing danger for tor Its own sake In other words the th smug smugglers glera Irs delight In matching their wits with those of ot the Ih It ItIs ItIs Itis Is the same lIam spirit that makes n II child desire to see sec eo how lose lue It can put Its It finger finer to a candle flame without be being beIng belag ing lag burned lust Hut ono one would think that the widely wide accounts ac of smugglers who have h had their Stagers burned burn would serve Berve as 0 a deterrent to others other It does do donut not nut seem to do s a The Th game gam goes goe merrily on at nil fill our ports pert of entry especially at New w 1 York fork ork b by tar tor the greatest of them all Hut Collector Loeb has determined to 10 put n II stop mop tol to It there ther He lie mav ma do so 80 pertly partly but Lilt It ItIs itis Is III safe ute to sa aa that there will be bo smug smugglers glen glera as liB long as 1111 human nature remains lna what It U is today J |