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Show Friday, January 17, 200? THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE (( Mr- i - Bedroom, Spacious. Backyard. Nice neighborhood. Only $44Smo, NS, 565 0206, 916 0744. Please leave message. FAT, TRAINER TELLS ALU Avoid common mistakes, no starvation aim involved. Alter your physique, chanqe your lite. Learn the secretstricks to lose weight easily and get tit Send $7.00 to: Nogginsport P.O. Bo fast! 702036 SLC. Ut 84170. LOSE THE ADOPTION DINING FOOD. FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE LOST & FOUND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! PERSONALS SERVICES TRAVEL TYPING MORE ABOUT the campus AIDS project. Volunteers needed to supporrt in the education of people living with HIV. Meet us in room 324 of the Union Building on Jan 16 at 6pm to see hoe For more information, contact you can help. Deepthi Byreddy at dbyreddyhotmail.com. LEARN One block from 900 East400 UNIVERSITY. South Trax station! Beautiful condos tor rent Spacious 23 bedrooms. $825 $950. Dishwslw. month leases. 525 WD, pool, storaqe. South 900 East. 532-688- CLASSIFIED HiDEX WALK TO U. ADVENTURE CLASSES tor academic Tourism (PRT). Last credit: Parks, Recreation, date to enroll is January 27! Natural Resources Learning classes: river running (PRTW 2Q0S), tly tisning, cookingcamping, hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, pistol marksbackpacking, canoeing, 1160-4OUTDOOR J rsj 3 bdrm 2.5 ROOMMATES NEEDED. 2 bath Condo. Appx 4700 S. 1100 E. $329-339m- o incl. gascable. PoolSpaTennis. January negotiable. Nicely Furnished. No smokepets. Jennifer 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumescover etc. Tranlettersthesesdissertationsreports, scription & fax capabilities. Velcobindlnq ( laminating. Marsha Marsywin2msn.com STA TANI WHY NOT? $3.00 a visit. 677 So 7th 583-132- East. 533-898- FEMALE ROOMATE-Beautifu- home overlooking University of Utah. roommates, private bedroom, $300. Marissa: NEEDED. FEMALE ROOMMATE Shared bedroom. E. 1155 500 S. No smoking, partying. $182.50mo14 utilities. Call Elise. 583 0653. DANCElNSTRUCTOR: LIBERALRESPONSIBLE female NEEDED! large room. All util paid. Right next to PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, family histories, applications. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press. Programs: WordPerGraphics: 30 fect, Microsoft Word, others. Carolyn: years University experience. WORDS CHILD CARE VOLUNTEER OPPS WANTED SEEKING INDIVIDUALS Trax. Call $300.0Omo. and 583-895- M OR F, own Bdrm, own Bathroom, in three bdrm house in the middle of the aves. WD in basement, own space for car in garage. $360mo., David. or $200 deposit, 587-967- 673-983- NEEDED ROOMMATE for Sugarhouse MALE New paintcarpet. Close to U. $300 home. month. 14 utilities. Available now. 487-122- 277-672- (801)523-2257e-ma- Baliel," j"azV,Hip Hop. required. Call EARN UP TO S5000M0NTH. perfect job for FTPT help needed. Selling Illustrated Stories from the Book of Mormon. Oualified candidates have sales exp., transportation, and the will to succeed. Contact George at LDS Heroes (801)695-1777- , or at georgeldsheroes.-com- . SINGLE COLLEGE AGE GIRLS NEEDED as Counselors for "Be The Best You" Girls Camp at the 2003. For applications contact UofU July Director Barbara B. Jones at (800)989-3309- . Applications due Jan. 24, interviews on Feb. 8. Counselors earn $350 for the week. ToiithTpeace graduatingIn corps. travel and work in exotic locations, let the government pay for it! UVSC is accepting applicaTUTORTRACKER: tions for tutortrackers to work at West High Must be willing to commit until end ol School. ext. Call 578-850school year. $7.72hour. 2003-2004- ? all opportunities majors accepted. available in small business developscience and teachers. enment, english vironmental protection, health. agriculture, community development. ROOMMATE WANTECMo share house. Pets 0k yard, WD, cable, Internet! Sugarhouse, qreat location. $40013 utilities. Call Kris 463-475- ffynitrttfi 317. s STAFF- - Fun Apply in person Mr Z's. PM. 170, 2 PM-- WAIT 587-763- 5 PLACING A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT APT. Fenced yard, lots of storage, shared utility room, no petssmokinq, all utilities included in rent. $525.00,641-3362- . 1BDRM APTS close to U & Trax. Covered parking, some utilities pd. Asking but rent's negotiable. Martha 1BDRM I... 2 words per week per month -- semeste- r- $ 27 5 81 $215 -- 3-- 4 $ 38 .$112 325 semester 39th South 3100 East, no petssmokinq, room, ALL utilities mm I R & Includes CABLE internetTV. Nice apartment in new laundry. U. No FOR SALE: Brand new snowboard package, used twice. Solomon boots and Lamar KJ Lite board & or $275.00 OBO. Call Cory296-161binding. $495mo, utilities petssmoking. CAPITOL HILL LUXURY TOWNHOUSE. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, 2 cargarage, great view, fireplace, WD. Low dep. $1090. Call 363-503- bsmt apartment e '99 Salomon matching binding (177 cm) $150. '01 Tecnica Icon boots (size 8) $150. Call SKIS & BOOTS FOR SALE. racing skis HOUSE 5-- BOY NEEDED 583-562- FOR SORORITY E Cust. Exp Re-q'300 So Ste WANTED: Account Reps for The Utah Veterans News, a monthly newspaper. Excellent pay and bonuses. Turn your qlft tor qab and e or part-tim- e marketing ability Into cash. Full-timor work, room to grow. Call Fred, 401-867- 5 y week- $6.50. 596-015- RESORT is MARRIOTT'S MOUNTAINSIDE looking for marketing and sales associates with the skills to succeed. If you have a proven track record in marketing and sales or would sime for one of Fortune's ply like to work part-tim100 Best Companies and average $15.00 per for an immehour, call Eric or Mary at 320-100- 0 diate appointment. We have 3 positions to fill ir. the Salt Lake and Park City area. WOMAN MODEL for pus Community at figure drawing class at OlymPlease contact Antonio School. 486-112- FROM HOMEI Legitimate international company needs skilled supervisor. Traininq provided by personal coach. WORK www.incrediblecash.biz if paid $450mo-S2cludes utilities, laundry. leave early. Dep $200. No smoke. message. DUPLEX 4TH NORTH: Bedroom, bath, study, kitchen, basement, garage, lease, references, $600.00. 0 WHY Equi-peax- w The Pie D elivers V- - . 587-194- in- -- A RENT WHEN"U"CAN OWN this totally Ibedroom condo at the University minutes from the campus. 539-778- 3 p.m. 2 days prior to ends, flexible. Call Diana: tutor-nann- Ill 484-302- CLOSE TO U. 1 05 AVENUES APARTMENT. One bedroom in historic home. Remodeled, spacious. Easy walking disincluded. to a classified ad mgr. Talk or home. Millcreek, $550mo, tance to words 41 finished base-men- t, full yard, sTletlTSUBISHI GALA NT ES. Auto. 4 door. CD player, air conditioning, power windowslock, keyless entry. 56K miles. $7400. carpetspaint, autistic child needs hrs per week, afternoons and FUNCTIONING 633-878- Excl Cond, Lthr, Tow Pkg, Alarm, CD Chgr, New Tires 856-766- BATH HOME, 2 car garage, new APARTMENT-1B- per week per month 1J.12 BEDROOM AUDI 4A, 1.8T Ouattro. sunroof, silver. $10,500 or BO, 95 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer: 4X4. Adt, Furnished (or not). campus 583-300- near plus $1200.00heatllghts, words 21-4- 0 BEDR00M.1-BAT- 500mo HIGH "97 ). 1-- 20 www.peacecorps.gov. .MrJ 6-- 9 t, or part-tim- 792-873- Own U lor employment at local hospitals to work with uninFlexible sured patients to obtain eligibility. hours; some healthcare background andor experience with government programs desirable; Fax resume to bilingual desirable. resume to clientserviceseliqibility-plus.com- . infoiDfriend-lypines.co- 5 . Home:280-2524- 8 Pager: word BUSINESS OPPS 467-768- 647-479- 9 467-273- M2BBML r, wWash-erDrye- for small busi- SECRETARY NEEDED company In the United States. We are searching tor an individual to review and edit home appraisals submitted by our national field stall. This is a part to full time position and candidates need to be llexible in work schedule. Also, candidates must be computer literate and detail oriented. $8hr to start. Fax resume to Castle: water-skiin- FREE INTERNET HIGH SPEED DSL private room utllltlM paid $275 $375. Share house remodeled. Cell: newly PROCESSING, computer, laser printer, also IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian). Mrs. Nee-leWORD E PROOFREADER: Castle Inspection Service is the premier high value home insurance Inspection a day ext LUMBER CO. Is lookinq for a truss designer with a minimum of 1 year experience. Salary commensurate with experience. Please tax resume to Linda at (801) 973 2734. CAMPbUNSELORS WANTEDI FrTendlyPines hiring staff tor '03 season. Camp, in Prescott-AZ- , Horseto work with kids ages May back riding, climbing, fishing, crafts, Competetive salary. Travel alsports, more! lowance. On campus interviews Jan 23. For 2128 or email call 928-44- Friendly Call PART-TIM- PIANO PLAYERS THAT SING are neededimmee diately tor dueling piano shows at the Taverna-ciSocial Club. 201 E 300 S. Adding additional shows and we need talented performers. Please Ask call to schedule an audition. tor Kirk, or leave a message. BURTON spacious, luxury l, E 485-553- 517. 259-235- PART-TIM- ness. Hours approximately 12:30-5- , but willing to work around school schedule. Pay$8.50hr. tor an interview. Please call xl. 359-369- BARTENDEORArNEESnNEEbED250 potential. Local positions. 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED for large home in East Sugarhouse. Fenced yard, dogs okay, full laundry, split utilities, own room L bathroom, males or females to share with male U undergraduate and black lab. $400mo, Camron: UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confused? Let us We have services free of charge help you. specifically designed to assist you. Call ChiSe habla ldren's Service Society at 355-744espanol. AUTOMOTIVE COMPUTERS FOR SALE FURNITURE JEWELRY MUSIC EVENINGS: 3 individuals needed with Settinq appts. good communication skills. S10HRB0NUS. Avg. bonus $125 every 2 wks. M Th 5:30-9- . 288 2335 ask tor Sat 9am-12- . Stephanie. $8.00HRI Western Research is looking for part-ful- l time telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible scheduling, 20-3- 266-133- $$PAYING TOP$$ for PS2. Game Cube, games, CDs & DVDs. Graywhale $1506EEKLYOTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information No Experience Required. packet. Call FEMALE A&W FOR RENT REAL ESTATE ROOMMATES SEEKING RENTAL Part time Estate Afternoons hrswk. Basic office, organizational, computer skills, and Start at $7.00hr. car winsurance required. (plus mileage). Please can Douq at XBOX uilWulwuilJi) No experi- OFFICE ASSISTANTRUNNER. assistant wanted. msm- S853204 NEEDED. EXTRAS MODELS MOVIE VOTUNTEEREEDED to help an elderly couple. Assist for 2-- hours per week in helping to complete household tasks. Contact Bob Hanson at for more 322-022- 8 or hanson37xmission.com information. to LOFT, 1BR, IBATH, half block Gateway, 2 blocks to Delta, $112,900. 633-878DOWNTOWN J JxS ence necessary. Earn up to $150 5450 per day! 0277x1006. Call 1 t manship (PRTL r'A In p p I t Heights-jus- R.E. n publication ads to dassifiedschronicle.utah.edu EXCELLENT mm. J Wi. 11,11 by Visa, Master Fax: by Visa, Master Card, Discover or AmEx is required. Fax ad text, dates and category to 581.3299 In Person: Pre-pa- y by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. at the Union Building 236 from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Mail: y order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category to: The Daily Utah Chronicle 200 So Ctntral Campus Dr Rm 234 Salt Lake City. UT 84112-9106 - NOTKI The Chronic reserves Ihe ri(hl to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of food taste and propriety Ctassifie d advert iseme nil ace not lake n over the phone, and no refund) are made, eiwept for out erron. In keepmi with the University of Ulah polity ol non discrimination. The Daily Utah Chronicle does nol accent any advertisements thai vtoute University polii o Stale or Federal Uw. No ad tin discnmnale on the basis of national oritm, aie, 'lie. colot, relijion, or orientation. veteran sexual disability. status., tender. lo in Hoommale an are ads lender, rejard exception only Advertisements requirinf. a fee must so stale in the ad. In keepine II ilh Ihe Chronicle's desiu to run honest advertisements. ycu have any proof or evidence lo Ihe contrary, or feel that an advertisement is not valid or is a scheme to tip you oft. please call our office immediately long 390-618- 2BedroomCarpetStorane-UnitLaundry- EXTRA-CLEA- , $$$S0ME FREE no smokepets. Heat & hotcold waterincluded. RENT$$$I 583-040$550 or $275one person. 675 E 5th Ave. WEDDINGENGAGMENT DIAMOND RINGS. prices. Selection on buyallmall.com or email contact Jason at Wholesale May Aiiyw lie re on camp lis to peincQpmt.org. DIAMONDS: don't pay retail prices!!! Large selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! pointment. DIAMONDS: Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for ap- 272-694- High quality, exchange prices. Vooverhead. You will not find a betstonebrokerattbi.-coGreq: 554-2947- ; lume broker, no ter deal. Large, light one bedroom Beautiful details, sauna, basement apartment. wd, fireplace, new carpeting, car space, garden. FEDERAL HEIGHTS: $750. ROOMMATE"NEEDED ASAPI $300 per. month OWN ROOM! Utilities included! Close to879Call Kathy54B3 2390 or Anique UofU! FEMALE 9598. PIANO LESSONSWEDDING MUSIC-- I teach in my home near the U. have recorded four CDs. will teach classical, jazz, blues, rock, and new age. like to teach sonqwritinq too. I play at weddinqs solo or wmy band. I I I close to "U". All utilities paid, laundry room, off street parkinq, air, clean, 582-529quiet. Rent: $475.00. LARGFT-BEDROO- LRG1 bWmITptTaENUES.' view, very nice quiet. i Walk-i- 609 n E Ave, 427- - REMODELED HOUSE. Close to U, 2 Bed-roo2 Bath, WasherDryer, Pets OK $795. 1732 South Windsor St.(840 East) 537-736- NEwTyEMODELED Sugarhouse 582-131- 'lite ipte Ikit teiffjii closet, qreat 6th NEWLY apartments! In the heart of Luxury I&2 bedrooms for rent pool, Sugarhouse. Kitchen appliances, heated launrecreation room, security gates, storage, dry. $595 $695. 716 0146 APARTMENT. BEDROOM TWO rTmoFELED $895month. heat Included. 857 E. 100 S. AvaiCustom Real Estate Services, lable Immediately. LLC. u 755-496- 0895. by cash, check, money for Discount term lease! Must see inside! Card, Discover or Am Ex is required. Call 801.581.7041 Pre-pa- " t. Phone: All New Historic-Twin-Hom- e Decor777 e.Hawthorne Ibath. Ave.(540-S.- ) wqas fireplace. Kitchen wdishwasher wwasher&dryerincluded. Laundry disposal. to UofU Garage.Storage.Yard.Trax Rent $800.00Deposit 1050sq.feet. "will finance". $500.00Last Month $800. "Pottery-Barn- 1 VALUEI 3 TT 364-583- 5 582-781- RlNTALTtOleiTrUPPER Aves72 BR, qaraqe, fireNo smokepets 1 place, yard, newly remodeled. YR lease 975.00 MO 273 0290. SALfLAKE 932aTS00 sTlbdrm, $450utilities. Garaqe, hardwood floors, new fridge, Near campus. friTriTn adbtuFnT 4425 rent. $200 deposit. 130 South 1300 EaM. Includes heat, hot water, security entrance. 277 0107 FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR MIND ONLYI opportunity in Financial averaqes $1250-$6000m- Consultinq. PTFT, nK Business 20 hrswk flex hours. IMS Gsptto Trainlnq provided. APPLICATIONS FOR THE TANNER FELLOWSHIP are now available in the Lowell Bennlon Commue for the Volunteer nity Service Center. non-prolof your choice In the Salt Lake area for a year following graduation. Fellowship Includes $15,000 for livlnq expenses. Contact Curt for more Info: 585-910HUMANITARIAN AID Relief Team re- Burull-Uke- lated medical research and community health Ghana, education opportunities. . Jan.16. 6:00pm Meeting . Unlon-323- 7 The Pie Pizzeria Take-O- ut & Delivery Dine-I- n (In the basement 300 S. 1300 E. 1320 E. 200 S. 582-570- below the University Pharmacy) 0 |