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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE I 0yu'e 1 fcfeWMTittil CLASSIFIED INDEX mm lnl UmMB&atfi MMtmMatft t DO YOU NEED EXTRA CASH? money by selling your book at J LOSE FAT, TRAINER TELLS ALU Avoid common mistakes, no starvation diets involved. Alter your physique, change your life. Learn the secretstricks to lose weight easily and get fit last! Send $7.00 to: Nogglnsport 702036 SLC. Ut 84170. VALUQ Historic-Twin-Hom- Decor777e.Hawthorne Ibeth, wgas fireplace, Kitchen wdishwasher wwesher&dryerincluded. disposal, Laundry to UofU Garage.Storagc.Yard.Trax Rent $800.00Deposit 1050sq.leet. "will finance". $500.00Last Month $800 lor term lease! Must see inside! BOOKSTORE MONOPOLIES. 1) Trade your books with other students. 2) Free posting. 3) Free searching, www.slicktrader.com STA TANI East. 533-898- ""a BUSINESS OPPS CHILD CARE VOLUNTEER OPPS WANTED $3.00 a visit. 677 So 7th WHY NOT? UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confused? Let us We have services free of charge help you. Call Chilspecifically designed to assist you dren's Service Society at 355-744Se habia espanol. WASATCH WEDDINGS Custom Backdrops. Trees, Pillars Bouquets, Corsages, Boutonnieres For all your wedding & special event needs 435.654.4669 Table Arches, Linens, HIMHJH HIHHIIHWHIHIilli computer, typing. Can check spelling, laser printer, also IBM grammar, references (APA, Turabian). Mrs. M390-618- 1 words $ 27 -- $81 -- $215 PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, laxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, family histories, applications. Formats: APA, Turabian, UC Press. MLA, Campbell, Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, others. Graphics: 30 Carolyn: years University experience. 277-672- words $ 112 $ 325 to a classified ad mgr. dry, male. msg. please. 879-959- APT in duplex downtown. room. Private fenced yard. Shared BEDROOM 1 580-205- 2 Furnished 6EDR00M.1-BAT- 500mu (or not). near campus plus nteers needed 673-983- 8 587-967- . Including utilities. 4 thru June. y VOLUNTEER NEEDED to help an elderly couple. Assist for 2-- hours per week in helping to complete household tasks. Contact Bob Hanson at 322-022or hanson37iixmission.com for more information. 694-297- Attractive available WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free Information No Experience Required. $1500 house BR $1300 (nego- packet. Call $8.bOHRf Western Research is looking tor part-ful- l time telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible 582-326- REMODELED HOUSE, Close to U. 2 2 Bath, WasherDryer, Pets OK $795. 1732 South Windsor SM840 East) 537-736- NEWLY NEWLY Bed-roo- FOR SALE: Brand new snowboard packaqe, used twice. Solomon boots and Lamar K Lite board & or bindinq. $350.00 OBO. Call Cory 9296-161- 9 REMODELED 1&2 bedrooms Sugarhouse apartments! lor rent in the heart ol Luxury Kitchen appliances, heated pool, Sugarhouse. recreation room, security gates, storage, laun- WHY RENT WHEN"U"CAN OWN this totally updated Ibedroom condo at the University Heiqhts-jus- t minutes from the campus. 6 $595-569- TWO APARTMENT. BEDROOM xl. scheduling. 359-369- 7 ART MODELS WANTED: Art DeptarTment is look" ing for people to model tor Art classes. You must be available during the day. be $10.00hr. Call the Dept of Art and Art History 7 or pick up applications In rm161. at R.E. ART SALES lor Park City Gallery. Flexible hours. Call Julie (801) BARTENDErTTRAlNEES NEEDED. Local positions. 582-781- 1 lease 975.00 MO 273-029- SPACIOUS coin-o- BEDROOM 1 BURTON LUMBER RINGS. WEDOINGENGAGMENT Wholesale prices. Selection on buyallmall.com or email May contact Jason at DIAMOND 2 BDRM 2 WEEKS FREE. air, tireplace, easy Ireeway access. YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE! No smokepets. Woodwinds 2295 S. 200 E., Mgr. 6 487-567- in $440-$2- 5 It e High quality, exchange prices. broker, no overhead. You will not find a better deal. Greg: 554-294stoneJrokerattbi.-co- block Hi 2 452S Ul CleanS University St Cool House! tiable! New lerLaundryFireplace, More! Great AreaMust See! PIANO LESSONSWEDDING MUSIC-- I teach In my home near the U. I have recorded four CDs. . I will teach classical, jazz, blues, rock, and new age. I like to teach songwriting too. I play at weddings solo or wmy band. 582-131- (1330E)-4bd2b- $1.180mo. NegoCoo- paint&carpets, & Bedroom, Spacious, Backyard, Nice neighborhood. Only $445mo, NS, Please leave message. WALK TO U. 1155 E 300 S. Spacious 2 bedroom apartment wnew carpet & floors. $695month includes heat. WALK TO U, 1 i . 1 1 LTi I.I 3kwVTT3 1 1 'J ILri to publication cds to classifledschronicle.utah.edu 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. Private yard, pets OK. Basement storage. $950mo. 721 East 800 South. 916-627- 1612 BATH HOME, linished 2 car garage, new carpetspaint, full yard, 39th South 3100 East, no petssmoking, 3-- 4 BEDROOM base-men- FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR MIND ONLYI Business 20 hrswk opportunity in Financial Consulting. PTFT, flex hours. averages 583-191- t room, quiet street. Great Easy access to public transportation shopping. Parking available. $1,200 a month. Please contact Tim at for more information or to schedule a 4 loca-tlo- Near 400S 800E. Phone: Large BDRM, 800 sq It, only See freehomelistings.com. ID 67375, NEAR U. CONDO UNIT on BEDROOM $74,900. or call 1 for 11:30-- share. Close to u. Must have carreferences. $9-10- dailypossible job based on experience. Phone 328-058- 6 Fax: showing. Go Utes! by Visa, Master Card, Discover or Am Ex is required. Fax ad text, dates and category to 581.3299 or 5 deposit. 403-490- litil! 30 minutes to U. lover's paradise. Large semise-cludelot with towering pines, (lowers, irrigation water. Elementary Workshopstudio building. School across street. 2 bed, 2 bath. 975month, d Mike 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. 3 bdrm 2.5 bath Condo. Appx 4700 S. 1100 E. incl. gascable. PoolSpaTennis. January negotiable. Nicely Furnished. No smokepets. Jen$329-339m- Bench. t BOUNTIFUL-Eas- negotiable. In Person: $460mo$250 remodeled kitchens! nifer Gain Clinical Expertise . U of U student AVENUES. sought. Excellent referencesexperience with children essential. Must be extremely reliable. through Phlebotomy WANTED. NANNY. Part-tim- (certification in less than 90 days) 364-082- to share bedroom of 2bed house in Sugarhouse. $225month 13 FEMALE electricity. 295-505- Jobs entails many aspects. Child care, laundry, errands, help manage day to life. Car a must. Positive, fun, kind person day T and Th neg. LIVE 1 BLOCK wanted! M.W.F. FROM U. 243-911Leave message. NANNY APARTMENTS FOR RENT, close to the U. Newly Please call nt ROMMATE NEEDED Call Angela 673-045- Pre-pa- y by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Am Ex. at the Union Building 236 from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. PARTTIME CHILD CARD needed for 9 month old Infant CPR and references required, previous experience preferred. Contact (801) 278-945- 001 -- 322-351 4 www.pfcuUh.com HEALTHY WOMEN NEEDED Doctors are seeking women between the ages of 4 and 23 to join an investigational study on human papillomavirus (HPV) - a virus that can lead to genital warts and cervical cancer in women 1 Mail: Pre-pa- y by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category to: 50 The Daily Utah Chronicle 200 So Central Campus Dr Rm 334 Salt Laka City, UT 84112-90- Th Oironltk rntfvn lh rttit to dtny or W cImsIIVm Ovft IKerrwnls on lh btsis of good list and propriety CUsstfw d advertisements are not taken ovr Ihe phone, and no refunds are made, encepl (or ouf errors. In heeptnf with Ihe University of Utah"! The Daily Utah Chronicle does not policy ol accepl any advertisemenlt lhat violate University pohcy or SI ale 01 .Mo ad can diKnmmaie federal la on Ihe basis ol national origin, race, age. color. religion. or veteran status. sexual orientation, disability, gender Doommate ads are an exception only In regard to gender, Advert isements requiring a lee must so slate in Ihe ad. In keeping with the Chronicle's desiie to run honesl advertisements, il you have any proof or evidence lo Ihe contrary, or feet that an advertie mem is not valid or Is a scheme lo rtp you off, please call our office immediately. percent of sexually active women get there's no cure HPV-a- nd This research study is testing an investigational vaccine to see if it can he!p prevent infection with HPV 6 NOTKH NANNY 533-984- & by Visa, Master Card, Discover or Am Ex is required. Call 801.581.7041 - Experi- (S) or $1200.00heatllghts, GYMNASTICS COACHES NEEDED lor recreational program. Starts Jan 15th. ence necessary. Call Aki 550-041- Training provided. t, Study volunteers 222 s. 1300 e. 582-720- 7800s. r 'wltlA.A.A jf 0 University location 255-590- state will be compensated for their participation 585-987- 0 jiir I II I iIII C N I C K I N ZUCCHINI IHAtll de- GREAT FTPT JOB. II you have Pest Control, Home Security, or Direct Sales exp., you'll think this is the easiest sale you ever made. Our avg. Classroom & Held trainreps make $25-$40hing prov. tor reps selected. 455-224- 916-074- 3 p.m. 2 days prior truss COLLEGE STUDENTS NEEDEDI The Diocesan Development Drive (ODD) of the Catholic Diocese ol Salt Lake City needs a few students to call parishioners. The ODD provides funds lor the Diocesan Ministries throughout the state ol Utah. Some ol those ministries Include Catholic Community Services, Hispanic Ministry, Religious Education, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries. It you're available Irom 3 to 8 pm on Sundays-Thursdays, and want to earn extra money, call Kimberly at 328-864- 1 or email your resume to Kimberly.clocksinvPdioslc.org. This is a temporary position starting on Jan. 12 lor 6-- 8 weeks. 972-518- TO for a 973-273- DIAMONDS: from 900 East400 Beautilul condos lor rent. Dishwshr, Spacious 23 bedrooms, $825-$95month leases. 525 WD, pool, storage. South 900 East. Is looking CAMP COUNSELORS WANTEDI Friendly Pines Camp, in Prescott-AZ- . hiring staff for '03 season. to work with kids ages HorseMay back riding, water-skiinclimbing, fishing, crafts, sports, more! Competetive salary. Travel allowance. On campus interviews Jan 23. For 8 or email lnfo9friend-lypines.cocall 272-694- 1 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CONDO. bedroom condo. Security. Heatwater included. Covered parking. Eveningsweekends GREAT DEAL 277-575- CO. 1 347-488- 4 WALK ext year experience. signer with a minimum of Salary commensurate with experience. Please fax resume to Linda at (801) to peincdpmt.org. DIAMONDS: don't pay retail prices!!! Larqe selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment. 486-414- Very clean, laundry, parking, paid early. 116 South 600 East. p $250 a day 517. 5 LAKE-$47- Part time. potential. RENTAL HOME UPPER Aves, 2 BR. garage, lire- place, yard, newly remodeled. No smokepets 1 YR avail- 9 96 TOYOTA PASEO. FWD, 5 speed, green. CD. 108k miles. $4900 obo. 455 0288 99 MAZDA PROTEGE, red CD. AC. auto, cruise, power everything, 50K miles, asking $8150. 1 NEAR'U". VoluSociety. at the American Cancer Letters-o- t RecommendationInternships able alter 6mo ol service. Contact Ben FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer: 4X4. 4dr. Excl Cond. Lthr. Tow Pkg, Alarm, CD Chgr, New Tires 856-766- M OR F, own Bdrm, own Bathroom, in three bdrm house In the middle ol the aves. WD in basement, own space lor car in qarage. $360mo., David. or $200 deposit. NEAR "U". Attractive BR Furnished Apt. $450 dry. laun- 95' 565-020- 583-300- LEARN MORE ABOUT the campus AIDS project. Volunteers needed to supporrt in the education of people living with HIV. Meet us In room 324 of the Union Building on Jan 16 at 6pm to see hoe For more Information, contact you can help. DeeptM Byreddy at dbyreddyhotmaiLcom. 718-728- 532-688- No pet- All utilities Included sSmoking. $$25.00. 2 BDRM. Sugarhouse area. On Busline. No Smoking, No Pets. Free Laundry. 650.00 . lance-well- 916-074- 565-020- re- nvyhoo.c om. 2bd1bath. WD. balcony, closet, CUTE! $675mo. n LARGE close to "U". All utilities paid, laundry room, off street parking, air, clean, quiet. Rent: $475.00. 582-529- 6 tiable). nice neighborhood, backyard, $199-245m- r Buruli-Ulce- West-Afric- COWDO: walk-I- UNIVERSITY. One South Trax station! utility words WALK TO U, NEEDED ASAPt $300 per. Utilities included! Close to UofU! Call Kathyt483-239or Anlque ROOMMATE OWN ROOM! days $ 38 HUMANITARIAN AID Relief Team 699-209- FEMALE 585-910- lated medical research and community health education opportunities. Ghana, i Meeting Jan.16, 6:00pm Union 323. HOUSE: large room, personal space. W D. garage, new carpet & shower, clean, no petor ssmoke. M (or F). $36512 utlls. 466-931- 583-040- SALT WORDS $320 SUGAR Nee-le- 467-273- for more Info: UofU-TRA- Living. Parking. GUYCAL to share Liberty Park House. Basement to yourself with bedbathliving: share kltchen&laundry; pets OK; no smoking; $400mo. $895month, heat included. J 57 E. 100 S. Available immediately. Custom Real Estate Services, PROCESSING, non-prof- SEEKING long no smokepets. RENTttSI Heat & hotcold waterincluded. $550 or $27Son person. 675 E 5th Ave. REMODELED WORD I 2 Bdrm, Furnished WD. Dishwasher. Covered utilities. 244-606- ROOMMATE SSSSOME FREE LLC. PLACING A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT AVAILABLE 2BedroomCerpet7Storage-UnitLaundr- lireplace. 583-132- APPLICATIONS FOR THE TANNER FELLOWSHIP are now available in the Lowell Bennion Commufor the nity Service Center. Volunteer of your choice in the Salt Lake area for a year following graduation. Fellowship includes $15,000 tor living expenses. Contact Curt 467-641EXTRA-CLEA- HOLLADAY 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumescover etc. Tranlettersthesesdlssertationsreports, scription & fax capabilities. Velcobinding fc lamiA&W NEEDED for SigaThouse New paintcarpet. Close to U. $300 14 utilities. Available now. 487-122- e Ave.(540-S.- ) Discount WONDERFUL NANNY WANTED for 2 girlspuppy. M-Safe driving record, references required. Call Liz. 583 0293. in beautiful duplex. Great roommates, parking and backyard. $293.75 1438 S. 1600 E. Please call 583-375ROOM " "Pottery-Barn- HiBa ssSBWettksvSBaleailW ROOMMATE MALE home. month. All New e 0 ELIMINATE semester EXCELLENT month http:www.bookhq.com,' per week per month FREE INTERNET HIGH SPEED DSL private room utilities paid S275 S375. Share house wWash-erDrye- r. 647-479newly remodeled. Cell: 8 Home:280 2524. Pager: t. i i Talk Box ADVENTURE CLASSES lor academic credit: Parks. Recreation Tourism(PRT). "PRT Land, Water, or Snow" on the UU website lor Natural Resources Learning classes: skiing Alta, snowboardlnq Snowbird, fly fishing, cookingcamping, hiking, rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, river running. S8S-320- FOR SALE FURNITURE JEWELRY MUSIC 41 P.O. OUTDOOR COMPUTERS 21-4- 0 CAPITOL HILL LUXURY TOWNHOUSE. 3 bdrm. 2 great view, fireplace, W0. Low dep. $1090. Call 363-503- bath, 2 cargarage, bsmt apartment inif paid cludes utilities, laundry. $450mo-$2leave early. Dep $200. No smoke. message. Marsywin29msn.com COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICESI Search 24 book-store- s with 1 click! Shipping, handling and taxes Save up to 70S! automatically calculated. semester k TO SHARE Beautiful home near Canyon. IBRPrivate Bath $400 13 utili277-738ties. Ouiet, Neat, FEMALE CLOSE TO U. THE AUTOMOTIVE per week per month CAPITOL HILL 2 bedroom house. Super clean & 2 WEEKS FREE! sunny, pet okay, washerdryer. 497 W Capital. $875 243-585- 0 nating. Marsha o can save VeMBrMMB flaiMaaillflV illfciMil'ir Bmitisi UBitifflilWtmtfBillMM 539-778- 0 FOR RENT REAL ESTATE ROOMMATES SEEKING RENTAL i-2- You HMWiH fc'lliTu HMttAM Wn 1 ADOPTION DINING FOOD, FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE LOST & FOUND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! PERSONALS SERVICES TRAVEL TYPING 7 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 4 O INivERsmr "UTAH |