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Show 4 Tuesday, Januahy THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 14, 200 ARUP Receives Number One Ranking in the United States The basketball team isn't the only program at the U beating top- - ranked competitors. The U's ARUP Laboratories was rated number one in the nation for best services, outranking such top pathology labs as the Mayo Clinic. In a survey of 191 laboratory managers and administrators, run by the Washington Reports for the 20th Annual Lab Institute, 31 percent of respondents chose the ARUP lab for providing the best level of service. Mayo Laboratories ranked second, with 26 percent of respondents choosing it. "We arc very proud to receive national recognition in field. The an important and challenging health-car- e enhanced national visibility this brings ARUP and the U G-- 2 MCCAIN continued (rom page 1 hibitcd from soliciting or receiving soft money and state parties are prohibited from spending soft money donations on activities related to federal elections. McCain said it is important to look at reform so the public interest is not subordinated to private interests. "When somebody buys a $500,000 ticket to a fundraiser they are interested in more than just good government," McCain said. "If we fail in some way, there will be more scan into politics that hasn't existed it's in the continued from page 3 ing environment has also garnered him national recognition. In 1998, he received one of the most prestigious awards given to professors who particeducation, the ipate in ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education. Richmond's efforts to help students understand and enjoy chemistry stems discussed the concerns of the audi- post-gradua- jgoldsmithchronicle.utah.edu te p II PI n BPf1 Lum- i In.--' 1 ill III SH ijm., !Tr": Lb,, $275person UAMMHMn II IWI 1U, f I I I Bald A' of the Dunes "IJ Cyprii.'.e 1 toi LOS ANGELES, CA $375person YWCA - LA Bridges Program SAN FRANCISCO, CA m x iton Project J5t.ic" .it i $ irtklrD $375person $375person Golden Gate Recreation Area SEATTLE, WA mi Yft $375person Boomtown Cafe Cost includes all transportation, lodging, and food for the week Applications available Alcohol cf and Drug Education Center 585-910- 4 Bennion Center Office " of Health Promotion 581-777- 585-127- 8 4 for more information visit www.bennioncenter.orglash Applications are due by January 3 1 ,'2003 GET Hi GEftO AND SIGH UP SQQIi! SPOTS ARE FIUIIIG QUICK! abensonchronicle.utah.edu from his own love for molecular science and the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. "A small group of people can make discoveries that change things," Richmond said. Although he admits that a dog toy, his sprinkler system and the principles of basic chemistry may be an odd mixture of inspirations, he hopes his invention will change the way students get a grasp on chemistry. rparkerchronicle.utah.edu continued from page 1 aspects of life rather than the materialistic." Brown, who will be going to Japan this summer to study with a master of Bunraku, a form of Japanese theatre, says students will also have the opportunity to work with costumes, masks and makeup. "We don't really prepare a course objective, all that we ask is that the students come interested and we will teach them to think freely for themselves. It will be up to them on what they decide to take away," Brown said. Some students enrolled in the course have had previous experience with the Japanese culture. "After studying abroad in Japan, I really wanted to take this class to help fulfill my interest in their culture," said Beki Phelps, a junior theatre major. "The combination of three professors has given the class three equally enriching perspectives." Glide Church SAUSALITO, CA since the 1970s," Mann said. Though the McCain-Feingol- d Act would limit campaign contributions from interest groups, corporations and private citizens, some believe the act is also a limitation on the freedom of speech. "It's rare that any First Amendment right is unlimited in its privileges, so it's important that this issue be balanced," Magleby said. Mann said establishing guidelines regarding campaign finance reform has less to do with free speech and is geared more toward demanding accountability. "We're trying to get a reasonable balance where a democratic system can operatc.we're not trying to run money out of politics altogether," Mann said. THEATRE TRIPS Friends 10 RICHMOND ence pertaining to the issues at hand. "We live in very interesting times," McCain said. "We live in difficult times." 6- -n ARCATA, CA trying to bring an equilibrium back 1 percent of competitive races where campaign finance reform becomes an issue," he said. "It's these battleground races where soft money is a problem." Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, agreed with Magleby's assessment, but said that placing limitations on campaign contributions should be nothing new to lawmakers. "What we're talking about today is simpler than the complexities suggest because we've had laws on dam Hussein has used the weapons he possesses in the past, and unless he is stopped, he will use them again. "He has made the case that if he gets these weapons he will use them...You have to not only look at the weapons of mass destruction, but the people who possess them," McCain said. McCain ended his talk with a question and answer session in which he r March 15 - 22, 2003 continued from page "non-competitiv- full-servi- ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK the books since i907...this act is According to David Magleby. dean of the College of Family. Home and Social Sciences at Rrigham Young University, there are two modes of campaigns. Though 90 percent of these are helps us continue to attract good faculty, clinicians, scientists and research grants," said Carl Kjeldsberg in a written statement. Kjeldsberg is President and CEO of ARUP Laboratories and chairman of the department of pathology at the U's School of Medicine. ARUP maintains a dual role as both a national reference laboratory which provides special pathology testing and diagnoses, and as a laboratory for the U's Hospitals and Clinics. ARUP is also integrated with the teaching and research missions of the department of pathology. ARUP's clients include university teaching hospitals, group purchasing organizations, military and government facilities, major clinics, and major pharmaceutical firms. ANDREW KIRK dals. This money causes corruption. ..The campaign finance reform law is a major step forward in restoring citizens' faith in our nation's electoral system." McCain added that after recent scandals, there is also a public outcry for corporate reform. "Right now in America there is a lack of investor confidence and that needs to change," McCain said. The senator then moved on to the pressing issue of an impending war with Iraq and the current nuclear chess game being played between the United States and North Korea. McCain stressed the fact that Sad ELECTIONS Just sign in at the Women's Basketball game on Saturday against Colorado State during the first half. One name will be called from the list near the end of the game. It's that simple. Although the maximum number of students for the class is 20, only 10 students are currently registered. "We really encourage any student who wants to broaden their educational experience in a very unique way to sign up," Sacharine said. "We hope this class will eventually offer courses on other aspects of Eastern theatre over the years." czhangchronicle.utah.edu REFORM ACT continued from page 1 ads. The law has faced opposition from politicians and media entities that see it as an attempt to limit or control free speech. In particular, the law's critics have argued that its limits on advertising by interest groups unduly regulate activity not necessarily connected with elections. Also, critics charge that campaign contributions are a form of constitutionally protected political participation. The law has been challenged in a U.S. Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court is expected to rule on its constitutionality some time later this year. ADAM BENSON |