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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Monday, January 13, 2003 I 1 aa, J , & -- f '- tr -. ""a.., ' iwH J Lin GUYGAL to share Liberty Park House. Basement to yourself with bedbathliving; share kitchendaundry; pets OK; no smoking; $40Cmo. 30 minutes to U. lover's paradise. Large semise-cludelot with towering pines, flowers, irrigation water. Elementary Workshopstudio building. School across street. 2 bed. 2 bath. 975month, SHARE HOUSE. Private room. Living room. Kitchen, WasherDryer k yard. $4S0month 12 utilities. Dep. r eg. 487-694- remodeled kitchens! $460mo$250 or Please call 403-490- inA V deposit. APARTMENTS FOR RENT, close to the U. Newly CLASSIFIED INDEX kant.il Tin a r nm - nnn'' I T SEEKING 467-641- BOUNTlFUL East Bench. d LOST- - Black BritlcaseLooseieaf binder with Utah History, Lecture notes. Last seen in U of U Marriott Library. $50.00 REWARD. Call 277-900- ADOPTION DINING FOOD, FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE LOST & FOUND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! 497 DO YOU NEED CASH? money by selling your books at EXTRA can save You www.uscollege-books.co- Capital $875 W HOUSE: large room, personal space, WD, shower, clean, no petgarage, new carpet or ssmoke. M (or F). $36512 utils. SUGAR t dry, male. $199-245mmsg. please. neighborhood, backyard, 565 0206, laun- 916-074- HOLLADAY LOSE THE FAT, TRAINER TELLS ALU Avoid common mistakes, no starvation diets Involved. Alter your physique, change your life. Learn the secretstricks to lose weight easily and get fit fast! Send $7.00 to: Nogginsport P.O. Box 702036 SLC, Ut 84170. ADVENTURE CLASSES for academic & Tourism(PRT). "PRT Land, Water, or Snow on the UU website for Natural Resources Learning classes: skiing Alta, snowboarding Snowbird, fly fishing, cooktncamp-Ing- , hiking, rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, river running. 585-320OUTDOOR credit: Parks, Recreation SEEKING RENTAL 21 AUTOMOTIVE tm COMPUTERS fcinM MUSIC nating. Marsha Marsywin29msn.com COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICESI Search 24 book-store- s with 1 click! Shipping, handling and taxes Save up to automatically calculated. 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumescover etc. Transcription & fax capabilities. Veicobinding & lamiA&W lettersthesesdissertationsreports, 583-132- mumrn 70! http:www.bookhq.com BUSINESS OPPS BOOKSTORE MONOPOLIES. 1) Trade your books with other students. 2) Free posting. 3) Free searching, www.slicktrader.com ELIMINATE CHILD CARE VOLUNTEER OPPS WANTED STA TANI WHY NOT? $3.00 a visit. East. 533-898- 677 So 7th UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confused? Let us We have services free of charge help you. specifically designed to assist you. Call Children's Service Society at 355-744Se habla espanol. PLACING A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT WORD words o PROCESSING, computer, typing. Can check spelling, laser printer, also IBM grammar, references (APA, Turabian). per week per month Mrs. Nee-le- 467-273- words 21-4- 0 $38 perweek-p- er -- month, semester .$112 -- close to "IT. 718-728- utilities All Attractive NEAR "U". Including utilities. I BR Furnished 278-945- Tel: Mail: 350-963- REMODELED HOUSE, Close to U. 2 Bed-roo2 Bath, WasherDryer. Pets OK $795. 1732 South Windsor SM840 East) 537-736NEWLY REMODELED Sugarhouse apartments! Luxury 1&2 bedrooms for rent in the heart of Sugarhouse. Kitchen appliances, heated pool, recreation room, security gates, storage, laun6 dry. $595 $695. BEDROOM REMODELED TWO APARTMENT $895month, heat Included. 857 E. 100 S. AvailCustom Real Estate Services, able Immediately. LLC. FOR SALE: Brand new snowboard package, used twice. Solomon boots and Lamar K Lite board & or binding. $350.00 OBO. Call Cory $296-161- LEARN MORE ABOUT the campus AIDS project. Volunteers needed to supporrt in the education of people living with HIV. Meet us in room 324 of the Union Building on Jan 16 at 6pm to see hoe For more Information, contact you can help. Deepthi Byreddy at dbyreddy?hotmail.com. WHY RENT WHEN"U"CAN OWN this totally updated lbedroom condo at the University Heights-Jus- t minutes from the campus. R.E. nteers needed at 5 2 BDRM 2 WEEKS FREE. air. fireplace, easy freeway access. YOU No smokepets. MUST SEE THIS ONE! Woodwinds 2295 S. 200 E., Mgr. 6 487-567- SALT LAKE-$47- SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM in p parking, laundry, paid early. 116 South 800 East. 347-488- 4 coin-o- Very clean, if $440-$2- 5 1 CONDO. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS bedroom condo. Security. Heatwater included. Covered parking. Eveningsweekends GREAT DEAL 277-575days 972-518UNIVERSITY. One block from 900 East400 South Trax station! Beautiful condos for rent. Dishwshr, Spacious 23 bedrooms, $825-$952 month leases. 525 WD, pool, storage. South 900 East. 532-688- Ul 452S University St Clean& Cool House! $1,180mo.Nego-tiable- TO RINGS. WEDDINGENGAGMENT Wholesale prices. Selection on buyallmall.com or email May contact Jason at DIAMOND VOLUNTEER NEEDED to help an elderly couple. Assist for 2-- hours per week in helping to complete household tasks. Contact Bob Hanson at 322-022- 8 or hanson379xmission.com for more information. to peinc9pmt.org. WHOLESALE. DIAMONDS prices. All shapessizes. teed to save $$$. Don't pay retail Great quality. Guaran768-3- 253-124- 63. 4 don't pay retail prices!!! Large selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment. DIAMONDS: 272-694- WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information Experience Required. packet. Call S8.00HRI Western Research is looking for part-ful- l time telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible $1500 No DIAMONDS: e High quality. exchangtTpTlces. broker, no overhead. You will not find a better deal. Greg: 554-294stonebrokerattbi.-co- ! xl. scheduling. 359-369ART MODELS WANTED: Art Deptartment is look-Infor people to model for Art classes. You must be be available during the day. $10.00hr. Call the Dept of Art and Art History 7 or pick up applications in rm161. at ParPtTme. ART SALES for Park City Gallery. Flexible hours. Call Julie (801) Coo& paint&carpets, Bedroom, Spacious, Backyard, Nice WALK TO U, neighborhood, Only $445mo, NS. Please leave message. WALK TO U. 1155 E 300 S. Spacious 2 bedroom apartment wnew carpet & floors. $695month includes heat. 1 565-020- PIANO LESSONSWEDDING MUSIC-- I teach in my home near the U. I have recorded four CDs. I will teach classical, jazz, blues, rock, and new age. I like to teach songwriting too. I play at weddings solo or wmy band. 582-131- BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED. Local positions. 583-191- potential. APT in duplex downtown. Private fenced yard. utility room. sSmoking. $525.00. 2 to $460 & All 641-336- Large BDRM. 800 sq ft, only See freehomelistings.com, IDtt 67375, NEAR U. 533-984- TiT FEMALE 278-582- BDRM. 2 500mo 580-205- (or not). near campus plus Card, Discover or Am Ex is required. Calt 801.581.7041 1&12 BATH HOME, finished base-men- t, 2 car garage, new carpetspaint, full yard, 39th South 3100 East, no petssmoking, room, ridgecompactorlaundry or $1200.00heatlights, Fax: 4 by Visa, Master BEDROOM UNIT on quiet street. Great loca-tioNear 400S BOOE. Easy access to public Parking available. transportation & shopping. $1,200 a month. Please contact Tim at or to schedule a for more information showing. Go Utes! by Visa, Master Card, Discover or AmEx is required. Fax ad text, dates and category to $81.3299 HOUSE BOY NEEDED FOR SORORITY $6.50. 596-015- HEALTHY WOMEN NEEDED to share bedroom of 13 WANTED. Must be clean No smoklngdrinkingpets. Sug- - $250.00 moutilities. TO FREE INTERNET HIGH SPEED DSL private room utilities paid $275-$37Share house wWash-erDrye- r, newly remodeled. Cell: 647-479- 9 . Home:280-2524Pager: ROOM AVAILABLE in roommates, beautiful duplex. Great parking and backyard. $293.75 1438 S. 1600 E. Please call 2 Bdrm. Furnished WD, Dishwasher, Covered utilities. 244-606- ROOMMATE BEDROOM ROOMMATE WANTED Doctors are seeking women between the ages of 11 and 23 to join an investigational study on human papillomavirus (HPV) - a virus that can lead to genital warts and cervical cancer in women 4 k SHARE Beautiful home near 13 utiliCanyon. IBRPrlvate Bath $400 ties. Oulet, Neat, Non Smoker. 277-738- 916-627- 4 flex hours. ; ROOMMATE 583-300- Private yard, 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. pets OK. Basement storage. $950rr,o. 721 East 800 South. 3-- NEEDED ROMMATE and orderly. FEMALE Phone: am (o ig--vmi- 2 bed house in Sugarhouse. $225month electricity. Call Angela 673 0458. No FEMALE Furnished PTFT, $1250-$6000m- Training provided. No pet- APARTMENTS close to U & Trax. parking, some BEDR00M.1-BAT- FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR MIND ONLYI Business in Financial Consulting. 20 hrswk opportunity averages GREAT FTPT JOB. If you have Pest Control, Home Security, or Direct Sales exp., you'll think this is the easiest sale you ever made. Our avg. Classroom & field trainreps make $25-$40hing prov. for reps selected. 455-2245-- utilities Included Sugarhouse area. On Busline. Smoking, No Pets. Free Laundry. 650.00 . ads to classifiedschronicle.utah.edu 1 $480 includes covered utils. Martha, 2 or call Shared BEDROOM $250 a day ext 517. $74,900. 1 VoluSociety. tor-inf- (1330E)-4bd2b- New lerLaundryFireplace, Morel Great AreaMust See! the American Cancer availLetters-o- f RecommendationInternships able after 6mo of service. Contact Ben 9 er.org 582-781- 1 CONDO publication 583-375- Living, Parking, 50 percent of sexually active women get HPV -- and there's no cure This research study is testing an investigational vaccine to see if it can help prevent infection with HPV Study volunteers will be compensated for their participation UofU-TRA- $320 585-987- 4 to share house, must love animals! Sugarhouse great location, WD. 13 Utilities. Call Kris 463-475- ,vTillLJ $400 LNiversity "UTAH In Person: Pre-pa- y by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. at the Union Building 236 from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. HAVE A M AGEWT-WHTAKES C ARE OF YK1EM?" O Mail: by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category to: CALL ME FOR A FREE 6 582-660- llt (eel that an adverliw off, pleaw call wr offict or 583-769- 6 486-731- 1 Haircut & Blowdry Not valid with other offers. Limit one coupon per customer. Good at Foothill Village and East Bench location. 0 231 SOUTH 1300 EAST (12 block off campus) d nd oroewl CUMififd rJwrliKmrntt on the bun or ood Ovftunnf nl vc nol lake n ovw lh phone, nrj no refunds are mde, except (or our error, in keeprnf wrth the Unrverstty of UUhl policy of non diunminilion. The Daily Utrn Chronicle dow not ccept ny Mmtiwnentt thjl violtle UrXverifty rWy. or Sine or Federtl Law. No cm oiurimirwle on the Msn of ration ontin, race. iff. color, rein'on, or veteran orienlitlon, wiual diublllty, ttalul, frnder. Roommate di are en eueptlon onty In retard lo gender. In keeping Arjyerliiemenli reqwrini, a lee mud m Male In the ad with the Chronicle'i detire to run honet advertiwmentt, H you have any proof or evidence lo the contrary, ment it not valid or It uheme to rip you immediatety. East Bench 2300 East 2065 South (Across from Albertson's) JOHN THOMAS 200 So Central Campus Dr Rm 234 Salt Lake City. UT 84112-910lh riffil lo deny of kW cUmiH Foothill Village 1414 South Foothill Blvd (Next to Starbucks) PROTECTION REVIEW. The Daily Utah Chronicle mtrvn APPLICATIONS FOR THE TANNER FELLOWSHIP are now available in the Lowell Bennlon Commue for the nity Service Center. Volunteer non-profof your choice In the Salt Lake area for a year following graduation. Fellowship Includes $15,000 for living expenses. Contact Curt for more into: 585-910- 582-326- $325 to a classified ad mgr. ClirontcK ) mergonulhsph-harvard.ed- 4 BR house $1300 (nego- y 583-029- ACURA INTEGRA 1992 $2500, Hatchback GS. 2D, Compact Disc, Sliding Sunroof, New tires. 277-672- mmm - The quired. Call Liz, 694-297- 582-326- NEARU". Attractive thru June. available tiable). $450 Apt. AVENUES E PART-TIM- 455-028- balcony, WORDS 41 words 3 p.m. 2 days prior WD. $675mo. CUTE! word PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, family histories, applications. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press. Programs: WordPerGraphics: 30 fect, Microsoft Word, others. Carolyn: years University experience. semeste- r- closet. walk-I- LARGE WALK MOTKI U of U student sought. with Excellent relerencesexperience children essential. Must be extremely reliable. 364 0824. CHILD CARD needed for 9 month old. Infant CPR and references required, previous experience preferred. Contact (801) WONDERFUL NANNY WANTED lor 2 girlspuppy. M P, Safe driving record, relerences re- NANNY 96 TOYOTA PASEO, FWD, 5 speed, green. CD. 108k miles. $4900 obo. 99 MAZDA PROTEGE, red CD, AC. auto, cruise, power everything, 50K miles, asking $8150. paid, laundry room, off street parking, air, clean, quiet Rent: $475.00. 582-529- 6 NEWLY FOR SALE FURNITURE JEWELRY 2bdibath, CONDO: fireplace, Jobs entails many aspects. WANTED. Part-tim- 583-040- ROpMMATES Pre-pa- y NANNY Child care, laundry, errands, help manage day to day lite. Car a must. Positive, fun. kind person wanted! M.W.F. 15. T and Th neg. LIVE 1 BLOCK FROM U. 243-911Leave message. 5 699-209- WALK TO U, nice CAPITOL HILL LUXURY TOWNHOUSE. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, 2 cargarage, great view, fireplace, WD. Low dep. $1090. Call 363-503- 466-931- EXTRA-CLEA- FOR RENT REAL ESTATE nt 243-585- r 2 BedroomCarpetStorage- $$$S0ME FREE UnitLaundry, no smokepets. Heat & hotcold waterincluded. RENT$$$I $550 or $275one person. 675 E 5th Ave, SERVICES TRAVEL TYPING Talk 295-505- CAPITOL HILL 2 bedroom house. Super clean fc 2 WEEKS FREE! sunny, pet okay, washerdryer. PERSONALS i-2- Mike negotiable. 11:30-NANNY for dailypossible joO based on experience. share. Close to u. Must have carreferences. Phone 328 0585. JU1UM Prepare? O 2060 Jdlsuta CaauUty Qatar. Insuiare Coajany mod IUUUu. IlUnoU. instate. You're in good hands. ' ) !r U Expires 11 503 Gumrmntttrd Smtitfttetiom. Gtmrtimtd Sty."' .J |