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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE lU Wednesday, January 8, 2003 AT) M Lix..,,... Lm,'..I in r P J 1 - -- -. . 1 - APARTMENTS-FRE- E CAS, LOW RENT 1726 E 4045 S. 1BD420, 2BDS20. 863 E 200 272-477S. UofU 2BD500. 414-490- A CARlHC. HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLE, stay at home mom, long to give our lovt and warmth to a newborn. Eipenses paid. Pltatt call Jodl and Paul: ADOPTION DINING FOOD. FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE LOST & FOUND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! FEMALE ROMMATE NEEDED to share bedroom of 2bed house in Sugarhouse. $225month 13 electricity. Call Angela 673 0458. FEMALE ROOWMATE-NCED- EDl Sugarhouse. Includes internet access, laundry, utilities, cable, etc. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Must be clean and orderly. No smokingdrinkingpets. Sugarea. $250.00 moutilitles. FEMALE TO SHARE Beautiful home near 13 utiliCanyon. IBRPrivate Bath $400 ties. Ouiet. Neat, FREE INTERNETHICH SPEDDSL private room . utilities paid Share house wWash-erDryenewly remodeled. Cell: $275mo. 550-157- - LOSTBlack BhelcasrLooseltaf binder with Utah History, Lecture notes. Last seen In U of U Marriott Library. $50.00 REWARD. Call 277-900- PERSONALS 4 k SERVICES TRAVEL TYPING 277-738- r, $275-$375- DO YOU NEED CASH? EXTRA FOR RENT REAL ESTATE ROOMMATES SEEKING RENTAL can save You money by selling your books at www.uscollege-books.co- m msssm 39 YEARS Resumescover etc. Tranlettersthesesdissertationsreports, scription & tax capabilities. Velcobinding & lamiA&W EXPERIENCE. nating. Marsha 583-132Marsywin2(?msn.com CMPARETEXTBOOK PRICESI Search 24 book-store- s with 1 click! Shipping, handling and taxes Save up to automatically calculated. AUTOMOTIVE COMPUTERS 70! http:www.bookhq.com FOR SALE FURNITURE JEWELRY MUSIC 1? 677 So 7th a visit. 533-898- UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Contused? Let us We have services free of charge help you. specifically designed to assist you. Call Children's Service Society at 355-744Se habla espanol. r ato BUSINESS OPPS CHILD CARE VOLUNTEER OPPS WANTED Kim Private Bedroom $295 at MALE home. month. 13 utilities. ROOMMATE NEEDED for Sugarhouse New paintcarpet. Close to U. $300 14 utilities. Available now. 487-1222- . 6X5 MILL PVT room and bath in newer home. $425. call Natalie ROOM AVAILABLE in beautiful duplex. Great roommates, parking and backyard. $293.75 1438 S. 1600 E. Please call 636-598- 583-375- are house, mustlove animals! Sugarhouse great location, WD. $400 13 Utilities. Call Kris SEEKING GUYGAL to share Liberty Park House. Basement to yourself with bedbathlivlng; share kitchen&laundry; pets OK; no smoking; $400mo. ROOMMATE WANTEDIo-sh- ffl 467-641- PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, PLACING A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT edited, word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, family histories, applications. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, others. Graphics: 30 Carolyn: years University experience. i ACURA INTEGRA 1992 $2500. Hatchback GS. 2D, Compact Disc, Sliding Sunroof, New tires. Tel: Mail: 3S0-963- mergonul?hsph-harvard.ed- month-semeste- r $27 -- $8i .$215 21-4- 0 words BEDROOM utility room. sSmoking. $525.00. APT in duplex downtown. Private fenced yard. All 641-336- Shared No pet- utilities included week-permon- thT semester 41 -- $38 .$112 -- $325 words to peinc$pmt.org. DIAMONDS WHOLESALL Don't pay retail prices. All shapessizes. Great quality. Guaranteed to save $$$. DIAMONDS: don't pay retail prices!!! Large of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment. e DIAMONDS: High quality, exchange prices. broker, no overhead. You will not find a better deal. Greg: stonebrokerSattbi.-co768-346- 253-124- APT. For rent $475 fmonth includingBASEMENT utilities 6 month lease $50 a BEDROOM per non- refundable deposit. Call Jen 599-466APARTMENTS close to U & Trax. 2 $460 & $480 includes covered parking, some 278-582utiis. Martha, 2 BDRM NEW BATH and kitchen hardwood floors 4163 and trim. Heat paid $500.00. South 8th East 14. Furnished (or not). 2 BEDR00M.1-BATnear campus. 500mo plus APARTMENTS FOR RENT, close to the U. Newly remodeled kitchens! $460mo$250 deposit. or Please call AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FOR roommates or family, 2bedroom home, livinqroom, family room. Near U of U, 9th&9th, $900 includes utilities, to a classified ad mgr. p.m. 2 days prior to publication 3 ads to classifiedschronicle.utah.edu 944-385- AVENUES walk to by Visa, Master Card, Discover or AmEx is required. Call 801.581.7041 Fax: by Visa, Master Card, Discover or AmEx is required. Fax ad text, dates and category to 581.3299 U, by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. at the Union Building 236 from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Mail: $725utll. 554-294- Walk to U of U FOR RENTI 1 by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category to: The Daily Utah Chronicle 200 So Central Campus Dr Rm 234 Salt tiki City, UT 84112-910- 34 Lak-$47- P IA N 0 P LAY E R ST H ATS N G are needed7Tmme: diately for dueling piano shows at the Taverna-clSocial Club, 201 E 300 S. Adding additional shows and we need talented performers. Please call to schedule an audition. Ask for Kirk, or leave a message. Winners receive $1,500 each, publication in i e SPORTS MINDED INDIVIDUALS: Hiringlmmedi"-atel-y 6-individuals. FullPart time shifts. S8.00-Sl0.0perhr to start. Call Now! C TuTORARACKER:-UVS- lsaccepting applications for tutortrackers to work at West High School. Must be willing to commit until end of ext. Call 578-850school year. $7.72hour. UNFORGETTABLE SUMMER IN NORTHERN AZI Friendly Pines Camp, located in Prescott, is hiring for counselors for 2003 season, May 7, to work with kids ages Horseback riding, water-skiinclimbing, fishing, crafts, sports, For appinfo call more! Competitive salary. 8 or infog'fr iendlypines.com. Download app www.friendlypines.com. WAIT STAFF- - Fun place-GeneroCust. Exp Re-q'Apply in person Mr Z's. Ill E 300 So Ste 170, 2 PM-- 6 PM. WORKFR0MHOMEI LegitimatTThteTnWolia company needs skilled supervisor. Training provided by personal coach. Quarterly West (subject to editorial guidelines), tuition for the afternoon sessions at the 2003 WW Conference (tuition can be applied toward full conference), housing at Westminster, and fill manuscript consultation. Deadline is March I st 2003. For Entry Requirement, visit www.writersatwork.org iiffiiiilpiiii TAl CHS air, fireplace, easy freeway access. YOU WoodTHIS ONE! No smokepets. 486-4142295 S. 200 E., Mgr. 6 487-567- SEE record, 3:00-5:5- FOR 2 children (6&8yrs.). AOwn car, clean drivinq experience Call: Debbie and references required. 583-186- 532-688- E. SO. TEMPLE WOWI Free heat. No petssmoke. Clean studio. 548-468or TO 4 $350. 322-006- 452S University III Cleant 299 Cool House! 0807856-43S7aqnt- St SHAOHN Camp Michael Visit Camp Michael Retreat (CMR) located on the North Fork of the Provo River and support bereaved children and their families by assisting in p activities such as Saturday hiking, journaJing and dancing. CMR also needs volunteer support in their development department To see how you can be a part of this unique opportunity, call Darlene at ARTS 272-338- 3 904-320- 0. $1500 WEEKLY POTENT(ALmailing our circulars. Free information No Experience Required. 0257. packet. Call 203-68- 3 S8.06HRI Western Research is looking lor part-futime telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No salesl Flexible x1. scheduling. 359-369- 7 ART SALES for Park City Gallery. Flexible hours. Call Julie (801) potential. ll (1330E)-4bd2b- SI.IBOmo.Hego-tiable- ! . 6 New palnticarpets, More! Great AreaMust See! WALK TO U, 1 Bedroom, Spacious, Backyard, NTc e neighborhood, Only $445mo, NS. 565 0206, Please leave message. Local positions. 517. shannon.thompsonrmcare.com 550-041- -- Experi- Easy access off I-C- O via and Foothill Dr. -- 15 Private and Group instruction available. V'ti sqzzs. 2300E. toTtHzrwxttinzr recreational program. Starts Jan 15th. ence necessary. Call Akl if upon enrollment. 1-2- 'Rocky Mountain Hospice is looking for volunteers to assist patients and their families by providing simple acts. If you can help by running errands, taking patients for walks or providing transportation, please contact Shannon at 397.1086 or s;y Mention this ad and receive FREE gift Relief for Others ext COLLEGE STUDENTS NEEDEDI The Diocesan Drive (DDD) of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City needs a few students to call parishioners. The DDO provides funds for the Diocesan Ministries throughout the state of Utah. Some of those ministries include Catholic Community Services, Hispanic Ministry, Religious Education, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries. If you're available from 3 to 8 pm on Thursdays, and want to earn extra money, or email your resume call Klmberly at 328-864to Klmberly.clockilni diojlc.org. This Is a temporary position starting on Jan. 12 for 6-- weeks. cymnajtics Repertory Dance Theatre Do you like dancing and getting mail? Repertory Dance Theatre (RDT) is looking for volunteers to update addresses in their database using return notices from a recent mailing. If you can only spend a day or even just a few hours, we need your help. Contact Susan at S34-I00- Part time. $825-$110- UNivEfl$lTV-B7- OPPORTUNITIES -- FREE. 2 BDRM 2 WEEKS S fternoons NEEDED bed-roo- TirEd of ugly1 STudenT Apartments? Move up to The Preserve! Beautiful condos for rent. One block from 900 23 bedrooms East Trax statlonl Dlshwshr, fridge, W0, pool, storage. 525 South 900 East. Call WALK Call day-cam- NANNY t 537-736- 6 NOTKI Ti Oironir.lt mcrvn lh rtM to rjeny or toil claisifinl dvtrliMmtnli on Iht 6as ot fowl cst and proprirl ClawfwrJ advtrlutmtnli art nol tattn over ttit phont, and no rt lunds art madt. uupl (of our error!. In ittpinf with Ibf Unlwrsily ol Ulahl polity ol non dllcriminatlon. Tht Dally Ulah CHromdt dots nol airr-p- l ny advtrlrstmtnlt lr.il violate Univtrjily policy or Stalf or Federal Lit No id can discriminalt on Ihf bam ol national onm, age, color. reiifion, or veteran orirnlalion. disability, stiual Mains, If nder. Aoommatt ads are an eicepllon only In regard lo lender. Adverhtemenlt reouirin a fee must 10 stale in the ad. In keeping wiiri the Chronicle' deiire to run hontsl advertisement!, if you tiave any prool or evidence to the contrary, or leel mat an adertne ment it nol valid or a scheme lo rtp you off, please can our office immediately. Nice FROM THE UNIVERSITY. Bed-roo- winds :ii)!Di furnished all utilities. 792-363- MUST experi: per day! SERVICE FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR MIND ONLY! Business 20 hrswk opportunity in Financial Consulting. PTFT, flex hours. averages $1250-$6000mTraining provided. BDRM Apt alarm, yard, garage, clean, washer dryer, Ave, Westminster great neighborhood, $1l50month. NEWLY REMODELED HOUSE, Close to U, 2 2 Bath, WasherDryer, Pets OK $795. 1732 South Windsor SU840 East) Pre-pa- y AND POETRY PIANO LESSONSWEDDING MUSIC-- I teach in my home near the U. I have recorded four CDs. I will teach classical, jazz, blues, rock, and new age. I like to teach songwriting too. I play at weddings solo or wmy band. 582-131- 604-002- 8 EZRENTAHOME: Easy way to find a place to live. $325.00 to $3500.00. Must see. Free rental service for all students and nonstudents. Large and small, we have It all. EZRENTAH0ME.COM, 5280 S ComHOMELESSTUDENTSNEEDED. or 262-736merce Dr (320 W)155. SALT NONFICTION neighbor-hoo- available before Jan 15. Washerdryerdishwasher included. Some offstreet parkinggarage deck overlooks city. Moonlight storage. MINUTES Pre-pa- y FICTION, included, laundry, storage, no smoking, prefer no pets, 328-206- or unfurnished. $550.00 includes For apartment call:583-5880- . In Person: fl. $445. quiet BEDROOM, 1 heatwater CAPITOL HILL 2 bedroom house. Super clean & sunny, pet okay, washerdryer. 2 WEEKS FREE! 497 W Capital. $975 243-585EASTSIDE CONTEMPORARY 2 bedroom home Phone: - 403-490- 5 FOR 272-694- 486-924- Talk COMPETITION S High- IP Ye RINGST DIAMOND WEDDINGENGAGMENT Wholesale prices. Selection on buyallmail.com or email May contact Jason at 1 No m FELLOWSHIP MOVED TO LONDONI Must sell 1999 Saturn SL, red, 4dr, air, 52,000 miles, $6,660. -- 4810 h,m,m.m WRITERS AT WORK www.incrediblecash.biz 277-672- er . Tel land Circle. Ask for Jean. MOVIETEXTRASMODELS NEEDED. ence necessary. Earn up to $150-545- 317. SHARE HOUSX Private room, Living room,' Kitchen, WasherDryer yard. $450month 12 utilities. Dep. reg. 487-694WALK TO U, nice neighborhood, backyard, laun-dr565-020916-074male, $199-245mmsg. please. ' 467-273- week-p- Call WORD PROCESSING, computer, laser printer, also IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian). Mrs. Nee-leWORDS per bussers, hostesses. x V. . .1 FREE STUFF, GREAT MUSIC, SCHOOL CREDIT. Does life get any better? Arista Records, home to a diverse roster of Artists, including Avril Lav-ignAdema, Santana, Spiritualized, Grateful Dead. Clips. Pink and Outcast, seeks college reps that have a love lor music and yearn for a future career in the music industry. Hear music first while getting hands on experience in all aspects of business. This is not a paying job, college Intern credit may be available, expenses will be covered. Internet access, personal transportation and at least one year of college remaining is a must. So tell me. does life get any better? Please send cover letter and resume to tom.gimbel bmg.com. IN 2003-2004- ? GRADUATING JOIN THE PEACE CORPS. TRAVEL AND WORK IN EXOTIC LOCAPAY FOR IT! TIONS. LET THE GOVERNMENT ALL OPPORTUNITIES MAJORS ACCEPTED. IN SMALL AVAILABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, ENGLISH ANO SCIENCE TEACHERS, ENAGRIVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. HEALTH. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 587-763- 5 CULTURE, www.peacecorps.gov. JASMINE CHINA BISTRO" "HI R iNa Servers, 463-475- STAAliTTwnM&Tr$T60 East. 647-479- 9 . 8 Home:280-2524Pager: LIBERAL FEMALE TO SHARE Surgarhouse J - WOODSlDE CLASSIFIED INDEX 'A I) NT) P 01 I 1 1 Ssf',811 www.shaollnarts com |