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Show II O ..,v-iii-s-- Yl tk t. U ri L. rr nit ny J L A T, tLununnl n w THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE o Ortnl tO.twi . " www.we joq t i bd HffiSfJSWW! : Oil K E K M us ia 0 F ?r R3 8:00 D PM (S M T in the HERITAGE CENTER 'WM1L L 3 J ol -f 1 r- 2 REVITALIZE THE UNION TOGETHER BY CHANCE UNITED BY CHOICE Be 3 PROVIDE OLYMPIC OPPORTUNITIES an It's on-camp- us your campus union... leadeH you decide! plan events, concerts, movies create logos, ads, posters manage building policy build and maintain website Call FIGHT FOR LOWER TUITION 581-765- 7 Apply online at www.ynicn.utah.eduQpplkaHoris or pick up an appli- - cation Union in Adminstration, Room i:3.., SEE) 255 |