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Show 16 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2000 EUSINESS TO BUSINESS SURVEYS. t time hours. SLC Company Flexible full k exparyjmg office. We have immediate openings for those with people skills, marketing & basic computer skills Competitive hourly wage plus bonus and growth potential. Career development programs offered. Email or fax resume to Mownmma- 217 usa com or CAMP TOWANDA, Pocono Mountains Pennsylvania. 100 openings tor positive role models to be caring, sensitive counselors. "Have the best summer ever!" Great salaries and travel allowance. Interviews during Summer Joti Fair, Wed. February 9th. Contact: of www.camptowanda com for appli27 cations. CONDUCT FREE MATH TUTOR (throuqh Calculus III) for ail Veterans with a (at lease a general dis5 charge). Contact the Veterans Aflairs Ottice at 210 tor more oetails. TRAVEL TRAVEL AGENT SPECIALIST "Where in the world would you like to go?" have 23 years experience in Save SS$ on booking Hit minute and student travel. . worldwide travel! Call Holly Dininq to 210 Meet You Inc. and Travel. GETAWAVI SUMMF.R Let BREAKI SPRING Travelstar help you eperience the world! Travelstar or is located in footh.ll Village, Ca.'l 583-3004?8 browse our website- - www travelstar net TYPING WORD PROCESSING (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also editing, IBM typing. Can check spelling, gramMrs. Neliey, 467(A PA. Turauian). mar, reference 728 2738 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes, transcribes, liser prints, dissertations, manuscripts, resumes Intei nationalGraduate students welcome. W.nslow's. 582 2020 428 TRANSCRIPTION, RESUMES. BUSINESS, theses, APA, diversities laser, papers, proposals, Spreadsheets, mailings, labels, excellent grammar. FAX Reasonable, professional, last. Brenda. 268- 428 6375 AS.W 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover etc. thesis. dissertations, reports. Transcription t las capabilities. Veicobindmg & lam Marsha mating 428 5R3 1323 WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, wed processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cas- sette tapes!, scanned, laser printed, taxed, resumes, papers, Theses, dissertations, manuscripis, personjlfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, mediral. legal. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell. ML A, UC. Press. Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Otners. Graphics: AutoCad 12. Excel 70. 30 years of university experience. FREE pickup and delivery. Carolyn, 277-672- 428 WP Suite 8. Papers, TYPING PLUS CALLIGRAPHY. Hand lettering tor resumes, transcriptions. treasured writings. certificates, envelopes, Excellent references. Barbara 487-823428 FRATERNITIES STUDENT CLUBS SORORITIES Groups. Student organizations earn Sl.000-S2.00three hour with the easy campustundraiser.com fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dafes are filling quickly, so call today! or Contactcampusfundraiser.com, (888) 923-323222 visitwwwc3mpijsfur.Jraiser.com NOW HiSINGI ALL POSITIONS, flexible hours. Fjh & part time Apply at Marie Callendars. 1313 So. Foothill Dr 582 3210. ?'5 LITTLE DCCS RESORT needs pet care help. Cageless boarding and daycare for small dogs. Need animal lovers to keep facility honest, clean & sate. Flex hrs. $6 50. Open 7 daysweek. 225 4095 Soutn Mam, SLC Call BONUSES. Peak Staffing $9.00 TO $10.OOKR Services has an openinq in our dispatch departmer.i. Flexible shift, 12 2pm. M F. Option to work a shorter shift on Friday and make up hours Sat. am. Full time opening with room lor advancement. Responsibilities: Matching applicants with open jobs & sending them to work. No experience is necessary but excellent verbal communication skills and attention to detail is a must. Apply at: Peak 210 Staffing. 284 E. 4500 So. 264-121UPS HAS GREAT PART f IME JOBS with full time benefits. UPS now offers S2,000year tuition "Select shifts. For more information or to schedule interview on campus cortact Student or UPS Jobline Employment Services at at 973-377Also, see us at the U of U Job Fair Feb. 29 9! OUTDOOR WORK LEADERS to supervise high on 4-week summer conserva- school volunteers tion work crew programs nationwide. Proven youth leadership, extensive camping experience, and minimum Wilderness First AitiCPR required. Paid position. Week (ong training provided. To request appliemail us at cation look online at www.rca-inc.org- , or call 218 ' V THE TINDER BOX. Work in one of Salt Lake's finest K H H H K H shops. Cigars and Collectibles, Permanent Part Time and Full Time, flexible hours. Health Plan. Hourly for commissions. Call 355-733bonus wage ' 211 appointment. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES SEEKING ACTORS for pnntyrunwayfiln-- , work in local and national markets. No experience necessary. High income potentialtravel opportunities! Call 31 3377. NEED IMMEDIATELY: BUSSER. S&.50 per hour tree dinner. dinner period only. Next to U of U 27 Campus. Call 596-025HISPANIC NEWSPAPER is looking individuals with sales experience to tor handle advertising accounts. Great benefits opportunities for p'omotion. SpanishEnglish a plus. 27 Call Jennifer (800 434 6626. SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR wanted for XMission. an independent ISP. For details: www.xmission.comjcbs 28 MARKETING STUDENT to head up team promoting NHRA top fuel fnnycar to corporate America. Commission. 28 aussiefunnycar'jjuno.corri 2 BUSSERS to ssist w setting up & pm to breaking don dinner 4 nights a week. 4:30-about 7 pm. Free dinner and $6.50hr. Need immedi-atei- y on U of U campus Please call 596 0151. 28 FREE BALLET TICKETS. Keeping the Ballet on Its and toes!! If you are enthusiastic, have a passion for the arts, call Ballet West and becor.,e a sales repi esentative on our marketing team. We offer part-timevenings with a guaranteed wage plus bonus and Incentives In a fun environment. NEEDED OR 1 Intermediate and WEB DESIGNERPROGRAMMER. advanced skiM levels neeoed. Subcontract work. Send resume to: P.O. Box 982253. Park City, UT 84098M 2253. LOOKING FOR CREATIVE WRITER to write copy for 21' emerging restaurant company. Call ACCOUNTING- - ENTRY LEVEL. Local Advertising Agency has immediate opening for full or part time Accounting Assistant. Must have excellent computer 1 & organizational skills and woik well with others. year experience required. Salary based on experience. or mail to HR Dept., 136 Fax resume to E South Temple, Suite 1400, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. 21! . AccountingSclution'j Let AccountingSolutions be the solution to all your employment needs. Currently recruiting for the following positions. OFFICE ASSISTANTPRCOFER. $8.00hr partfull time. Flexible hours, for small Insurance Appraisal Co. in Sugar House. Casual atmosphere but must be orca-nize- professional, and computer proficient. Great 211 career opportunity. Call Ashley 4 SEEKING STUDENTS TO HELP RUN the University of Utah Union in positions on Union Board of Directors-al- l positions receive 12 to full tuition, real responsis experience-Applicationand very valuable work bility, due Feb. 14th. Pick one up in Union 255 or at www.union.utah.ertuapplication.htm Travel may Call Mary or Rochelle. 28 EUROPEAN CONNECTION. Small local restaurant looking for quality people Jo work flexible shifts. Exciting new product. 5 mil from University. 2741636. Data Entry CollectionsCustomer Service Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Payroll Office ManagerBookkeeper Staff Accountant MISS USA, 29 MAY 10 to 15 hrswk. Flexible schedule, excellent experience, some travel, fun enviN ronment. Located in SL. $7hr. Special Ef'ect Supply. MARKETING ASSISTANT. wJMPifcr.HU !M Ti emm mm ku anuwr,: wski 77 m Accounting Manager Controller 2000 1 lOMiNifM 29 www.lx5upply.com RECEPTIONIST PART-TIM- E ior busy medical office. Must njoy patient contact and heavy phones. Requires general office skills. Located close to U of U. Fax resume to 968424. 29 UT NUffflSfl Call Fax resume to or email accigsolutions?1! iotmail.ee m 281-06C- ?.8i-o80- 3, ( SiJWr'l TMtttti No longer a 'beauty pugeant." bul a Ihfse day Ourny ol mnU, body, and spirit! I NEED HELP need people who speak Spanish, German, Japanese, or any ohter language to expand our business locally, nationally, or Internationally. or iog on to www.cashnym3il.comnow. Fee required. 33 REMODELING HELPER. Homeowner looking for help renovating older home In University area. Afternoons, flexible hrs. hrsweek. $7.50hr. Experience help0 ful but not necessary. (let it ring) 2iQ SEARCHING FOR SELF MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS to grow with an International Company. Positions avail-ab'- s in Reception, Customer Care and O.der Entry. MLM experience and Japanese speaking preferred. For an application or interview, please call 801-97211 9100. I AccountingSolutions 4021 South 7C0 East, Suite 160 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 801.572.3119 m. o wwk 90! n lt sum n utn ntti csai If you are a healthy 18 to 30 year old woman interested in participating in a study in a development of a vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer, please call 585-987- 4 or 585-568- VACCINE STUDY for, 6 NEWSLETTERBROCHURE DESIGNER. flexible hours per week. $1Ghr. Must have experi- ence. be required, one candar year comrrtittinent required. Positions available: Union Board Chair. Programs, Marketing. Finance, FoHcy, Volunteer. Technology, 7 Operations, Genera! Counsel and more. Call 213 for more information. 3. 211 583-885- UNIVERSITY SALT LAKE PEER COURT is looking for advisors to work with our Youth Court Program. This is a rewarding opportunity to work with diverse youth from the SLC school district. Contact Iris S 467-712or visit the Bennion in the Union Bldg, Room 101. SCIENCE CENTER OF UTAH HEALTH approved research COMPENSATION PROVIDED 27 PROMONTORY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY needs volunteeers for their education program. The tutorM F with morning and afternoon sesing classes run sions. If you're interested in helping offenders gain There's more than better math, english, social studies, and science skills, please call Jessica Strout, Volunteer Service ext. 1123 Coord, at 553-98427 OFFICESPECIAL The 2000 Writers one way to dravH oiooo At-Wor- Conference will at westminster College of Salt Lake EVENTS ASSISTANT. National Association of Social Workers. Flexible 211 hours. Call 583-885- Evenins be held WANTED City, Utah, July Flexible hrs and great resienvironment; Teach living skills to EARN WHILE U LEARN dential working people with disabilities PT eveswknos, accompany on activities provide basic care, $8.37hr Call 468-634fax resume to. Paula 468 6350, or fill out application at Columbus Community Center 2950 S. Main. 42 S EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for Social Science' Education majors and others to gain experience working with individuals who have disabilities. Available positions are throughout the wasatch front & have fleaible schedules. Apply: TURN Community Services, 535 E. 400 S., SLC or 359- 8876. 428 TUTORTRACKER POSITIONS OPEN The UVSC School, College and University Partnership has openings for tutortrackers to work with students at West High School. The position requires a commitment through the end of May. Various shifts avail0 able. $6.90hour ext. 317. 428 our double Use cleanest; East 300 South Open 7:3 v f J ,,, vrite or call: Writers at the Conference, vsfi 0 am - Work, P.O. Box 12 mid 540370, North r VIS.,, f Phlebotomy! Learning Center! 4. for information about W washers for tf6 9-1- Salt Lake, Utah 84054-037- (801) r 0, down your OR VISIT US AT insurance rates. http:www.ihi-env.comwatw.hf- Talk to me about how safa"drivers can save. 27 SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS AND SUPERVISORS needed. Never too early to plan your summer employment. Call Kids Together at EARN sue's $25.00 and learn more about your blood Individuals of African pressure! American, LatinoHispanic, Asian, and Native American backgrounds needed for a 2 hour U of U study on ethnicity and cardiovascular function. No individuals on cardiovascular medication. For more information et 585-554please ce'l Julianne (SOU state. man You're in 231 So. 1300 East (liblotkofftaniiKis) 5826606 SeltL&keSKy VUK 84191 WWVL'.SU)UieU!lauUS8!8S.C9Fn www.altstMt.com e. AUsMe insurance Company. Northbrook, H'lnols. to w!(ol(fty and qmllfiutlorts. terms, conditions no wcluslw, may a&ply, S9.00HRI RINielson Company (s looking for partfull time telephone interviewers. Good tele- io9 Sitct dim skills. No sales! Flexible NOW hardworking, R I N G Package H Monday - Friday: No Weekends! S Jepetyjahle, Handler Get a workout while you work Assistance of .50 per hour after 30 days Opportunities for advancement Tuition POSITIONS - 8 00 pm t W $8.00 I 1 1 1 2 00 am $9.00 - 5:30 Tennis EXCELLENT am per hour mm. An FDX Company Guarantee J Satisfaction. Guarantied Style" ARE AVAILABLE IN THESE ACTIVITIES. Come work with Camp Representatives Wednesday February 9, 2000 at the Summer Job rair 7 30 pm 'Preload: kA A 1 K F wegbc leaders to be instructors at outstanding youth camps. If you're m college, and are looking for a great summer job, we have the perfect one for you. 00 am - 4:30 am $9.00 per hoi ir 00 pm $(.0(3 per hour 'Sunrise: IN - :30 pm per hour Shift Times: Twi- SPEND YOUR SUMMER Swimming Water Skiing Canoeing Sailing Basketball Lacrosse Softball Arts & Crafts Enamel Fine Arts Newsletter Photography Pottery Silver Jewelry Video Archery Costumer Gymnastics Horseback Riding Outdoor Living Ropes Course Rock Climbing Nanny A tft 428 HPS, an FDX Gxnpany, is lookina (or DorhUme. Day good hands. JOHN THOMAS 301-988- 9 1185S.30eW. 428 phone communication scheduling. Drive 292-928- AGENCY SEEKING NEW TALENFl Movies, extras, fashion, promotions. No exp. necessary. Income potential $$$. Saturday classes & SALARY TRAVEL ALLOWANCE ROOM & Foothill Village (next to Starbucks) 1400 S. Foothill Dr. 583-769- HAIRCUT BOARD 6 & 3 LOW O RY Not valid with i$5.99 other offtrl. limit tint coupon pv custome'. lOfFES EXPIRES 412000 N Salt Lake Apply in person at 720 North 400 Weit (Bountiful eit 318 then Vest) ' or contact ScoM at (801 ) 294-599- I I Vmnt'it4 lM M WWW I C)?9 fRIATCHK INC |