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Show Thursday, February 25, 1999 Chronicle The Utah Daily 12- - SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE PEAK AAA Approved ASE Master Technicians. All credit cards accepted. l BEDROOM basement apt. near campus. Pay . parking. $50omo. Call Matt 225 13 util. 33 plus free refreshments! Only $5 per class! All ages, lewish Community Center, 2 Medical Drive, Thursday 7 8pm. Professional teacher, beginningintermediate levels. Come with or without a partner. For more info: SWING DANCE CLASSES FOR SALE TOP WITH DOORS TO FIT HARD Os JEEP. offer. 33 5834000 $850.00 or best 225 TAX PREPARATION Thule bars with lock coreskeys. Fit 1993 and model VW lettaGolf. Used twice. $75OBO. THULE RACK later Don't overlook new tax breaks for Standard $30. Itemized $45. MICHAEL POPE, CPA 226 selection of PRICESIII Large PAY RETAIL diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment. Rocky et specialist. Various Tour Packages able. ALTERNATIVE Explore Nature Ride Ozarks. $165. start March. April. 1.5 cred its. to add. 1215 Trailess Travel; 1260 Backpacking; 1227 Family Camping; 1228 Site rehabilitation; 1229 Prof Outdoor Guide; 1230. 31, 35. 36 Rock Climbing; 1140, 1242, Mtn. Life; 2015,16 1245 Bicycling; 1271 Nature REAL ESTATE in or with OF UDOWNTOWN buyers Specializing working sellers to meet their specific needs. Chris venizelos 364- - 4544, 429 Properties Inc. InterNet Properties, Inc. PROFESSIONALLY WordPerfect, 33 429 (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also editing, IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references PROCESSING WTTH ONE WOMAN, in 5 ROOM AVAILABLE $265 or $350 - you pick. clean. Bus, bike to school. Call Troy or Sarah SUGARHOUSE, RESUMES, 225 Hardwood floorsfinished U. 226 for Social Science. Education majors and others to gain experience working with individuals who have disabilities. Available positions are throughout the wasatch front & have flexible schedules. Apply: TURN Community Services, 535 E. 400 S SLC or 429 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to share West lordan house. Includes garage prkg, washerdryer & bdrm furnishNo pets. $40omonth. Call Toni ings if needed. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED CLEAN 226 . The UVSC School. College, and University Partnership has openings for tutortrackers to work with students at West High School. The position requires a commitment through the end of May. TUTORTRACKER Hardwood floors, newer carpet, walking distance to campus. $30omo 14 util., elec. paid. Call Iv. msg. Steve at 226 ROOMMATE WANTED. w2 males. Remodeled. 2 baths, large bedroom, storage. No pets, free laundry. $350 includes utUscable. 2362885. 226 CONDO NEAR LARGE ROOM FOR RENT in 5 Great $262.5omo.utils. Share U - bedroom house. house in 32 a.s.a.p. to share great two bedroom apt., walking distance to campus. $26012 util. Call Nick HIGH STANDARD home in 13 or t0 ,ake Part m 3 research study to test an oral contraceptive used to treat moderate acne. 6 month study with up to 10 office visits. All study related visits and study medication provided free. Qualified individuals will be compensated. For information call the Dermatology Research Center, Leonard ). Swinyer, M.D., Investigator, (801) WANTED: WOMEN AGE - 33 FEMALES WANTED 14 utilities. Sandy. $300 to share near new Call Ava 429 59Q1- 31 utili- 225 $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. No Experience Required. Free information packet. Call ROOMMATE WANTED bath. Tumberry Apts. Rent $260 429 TRAINEESI Academy 5327127. 32 ties. Call 33 226 2690135 weekdays. SERVICES WHY NOT? New lamps. Office 3? AVAILABLE. SOCIAL SERVICES POSITIONS Perfect for studisabled in a with the developmental setting. Beginning salary of $7.73 an hour. or come by 545 Evening and weekend shifts. Call E. 4500 S. Building E, Suite 220. 32 TELEPHONE SURVEY WORK. $8 per hour plus bonus. SLC: Orem: (801) TRAINING PAYS 323 $isHR Earn $400 per week scheduling No selling! appointments door to door for protection-one- . Medical, dental, life insurance after 30 days. Work as little as 15 hours per week nights and weekends. Call Nathan after 35 i 2pm58o-28o- Travelers Aid Society is looking for individuals committed to making a difference as a residential mentor for the homeless community. Qualified candidates will assist with problem solving, regulate activities, respond to public, and interact with residents. High school diploma or GEO required. All shifts, full time, regular and RESIDENTIAL MENTOR: temporary positions available at three sites. Starts at $7.oohr. Send or fax resume to Shelter Director, Travelers Aid Society. 210 South Rio Grande, SLC, UT 84101, fax 359- - 34 4178. residential program serving evenings at Columbus SKILL INSTRUCTORS for LIVING people with disabilities. $8.37 per hour. & weekends. Training provided. Apply Community Center, 10 West Century Park Way (2950 So. Main St.). 468 6346 or Fax 34 PART TIME POSITION WORKING WITH YOUNG CHILDREN autism. Close to with U. Flexible hours. Great experience. 226 MonicaDawn old. 4 yr old & 2 yr old. Sometimes we take them on a trip with us 81 then you'd just be housesitting. Sometimes we'd leave one or more with you & you'd be nanny & housesitter. Sometimes just a day excursion or even a movie & you'd be a babysitter. Must be good with kids. Name your price. Bart HOME SITTER, NANNY 81 244 7447. Approx. 50th BABYSITTER. We S. 15th 7 yr 34 E. PERFORMING ARTS MGTI LEARN have a President's Assistant for Customer serv. reps. expansion of company. Earn 585 4937interview call Mike NEED CASH? DO THE MATHI We $10 FOR need YOU to identify EACH middle-age- & directors needed for comm. weekly. For 226 married couple you recruit. & older adult married Task Study. Ask your parcouples to participate in The Life ents! Ask your relatives! Ask your neighbors! Call The Life Task ill Study for details. Of UTAH STUDENTS: Earn $5 per hour participating in Must Memory Research. Research takes place on campus. be a native speaker of English. For more information call U. couple seeking egg donor. Big wgt approx. beautiful eyes, petite, ht approx. nd, ns. Will pay $5000.00 flat fee. Call (801) 38 , OPEN at down town Family Theatre: House Manager Tues & Wed 9 am - 12:30 pm, Supervisory and Facility Cleaning. $7.50 hr. Concessions Manager 412 hrs wk on selected Mon Fri., Sat., eves and Sat. afternoons. Food Handling Supervisory and Facility Daytime RECEPTIONIST. Law rip can help! Call Celebrate yourself at appointment. 'Student cuts $15.00 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SESSION regarding Masters Program to be held on Tuesday, March 2, 1999, in 2222 Annex. For inforsvp call ffi3TWfw uiSf 226 guaranteed!! Free supplies. - 3? 500 SUMMER JOBS50 campsyou choose!! NY, PA, Maine. Instructors needed: tennis, basketball, hockey, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming(wsi), waterski-ing- , sailing, windsurfing, aerobics, archery, mt. biking, O mm ropes, dance, theater, piano accompanist, ceramics, woodwork, photography, nature, RN, chef. Arlene 225 currently recruiting for facilities and maintenance help. Monday-Frida- UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE is student Z person at Bookstore Human Resources or call 581- 226 4404 for more information. Apply in or more of the following activities: Archery, arts & crafts (ceramics, stained glass, jewelry), athletic trainer, basketcanoeing, kayaking, dance (lap, Pointe 8, jazz), drama, hockey, golf, gymnastics (instructors & qualified spotters), horseback ridingEnglish hunt seat, lacrosse, photogball, field videographer, piano accompanist, pioneeringcamp for Instructors, windsurfing. Also opportunities kitchen, Room in 10 am 4 pm. No appointment necessary. ASSISTANT. High Tech Company, 15 hrsweek $7.50 $8.50hr. Phones, Mail, Processing, needs basic understanding of office equipment & confidentiality. Must have a professional appearance & willing to work in a resume to environment. Must reference: sshepheres.com or Fax to - 7L O ww li to u. H is .T uj t O uj U - - z FIRST RESPONDER Near Mt. Mckinley Seasonal Jobs May-Sep- t. Gift Shop & Food Cashiers Cooks & Restaurant Personnel Room & Board Available For application & Box A3 CARDMEMBER C3 329 Port Aransas, TX 78373 4 i SERVICES j3 I., ri.nr. at REPRESENTATIVES With your enthusiasm and ability to multitask, you will represent our company while taking calls from our cardholders. These positions require excellent verbal communication skills, strong ability, and typing accuracy. Customer service in a call center a plus. Starting salary of $9.83hour! experience decision-makin- g Have you had MONO or HEPATITIS A in the last 30 days? Then make a minimum$50 RIGHT NOW! John Thomas 231 So. 1300 E. (12 block off campus) If you have had mononucleosis or hepatitis A in the last 30 days, you could receive $50 or more each time you donate plasma! 582-6(3- Call For auto dkcoimu 363-769- 7 or stop by BIOLOGICALS SERA-TE- C Being tit good hands is the only place to be. 609 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 841 1 1 1996 AHtlafr Inturanrr Company Northhrook. Illinois Subfrcl 10 local availability and qualification! Olhrr If rim, rondihona and ncluiion may apply "lAaiHiiii We're now seeking: 6 kevindenolipark.com Home 'n auto discounts Ready n waiting TTT professional achievement. Operating at the pinnacle of our dous opportunities along with flexible schedules that allow you to pursue personal goals, too. interview call or write Kevin al (512)749-302PO EH f )A Denali National Park 225 (435) Discover Financial Services, there are no limits to industry, we offer you tremen- Center floor Sat as the clock strikes zero. 8 am 1 aW. Stan right away. For tree "Flood" the Huntsman 225 Monday-Frida- & 226 r commitment to the U. CLASS during spring to 6 pm March 15 20. $120. Don't be caught without your Red Cross certified First Responder when school ends. and CPR for the professional break. g uJ Word PTP299 Andre Miller's Sundays, 8 days long. Cost is shared cumulative expense. 5 jusiowiaryouxcan grqy. 226 connelles.com Please help celebrate Rescue Class is being taught during the month of April for adventurous young women and men willing to learn risk management and leadership skills to be used as a commercial river guide. Saturdays and WILDERNESS 3 3 3 iscover INTERN. High Tech Company, 20 hrsweek or less. Hourly rate based on experience. Entails working on the Internet & Intranet. Requires attention to detail, ability to work with several priorities, & HTML experience. Contact Steve Connell at or your resume to At a small lodge in BASIC GUIDE TRAINING, River "i 225 Blvd., Suite 552. Los Angeles, CA 9002S PRO'S, 32 years experience. Electronic Filing tax Professional, personalized, reasonable rates. Call 4841166. 322 S. be on your campus Tues., March 2nd, Collegiate the Student Union. Interviews and information from WEB TECH TAX . I US! We will details, send one stamp to: N - 233, 12021 Wilshire Available. (4325-9387- L- Female and male counselors needed for top children's camp in Maine. Top salary, roomboardlaundry, clothing & travel allowance included. Must have skill in one raphy, 0. 2 W Q- and afternoon positions are presently morning, available. Must be able to work rotation Saturdays as well. SUMMER JOBS. !& - www.summercampemploy- Streisand, ment.com. Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Must be WSI and Lifeguard certi- fied. Call Anne at YWCA, 355 2804. 226 32 6702. INCOME ;m- - 226 Stuff, envelopes al home and earn $2.007 env. great bonuses. Work FT or PT. Make al least $800 a week, the dream begins with sound planning. The earlier you begin planning the sooner you can achieve your goals. Call today for a free consultation on how to begin your path toward financial independence. Call Ken at 269 tip- At for Merb INDEPENDENCE Si!'rfD 225 4861112. 429 FINANCIAL ceO? 677 So. 7th East. HAIRCUT SYNDROME? SUFFERING FROM ip ;mi office in Sugar House seeking motivat- SWIM INSTRUCTOR NEEDED CLERICAL ip 'Mts lift! 'OTiffii ed, professional, responsible receptionist. Must have excelskills lent communication skills. Some computertyping Full or part time (job share). Fax resume to desired. cooks, maintenance, nurses, and secretaries. Camp Vega for us girls! Visit our web site at www.campvega.com or COME SEE at jobscampvega.com. Call PART TIME POSITIONS npKiO EGG DONOR NEEDED Loving ule plus TuesdayWednesday 226 j JUiW craft, ropes (challenge course, 25 stations), sailing, soccer, Softball, tennis, theatre technicians, track 81 field, volleyball, waterskiing (slalom, trick, barefoot, jumping) W.S.Iswim mornings. $7.50 hr. NEEDED part time. ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Outgoing people needed to present fun science activities for children at elementary schools. Excellent job for future elementary school teachers. Need car, leadership, experience w science, & available afternoons. kids, Fax (801)292- Training provided. Call today (801)292-8648647 311 DELIVERY DRIVER: Immediate need for office products company. Clean appearance, clean driving record, good attitude of city required. and knowledge Starting salary shift. Will work with hours. Experience $8.oohour...7 Ave. East Ashton at (2310 1147 Apply South).3i negotiable. FUTURE 38 arts orgn. Tasks include performance preparation, marketing, public relations, facility maintenance, box office, purchasing. Reliable, vehicle, computer & office skills requ'd. nrs wk, weekday afternoon sched- Cleaning. $7.50 hr. $6.9ohour. Earn $35hr. bartending. No Experience Necessary. Start earning a great income in only 2 weeks! Free T.I.P.S. Certification, excellent placement! Call for FREE info packet today. Rocky Mountain Bartending to share very large 2 bdrm apt. 900E . Please leave a 425S. Rent 290 or less. ?33i5469 available. ; BARTENDER Avenues. message OPEN POSITIONS shifts various ext. 317. ROOMMATE WANTED 3 BEDROOM, 2 Products e Wholesaler. We are looking for people for days and evenings, flexible with shift schedules. $8.25 per hour. Fax or apply in person at 4625 W. 1730 So. Salt to CO. SUPPLY STATIONERS UNITED downtown WANTED brick. $275, small room $200. 809 8263. LASER, APA Medical, legal, spreadsheets, labels. Excellent grammar, editing. FAX, fast turnaround. Professional, guaranteed, confidential. Brenda 429 TRANSCRIPTION, 225 ROOM FOR RENT. Near 429 Mrs. Nelley, (APA, Turabian). bedroom house on capitol hill. $i75month. No pets, no smokers. SHARE BEDROOM Word, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, 2020. ROOMMATES - Microsoft COMPOSED, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university experience. FREE pickup and delivery. Carolyn, 429 WORD LARGE 312 edits, word processes, transcribes, laser prints dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. students welcome. Winslow's. 582- InternationalGraduate Duplex InterNet sharing. FORMER ENGUSH TEACHER (house) on National Historic Register. 7th Ave., 4 bedrooms, 2 bath. $180,000. Chris Venizelos - March Missouri edited, word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), Theses, dissertascanned, laser printed, faxed, tions, resumes, papers, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, medical, legal. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press, Others. Programs: MUSIC AND COSTUMES for Ballet Folklorico of Mexico, need instr. on some of dances. Will pay. Ph. 226 - Mystical TYPING WORDS HAVE U BREAK. Self. " are avail- - 429 SPRING & tick- EXPEDITION! want a dominatrix woman to GOOD WHIPPINI whip my sorry ass into shape. Hurt me, baby! AVENUES BICYCLE 225 Nat'jParks. A Low Airfares Asia Eighteen day tour around Corsica in the Mediterranean. Departure May 24th. Support vehicle will accompany; lodging in small inns. Suitable for hard core or casual cyclists. $1,150 excluding air transporta-tion- . For information call Spike Hampson: 226 JOIN A RESOURCES CLASSES NEED & & http:members.aol.comyogafest PERSONAL I 225 Yellowstone. MT 59758. group-hom- e Service Traveling Agency Full TRAVEL YOGAFEST V29 NATURAL National Park! Retail clerks needed for giftrock shop. Send letter of interest to: Lee Sloan. Rare Earth Unlimited, P.O. Box 193, West GREAT SUMMER JOB NEAR YELLOWSTONE Lake. 33 TRAVEL EASTERN DONT bus drivers needed, willing and available to certify. For more information call 38 Moab. Also in SLC dents. Working JEWELRY DIAMONDS: OPPORTUNITY CAMP COUNSELOR EXCELLENT SUMMER llf r Hllllll IIP 1 Hill IH 1l f " I VI r.i'.r. Got a life? We now have weekend schedules available. employees work 16 hoursweek; Day shift is 6 a.m. 2:30 p.m.; Afternoon shift is 12:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Weekend schedules consist of working one of the following combinations of days: FriSat, SatSun or SunMon. prime-tim- e Prime-tim- e -- Come enjoy working on a dynamic and growing team. Please apply in person, ., 8 a.m. 7 p.m., or Fri., 8 a.m. 5 p.m., at: 2500 Lake Park Blvd. (2500 South 4000 West), West Valley City, UT 84120. Call our Job Hotline: Mon.-Thurs- -- -- 902-449- 5. Discover Financial Services Put Your Dreams to Work. |