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Show B8-T- he Daily Utah Tuesday, February 23, 1999 Chronicle gister at ZCMI for your new life together "- - w8S -f isni ' ISP II A I A ' A Ti ol llic )iscocr sonic I our c;is. iu'w Iccciea - ('oiiipulericil registry systfin l w ill) scanners and kiosks. us you'll find timeless aiiniersar 1 !se our 9()-l)a- y ournewiiie 1 :ifl ideas. Use our (Huh Plan and with our China. Crystal and Silxcr purchase ol Vn - Tinesl incrcliaudisr from aionnd llic uoi ld. FKKK Aiinivvrs:iry Hook lo record ineinoi ics for ears lo come, - SloOor more, enjo up lo 21 months Interest Free. I'lan forlliice mouths interest lice on purchases o( SoO or more Visit us on the weh at www.ZOII.roin for current events and information on planning the perfect wedding. . PI Vkw,uH'S. in ,,,;l' 1 a m!L. I m 111 1 f 1 mliiiiifi W'Wiiiiiii, Wedding & Gift Registry (4438) |