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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle 8- - Thursday; January 12, 1995 MUSIC- - CSV a CLASSCAt OUTIAI AND PIANO LESSONS. AlaaeiW Stafenear Col Hano or Michael lucorei. 487-8594. 310 k V. TXMMffilrWNTEO. large Am. 2 boVm, hardwood J275.00. Richard kxn.tmtpod.nooqiad. 119 FEMAUICCWtoWtwobeaWr.fckMk i donmlDwjL Omi bedraan etooy, new budwuum. treploce, cable, yard, $300 per ma (or ma to mo. uHaee. Col 117 eSo & at n DISClAIMERv Ibo Chraradt rmanm ore ngrt? fo'darty or tfc ooVvrtitHMnli on tre) dom of good taste and pro word $3.25doy, Uowc pnely. Rota or dart) a at) to nm. Classified advtrtsementt prior to the dak wtl Ml be taken aver phone, and afar 4:00 p m workdays, for ireormofcon about classified adi col 58 1 7041 . h Chronicle's doiiii to nm hone adiartiio keeping with th mtntt, e you hove ony proof or ondartai k Aw osntrory, offic th col tjrtTstArjaiy. phase AUTOMOTIVE HONDA PKBUX & fad, 54.000 ml nun, ok, oh. couer. Aloy wheels. Great Corll Muststl before 117. 1 O $9,995 obo. Col Mik Woy below lak U) 113 MQ. 1989 VaVO 740 TURBO, looood, immaculate, 585-648-5 5 119 after 5p.m. We have to Col todoyH Murdock perfect solutions to your needs! CWoUGEO, WoodCroHao318. 298 8090, 393-013-3 7O91 ask tor our Credit or col 24hrt, Resource Dept. 127 COLLEGE GRADUATE? 1ST TIME BUYER? "90 VW PASSAT 70K, Auto, btio S9,500-$30- 0 Dereo, books. pew Col everything, 4 dr., a 112 lea message. 112 DINING you eon tot Spogfaai & Garlic Toast tor 5 minutot from ITS lAOX-- Al H99 at Rum's Owier. V. 23 . Of IBANON K5TAURANT ol you con cot lunch burb$4.99Mf. load Exceltnl food on Zofot Notional Surrey. Spooobiw ore regolonon & trod aoitarn (an. Aho calving. lffloffA.m aOeotwieS Uof UID. Weekend & 97. 310 btlyoWerv 152 E 200 So, 364-409- 6 CEDARS EDITING WI BUT A DISSERTATIONS SCHOLARLY TEXTtOOO for bgic, style & coreinuiry. VvTritfaWi 310 tlrrairbnrihGaltry, City; crafts Am, 113 12uUtoL A.SAF. phono 8i : Ow bed apt. IQchanoH. $500 or more weeUy etuffing erwdopei at home. Send long SASE toe Country Uving Snoppeo, Dept. Dl 3, P.O. la. 1 779, Ocnhom Spring., IA 70727. 118 EARN VOKZtESSONSl kcreaieyour range, coned, arenaM Rock, courwy bluey pop, lot, etc. 3634H15. PARENTSI These are hard limei to be a parent. Our dene con help . 113 NEED TO KNOW MORE about what can put you at riik tor HTVADS or orSer lexualy Irartvnilled dMcne? The Uof , U Student Heahh Service offert CX3NFCENTIAiHVXXJN-SEUNGwiti or wiiSoul Testing, tor students, faculty, and aff, ond ihmW pomtn. For more ttiAonnohon or to toSsd ule on upparement, col 113 28 b le key to energy MfTABOUSMI wMgntlossJ One kquKj freelccfcctirtoablcdslrear e metabolism ond bums looting tot oolH owoyt Great esteem builder, quick results, you must try ftSemf Col FUN 310 or 265-160- 2 COURSES 2 FOR HOURS CREDIT I39R-3- 3 Ski $425inckjdeiuliet. 118 268-011-3. D0NTRENT1 tuU your own home without lining a finger, dap ttiotors and Man, tovo torn of eWeorJt of $3$. Med ttorta huwuuuuiluniryl CcJ Pollen tnt name ond number 598-842310 LARGE 1 klree coble, $395. Solcony, wait-i- n cW. Mgr. 86. Sid 139R-5- Jurnping (postponed I week); or 31 Vmter Carnping, 190R-3(Saturdays); 19OR-3- 0 Coolant and Carrnng; 190R-2- 2 Ry Tying. Col 585-3204. 113 THE EXTRA HHP! Gwalutcr fcr MatChernislry, and Kalogy. Col Ed 59601 33. 113 NfBmmOHM. STUOeVtSiTORS DV--I Green cord Tel. fVooon by U.S. Inwniojrofcofe, tvQal Sorvioit. (818)998-44220231 Stogg St., Canoga Park, CA 91 306. Apptcolions dose Feb 19, 1 995. 214 NEED MORE ENERGY? Need mental focus? Trying to burn-outMMjouM produuVrtty! 8 you are toed of osfhene vnr not try a natural way to rejuvenate yoursel. AMAZON HERB suppkenenls it iSe way to go. Try it and fed For more inf.. col or writo to Amaon Essereiaft, F.a eax 25858 TernpeAZ 85285. GET t 118 Va CAMCORDER Kofth iwvioB ond nDoiri ot Cotry In' ixrIh. Coih lor imeonangmiVCfh. ADVAMAGE VCR SERVICE, 2865 Wtaadmg Way SUC 84121, ' 310 GMay coverage. aftordobW rates! NSURANOL HEAUH UT 277-2i- 131 ; AC wasrWdrvor. Iw Irodrean KARATE, touc efcapon IrairMd HooV JKAJHOrOKAN 4244. . Bolt of C intndbir. 297 118 WHY NOTT Newetes. I smit $3.00, 10 vis $25 00. 677 So, 7 East. Pfi 533989. 816 TRAVEL 726 So, 900 E.. No pea. AENUU6755thomlc2rJ.droam,ax, ASU.W0Ry iTUIrtLATOUR. The cheapest donaaic & waTpffeOfcortal laflat iSdaTkli ol oround aho world. Japorv air, liMpone window oaeeritigi no imoWno pen. 525 per mo. indudet HEAT, HOT WATTS. 537-- 1 91 3 or 113 1 AND 2 fctownabLs rorek ADO Free oirtime rjvoxobto. FUN TO YOUR UFE 117 535-166- 1992 Probe CwieUe Prior $10,500 or O B O. Col Don 113 HAND NEW futsue lieeper futon and frame. color. Gorrfcrfabk $200. 569-935- Natural 113 frame. IX Shtmano osrBoranit, 19 trtaifram. Brand new sad at $1,200.00 wf mI tor $800.00 OBO, l ion IS bA but want forger frame, Col 355-450- 1 Aji for Gory 310 FOR $5001 Tnrdn, fjooH, 4 wheelm, irotorhamet, furniture, aledronici, oornputon etc by FBI, RS, DEA, AnoUU your arta now.. Col Ext. CARS MKON 8008 body only. Excelenl ccndMon. Cat Karon; otc Asian aounlnoi apawoiiisf. 112 TYPING FCWrS ENGUSH TEACHER edits, word processes disser- toeone, lioiuicripli, resumes, ftxeign gnsduoto stuaenfei. 310 aw-H- FOR SALE SHI HOME STEREO: rvtacicxw 4 speakers, barely mad $90. WBGHT BENCH DP Magnum $50. BASEGUTTAR: 8 $100. OBO. Col 5 far details. 118 tWSERS. NewUsed Honing $39, large- - coverage area, MUST lovxsarotes. TrMalano 263866 APIS, tor rant near she Ureversitv. Heoei col 363-860-2 afar 2:30 pm tor 113 131 $400o.b o. 319 uwwmMiaao. JEWELRY....... N DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PUCES UTAHI large leledion of dnmonik, bridal Mh, wedanq bonck Evorylhing whoWiulel Rocky Mountain Diamond. Expo Mart 230 W. 200 S. Suite 2613. Col tor opooinkneni. 62 qYqV hij Vys iiitsnhu,. $lPA0f STUDENT PAPERS! Prceessanols welcome. t South Ternple. Apply in penxtn. 113 DOUAR RENT A CAR now hxing As4aaa Sentce Agents, to wash artd shuaeocn. Muelbe 18 yean of age WtWDHl. iwab o oood Apply at abo Qprport. 21 7 WORD SERVICE. Fast ond accurate vA dprucessing, corrtoeilion, editing. FAX or phone leoree 310 SIC 841 15. orenji ; JOP DOLLAR FAR) for your oar, kuoV. tan. 485-511worth your fcne to col. Runt cr not. 43 -- ASSBTANl VVneng dumaaitXauii. Atong in produd design. Tstti g 20 hitrt weak eani-mubetneen 7:30 4:30. Computer tetrocy tactatory Send appSKxaion to: Fort Starting at $6 Windows fJeJupitae 57 W. 200 5 Sue 510 SLQ UT $600hr. position to lost (ram - TRAJNB to work wh pertont s et fafping to srnprov lair quofey of lit. Psychology, o plus but not necessary. SooDtoay ond bttSovtarol eta I 1 I A L1 I r,,;.,,, ,..,.1 J.l. ootn sue Lweaiuj, wtetano ono povoyoro e mis owjeooi, and part time. The possibility ot eclegt credit it aho available. FVm contact Jof, Mary or ktcm a rmvtage at 263- 3100. 112 T, Th, 4 F. Must have own car. DAYCARE, AFTERNOONS 111 $5hr. 272 5730 eve. RESIDENTIAL tt FOR ART CLASSES. MODELS Jeff 485-393- 118 SbNKXSI Phi Kappa Phi it orkering gaduatt fofowthipi of $7,000 tojaniiltateig toniori waS o oumula In CPA of 3.8 or better. Contact the Ofhce of UrKfeyoduoa Studat, 410 Cfain Uiiion. far os rei os ooVfilionol nufiiUarun. treoaowfaoin bon of Hi Koppo rre ooto tho ormvqV ore findtx Doodtrit it Fobnwry t Id lufn wtooniprelod oppfioolpont. V17 retired. Cortyuty ClUKSHrSNO wtyrong on Cruire Sbipc or Uvtdtour corriporTiofc NrMarld I " aaeakaal ' iiiTi wvinfl Hj TtriWtii ivreiyt; aTna vjynoMov oc.. tjoosonoi ono I I aBMtXsKssketxctB a.- t M t! OrTBRORfffaeTW ' OJOPODIO. PRO WMnmrnM M IW COhHULTNG a looking far 2 3 saktspertons to oUttud analng otatoinar boifx Mutl bore attire abitlyond ' goad work hoNi? Taaohm shift.' VttoikV pay. Col far appoirararl 0. or ever BATOt CLASSES: Earn great Mniy & nwnaoy owning doreak Work kist far the haUoyt or longer. Part and Ful ens amiable. $975 to start No erewience Aj theis. Col 566-307- 1 or 255-- t 118 tot. Uetaes. KfiX Col John setting oppoiintnlt OlSTEN STAFTTNG SERVICES hat dairy ctpenings far I I I I I V ' sus vuej arm ano pomsoraiw poettortv JCM outaaoa) ei csatcas, want pnsoatxrtx uuiMtafej ono axfftreoa. we 27 117 Earn $1200mr7,10-12hrswl- t. $30O-$500- FT CHLDCARE hc F, weekly MCtRifweWtKXtayU would vaekdayv Bangud Spanish pm or $150 accord...$i50 ...... .$250 ' 78 porsche ii.. asap CALL 1 or apply at 1071 118 dlili'll ycur car incur-anc-o ddlcr. Cell rr.2, I'll thzf j .rt 113 ..S....h ...$50o .$600 I vehicles whole- - saleorbelow! OverlOOO cars available weekly! 16 government auctions! .1 PARMNO ATTENDANT FT. S6.50per hour. 7:30om-llOoDiaal stidua motiitanng dotsfeDWA bh, tttsjing HMatypewitttv euuteig stutjtmjre Mutt be neoey dresied, wiling to work outdoors. Occasional 1 htnvy objects. Psease col 524-27for dank 113 EoOpporturayEmptoyer. DESK CLERK Sot & Sun. Near U of U. Scorec Motot 1 345 Sookb foobal Dr. 3Ml.O0pnv Stady tvno awsproblo. 119 WEDDINGS OCaBtOUS WnXtNO $500oaW. ' kJ; DRESS. 4 Only rnontht old. 118 i jr., 'V ... to.'W, FcricrM Sattdwkh wSoup or Salad $3.59 Oyro SanaSrvkh wSoup or Sdad$3.99 $4.99 wo ao lupmbiq for on rtKiaaiiaUa) prfcos - , : it- - ijj ji i - till. I ,)t (BstsSwO All RmdlbU bourv Wo rreod pononoblo. noot pundual wownwavl ressot Id oottrer rnoob bore ono raolouronti Id bornoi and oreare. CsidMiurek rnoit bo ot bntt 18 pouw o wAd drt-reKotrttto, proof of areurartoo, good dnWig record and o Col 24 hours a day 264100. oVonrJablo vehide. 'J rtnrl antniiiiii e Alriet DaOMOJw oonivaORmonr ono olrinir porereot. Tporewono 113 greot now oarnporty. yz-- (l-..- it Auctions every Tues, Wed & Thurs! rarHirm 2 Mid Eastorn Combo hcfcidtM Tabboulo, laba Ghanouch, ' Homous, FalaM, wPto Brood Gel iho ...act Car PT DHVER. Early rnoming, 2--3 days per week, must hove van or truck. $20 per trip mileage. Apply 240 Union Bldg. Dove. 120 orTyW(steroonotfaBeriionGtreer,581-4- 8 THErKXrfiESSSrflTaSCrnaraedsvok chldren in gradet K-Please ksave a messogt for Donor ' 1. louraottSeBervwCtnttr, 117 bronco 118 113 UGA1 SERVICES FOR THE HOMBESS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Hap dienlt web homeaii issues, hto experience raotssory. Spanish language a plus. Contoct Chris Nelson 87 Col 6 to 9 o90Qio.gmotptaatowark. TrCWttTOSPFOAiaYMPiabcurrer cVsuiprntnl Director A, Famita Krector. fyou ares iter eitsd in Ms groat ocxorWy, pleas contact Shannon ChrrttionttMtotwBennionC 113 '82 Honda be greall 7 SERVERS WANTED DELIVERY RSTAUUvITDOWMOWNv!oelcm 7 withexp. Portlul. or 21 rmxk imaQOWlVmSS vbo drfre. Earn 1M Nuluring, rteponsible caregiver i 485-802- DEAD END, LOW PAYING SUM- DULL, poy feghtrtsogat, fioteirabevotagrenttnkct a friend and motive a cath bonus. Col far apt. 424 East 500 South No EOE, paid today hvestneni $275. Col rxasiond wskdoy hours. ANOTHER JOB! Serious, motrvated students needed for Outset ManooorTtont Pcwlioni tn SLC. Gain real wportd busiTrere ffaonogoniont aUb far RoettRTiW & owployors. ExcotreTRtoorn aHosand taSool aoctt Al rnoor' NO SorExporrerarenoc to nionooo your own Cofago Pro fairesT! bufinoit. CALL (600) 4800230 far info by 1 95. MER ehts. Refer FtBOBlESHfTSI Intwinlefulond pott tone optnsnoi owjslabW far oaunter htfa, butters, ond food prep. FktibUhoun work wtf your Lvrt No prtMout experienut neosttary, dot to campus. $6hr 2-5 sfarkngpay. Apply in person Mon,-Fr- i, pm, 809 East 400 South, SIC 12Q XHtnAtmjVML WORK FROM HOME. AVXX 113 8410,1-5p- ver tSe 26 277-1- 1 iwcettary 310 books! $30,000yr ext. l. EARN RIG BUCKS AT HOME phone. NosttWig. treviay t bore tun. $$$. Port kme pcwtrlcn, M-- F 5--9 pm Bene and Cornweiiiion, tataptOareclereg: tolkng appb. far kiMpn core Mrviare. Contod CoffaaW ooKreon 2 pm. 7 p.m at ExcttWiVvest 112 EARN EXTRA C59064. tern. 130 UNCOLN American Heart Association wWOtttffy. For mart trttomnfan col 113 e 1992, re A!litsiJofc;:::rvc: .:$150 Sid. Undraped. Charge 487-- 1 790. ATTENnON yOLUiNTEER .......OPPORTUNITIES mustang c SLCC 0 FRHrTeANCLUAPt Over $6 Idton in FREE eVancid aid a now ovaitable Irom private sector grants t tuSolutthtpi, Al ttodtt or tageSb regarf enft income. Let ut help you. Col Student Financial Services: 1 ett. F59063 130 62 '67 113 orcalAmyot owpononco prefared. INTERESTED AND OUAUFED CANDIDATES for above 7 pottliont plaoto apply! UnwtrMly Hospital Hutnon Resources Hum eh Fork 421 VVokora Way, Suite 140 Sot Lake Cey, UT 84108. Hours: 8om-5pMonoWFrkfey. (801J581-230- 0 JoUno: (TDD Accessible JYIVMFWSOUllGRArW. WP 5.1, loser, FAX, various fonts. Quick, occurate. Coiteai euisuiutiuii. Barbara ford ranger. la bt puoj osaOno oounh, obl prepare mnm lor yono! omIs and Oahar iaaid djlw. AMoaore Diojreo n NkO?itan or fwdaHoare nlalod area or Ottjuwolancy arei a P01)51l-231- 112 - Want DANCE, THEATRE AND FtNE ARTS LOVERS: oSonoki Id tornout and pubkibodf Want tab of tare lidc oh. Apply qs trilorloinnionl crivic ot reitoH. 240 Urrion Bldg. entry level poiitiont. no tptKefic ratrornaVili or ojuoliAoni ore noc story; krvwor; o current lood swviot woHuit'i parmrit it repaired. e NLfTRTnON CARE ABE B: Ful ond potto to oolrrer ond ptdnp moal koyi. nwnut and olnor rvlatBd InducWi 4dm. vijfa tWaWiii, ond holwfayi. SuinoraSi iitrOilion njoittd tood tarvico OKporianco ond current lood wodtort mtvico poiinrt reoutred. ,,,'' e NUTtrnON CARE TEOMOAN: rroming Assclaticfly 112 COTTONWOOD MALL TUX A TARS, emaciate opening far tnanuuMiairi position in rtjta! toas & taajls. Must be cegneig, Iriencly oi detal oiaietd. E"prinro praWned. Day oithetaovcxlable. Apply in person after 5.00pm. Port-ri- fW 1pm. 295- - PA work From 9am 3445. i American Heart 112 n. FLORAL SHOP HELP. IMEN SERVICE ABC: f colt ww aeon knens lor deW-er- y to nurvng urars. A vakd Utah Driver's license (which must be presailed at time of ajxemexml rtxyjsred. Ful and EXERCISE. sWlTaWRR itIooknglorportlirmhaD. lent, averaoe 2 doytweek. OetOonrer Fbono aonpiot and oorrerei Hours ore Jan a progressive team of C yodjsjjujjg 112 ITALIAN SIOWfAR Heath Care Custockans. Perksne vanous tasks such at cleaning patiertt rooms, waiting areas, dusting, vocuurrtng, mocexng and buffing. Doy, afternoon and graveyard shifts, positions. LAUNDRY ACE: rerkyrmsuchdutitecncktanknenscrlinci, lot work ironing, towel and SKsmomrjrJHtraccwrcAon, rough dry sorting, carl filing, bundle assembly and Iran distnbu- lion to ol serviced oreos. ADC DESK3N 84108 : CARE 112 4O0. SOFTWARE e four to rene inoreht. rVeviout stareluttperorneatsdttaseri-encpiehxieJ, but not required. Selected candidate wl hosiSe ond dekver merchanckje throughout recerve, inspect HEALTH CARE CUSTODIAN: Fui 112 SHENANCANS RtSIAtJRANT. COMR4G ALEVE N 951 Staff bo noiv )reor iMab a fl" Snononajoro I RoaaQuront. SotvaraV ooolii, oiabonjy faovreraoorii hottteshost Apply in person 274 S. W. Ternple AW2 M srnckiXiW t M TeWbrcnrary mitt, 84 kt. STUPCNTSNEtTO port aia to worn ordttoeoar Mutt bo oirOeeakM) tons MontinQt, Good poy, trenbW bou aaOt tSledoys. AppVm person at BochoR Cor VvoaSioWe 1990 E 3300 S. 483-199-9 112 TOUR SOU FOR DOS, Windows, ondor hardware trouble dnoatg. FTPT tMa ovoibrie wS e Fortune 500 Company. Eeeolonl way to gain experience. Kely Services 485-7511245 East Brickyord Rd t310 117 NON-UV- E NANNY M Far intare. 2--3 dayswk. 140.00doy. Send resume. 11417 S. 700 E. Suet 208 117 Draper 84020. tpat o Set partem. RESERVATntVRECEFTKMST. DowntoMn sfxnd ownership Condas needs porHeitt evensng ond wsalsmd hap. EMsaerst phonePR and crgi'esifittuiiul duet stxtuired. Mranum 1 yttar ofeceexpenenc. Cd 363)00 lor inler-- PaTwTpncy domo what hirtj ny. personal nttpantifatwy tosworded ANYONE rUtTMG A COPY of im Freeooa Bow! pleat coreort Jerry Jtnton oolect: 117 NUTRITION Mtaa proof of eaunnc rnquxed. Vehickt, 117 WORD FWXESSt Can check sptln cyom-ma- r, referenoei (Aft, Turabion, Cornpbel), edWng. Mrs. 467-432Neley, 310 487-823- a FIANI IOVBSJ 123 331 jjMWPSl, loser. Sonrj 467-369-4 OVERNK3HT hofessional IT graduate. TYFtMl loser. Transcriptions papers resumesany format. $1.2Spoh. Sam 5834091 31Q opcecalione. '88 Hyundai..... PTnlTfS 582-070- posaan ovaloble, nnrrenghrs. Dscanaablencley o must Experarcesobol sUs a Col 2020 S. State St. plus. 6:30W6J0pm, STOREKEEPER LIGHT. ttooaieaoiiia1otawgilor 113 tie cksabWd. Col Camp Kottaputar VtDEO SHOP siowhWejluiVparttvratWhourt. 488 Port-kr- EARN MONEY ReooWig ' 113 ESPRESSO BAR: TRAVEL 117 WI NEED SERVICES AUa$32angK$62cau$92hnV FOR RENT 119 to work well aukaxearealy eW abled iretviduak in group home. Gseat apporttnly to tnalaodAsmtetaieoone-saMecapnonsU Wl kon. Start at 550hour Came to OTA at 545 E. 4500 S.T320 to appfy. No phone cofcpleose. 118 MV KEEP BALLET WEST ON RTS IOCS 1 ertnutiotec. irene e. ovnonec penonaaet to toei c tosec fund suiting oseejasan, FT eeerenps wen odV paan ol Col MattWtrraaSctwy, 355-902-4. 119 117 In I jewelry at 1201MomSlrainSakLata NATM AMFJRCAN needed to thore Ibdr.apt $165mo FEMAU ROOMMATE TV ENTERTAINMENT AUTHENTIC 112 AC, AMFM 91 HYUNDAI Excel 3 dr. 4 spd. 36,000 mi. Cassette It. Blue. GnotCanl $3.200080 ' FCOFIE rt HOMES AND MCE PEOPLE $45. la 91 113 0500; (ofcer6pm)53094Z CLEAN vordt $5.50day, 14-3- 0 120 to onioy eS lwoandct.3 low In Irani J". Bright loll of anna, ojmot wewi. $300ma induoW heat aoea to pool, hot tub, jna. new 97 laundry. Cored porfarcj. EXTRAS. Col Holy (9-WANTED FEMAU ROOMMATE $13.00week5 $208 per oarnpuL wiuidt, plione Suiuli NOTICE dowifeod rOBot a wxh swsalirahartxadeerieraai rtyAtetabseckei4autcl ttor. w4eoeybaee 367B47.113 farkmch sh. Judge Cafe. Col Mia 3X1100pt. Sat A Sun. Near U of U. Study Ira avaiable. Scene Mctel 1345 SoufS Foattl Dr. EMHUSAST1C ROOMMATES SALES PERSON WANTED ?ji OOOO tB. Join us tonight for Tonaue Ti' Groove" and... ' n Small Bladder Niqhtl ... aiso appeanng on is . at . Saturday "Backwash" , TOR THE MEMBERS OF SALT CITY CAFE.A PRIVATE CLUB : : |