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Show 4 The Daily Utah Chronicle Thursday; January 12, 1995 WWte The Editor! Audience King Bring your student I J), when you drop off your from page 1 enough money in programs of social uplift, that country has letter. approached spiritual death. That's where we are today." Along with others in her family, King feels it cannot be the government's responsibility to interpret the legacy left by her 00000 father when the same government "was the sponsor of much of the racial inequities in our country." King closed the speech with a poignant metaphor. We may come to the world in all kinds of different ships and boats, she said, but we are all in the same MM 00 Still time to register for classes-soclosed me WED-THUR- - 7PM ,6 boat now. Institute Lounge LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA SIGMA GAMMA CHI WINTER RISH welfare from page very existence breeds dependence." 9PM-Midni- ght NORTH BUILDIN- G- FREE WINTER RUSH STOMP 70's Dress up on the importance of nonviolence Rich member in today's society. Winners were awarded at a luncheon with King following the speech. But what Weathers believes is more accurate is that a program for the poor, whether the administration of "block grants" in lump sums from the federal government to the state or a reworked welfare system, is vital. "We can't afford ... child poverty," she said, citing figures from the subject" Wednesday's keynote address was free and open to the public According to Rebecca Dowdell from the office of the associate vice president for diversity, all the schools across the state were invited. Students from grade seven to 12 could enter 'an essay contest prayers." Defense Fund that billions lost because for account children reared in poverty are so. likely to remain poor and unhealthy. "The majority of people on welfare are children," she said! 5 million to Weathers, According adults and 9 million children in the United States are on welfare. In Utah, 14,000 families receive AFDC, with about 30,000 children in those families. "The system is wrong because it needs to be focused on the problems at hand for families." Weathers said. Weathers also, fielded questions on preventing more unwanted pregnancies for women in poverty, concentrating on her answer on teenage mothers. Education as a means to permanently get people off welfare was the concern of a few questioners, but the limited time one can be on welfare prohibits the option of getting a degree for almost every case. Student Health Service Proof of Immunization Requirement Need a Measles, Mumps & Rubella vaccination to comply with the Proof of Immunization Requirement? ' Come to the Union West Ballroom TODAY from 10:00 . BOWL Regular PIR Immunization Clinic will be held at the Union Bldg. daily January 3 9-1- from page 1 board of the building's exterior,'' the internal government memo said. It said such an approach "will not be acceptable.'' . But Bob Peck, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Andre Ouellet, called the pro-.- . ject appropriate. The new win-- " dows will be and will save taxpayers money over time, he said. He would not discuss the issue further because he said he doesn't do windows that's the domain of Public Works. ; ' Public Works ' Minister David Dingwall said the plan January 25, 6:00 p.m. Union East Ballroom Individuals: $2 Teams (4 to 5 people): $8 energy-efficie- ' College Bowl is a national program where college students play in teams and answer questions from a wide variety of subjects. It is a combination of team as well as individual answers and it's fun. From campuses tournament, teams and individuals prepare for regional competitions. Come and check it out p.m. a.m.-2:- 00 Canada (06)1 LJU srsis Registration and Information, Room 245 Entries Due January 23, by 4:30 p.m. . Perry Russell, the student vice at president body Northridge High School, said he was "ecstatic" when he found out Rev. Bernice King was Martin Luther King's daughter. He was also surprised such a notable figure made her way . to Utah. King said this was her Erst visit to Utah. "As we were planning to make this trip," she said," "one of the things that I prayed to God was that No. 1, Acre would be no snow, No. 2, that it would not be very cold. God does answer Children's 1 FRIDAY . Vorwaller, a senior at Northridge High School, took her final message to heart. "I'm leaving with kind of a mellow feeling to be honest I do have prejudices," he said. "It is something I need to work on. If I saw a group of African Americans on a street corner, I'd probably go the other way. She King has put new light on the - "looks pretty dumb" and if it can't be could be canceled justified. : Sponsored by the University Union from 10 a.m.- -2 p.m. The Immunization Program Office can be contacted at the Student Health Service at after 2:30 during the above days. 9 585-600- Working to keep you healthy! ; a)ALirh Jtata. QOmMmmmmm J (Ballroom Dance Heam Auditions AlUf COMPLETE GLASSES rom$4995 A M I S I I N S I S It you thoushtycu couldn't ajjonf the . tabulow de&igner Jramea and the quality of Standard Optical-thi-nk again! F GREA ) OUR 19 Fashion Aftcrdatles! A&k i complete ISERIES 20201 I I EYE EXAM ' " - with purchase oiler expires -- s8-$s R j 155 Sou Saturday, January 14, 9:00 am. in the OCpin Union Tost for them by name Main 363-083- 5 1901 W. Parkway 9720203 834 E. 9400 S. 64 572-923-0 Winter Auditions Cottonwood Mol 272-886- 1 463VStet5Sa 'Everyone welcome! 292-047-9 2190rlahlandDr. 487-413- 8 For additional information call Ed 943-719- 8 SaCCroom |