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Show 10 The Daily Utah Chronicle lit 199$ Wednesday, January IntmtnumlRG$3!ft., ......... Dave Hosick Approaching intramural entry deadlines include the volleyball winter classic, floor hockey weekender tournament channel swim and tennis ladder events. Wednesday is the entry deadline for the volleyball winter classic All entry forms and fees must be submitted to the intramural office by 5 p.m. There is a $15 team entry fee in addition to a $10 refundable forfeit deposit that will be returned if a team docs not forfeit a game. The format is a round robin league schedule followed by a double elimination tournament. All teams compete in the tournament unless dropped following two forfeits. Action begins Jan. 17. Leagues will be offered on Monday and Thursday at 8 and 9 p.m. and the pre season captain's meeting will be held Thursday (Jan. 12) at 5:30 p.m, in HPER Schedules will be available at this time' and the meeting is mandatory. A team not represented will lose their forfeit deposit Nets, a game ball and officials will be supplied by the intramural office. All players must wear tennis shoes and the height of the net will be 8 feet. Thursday is the last day to submit entry forms and fees for the floor hockey weekender tourna UnaaU? rfSteEGfcjv 'WIkich spej I-i mi JH -- 11345 iir' N-22- 8. ment and there is a $10 team entry fee in addition to a $10 refundable forfeit deposit that will be returned if a team does not forfeit a game. A double elimination tournament will take place on consecutive weekends. Games played on Saturday at 9 a.m. begin Jan. 14 and schedules are available at noon on Friday, Jan. 13 in the intramural office. Teams consist of six players and the minimum number to begin a game with is five. It is advised that you have extra people. The intramural office will supply all necessary equipment arid officials. Players must wear tennis shoes and wooden sticks are allowed if they have a plastic runner along the bottom of the stick. Goalies are allowed to wear a mask or goggles, a baseball glove and knee pads. And any player may wear knee pads, shin guards and gloves or mittens. Friday is the entry deadline for the channel swim and tennis lad- der tournament and intramural events are open to all students with a current university ID card (fees paid) or faculty, staff, alumni, spouse with a Campus Recreation membership card. Have you ever wanted to swim the English Channel? Well this quarter you will have your chance. This quarter, tally your distance by March 12, and receive an intraA mural championship 385 of swim mini channel laps and a person who wins a swims the Channel's 77 bps will and a water bot-dreceive a T-shi- rt. T-shi-rt e. T-shi-rt Tennis ladder participants in singles will play a double elimination and rec affair and pro, semi-pr- o divisions will be offered. Schedules may be picked up Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. at the intramural office or field house.' Action gets underway onjan.18. Participants will be able to schedule matches throughout the quarter at the most convenient time for both players. The ladder bracket will be located at the Field House. Failure of both opponents to sign in at the front desk by 10 minutes after starting time will result in a forfeit of the court reservation. A match consists of the best two out of three sets and the player who first wins six games and is two games ahead of his opponent wins the set. For more information, contact the intramural office at between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Frida581-379- 7 y. Shelfra Grants for College o o o ith your approved application we'll give you Grants, Lincolns, Washington and other greenbacks to help pay for college, and you don't have to pay it back until six months after you leave school! from page 9 nicknames are offensive. St John's Redmen (cheers to them to changing it to Red Storm this year) and Cleveland Indians. The latter doesn't sound so bad, but when you consider Chief Wahoo, the toothful, grinning mascot who looks as he's got a serious Washington Redskins. tequila buzz going, it's offensive. Native Americans have much more to worry about than what a private enterprise chooses to call d its teams. After ghetto-entrenche- African Americans, Native Americans face the hardest road to success found in this country. If I was a Native-America- n c c 1 or call r 481-880- 3 n o ?i r for rnore information. leader, Yd be more worried about alcoholism, suicide and improving the number of kids that graduate from high school, much less go to college. n L K tU I I U N I O N Native Americans worrying about pro team's nicknames is like myself crusading to have Notre Dame remove "fighting Irish" from its teams. I could make a fuss about how it portrays people of Irish descent (of which I am) as nothing but GEAR KKSffil During the second Week of the Quarter, January 9 -- 13: You can WITHDRAW from classes without tuition penalty Instructor approval required to withdraw. A "W" grade will appear on your record You can ADD classes by telephone with an access code: Contact InstructorDepartment 1 For eddrtionsl information, refer to the cless J3U&armr'm Office Student Handbook. schedule d belligerent, nasty, much had have who too people Jameson's. No movie brought my anger out more than "In the Name of the Father." That is where real problems for Irish people lie. I resented the British and their acts mean-spirite- against Ireland and Northern that Gerry Cordon and a good part of his family, innocent people all, spent a good part of their lives in jail for a crime they didn't commit. Should Northern Ireland, via the Irish Republican Army, ever gain total sovereignty, that would be a great victory for everyone of Ireland, and Irish descent. Should Native Americans, via people looking for a cause to campaign for, eliminate all traces of their existence from pro sports teams, what would it accomplish. Not a damn thing. Spotlight-seekin- g Native Americans should do so based on doing something important for their ethnic group, not something that will never bring benefits to anyone of Native-America- n descent |