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Show The Daily Utah a v v ii n i vJL JUL VU'JL VOLUME 104 NUMBER 67 . 1 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH'S INDEPENDENT VOICE SINCE 1890 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1995 Plan could land store across from U. v if' 3- Kinko's, Pie may get wrecking ball if plan is OK'd - BY STEPHEN SPENCER Chronicle Staff Writer IN American Stores, a national gro-- , eery store chain based in Utah, is considering constructing a new Skaggs Alpha Beta store on the block between 200 and 300 South on 1300 East, Meredith Anderson, spokesperson for the firm, said. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, the 1,694 store, company wants to build a 30,000 square foot store with a parking structure. Some parking would apparently be available for university use. The company has acknowledged that the West Institute Bu3dingL which hous- es some of the U.'s Theatre depart-- 7 ment, would be destroyed, but has offered to build a new classroom structure. The building is now leased by the U. from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. The construction might also raze such structures as the University Pharmacy, Kinko's and The Pie You Viewpoint: cant legislate a balanced ; budget..........................0 Patrick gets Sports: it all. off of his chest. There, that's better..;......9 450-sta- TJtaNatiori California flooding . LOS ANGELES (AP) -rainfall sent waves of mud into homes in An Southern California and pushed rivers over their banks Tuesday, marooning homeless people who had to be. lifted to .safety, by. heli-copter,' At least three, deaths were blamed on the storm. SherifTs ' deputies in Ventura County northwest of Los Angeles clung to swaying ropes and were lowered by see "California" on page 5 ";.,. Siii' to- - FN r i,f v. - . ini tAr ' m GfrnraicJr white-shroude- ,i .1 " . Hm These houses, as well as surrounding businesses, could be replaced by a Skaggs Alpha Beta if plans go through to put a new supermarket between 200 and 300 So. on 1300 E. The plan is still in preliminary stages, but the company did speak to a community group about the possibility Council with what Anderson termed Jeanne Palmer, the owner of a impor- "preliminary" information, even property, had not been member Linda council, approached. though Pizzeria. U. President Arthur Smith sits on Lepreau was quoted in the Tribune Kinko's manager Chris St. Jeor as saying they had jumped the gun, the Board of Directors of American said, "I hope it's not true ,..1 would since no traffic or ; marketing fore- - Stores. At the time of the Tribune be out of a job. I think the climate of 'casts had been submitted, but, archi-- , article, Pres. Smith said he would y' this block would change." tectural designs had.: ;Aiir-- . s remain uninvolved and that he had Stores has American approached According to the article, some not been involved so far, apparently the East Central Community property has been purchased, but to keep from having a conflict of tantly-place- d . interest. Jeff Johnson, Marriott Library employee, said, "I think it's outrageous they want to bulldoze everything." American Stores has drug or grocery stores in 27 states, but closed the last Utah store about five years ago. Right now, they plan only this one store. - Computerized of leaks, Kaplan says; ETS maintains it's not GRE full crumbles GROZNY, Russia (AP) -Chechen rebels scrambled Tuesday to bury comrades d corpses and reinforce their presidential that palace during a cease-fir- e collapsed in hours, heralding more fighting ahead. The proposed truce,' announced by Moscow i" X. " ? . Cease-fir- e . K"Vii - ll y inch-an-ho- ur ' . V'' BY HEATHER MAY Chronicle Staff Writer . 48-ho- The revolutionary rn tsfn f- early Tuesday, was designed to allow both sides to gather dead and wounded while civilians fled Grozny. rat -i ff computer-base- d Record Graduate Examinations has been under close scrutiny by the Kaplan Educational Center on accusations of faulty security. If the 1992 In November Educational Testing Center, which writes and administers standardized tests, converted the paper-penctest. GRE to a computer-baseIn 1994, the test was again converted to be adaptative. The" questions alter in difficulty level according to the answer of the previous question. According to Jose Ferreira, the Kaplan GRE director, 12 people see "Russia" on page 6 il d D.C. tax games WASHINGTON (AP) -- Counterpunching Republican flat-ta-x plans, '. congressional Democrats on Tuesday revealed a dramatic proposal of their own: a major income tax overhaul that would provide a single rate of 10 percent or 11 percent for most Americans. 'The American people are fed up with a tax system that drives them crazy," House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt told the House Ways - see "taxes" on page 3 Have you xen newsbappen? Call The Daily Utah Chronicle and tell us about it: 581-7041 The Daily Utah Chronicle 240 Union Building University of Utah Salt Lake City. Utah 84112 1. X 1 In addition to the Eccles' numerous other donations to the University of Utah, Delores and Gordon willed their Federal Heights mansion to the fine arts department Mansion willed to . BY KRISTI PATTERSON Chronicle Staff Writer - . Arts in their house until her death in February of 1994. In her will, she asked that the house they lived in be donated to the U, to be used for fine arts. "It was to be used for the fine arts or to be used in a way that's conducive to the art mission," said Tom Nycum, vice president for U. administrative - It is not surprising to walk around campus and see buildings with the name Eccles on them; It is almost expected. A house, however, is not one of the things expected to be donated to a university. After all, what would the university do with a house? The r University of Utah is about to find out. Delores and Gordon Eccles lived in the Federal Heights area. After Gordon's death, Delores lived U. Fine -- services.. , No one seems to know exactly what the art mission is, but according to Nycum the house may potentially be used for visiting dignitaries, dinners, fundraisers and the like. ' : ; k - . see "Eccles" on page 4 were able to reconstruct 80 percent GRE by computer-base- d memorizing the questions. ETS has not validated whether 80 percent of the test was according to Ray Nicosia, the ETS manager of media relations. "Our theory was we wanted to show ETS that it wasn't just possible to do this cheat on the GRE, it was easy," Ferreira said. After reconstructing their version of the test, Kaplan confronted ETS. According to Ferreira, ETS was : "thankful" but then drastically changed their tone resulting in a see "Kaplan" on page 3 of the . Non-Pr- of it Org. Postage Paid Permit No. 1529 Salt Lake City. UT U.S. |