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Show 12- - The Diilr Utah Chronicle Tuesday, January 10, 1995 SERViaS 139R 53 Si PUN COURSES POR 2 HOURS ORBQRc Ski Jumpng (poatponad I saaeki; I39R-3- 3 CneOwary tSdoysL I90t 30 or 31 WraarFWCampng, I90R-3- 2 I90R 22 Vno. Cal 585Cooking and Compng; 113 3204. Scralanntx aralable. MONET FOR COLLEGE? Racardad moi ones datoav NEED OHM E1 1 IZ 110 a tutor EXTRA HHH Get Col Ed 59601 33. Batogy. 113 T)OTio yd i ond CAMCOtSCt i home ! lejpcert at jorry In rotes. Cosh tor ATrVtfnAGE VCR SERVICE, I TVs & Var. 2B65 VwistorliM Way 51CIH 841ZI, TV 110 M HOME PRESOtOOL Crafts, musk, ekaytme. Indoor & outdoor ploy. Ages 2 up. Vary dote to U of U. lym. I DISCLAIMER ? o o 111 DV-- I M11N4110NAL STUDENTVVlSiTOtS Graan cord 111. frognm by U.S. tmmagrtjtaii, LgoJ SrvWm. (818)998-44220231 Stagg St, Conogo Pork. CA 91306. Apptcofens dose Fab. 19, 1995. 214 The Chronicle mtnm the right to Any or eda douidsti otwliMnHnk on ftSe bom of apod totte oncj pt'Or words S3 25doy. Rotas on as Mows: pnery words $5.50doy. $13.00wek(5 doys) 16-3- 0 122.00week (5 doys) The dossAed ad daodWe it 12 ma NOUCI NSUUNCL Quaky coveroge. afkirdri HEALTH Ask3was$32anale.$cooupie,$ylk. fa phone, and after 4X) pm workdays. Far tarmon about classified adt col SB 1 704 1 . fci with desira to ran Itorae) odverl&e-mariChronicle's leaping you hove any proof or evidence to the conkory, please col the office aiwaJiutdy: ratesl 277-82- wJ not be taken over JCASHOTOKANIOUAltoua fwJkotk bv Jopow Ivijinaal Bead- - ahk aTt$4ru(Juf. 297 4244. 118 I vitil $3.00, 10 mm STA TAN WHY NOT? Nawlrles. $25 00. 677 Sa 7eS East. Ph 816 la i - AUTOMOTIVE' TRAVEL KflOS COLLEGE CKADUAIE? We hove Col today Murdock parted tolukont to your needs! 3 Chevrolet GEO, Woods Cross exit 318. ask lor our Gad or cal 24hr, Resource Dept. 127 VW PASSAT TO. Auto, stereo, power everytW 4 dr., 0 books. 19,500-J30beow CtJ 70K, o 112 metsoge. "VI KYUrOM Exoa 3dr 4 spd 36,000 mi. AC AMFM Cum, tt. Blue. GrtatCond. $3,200060 1ST TIME 2980, t TOUR. The cheope domastK & aitamational light tickets ol oround the world. Japan, Toiv , ThcJond, Korea, etc Asian countries spaooktt. ASIA WORLD TILaVH. 112 6 TYPING STUDENT $1PAGC 112 PrcaWiiornb welcome. PAPERSI 4 331 BMWT5.1, loser. Sondi osduato. TYPtGi . Professwnol Laser. Tnyncnptiom papers resumes any tormat. 310 $1.25poge. Som 58X3091 opptcoaons. DINING & Carte Toot 5mrnurmfc you can eat Spogha ITS lACK--Al UWotRutYsD V. 2395 SBtVKEe KnpMofi, EDITING HXT far logic, fonts. ENTERTAINMENT' crofts & jewelry or Main Street in So Lake phone 310 WP 5.1, knar, FAX, various 111 - WANTED 1992 Proba GTadxcalanr Cossafte-Pric- 117 Col Don 967-965113 tlaapar futon and frame. Natural $10,999 er O BO. e BRAND NEW color. Qjrnfortabla. SOLS FOR DOS, Windows, andor hardware Ircvbkj shooting. FTFT shrfts available with a Fortune 500 Company. Excelent way to gain experience. Kely Services 485-7511245 EoVlickyrjrdRd310 117 $200. 569-935113 IKE SCOTT 1994 Corp Rocmg r & block. Cromxy frame. IX Shimono oorryooanh, 1 9 men frorna. Brand naw kstedct $1,200.00 wise! for $800.00 OBO. I lav tki bike bur wont larger frame. Cal 3554501 Ail tor Gary " 310 great shape, orjy $50. beddmg indudad. 7 WIT MOTOZBTKADmwabak $100.00 NANNY - NOfUVE IN. $40.00doy. Send resume. is looking lor soknpenora to asraoct existing onion r base. Must have soles ability and good work rabrts. Tekvanona totes ejeperianoa hafpful. Doy or evening shift. Weakly pay. .Col (or appokanent. 310 487-880- 111 boon, 4 ..heelers, rnotorrorm, furniture, eleJiuij, ccaers ate. by FBI, RS, DEA. Avoibbla your area naw. Cal Ext CMS FOR $5001 Trucks, , t00 MKON Cal WtsTER SPECIAL OLYMPICS is currenty looking lor an Equipment Director & Families Director. I you are interested in this great opportunity, please contact Shannon Owstionsen in the t)enriiciCeritW, 116 EARN MONEY Reading books! $30,000yrirKC rjolen-0 Details. Ext. 7. GUARANTEED LOWEST HIKES M UTAH! large selection of cfcjmondi, bridal Mrs, owoding bond. EvarytSing wnolasotsl Rooky Majotom ttomond. Expo Mori 230 W. 200 S. Surra 2613. Cal for appointrnant. EARN BIG Must be 11Q AND PIANO LESSONS. Al aoeslev Cclrtora or Michael UicareK. 487-859- PERSONAL- PARENTSI U Student Haatth Sarvic often ODKtlTDemAirWCCXJN-SELMwill or without Testing, for students, faculty, and staff, and their partners. For more inrorrotion or to col 113 O O AKTAKUSMI b e key to energy on weight loss! One liquid fat ceBs mto ihe bfcxxJsiream, the otw toud roues rnokiotsm and bums Booting fat eels owayf Great esteem buikW.cresuIrs, you mutf In lieml Cal or IOOWNG ard o Ktatiand ome in a friend, write Iff - KX A WOMAN 84152-165- who it 117 y carodive, rj 310 Union Bldg. FWtst. I you would tU the to Kevin at P.O. Box 521657, SIC, Eody morning, $20per trip Dov7 2--3 - PortM. 120 7 oref 113 or with experience or tat Decor. Ixxkaround lor sefcnq hand mode onenlal rugs 8. art objects in out of store, wi train, base comm. Dowrebwn SERVER NEEDED tor lunch shift. Judge Cafe. Col Mike SALES PERSON ROOMMATES WANTED to enjoy 6th loor condo, 3 V. heatBright, lotsto of space, great views. hot i 117 $300mo. indudej tub, sauna, new ocesl pool, foundry. Covered parking. EXTRAS. Col Holy (9-(after 6pm) 113 ROOMMATES house near cornpus. $208 per NEEDED, tnBnth,pnona Soroh laKREATK3N LEADERS to assist with activities and outings discJjIed. CJCompKostoputos: 113 2 BORM. APT. $400 a month rent. $200 deposit, refardable $100 wlwk advance notice with dean opt. Married couple waSildren preferred. SucorreuseLiberty Pork area. Col John after 5pm. 466-447110 VDEOSHOP now hiring Mport-tim- e flexible hours. 488 E. South Temple. Apply tn person. 113 DOLLAR RENT A CAR is now hiring Autcxnotrve Service Agents, to wash ond shuttle cars. Must be 18 years of age wim o gorjd (jnwrxj nxBrd. Apply at the oirport. . 217. r.T : nm 111 - - . 11Q Phi Kappa Pfi is offering graduate feluwiliejs of $7,000 to grooVictting seniors with a cumulo-liv- e of GPA 3.8 or better. Contact Office of 410 Olpin Union, for oppaerom UvjVTjraduota Sluo OS walos ojrjrjttonoi aaonituttuii. must be rnem Reoipienls bars of Phi Koppa Phi on lie date the awards are mode. OenaWkFePwaryl.tolumih rsHFTtANOALADI CW $6 Bilicn taFlcS Usricidakf is now ovoilabia from DnSrato sector grants & ixhorarships. Al students are etgUe reooiclass of praaW, rnrxane, or porenft income. Let us help you. Col Student rVxjnbol Sarvicai: 130 ext. F59063 fteimawtial aJiuwiiisuiielll Muaba smortond hove a sense of humor. Fj time, benafrts. Tfieotocol background or Interest prefeiieJ. Phones, fikng, mailing, ' Mocintosh input. Oasis Stage Works, 110 IMMEDIATI OPENNGS. Work just for the rxjkdaysor-longePart and M fme ovalafale. $9.75 to start. No or experience necessory. Al shifts. Cal 566-307-1 WANTED; 113 MBA Srudsnt as Morkering Assrstanl for enter Col Mike: loinrnenlsoWsreojmn 110 WANTED: STAFFING SERVICES has doify acenngs lor shortbng term ond panioxetl pc4ions. Jobs ovoaable in aericol word prooissing, rxrxxjreing and technical. We OLSTEN poyleiwofatabarte4ig a friend and receive a cosh bonus, fre. Refer today 1 weekly m s Col far opt. tut, pard ouw aourn mo ree, lll AILS (tWdmnsrig) Restaurant ken viewing parHirne evening servershost Satwooy, Jon. 7 9:30-1- 2 noon.' Expananee, good math & paople skis pralerred. Excelent 582-140money. Sea Christine or col 110 FTVE . CRUSE SHPS NOW HRoNG - Eom up to J2,0COfmonti cevrexnes. Vrorld working on Cruise Ships or Land-Totravel (Hawaii, tvaxico, the Caribbean, etc.). Seasonal and ful lima anpfayrnenl avoilabla. No experience necessary. For more rntormaebn cal 1 ext. C59064. " - -- DISCOVERY e 1X PRESCHOOl CHLD CARE needs teachers. Near HALL V pari-bm- 111 far rxcnrjj Irovel compaPHONE SURVEY hours. Wl train, dose to cornpus. NOSEU-PNincludes hovel benefits, US, Europe, Pacific, Asia. $5.00 fr bonuses. 110 WANTED: ny. IOOWNG FOR DEPENDABLE RARTTIME errployee. Must have conpuler experience, plus bang a runner far a stock brcJtarogefirm. Afternoons. per week. $7.00 6 between 111 perhr. Weose cal HOUSEIGOTEiVrhfeXEEPER The FWrest EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Emigration Canyon, needs a porttme housekeeper to clean six guest CaU roams. 10:30 a.m.-3:0- 0 p.m. $6hr. PHONE ROOM 1 MODELS 485-393- FOR ART CLASSES. Jeff 0 SLCC Undroped. George OPERATORS Sid. Morning shift 118 Get the most for your car insurance dollar. Call me, I'll show you why Allstate is a better value. nsuwkaif 1 0 LUNCH D.ICCU?iT 19. WITn MUvNT v Inn, fa-Ir- LARGE ll3 ttSCENlWTlLAW.towwkvnlhper II2 ATTEhTTrON SENKKS4 '112 lies helping to irrexove their quality of life. Psycfufagy, SoocJogy and fehavioral sctericas a plus but not rtecessary. Evening, weekend and graveyard srwra ovo(U&, bceS ful ami part time. The possibility of colege credit is also available. Please conloct John, Mary or leave a meuoqe ot 263- 3'QO. 112 295-- 9am - 1pm. 1500. tVanrMmenltAsinrrepoijiome THEATRE er1uiiicritkc From SAUSW.VwWED: Spring Break "95". Moxoeon, cash & travel far FREE. Cal Tony ot Cclege Tours (800)244-446- 3. 112 AND FTNE ARTS LOVERS) Want the chance to be famous ond puUishecf? Want lots of free s. Twitch. 240 Uriion Blda, Accly as or cal Amy ot581-704113 111 Jerry. at GOTTCAVO00 MAIL TUX A TAIS. Immediate opening, for rncnogmnt position, n retail srjfet & rentals. Must be outgoing, friendry & detail oriented. Experience piefenej. Day & night shifts ovoilable. Apply in person after 500pm. DANCE, Fina artist needs interesting people to sit MAKE S7HR WHEN YOU CAN MAKE S10HR. Fufcime soles working pay in porttirne. Comrnssion-base- d differer for dienh in Salt Lake. Cal hteuMarkt 273-- - OuVtir. VstANTEO. WW RY 0I VEGfttSUUI SKCUWES Falofol Sandwich er Salad $3J9 Gyro Sandwich Salad $3.99 days per week, Apply 240 RESTAURANT DOWNTQtvVN with exp. i 364-491- 3445.---.v-:.- 112 110 PT DELIVERY DRIVER. must ri von or truck lond.vir-tou-v 2 ICR MEDICAL PLAZA grodetc., $216mo. 12 phone 1 (h), yirtJcs.utcit.edu 119 ROOM TO RENT TO FEMALE Huge room own cool house above Foothil. $400 month in a reoly includes utilrrtas, 484-211- 4 No smokers. Higth (tondords. Great View of Gy 111 r VvorFloce 11Q FEMALE ROOMMATE brocks from over the 277-1- 1 siii TO KNOW MORE about what can put you at risk for MVACS or other texuoly trarrtmitted diseosesf The U of NEED 265-160- epeointrner CHtLTXAtt hluKinrvi responsible coreoiver in our home accasionaf weekdoy hours. 485-802- 0 113 l riCDsr i kij. flnuniiu Axisxxiy nasa run Mun. tMvjviwnuiiui Tune evening position avoilcxfrxaMoNarriOirtrolCWk at our Troley Square locotion. rVxyclericd experience preferred. Starting annual safary h $1 2,600 per year along with a generous benefits padtage. Hours are from 2.O0 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday Thursday, and 12:00 p.m. ynrj 8X) p.m. on Fridays. Cal Kevin Jensen at tor on oppointniei. No walk-in- s please. Meliullaulli Insurance Carcxiny: An Equal Opportunity Employer MFDV. MetulleuWi actively promotes a "Drug Free 113 con Kelp. 4- - Col John sett 123 a parent. Our doss These are hard times to be HOME experience necessary Spanish larwuoge a plus. Contact Chris Nelson CTTyWChristemon at the Bennion Center, THE TlLAJrNG TABLE. FLEXIBLE SHFTSI Imrrwdiate Kl and far counter help, busters, ond pcrrl time opencivoilcx food prep, flexiblehours work wrrh your busy schedule! No previous experience necessary, dose to campus. $6hr 2--5 storting pay. Apply in person Mon.-fri- , pm, 809 East 400 South, SLC V20 WORK FROM HOME. FT or Earn $300-$50010-1hnwk. fmestment $275. Cal $1200fmFT, 310 - AT LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE HOMELESS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! Help dients with homeless issues. No MUSIC CLASSICAL GUTIAR els. StudjonaorOr. HICKS phone. Nosding. 6295 veUy. . i have own car. Cafe Meefaerranean. SERVER NEEDED. fordrowiriaiapoiniinas. FLORAL SHOP HELP. PA work. 9 J 1 i sndude customer Phone service and general office duties. 27 DIAMONDS: a S4 THE Must 111 582-147- ASSBTANT. 84108 IVMJAN$IOfJUtDTlcKna . F. Th, 111 MCOtE Writing docurnentcaaa AioSng in rxoduct design. Testing. 20 hours o week -between 7:30 4:30. Computer lilaracy Send opptcotion to: Pofs Storting at Windows LWopment 57 W. 200 S. Suite 510 SIC UT DESIGN T, ere. 0 mmm 112 4X). SOFTWARE 310 487-826- 131 body only. Exeetent cortdilion. $400o.b.e. Uove mwioge 319 PIAYIR to taodl 2 4 houn resident. -- eITTENDtNG CLASSES: Earn great money & have fun. able Msooy & irwrsday evening adsses. JEWELRY PIANO 117 Proper 84020. $5hr. SHENANrGANS RESUURANT. CCWJNG AUVE IN 951 Start the new year wUh a great jab at ShencsTigons Restaurant. Servert, cooks, dishers, bortenoers, hostesshost. Apply in person 274 S. W. Temple For infant. 2 3 dayswk. 11417 S. 700 E. Suite 208 LIMCOLN CONSULTING CaT DAYCARE, AFTERNOONS STLIDtlrsTSNF)ED part tirratowceh and Must be ovaxoble some mornings. Good pay, laubla hours, Btschoff in Wash Car detail, & at Apply parson 1990 E.3300S., 483-- 1 999. 112 WE NEED YOUR MT FUTON - PUsNT LOVERa Mala 0 kving doing what you fave. Moirttarn tnlinonicapei tor noltonol award winning company. Vehicle, proof of msuronce leuiiad. Sel motrvarion personal responsibrkry reworded in growing ccrrcxriy. Ful, ' 112 port time 485-254- Downtown shored owner-shi- o Condos isaeds oort ttrna avarano ond waekand halo. Excelant phonePR and oiyriawiirieonol skils reouired. 0 for inter- Miramum 1 yaor ofheeaxpenanca. Cal ttktVNKaRBCEPT)ONJST. 117 1662 i. Iff 62 SHELTER SCHOOL needs volurmers to Mor dvldren in grades PWsse leave a message for Don or louro at aviBerinCT Center, 117 HOMELESS SHELTER YOUTH PROJECT: Volunteers needed to spend 2 4 houn weekly to provide a fun and friendry environment for tameless checkers. Through garras, oclrvinei, and ojuakty Itme with chrldran, irolureeers provide posiava rale rnodels ond create good rekiliorrihips with creldran. FWne conloct Juke Starrs at tie Benraon Center. FOR SALE NewUsed storing S39, broad FUN TO YOVJt Oukx, THE HOMELESS FOR RENT- - ADO jtom 278 310 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 81695 TWO KMOOM APT. Chan, al amenities included. Dapo.il utjitw. $220inY Hector 596-133113 DONT RENT1 Buid your own Kama wisSout Imvig a finger, thousands of JJJ. trap realtors and builders, lav torn of Perfect starter home opportontlyl Cal ran), leave first noma and number 598-842310 PAGERS. or pnanR) ARTS, tUrnoOTrWtshGrjlery, IMS. City; FAX F4eley, TYTNG PLUS CAUXiRAPHY. AUTHENTIC NATTVE AMERICAN Irarr ooouvalf wfdirootiiaTig, anna. WTJtD PROCESSING, TYPtvXJ. Can check spskng, grammar, leeerenoM (APA, Turabtan, Cornpbel), adrling. Mrs. dbserwions 310 SCHOLARLY TEXTBOOKS style & conrwrty, Wirtskwi Fat and coiTipoirfQrTL 337T WE V OVERNKSHT . We are looking for customer service oriented people to work in our phone room' for inbound ticket sales. If you have a pleas- ant personality and would like to be a part of the hottest ticket in town we will be on campus '" Thursday, January 12th from . 11am to 1pm for interviews. Interested applicants should go . to the student employfOtnt office 382 SSB to sign up for an interview slot. ' . wSoup r . wSeup or Mid. Eastern Combo inducUi TabbouU, Baba GlKanouch, Homouc, KMrJ, wPira tnod : I -W --" $4.99 . m 0US : -- v.- SXYCXY KKJCJ - tl, lamk, akkLal VrrM- Wo do catering for occasionttoasosXeMo prioM 1071 Fr,c Cyy,Crv A , WW Vl"f I aW WWWWBP Mon-TJm . a. 9j)cri!O0pm ;Wls:Jl:r;rJ iiim.ew y.www f s.wWpisn Opm W r. |