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Show 4 The Daily Utah Chronicle Tuesday, January 10, 1995 which meet pressing community needs and prevent future problems will be given priority consideration. They must be manageable for cost, time and capabilities of available personnel, and must create empowerment, not dependence on Benroion Projects from page 1 community in which they live," Atkinson said. The projects the Bennion Center services arc chosen on a need basis. "We try to find a need in the community that is pressing that isn't receiving adequate help," Nielsen said. outside resources. Atkinson hopes volunteer work now will develop into a commitment to the community. life-lon- g senate from page 1 dean of student afiairs, mentioned that 17 more students registered for Winter Quarter mis year than last While this is more reassuring than the expected decrease of several hundred, the increase is still less than was planned for by the Legislature, so the U. must still End a way to get more tuition dollars, Mclntyre said. When questioned, Mclntyre also acknowledged the possibilities of sturecruiting the al Volunteers needed to participate in a research project Participants will receive FREE medical care and study medications Qualifications: Female 18-3- years old 5 dent population. Much discussion also resulted from the possibility of a new policy to make sure credit hours accurately reflect the amount of work required by a course. Keelc, who is also a coordinator for the Task Force, presented the task force's criteria with the language, "there is one hour in class and two Credit-Bearin- g budget from page 1 "Late Edition" that balancing the budget would require $500 billion to the $600 billion in spending cuts estihas Office Congressional Budget mated that needed cuts may be as high as $1.2 trillion over the seven-yea- r period. The American public has a right to know, generally, where those cuts are coming from, but "we can't spell out everything, because much depends on what happens to the economy," he - Do your New Year's resolutions include getting fit, losing weight, or improving athletic performance? C said. The Clinton administration, which opposes the amendment, says Republicans must be prodded into hours outside of class connected to each credit hour." Senators from the engineering department and the Law and Events Medical Schools took issue, proposing "approximately" be added to the statement, since some courses' work exceeds this limit. In engineering, which was the only undergraduate school invested in the debate, the accrediting institution requires certain curriculum and caps the credit hours required to graduate. Thus, many classes require as many as five hours of homework or labs for any hour in class. In the only motion in debate, the approval vote was tabled until the next meeting. The Senate Handbook was also revised, adding a graduate student senator and clarifying the role of the Faculty Hearing Committee. loday Ren Xu, U. materials science and engineering professor, will speak on "Autostokhiometric vapor deposition of multicompo-nen- t oxide films" at 4 pan. in HEB Room 2006. out-of-da- ss The 583-250- The Nursing Faculty Practice Plan revision, which changed the procedure regarding clinical work, cal engineering will was passed. hold a gradu- ate seminar withJ. D. Scadcr, a U. professor from die chemical engineering department, on "Process simulation with ASPEN PLUS." The seminar will begin at 320 pjn. in the Browning Building Room 617. Refreshments will be served at 3:05 p jn. explaining what sacrifices the American people will have to make in order to balance the budget. House Minority Whip David told ABC that his Bonior, party will introduce a bill this week that would require that a balanced budget amendment be accompanied by an enforceable plan on achieving that goal. "It's fairy-tal- e economics," House Leader Dick Gephardt, Minority said on NBC. "It's the same platitudes that we've had for a long period of time. We need more than bumper-sticke- r proposals here, and the problem is we do not have the Shirley Weathers, research director at Utah Issues, will speak on "Welfare reform: get real!" at 11 ajn. at the Hinckley Institute of Politics (OSH 255). ... . D-M- The U. Neuropsychiatric Institute will hold a lecture on "Prozac the reality and the with Dr. Noel Gardner at myth" 7:30 p.m. in the institute's dining - details." room BY JIM ABRAMS Associated Press Jan. 12 The Middle East Center will host a discussion group on The ' formation of the Iraqi state: politics and political alliances under " the mandate, with Still lime to register for classes-so- me at... 0. Jan. 11 the health food Neuropsychiatric The department of metallurgi- CKfDDDQ OO' (ROCD, Then check out U. Institute will hold a lecture with Dr. Sidney Zisook, professor of psychiatry from the University at San Diego School of Medicine, on "Depression and grief in the elderly." The seminar will be at 12:30 pjiu For more information call Wendy Zundel at 1920-1932- Marion Farouk-Sluglet- t, adjunct professor in the political science closed department - 7PM Institute Lounge VED-THU- (EESD6QE ES3 R,6 LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA7 SIGMA GAMMA CHI WINTER RUSH FRIDAY Here's a special menu you won't want to miss: 9PM-Midn- ight NORTH WINTER RUSH STOMP . BUILDING-FR- EE h Ifr hi i in i ' t, ftiU (flfipt-- Peking Duck Fresh Catfish Szechwan Style Crab and 70's Shrimp Mu Shu Oriental Fisherman's Stew with Crab, Dross iin Shrimp, l .5 ml, iSY ii ii V-- XV u rv 'tyUlttllttl 4W4lllt(l 1 I! . IO( ill l; i ii.-Md- Birth, control pill research iWnii l iKVAjvja; tilt i - 1 i. 1 , ft fffiS JD aS& KSD 8-5- 583-380- research study for a 6 month period. . Qualifying participants must be available for 5 clinic visits, which will include free investigational birth control pills and directly related physical and gynecological exams. 801-359-33- 51 SpJ, wV- J iH. NaiT V 0 LIMITED DCLIVEtV V.' 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