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Show CK2i.caii.in am MOOHAOOI etALPBS0NAUNMPBSOMsSaMiaeietsageto nd O--r LrtUowhowyaSyou03r CIALS. fJTre)dSioiwpertaiuttelBwiei: 180Mpmodie-da- y Wk.wm w you ask far earn a newspaper? Got a gnarly ousk an ane? Mama tel someone you hate iSer gufef Thn oaw to toe oSmny tor personals only speoal CMy $1 JuQdoytor far wb. your wessage Cal 581-70- 63 JEaua (jarjs way f sakakan wank to be your hope. Irustw tot Holy tefc. HEY! FEMALE?-18-2- 4 yrs, old? A U studeret etonnted uttsi. 63 nongngout wS o new group o campus? Samehngalf-tore- r Cal far mare detols-Mssor Summer 58 6866. VI8 WELCOME HONEYVVm missed you ikaptevery-toin- g went okay back m Ccefand.(Okay so Irs m Mewutut!) Pteam accept our deepest sympathy and twn t owytwyj yaw need, muri on us. bvt ya-- 0 & K BACK t ve DISCLAIMER t CWwie reserves right to deny or edit ,L..jWJ ni Sihiimi an sSefjtssksfpd taste and words $3.25doy . Rata or at blows: Jl3.00weeM5 otoysl 14 30 words J550fay. $22.0(Vwek,5 days) The (Wind ad deadtnt it 12 mm prey to mt dn toe d to net. Classified ocWtuamnto wil aot be token after 400 pm. workdays, far exarmaean to about classified adi cal 581 7041. to keopirxi w Chicnicte's deiim to nm honest orhertiiemorto. I you how The NOTICE enypooordnatotojcarrplotoojtoottai I y KJ 520 585-565- 1000 miles $650 A50 YAMAHA SPECIAL-- 1 4 V17 1913 HONDA CM250C- fon. $750 firm. 537-131- Nnt and continuity. Winstow's block to U. 520 your eoreSdenot, stojnath. VrW NOTM me $300, 10 vises $25.00. New 830 tgfev 677 S 7sS E. 533 8989 PREGNANT? - J3 W.C M UTAHI-Oar- a pcrtwj, drinking buddies, Operators standing by now. Gnat 263mto. country & Weitem oomec-tion- s. local trie). Nasfmk, Tennessee FREE SERVICES: Pregnancy Tests, Counsetna, Medio Referrals. Cal rVrXjNANCY RESOURCE CENTER 24 hours. MSTA LOAN- - 467-878- 7 Past dated checks, NO oalateral , loans NO credit dweks. 520 63 A NEW Vo great turn W lets create a on. Camt to So Salon, EVERYONE AT THE saw sassy you. To bo rtotdoy HAD So. Main Ask far Gwon, Paul, 9 Koren322-4247- .' 513 tttAUtl wetMMlGt- - UuoMy coverage, otturouute rotes! 63 63 WEODNG IVTIAIIONS- - 20 off ol style. Al manufedur-er- s' PSoto invrtahons al 20 off 942-600817 ENVIRONMENTAL ft ENVINrV&fuU Tt DYES clotoing, tapestries, beaded curtains, jewelry, incense, bcfcydaf drosses, burrcerslickert, ceramic drums, DEAD stained glass candles, rainslicks 4 ItowerstidesotGAIA, E 300 So" 532-424or 2953 E. 3300 So. 241 63 NOW!-- Newspapers, cans, bodies, etc Help tot world to a Me longer. Trust me, youl knl belter knowing you've rjloyed your port. RECYCLE - Free introductory serninar, Thursday, May 19 7-- pm. ond Saturday, May 21, 10-1noon, nave your own bookeeptna service m your t offwe. Earn $30-$7per hour No prior toeerienct nean-sarTraining and support available. United Seating. CofUniversal fer leservalion or brochure Col 265-377- 7 Accounting Center 339 E. 3900 So. Suite 104 A SIC ACCOUNTTNGBOOKEEPtNG- 520 63 TRAVEL FINANCIAL AID MONEY FOR COLLEGE 968 3311 exIllZ Recorded ft 518 relationships. GRATEFUL nKnagg gtvw details f ATRFARE- - Wfntesateri to Latiramerioa. DISCOUNT China, Hong Kong, Japan ond Middb East. One way and round trip. Student discounts. 273 3350 63 ADVENTURE SKI FOR RENT TRTP TO NZ- - July 7:1 6, Het, Glacier, eat. ' $2900 SApike Hompson - 513 l&WVNOW-Orwbedrcomki- Univenily. $370. 1234 East Afameda Ave. 328-853- 517 524 153 CLEVELAND Mis J1440 SoJ 2 rWdroom, 1 3.4 bah. Newly remodeled. family end laundry rooms. $600 dep. 517 STORAGE SPACE- 1st So. 359-471- S X 22, has power, $75mo, 975 $300mo. RENT-- $194mo. Mnmum 3 me at of June ounkod. ftndwltt wlftlin, coble) IV. Nd w smotorWritotoeVt7nSoUb)4l5a 1 E. 516 TWO BEDROOM apartment Gosjndudad. 322 S 900 E. AMRTMENT TYPING 516 SPAOOUS 2 10M HOUSEAPI-- 1 bloa to U, ideal far $695 ind. evarytoirq 5831 1Z 3 BLOCKS FROM W-- famished 1 bedroom cspt far rent dur ing summer. Cal Mike far oetoih 575-543- 543(846. No chowSt 520 I BEDROOM- - basement apt. in Avenues. $450month includes utit. Avoil 610 520 LARGE WORD PROCESSTNG, TYPtKrCan check speling, grammar, references (APA, Turobkm, Campbel), edMng, Mrs. 0 Neley, FORMBt ENGLISH TEACHER-- edits, word processes disser totont, rranuscriph, resumes. Formgrtgnxluate students 63 . o J XI-AT- ft EVENING Fast, accurate word processing, typing. editing, resumes. Dot matrix, loser, color. Laura 466 ! DAY 63 OVERNIGHT TYPtNGI U Experienced - DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST N Large seleclion, high Quality. Bridal MA, wadding bonds, diamond earrings, ruokty pearls. Isms bracelets, OBrttftoo appraisals avoilable. Everyihing wholesale! Rock Mountain Diamonds Co. 272-694PISCES UtAHr- 630 immedi- tor DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, ate sole.'OsSers say Sey con beat our price and qualify on info cal 328-i&- 7 For can't but and don't" item ihey jewelry MAMONDS-Prke- d 63 . PIONEER LASER DISC IC RACK SYSTEM w $75.Cal - CDL-20- 1 $250. PANASONCD player, dual cassette w remote. PLAYER- 38640, 2 or 8 520 CAirJBER- - Fits Gal, GTLJelto$100 85-9- 2 516 272-729- V6VHEDtornio THUIE CAR RACK- - King with dual heaters $300 of offer bars only, 517 fits 85 to 92 Jetta $90.00. Cal 518 Ryan - Earn up to $2tfXWonf woMung en Cmaa Sifs or land lour aimpi totosl Rtowni. Miiina, Cnrirjbeon. edl ! FuITm iniujinK svolabie No ewpenenm nweiMrj) t a rormi C590663 $$$$$$$$$$ UNrVERStTY Of UTAH S1UDENTSam $25 parkcexmng Memory ReseardL fwa sessions, one Km eooV SeseoroS takes pkn on campus. Must be a nakut speaker of Engtsk rweiomMonnakoiieal 817 1 - Make p to $2,000 $4XXWma toariiejbotic oawstmonal Engfah abrood Japan, Taiwan, and So. Korea Many eiepki( eri ptonde oeSer benekss. No sscawig boohgraund or foam ft board Asian longuogjes required- - For more eeormaeaii cal (2061 632 1146 erf J5906 63 SUMMER RESORT JOBS- - Earn up to $12hr eps. Lommms mrJudeitowaii. Fferido, RoMoweaim, Afasia. . New England, act Far details cal I 800-80- 7 5950 TRAVEL ABROAD ft WORK- 520 R5906. benehto No ft C4MINMENT JOBS- - $23hr. eenence.wJlKm bappVcal 100841 7165 516 POSTAL beneU. AmUCVCRUSE SHK NOW $24V Al posieons. Jobkno 516 SUMMER WORK H ALASKA- - Kmg Cob it faalurg far hard working, aopondoblt ptople tor on shore woni m Bristol Bay, Alaska, htf rote $5.85 per hour, pfatarertimt. . Group Employment term is tojm uupiuiuiiiumV 620-90- 1 orwtotareandtoTvtobeheld 52V36.Begf cntortKin tiai up 59. For odditionaJ wAo ond appLoatefv 520 please go to SSB ton, 38Z 5.1) 5l15, peopte tor onstiore work m Bneol Bay. AtoewL ray rate a $5.85 per hour, plut uieitiiii. ImfJktfmm term it from ups 520 please go 744 E. 4tS So. it htong far ful ft parMime positions Customer ond kxchen help nurses. Ffeubie hours, vnl work wen studeret schedules-- Great working atmot-pher- e Osmpelieva pay. toojmre at 744 E.4h So. 531-- 1 123. 59 ryadd 63 ft GCrVEtNMENT JOBS- - $23hour plus benefev 24 No expenenee, w kan. To apply cal 1 hourV 63 POSTAL TKKETRAMP AGENT NS)Q far local axwnutar airline. - 20 hours a week, Friday, Saturday and Sunday afterfar inkxmaeon on noons. $6.00hour start. Cal 575-283-9 520 oppfying. MALE MODELS- - far portfolio, cokrtdcr.prMwork. Noexp. necessary. Send photos, fact sheet, andor poitfakot to: tflERNET ENTHUSIAST WANTED- - Utah's service provider is luekina entousiast iiteiested in working . parHkne n our Services Group. neaM cal 513 MONEY READNG BOOKSr-$30,000income Ext. potential. Details school MANAGER FOR VOLLEYBALL TEAM- - 1994-9- 5 year, must be enroled student, prefer playing experience. 585-327. 513 Pays teition.Col EARN ACCOUNIMGBOOiorfiPsNG- - Free kxroductory seminar, Have your own Saturday May 14, 10 am to noon. bookeeping service in your home or office. Earn $30 $70 per hour. No prior experience necessary. Training and support available. Limited sealing. Cal far reservation or brochure Cal 265:3777 Universal Accounting Centa-3- 39 E. 3900 So. Suite 104A Sic 520 . SUMMER JOBS- - 350 SS8 at U of Colege Pro painting. 4.75-- 7 00 hr. go to Student bnplcvmer. or cal 585-457-1 U 63 CAR, TRUCK, ll.rs voyeur time toccj. A PERSON TO BABYSIT-near U of U. 585310. U AomirWstrrmon Dear CWlektphone 8 Start entry on computer Cal Marywi 5 13 wntmtj&ey wwv Sutteiwr. E SUMMER- - mak 'rxw" far 8 vr. old mak Energetic, aMeec, serious about oSitd ovw development. Must hove tromportolion. ReferenoM 534-036- 3 517 HELP WSNTED- - Pizza cook ond deUry pasrtons avaUxe-Fre- e Wheeler Pizza 322-373- 5 after 5 pm. 523 Earn fate of $$ ii your spare erne. We need far TV & radio vokeoverv Read a paragraph from a book & record it on o mitelte recorder. Send tape to: BobParietFL 1 768 Alriiinson St fWJena, CA 91 104.. Wsi wil btt reorydirig oonwnttock in UT. 5 8 CASTMG CALL- - people & kids a child in kadi far furnished rry.traracoitationomust, VCtUNTTfltS WANTED- - Do you lorn chldrenT Ham 3--4 houn a week? A homelwi chid would love you as a iriend. 1, arcane Contact Lorraine Se tenraon Center 581-48- 1 in ond M out tab sheet Messogw oppreooted. 520 0 EARN UP TO $150 TODAY- - writing a far a local pubfeher Fifty miderto needed. ASUU afhee. 234 Urwjn. rliACE SPEAK NEGLECTED E. 517 rhat 400 Sa Newc jfitmimnjjn tor PM. Mrwentj AM hosthostess, busser & drshwasher pay. Apply in person- - Ask far Dove. invneKjIiolet I $$ Abo, PM & 518 GRAPHC ASSISTANT NEEDED- - Port-kmCcmmerdd real ostato company needs graphics assistant. Must know Fbrjemoker tor Mac. Excel and MacDraw helpful, ftoxible hourv 1 3 ideal. $5.75hr. Cal Alexis 320--1 243 or 520 UP FOR THE RIGHTS OF ABUSED CHILDREN IM COMMUNITY!- OUR jnraurl AUTBM TEACHNG t4STtUCTOR-- llesidental program lor autistic youtS. Several positions, various shifts, summer and regular. $5.50hr. Benefits available. Apply 8 4 weekdays. 520 Project Turn, 535 E. 400 So BRACKMAN BROS. BAGEL BAKERY There's more than one way to araw Now hiring part time counter help & bakers. Fun work and great benefits, including tuition reimbursement and price (bod! Apply in person: blood... room Day, 513 evening 12 & Saturday classes 859 E. 900 S. 1520 S. 1500E. After 2 pm. No calls. Thanks! 516 $600r Bf 910 teefntonioi Pidtupfaimsat AND - The Admirxslrative Office of tot Courts is seeking concerned volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates- - CASAsI to assist cMomeyt who repiesei abused and neglected children. CASAs are needed to ensure hut a chikrs right to a safe and permanent home is acted on by the court. A com mnment of I 2 hours per week is needed! Training wil beget m June Pfeass contact Jenny at 578 3829 il you ore interested One voiae con change o child's kle. 519 ' HELP HCtUSEsuxrLJdr needed far property murxsgement cornpo FONG UNG- - THE HNE CHftCSE Hiring experienced servers! Good hours, good incorne. 3698 E. 7000 So. 516 DBHNG- - Bus drivers, Irfeguords, and swim instructors. RECREATION- - Central City-- 538-206- 519 vm 24TH paMB 9AM-4P- Salt Lake Community College (South High) FINALS AftfiTTCYy nmri n0(M)M Sztsr.tr. WaiU ELIMINATIONS , 63 at Utah Museum of NaturdTfato Eoiuuxoi Dept.: Office Hefptrs-- flulparNene, Summsr Field Program assistants- erne far summer. Cal BetS at JOBS- - 513 ,5950299. 63 TOP DOLLAR PAC FOR not. 485-5- 313 473 9252 WORKSTUDY ry WP5.1. laser, fax, various farm. Quick, occurote. Cassette tuiiscriptions. Barbara 487-817 8231. FORMS TEACHER WITH MA.- - fWreoaW edinnq, word orocessina. Foreianarad students welcome. after 6. WMurts or Wwrialional buuneu aperwia MEXICO THB SUMMER. nowaWonVIZ Fortune 500. Residual benefits posstoW. Vbiot max mesuge fVaecalGndy at 255-421- OFrKE ASSISTANTRUNNER- - Real Estate brokers seek assistant wnh professional appearance ond transportation, 15-2hours' pvretk,oftoiioons. dependent on expe- -' ' rience. Send resume to: 4505 S. Wasatch Blvd. Suite 120, SLC.UT 84124. 517 WOMEN NEEDED- - to model far new Spring, Summer "94 hair styles. Monday. May 16th. long, medium, short hair. Fashion Looks done by Brocato Inlernasorial. Please contact TYPTNG PLUS CALLIGRAPHY- - YOUR 63 V 63 WANTED 63 MoteExpWire,P.O.Boi.935SLC.UT84110. 63 Sandi, i eueun son WiWo fan loSSBRm. 382. Copying, binding, Accept businessesstudents. (ami mmwm& to NOW CASTMG 16mm STUDENT FRM FIOJECT-abodettructi e nature of tmuol obetssion. Actors must be owt-obi- t 521-22- . Leads wi be paid. Cal 32fr2428 to set up an audmon. 5Z2 1 1 TYrtJGxperienced, accurate, WP5. , loser. .25ds pg, $4 min. (Aho speaaka in medkalsmal business needs.) meg ram; 260 HD, dual Roppy, SVGA, loaded. $799 THULE UPRIGHT Cater to faxing. MosterCordViso. Lynn 520 486-734- COMPUTER: 63 SMPS NOW HReNG- 817 VrXDrXISSt; (Wwtiperfect SALE grod. Transankons, graphics, rnonuscripts ol formate. . CoWbsor printers. Sore 5830091 . 63 WORDS rlrtmSIONAUY COMPOSED, EDITED- - word processed, laser printed, ttcnscriberi, scanned. Forrnoh: AfVlurobian Campbel. Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs WP 6.0, WP 5.1, MicrosoflWord. Graphics: AutaCacv'Harvard. FREE pick up and delivery. Corolyn 'FOR COMMER- newoe SG8EAT RATESS OUSf views to be heU range. Rock, bluet, country, etc CalMarey ENTERTAINMENT G.C hereon VOCE LESSONS! and aWtalions ior logic, style 12 WECONG PHCTOGRAPHY- - Stocktnt prices. Red Bute) Ctordtns my tovarito 2666256. 516 EDITINGs 518 RBPONSRU. UROAi MF- - roommom to share 2 bdm utihies. 486-434apt. $155mo plus 518 RADKALURCRA1 WOMAN- - to share tunny, spacious 2 barm house near 15tS & I5fv Older studWssmiroim-sion- d 9 preksrred. AmoI. Beg June. Pete weicamt. d. 48521 27 ere. V20 ntpambte, quiet ft Inendry. $l90me ft 13 utoW 5831205 far HMS. and DON'T MMC- - Cornputars COrOCVrSEUBUYUied Our mad systems am ooonomiai. Don'l woste money on tot lotetf &ooototf urol groduokon. Muh Sot 10004.00 51 30 S. State 519 EOT wfire-pkn- . SERVICES COMPUTERS SCHOLAJ&Y-Wxnk- 517 mature, NEEDED- - PENT ADSINn WO 4865omr5O0 520 WE 63 ROOMMATES in. Great oandh mo) and 8059628000 E4 13 MMNA- - GSX rJOOf fad. gorgeous. $3000 00 9 Colteove message Bo 583 1421 514 tofcGON- - 90.000 miles, irwl ml, I9K SUBARU 4 S750orjo Col aher 800 p W prorjerw. Repossessions. Your area (I) 7 far current wpetst. preferably grod tar large mom 4 $150$175mo eiduaW umv Brack SUZUKI 71 COvBIErHCere.fcomJl MATURE. CLEAN- - AUTOMOTIVE TOYOTA RUCK- - 2wd, not thai, Vatumo rock, en . . ,TOOL ll VAA. (MA iWIATAj T. J,.A OPP QT-- M REAL ESTATE . TYPES CATALOGS, 5PM-8P- Salt Lake Community College (South High) Nationwide Competitions One ot the tost outlity loumiments in the country FOR MORE INFO CALL: 466-007- 8 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT- - Earn up to $15,000 tots summer in canneries, processors, etc. malefemale. No experience necessary. fexWboordtojv-e- l 8 ext. often povided! Cironleed success! (919) ALASKA FISHERIES 0-- 3 $JllM:n7 LOOJlOrj 918East900Soulh(l bkxkeast) 525 A412. COOL STUFF-- Pioneer CD Player, Everknt Heavy bag, 9 1 8 S. Greenwood (1 580 E J Camondale, Sat 14th lerroce. 513 BBS- - TREK 850, Suntour cornp. Smokey tires, leave mes-sogpump custom cranks & rings. Col 582-425- 1 MOUNTAkN - - - V27 Ful size, frame and block pad. $90 or best offer. ' 466-578- 2 after 5:30 FUTON- - , 517 ALTHMAnVE MUSIC LUNCH SP3CIAL FAUmSAKDWCH 1 CO w soup or somm GYRO SAhDWXM fXOQ w soup or salad m077 PFPMAK drAx b 03t KARMK RETMBUtlON BhBGH- - A god for the giving and positive for ol. Improv cosmic circulation by good fortune and yours. PO BOx 2062 SIC, 518 UT84110. NEWUSH) CD'S PRNTrCE4ADWAXTRAXZyX 918 E. 900 So. S.L.C. UT 84105 RE00RDS TAPES IMPORTS VHS& LASER VDEO OUT OF STKKHvS 355-177- 0 esx n&msijui skciauiis mFokrfel Sandwiches Large Homous Plate Tabboule Plate Baba Ghanouch We do cotetvgfor oloccasions-Mid Eastern Combo Plate VrtT cci ei kl 41 rJ -- - e 4 Till ft? viz? tZ,::'MQl:::z7xtt:: Hamburgf$ f Ifkl e !, .41 . ,.,i.ibj."PH V J ZXrZ3 513C4 |