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Show ItaMEvBaliCtoMfcli-- S Letters Mormons value socialism Arguments should have been based on logic Editor to rise above poverty. The goal of the welfare program is to make people so that they can then help others do the same. For example, a single mother in This letter is concerning the remarks made about the Mormon Church and socialism at a panel discussion given by the Utah socialists, "Socialism was replaced as IDS Church evolved." The claim that the Mormons practiced socialism in the 19th century is a reference to the United Order and indicates that the speakers consider socialism to be people pooling their resources and giving according to their various abilities, and receiving according to their needs. However, the Mormons have a different view of socialism: they think of totalitarian dictatorships, don't blame them for having this view, blame Stalin. If the speakers were lamenting that the Mormons have abandoned the support that they previously gave to socialism, they shouldn't. Mormons still have the hope that someday they can participate in a communal society like the United Order. They are skeptical that at the present time, they may not be good enough to make that sort of a system work. However, they practice some of the principles of that system. For example, there is the Mormon Church's welfare program which helps people to become a result, this berg of programs that the Mormon church and Mormons in general are involved in. One thing more, to the speakers and people in general. If you want to learn about a particular culture, the first thing that you need is compassion for the people in that culture. Then when you encounter cultural values that differ from your own, instead of being offended, you will seek to know the real motivations for those values. You will see their humanity. m mw (( . As Roberts chooses to attend the White Zombie concert and refer to Shawn Bradley as "Utah's circus freak," so we choose to attend the Isn't free agency a unique privilege? Scout-O-Rarh- a. Kay Godfrey ' public relations director Great Salt Lake Council. BSA . humankind the right to choice, devalues human life. Arguing against the right to choose is arguing against preserving that life. Farnsworth would argue that helping destroy life is abhorrent. In the example, she asks whether right to kill a terminally ill The other major argument, Farnsworth presents is that it will hurt those left behind. True, all deaths do. However, would they really want to prolong the misery (or drudgery) of their loved one? In all honesty, most people would not desire their loved ones suffer. If life is precious, don't force people to watch their life deteriorate if they don't want to. If life is valuable, don't destroy life via destroying choice. If the terminally ill are special to us, then tell them that. Don't tell them that they are not capable of controlling their lives or their deaths. it-i- s patient simply on the basis of sophomore Marci Rands speech communication (( MINOR Free Tutoring INTERESTED? Permanent Centers CALL Onortuii 581-785- 3 Call for information SLC: 363-444- 4 Provo: 375-995- 5 UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CAN YOU BUY A COMPACT DISC FOR UNDER $10o? YES Roberts' references to the decline of scouting acknowledges nothing more than his character. intellectual faculties, denying Total Training years of culture shock. scouting and its ideals as a standard to measure one's draw. Would you devalue that human life? Denying us the right to use our they desire? A crucial difference lies between the two circumstances. It is a matter of the patient's choice. Not ours. BUSINESS Expert Teachers those who would struggle with the commitment to live the Scout Oath and Law and would sooner sit, as Roberts so eloquently put it, "in the climate-control comfort of home TV." Scouting's watching "conservative rhetoric of ignorance to the history of the scouting movement. The Boy Scouts of America has served more than 90 million youth. The BSA's nationwide registration is up .5 percent over last year. It would seem from these facts that these "much smarter and less easily manipulated" kids of our "high-tec- h society" he refers to are choosing Without that reasoning, we could be considered equal to that cattle that may end up on your dinner plate. This is the distinction we they desire to commit suicide, why deny them the assistance . lk!HlttlH!00e is for everyone. There are the foundation which scouting has survived more than 80 our innate human reasoning. their disease. Obviously not. If Daniel Longstaff "Scout-A-Ram- propagan- try founded on the basis of freedom of choice, we routinely forbid out citizens rights. Is there a logical reason to forbid one's death? Or has the government legislated death away? Our worth is not measured by others. We cannot continue to live simply for others, no more than we can kill people because they are of no use to society. Is life sacred? Yes, because of chemical fuels and engineering the header Utah Focus and da" that Roberts references with such disdain is part of with Ruth Ann Farnsworth when she said that life is precious and should not be thrown away lightly? Emotionally, we agree with both sides of the issue. Rationally, we cannot hold both opinions. It is not an issue of life versus death. Indeed, we will all die eventually. And we will all live until that time. The issue is one of choice. Amazingly, in a coun- woman now works fewer hours for more pay and is able to help others. This is the tip of the ice- With regards to Mr. Rob Roberts' May 10 article under has left him greatly lacking in knowledge and understanding of scouting and what it is all about. It is very evident Roberts had no desire to be in scouting in the first place and had left the scouting program very biased against it. The Boy Scouts of America has never professed scouting live? And who could disagree newly-acquire- Editor: and infrequent attendance" Although emotion certainly plays a part in this issue, we should evaluate it on several levels. Who, after reading Melinda Myers' account could claim that all people should be forced to d share her skills with other members of her con- gregation. As truly enjoyed seeing the opposing article on the Right to Die. I was disappointed to see both writers using solely emotional appeals as their arguments. Guatemala needed to work long hours at low pay to feed herself and her family. The welfare program in her Mormon congregation intervened and provided her the money to study to be a seamstress with the provision that she ignored value of scouting a sic Provides Much Insight to Our State's Culture," it is evident that his one year of "coerced I self-sufficie- nt Roberts has titled Editor: self-sufficie- Qrayzuliale CD TJX 248 So. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 583-962- CAN 6 "IT Euy Scjja end Super Nintendo Qzmo cctridjps for undor $20.00 YES!! !.f you're chopping Gwywhab too 201 S 1300 E. Space B Salt Lake City, UT 84102 583-333- 3 |