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Show 4 . MUDDY TIMES - FEB 1992 QUIK AD SECTION MUDDY TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: Jack Campbell - 2595115 Ad rates: Boxed ads, $5; 0qu ads, $2. Ads must be ordered and pald by 10th of each month to appear In current Issue. Ad Income goes to cover newsletter expenses. We are Including below a few bonaiide ads and a few Cris Coffey - 259-2245 Ji1 Kulander - 259-7580 not so bonaflde, just to give the Idea. SEEK OUT A SPECIAL PLACE, a child/ adult book by Milly DeZelsky & produced by Featherweed Press, is now available for $4.95 per copy. Remember it for birthdays, graduations, weddings, holiday giving. Or buy one for yourself—you deserve it! CVSR 2607 or 259-2245. WANTED: A IJTTLE HELP in protecting the Ponderosa Groves up on the LaSal Road (Fisher Valley overlook, dinosaur tracks, Andy's Mesa area). I need some letters saying how you use the area— walking, mmping. sitting and looking out over our southern Utah vistas. If you'd be willing to'write a letter to help protect this area, please all Jack at 259-51 15. FOR SALE large electric kiln for ceramic & porcelain. Darlene Vlfillard, 259-7991. Joan Sangree - 259-5542 David Denison Milly Dezelsky Alice Drogin Roger Lowry WANTED: Rototiller in good condition to buy, coop, rent—7580. WANTED: Strong, energetic youth to help clear brush and clean up property—7580. PLACE YOUR QUIK AD HERE NEXT ISSUE OUT 15 MARCH—ADS BY 10TH. COMMUNITY CALENDAR HIP BOOTS, NO LEAKS. Cheap. (Advertise them here.) NEWSLETTER WANTS support from community—in the form of suggestions and help with writing features, illustrations, gathering news, collecting ads and $, recording historical anectdotes. etc. No pay but lots of satisfaction. Reply in suggestion box at gate. MUDDY TIMES Town Meeting: First Wed, 7 pm. P.O.A. Meeting: Precedes town meeting, 6:30 pm. Plan & Zoning Meeting: Last Mon, 7 pm Fire Prot: 2nd & 4th Tues, 7:30 pm. att (Public is welcome to all services and activities.) Sun, 10 am., Sunday school Sun, 10:55 a.m.. priesthood and auxiliary meetings WILL HIRE LOCAL CARPENTER to finish PERMACULTURE FANS I am interested my shed. (Place ad in this newsletter.) in sharing my newfound enthusiasm for this method of planting self-sustaining guilds or communities of plants and trees. I have the Designer's Guide by Bill Mollison and would like to meet periodically with others newborn to 2 years, woman's size 10. We have both grown! (Don't take it to the dump, recycle it with a Ouik Ad!) ' HAVE CLOTHES TO GIVE AWAY Infant, Sun. 11:50 tum. sacrament meeting Tues, 7 pm. youth activities Thirdan, lunch & crafts, Women's Relief ocr Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 am. Aerobics for men & women The Castle Valley branch building has a well equipped family history library for those wishing to research their family who have insights to offer or are interested in making plans. Cris, 259-2245. history. Millions of names are on file on — KNOW YOUR REPRESENTATIVES (Please clip this list for your records.) Town of Castle Valley—Box 2705 Mayor, John Groo—259-7950 Town Council: John Groo (chair&water)—259—7950 Janie Tuft (c-lerk)—2598360h/817lw Ron Drake (PR news)—259—8588h/ 7525w Jack Campbell (p & z)——259-5 1 15 Pat PIastow—259l-823 1 Bruce Keeler—259-2298 Ken Drogin (alt)—259-8274 Don Mabey (p & z rep)—259-7099 Property Owners Association: Ken Drogin (chair)—259l-8274 Bill Viavant (treasurer)—259-8898 George Ottinger (lega1)—259-5255 Floyd Stoughton (roads)——259-6049 Ann Benge—259-5739 micro-fisch and microfilm. Interested parties may call 259-7219 or 159-8600 to schedule time to use the equipment and receive help if needed. v nt v (Publicis welcome to all servicesand activities.) Sat, 9:30 am., Sabbath school for adults, jtmiors, primary, kindergarten, cradle ro11 Sat, 11 am. Sabbath service Last week the church sponsored an informative course in Home Remedies. including hydro- therapy, massage. and herbal treatments. Also coming up, Stop Smoking Seminar, Allen Memorial Hospital in Moab, February 17th—215t. In Secretary (vacancy) Road Department: Planning & Zoning: Don Mabey (chair)—259-7099 Don Tuft (supervisor)—259-8360 Spec. Serv. Dist” Fire Protection: March a vegetarian cooking class here in Secretary (vacancy) Roger LOWI'Y (PICS—2596589 Don Mabey (sec)—259-7099 The Seventh Day Church has a day school for elementary students in addition Sam Welch (treas)—259-8131 Floyd Stoughton (fire chieD—-—259- to the academy. Linda Wittkopf~259-8853 Trish Hawkins—259-8016 Rob Soldat—259-7638 Joan Sangree—259-5542 Jack Campbell (council rep)—25951 15 Board of Adjustment: CV. For more information contact the church office at 259_7719_ \\ \_ /// .A/_\,____—— / ~— Sam Welch (charr)—-259-8131 George Ottinger—259-5255 . , A , \: \ ms mk f'" __._ Karen Nunn—259-8607 an _ |