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Show Wednesday, February 10. 1993 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Sixteen HIGIYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Joia satisfied people tar the best $7 haircut around. Long, sawn, oldea, modem, tf yoa caa espiaaa a. I cast cut a. Barney's 2480 So. 3'! I Mam MioF 10 106 Ghrony Classifieds 0 XT"V M KRISTIN: TYPING- FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dishrrmms, caanusenptt, resumes, Fuaeneraduaat students 0 stuthes. 312 welcome. Speqabar in Mid-Ea- a U WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Caa check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turanian. Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nelley, 3l2 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GORGEOUS! LOV E HANK! 35 MORE DAYS! a! wordprocessing. 4 Jeawe 1 in WP S.I. laser. Beautiful TYPING PLUS CALLIGRAPHY results. Quick at accurate. Cassette transcriptions- - Barbara SEMEN DONORS NEEDED FOR MEDICAL USE. Payment given upon acceptance. For more info, please call 312 Esirssvantics are encouraged to apply. DISCLAIMER- - CADILLAC PARTS 1979 Seville. AU pans are off car. Hood, run., bumpers, doors, etc. For info, and prices write to PO Bos 8773. SIX 84158 VI2 ! VW BAJA BUG Looks A runs good. Good tires. 211 SI ISOoffer tape deck. $5000 AM-F- 212 DINING Vote 210 WORDS EXPRESS. Quality word processing. 26 year experience. EvertmgAnorning turnaround. HP laser B printing 1 31 available. ARE YOU IN THE HONORS PROGRAM? PAXTON GUYMON for senator!! - ADVICE TO THE DAY OR NIGHT TYPING Fast, accurate, quality work. 2 Laser, wonlprocessing. resumes, editing, etc. Laura 465-5- 4 VMM V M AND LOVE-LOR- 3l2 POVERTY-STRICKENG- KBA EXPRESS TYPING, wordprocessing. typesetting. Spelling, editing and compilation help available Call Kathy your Valentine 1 Chrany classified. $1 for the first 15 words and $2 for 30. What a deal! Hurry to the Ctsnmy office by ana, February llta. They win be 21 1 pruned on Friday, Feb. 12. GRAPHIC IMAGES Typing. Resumes, Fyers. Newsletters. laser Graphic Design. Scanning. Transcriptions. output Fast turnaround Free campus pickup and delivery. For the best work call 322 ATTENTION CARBON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF IMS if you would like 10 help plan 5 year reunion, or just 9 217 want arfo. Call WORD PROCESSING. RESUME DEVELOPMENT 10 years Human Resource experience. Will help develop resume ft cover letters. Word Processing of research papers, thesisdissertations, etc. Professional, high quality results, 1 218 convenient Avenues location. Kdli ABOUT YOUR MAJOR? Decide to VOTE for Assembly. Thanks! Have a dandy day. 21 UNDECIDED JACOB-SE- - PETS ON THE LOOSE - WORD PROCESSING Papers, Theses. Resumes. Fast, 2 A, delivery. or accurate. Laser. Campus pick-u- p 299-13Diane 212 My name is Pericles and I am a HuskyVisla mix puppy. I am looking for a good home. I love people and frozen yogurt If you want a best friend like me, call Ben lat 210 I'm dam cute. ARF! PROFESSIONAL TYPING by former English and word 9 processing instructor. Transcribe tapes. Close 10 U. EDITING- for ENTERTAINMENT FOR RENT' FEMALE WANTED, $135 PER MONTH (plus 5 hours per week cleaning, yardwork. andor misc. errands) to share my spacious Holladay home (year round). No experience necessary, only a desire to do well. One half large garage 9 210 andor dose to bus routes. Please call AVAILABLE FEB 15 Near U. I bdrm duplex. Like small 8 house. Garage. $295. No pels 2M HOME next to the U. $200 a 212 month. 3 3 (POSS. 4) BED I bath, new paint, carpet. Close to U, on bus line. Nlo srrMkerspets $750mo. 216 LARGE includes GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delinquent tas property. Repossessions. Your area (I) 805 3l FOR SALE DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky 8 Mountain Diamond Co. 64 GAIA: The Spirit of Mother Earth. A store offering environmental. Peace, Deadhead lees, stickers, bedspreads, pants, skirts from India, posters, jewelry, incense, hippie-stickmugs. Dancing Bear lies. 241 E 300 S. SIX. 312 NEED COOL CLOTHES? Don't get a student loan, try the Clothes Connection. 1307 S. 900 E SLC. GAP, B U M., Banana Republic, Union Bay, Generra, Structure, $l0-$2Owned and operated by UofU students. 487-64 312 1990 STUMPJUMPER TEAM with specialized future shock. All Suntour XC Pro grease guard, new drive train, recently overhauled. $800 w shock. $600 wo. Call Pat 212 NBA TICKETS! Best prices - both days. 0 219 LOST & FOUND LOST: HP Computer calculator vicinity of either OSH computer lab. HPER, or Corran Bklg. 967-9- 3 10 212 potential. Details. Call ROOMMATE- - EARN MONEY READING potential. Details. ( I ) RMs seek male roommates to share house completely furnished with stereo, cable, piano, etc. $149 utilities. 565-- . 2032 3l2 BOOKS! $30.000yr income Ext. 7 229 7 we do concerned with telemarketing for large environmental destruction and human rights abuse. 7 for Outstanding pay, flexible schedule, call 312 interview. closet, private bathroom, sunken fireplace, scenic locale, utilities included. Female roommate preferred $250 Call Scott or Kelly at walk-i- 39 7 7 GET A JOB!! At Public Interest Communications, 2n ' BEHIND CAPITOL Large bedroom, exL I It's worth your lime to call. n 2l5 PART TIME SECRETARY Flexible hrs. PROFESSIONAL FEMALE to share large 3 bedroom home. E. Millcreek, private bath, WD, $325mo. no pets, no 212. smoking. Good benefits, strong in filing, sorting, accounting, computers 6 or work for room and board. To apply, call FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Foothill area. 216 $200month. Call 583-9- 1 13 families. 21 yrs or older needed to provide care for youth, ages 1 flexible hours, agency training & support provided. SERVICESTaw av aTJJP UJ" dXaa. aasTaat is atsXaw ilv aaXast as RESPONSIBLE HOUSECLEANER 4 references. Call Natalya FOSTER CARE $400 per month, couples, individuals & 64 - CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $200Omondi world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Carribean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No experience ext. necessary. For employment program call C5906 212 ; afaXaai t as NEEDS JOB. Good 312 TAXES Personal A Schedule Professionally prepared. Call John COMPUTERMODEM C small business. 312 DAYCARE PRESCHOOL Professional nurturing, healthy meals and environment, fun activities. Ages 2 to 6 yrs. Next to U. Barbara at Drop-in- s welcome 212 JAZZERCISE first class FREE! TTh, 5:30 pm, 237 E.Sr.CitizenCtr.255-130- S. 23 JOBS AT SL TENNIS CLUB Babysitter pm. Receptionist 1 210 . 1000 am-- 3 pm, $4.50Air start 487-32- M-- ARTIST WANTED TO ILLUSTRATE CHILDREN'S 212 5 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A WELL KEPT SECRET: THE COMPUTER LAB AT THE LEARNING CENTER $87hr for IBM PC w laser printer 3442 South Main Street Call 3 for appointment. 312 fttomtoR&rti. : 1JMT I 1 For April 17 Exam Live visa classes begin February 13th Homestudies updated fir jtV good pay, experience in advertising, sales and public relations. Average earnings $3,900. Expense paid training program in Chapel Hill, NC. College credit may be available. Interviews on campus February I Ith (Job Fair on February 10th). Information and interview sign-u- p available today at the Student Employment Bldg. or call 210 file downloads, games, hour modem 35 TAX PREPARATION Reasonable rates, near campus. 6 222 Audrey M. Hollaar. CPA. Attorney at Law. hoursweek, 5 Call Glen SUMMER JOBS AND INTERNSHIPS University Directories, the nation's largest publisher of campus telephone directories, is interviewing goal oriented students for a e summer position. Gain valuable challenging, USERS Try the Escape BBS! Matchmaker Dating Registry, and morel 2 hours free! POSITION SECRETARIAL schedule 4-- VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rates. Free pickup & 312 delivery. Work guaranteed 90 days. Dan 533-86- 3 40 OFF ALL USED BOOKS FROM NOW THRU SAT. (13th Feb.) for u students only. (Student ID required). Happy Valentines! Open noon-S:3- 0 pm A Serious Scholar Books 251 S State, Suite 8 212 HOME TYPISTS, PC USERS NEEDED. $35,000 TOP DOLLAR PAID for your car, truck, van. Runs or not. level. DP Fit For Life by Quantum. New. Calculates time, strokes and calories. S125obo. Chariene 312 STAIRSTEPPER, WANTED NEW AT HOME BUYING? I specialize in helping first timers with VA. FHA. HUD, CHAMP. UTAH Housing. Minimum $2500 cash, good credit, job stability. Mike 8 THAYNE REALTY 312 Anglesey 2 BEDROOM APT in Sugarhouse. $490mo utilities. $250 deposit 483-- 1 375 216 CAPITOL HILL STUDIO Great view, new carpet, 2 rooms, free utilities. No pelsmoke. $325mo. 3 212 TYPING. WP5.I, laser. Starting at 5 217 $ .2Spage, $4 minimum. Sandi, CALL 3l2 BOURBON STREET annou oes live entertainment Thurs Sun. Thurs: Rooster. Fnd: House of Cards, Sat: The Kill. Sun: 5 The Comedy Slop. 241 S. 500 E ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL 312 REAL ESTATE - 212 3 312 WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks A dissertations logic. style & continuity. Winstow's Fax 312 WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED. EDITED, word processed, laser praised. Banscnbed. scanned. Formats: APAAurabian&mpbell. Theses dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs: WPS. I, Microsoft Word. Lotus Graphic: AutoCadHarvard Graphics. 30 yrs university 312 riidiiiDdeli exfCTeiice. HI! EARLY BIRD DINNER tor $7.95. two entree choices daily with soup or salad. Ruths's Diner 44 pm. 7 days, Santa Fe Close to U. in Emigration Canyon. Restaurant 6 pm, etc SO YOU'RE NOT RUNNING FOR ASUU ASSEMBLY? 29 vote (or TAWNI HANSEEN. She's running for IT. LOOKING? Outgoing RM. 24. 62", blond, athletic, seeks 216 UP S, female, tall, slender, attractive. Kyle 52 8 27 VMM GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Fords. Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevy. Surplus Buyers Guide (I) 220 Ext MAZDA JSE hatchback. "90. red, 1 Call AaVW. Thesis, dissertations, reports, resume, available. Laser priming Call Marsha 22 AUTOMOTIVE 312 . FAIRY BELLS AND LOVE MAGIC for Valentine's Day. S. (upstairs) 52 9 100 Gypsy Moon. 861 00 NOTICE Tr Cbooide reserves die right id deny or edit classified advertisements oil the basis of good taste and words $3.23day . propriety. Rales are at follows: SI3.00work.. 0 words $S.50day. 22.00wtek. The dasufied ad deadline is 12 bom prior to the dale the ad is to rua. Classified advertisements will act be lakes after 4:00 pm workdays. For aiformauan about classified ads call la keeping with the Chronicle's desire to ran honest advertisements, if yon have any proof or evidence to the contrary, please call the office immediately. t accurate All types. Fast transcription, composition, editing, etc VI2 SERVICE WORD HANK! Mare thaa aaythiag, aaare rhaa she yo! Kristiai - Call Hamburger PERSONAL 363-444- to enroll 4 KAPLAN ANDREA KOEHLER!! COME TO THE CHRONY OFFICE FOR YOUR TICKET! 210 The answer to the test question. rMX)ik Said resume and karnpir of your wori lo Oliver U71 Quasi HoUoar l Sandy. Utah 84093 Abday la draw smaU ana'nah. helpful 212 PHOTOGRAPHER Pan hme to take pontans. Earn a week. Work car Call Man 8 am-1- 0 Mon-F- $250-$40- 0 pm. We tram. Must have am only 4!i5-b- 8 211 VOLUNTEER USHERS NEEDED for Utah Symphony concerts. Must comma ho three concerts per month through 4 21 May. CaH Borau, arVraoom: e FUN JOB WITH IUDS Holladay family needs help caring for three children. Hours negotiable. Need 3 211 lescrences and Barpyortaooa. CHILDCARE FOR I year old in our home 3 days per or week. Musi havecar.CaB (Jeff) 211 KINDERSPORT SEEKING experienced sales and 3 218 technical staff, full and pan time Pari Ciry WANTED Clerk sa the Tennis Loft Pro Shop. Mornings. 9-comnussnns. Knowledge of tennis is a Starling talk Aimee or Todd. plus but not manduory. Call WELCOME; TO THE WORLD! Schyler and Shelby AnneOdurn 211 IlIClTIONISTOPERATOR pan ame. Sal at Sun. 1 Apply at YWCA 322 E 300 S pm. clerical duties. Fri, 1 2m NEEDED: ACT instructor lo teach Kaplan Prep: Must possess: Teaching experience with awesome reviews: score in 94 rtercentile on ACT and having taken it since 1989: ability to relate lo H.S. students: strong math AND English skills. ASAP 210 Call in need of data entry Proficient at data entry. Shifts 1 IPM and 5:30-1-1 PM. M-Apply in person at 216 220E.Morm Averiue.Suite460.M4:9arn-6p- FAST CROWNING COMPANY operators. available: CONGITULrVnONS! TO MOM AND DAD Lorri& Clayton Odurn 0 PART TIME NANNVTUTOR 130 pm. Reliable transportation a must References required. Leave messages at 5 2l6 ; FREE ROOM AND BOARD for female lo help male ouadrapiegic. Duties: To cook evening meal, prepare him for bed, and do once a week house cleaning. Pleasant 0 8 environrnent voice mail or 21 NEEDED lo set up the 4th Annual Arts VOLUNTEERS Festival at SL Vincent de Paul soup kitchen, Friday. Feb. 12, from J pm lo whenever we finish at 427 W. 200 S. If you're 1 interested, call or leave message for Elisebdti Price al 212 NANNYDRIVER FOR CHILDREN South East Valley, am and pm, $6per hour, reliable car needed, 6 222 Maiday through Friday. Call everangs PART TIME TELEPHONE SOLICITOR to set aprjcantments with small business owners. Flexible schedule. 4 and leave Hard work. Good compensauon. Call 0 late evenings. 216 message or INTERNATIONAL BOOKING AGENCY looking at with manufacturers models work lo lop printrunwayswimwear jobs avail. Actors lo work on nec. 224 TVFilm prod.364-843- 4 Enp. preferredriot DO YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN? Committed volunteers needed to be Project Youth School leaders. One hour per week from now to May 6th. Call Bemion Center ASAP or 583-6- 9 2 210 CONCERNED ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT? support the Come Project at the Bemion Center. Make ECO-Issu- volunteering part of your education ATTENTION CARBON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1988 If you would like to help plan S year reunion, or just 9 want info. Call 217. VOLUNTEERS WANTED to tutor Jr. High students. HISPANIC UNION MEETING at 12:00 p.m. Located in the Union Theatre Guest Feb. 12 Speaker Daniel Suarez, Financial Consultant. BLOOD Contact Jeff Iverson in the Bennion Center to get involved. VOLUNTEER PROJECT PROPOSALS WANTED: Have a project idea that would involve students and the community in volunteensm? Pick up and fill out a proposal Make a application al the Bennion Center by suggestion to help the community! Questions contact Shiela at 210 (LASSES required. Day, and Saturday classes 2l0 HAVE YOU BENEFITTED from Utah's Baby Your Baby program? If you are willing to speak to us about preserving access lo this care program, contact Melissa or Robb 1 at 2l0 DMIG evening, available. Come and learn phlebotomy and start a career in the meicol field. Pticbotoy Ucnsg 4 Cd Center 322-351- 1 Make $2,000-54,00- 0 per montl teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan k Taiwan. Many provide room k board other benefits. No prior training or teaching certificate required! 6 ext. JS906 Call: (206) 632-114- In recognition of National Condom Awareness Week and Valentine's Project SHOW ME (Sexual Health Outreach and Workshopa: Major Education) la presenting the Second Annual Condom Fashion Show Wednesday, Feb. 10th at 12 noon in the Union Deli. In addition, "Valentine Vendors" will be out on campus Toes. Wed, and Thurs wfth Irrfbrmation about HIV AIDS, STCs, Safer Sex, and HIV Testing, Safer Sex Kite, Love Coupons and morel Take this opportunity to learn more about sdafeauarding your sexual health. And ask our peer educators about our workshops while you're at it. Rosea are red, Violets are Hue, Keep your love safe and healthy, It's the best thing to do. As part of the HIVSTD Campus Education Program, the Student Health Service aeo offers Confidential HIV Counseling & Testing. If you are wondering if you have put yourself at risk call SHS for an appointment wfth one of our trained HIV test counselors, For more information about the HIVSTD Campus Education Program and Project SHOW ME call Ce!! our nzvrest location to show you how! London Paris Frankfurt Auckland $1t0 Tokyo $310 $M9 $119 $3ff 30 Hons Hons Fares are each wo from Salt Lake Gty based on a toundtrip purchase. Taxes not included and restrictions apply. Seats may be limited so book earty. Call for other worldwide destinations. YflHAYEttOZRISAIR TICKETS! 561-643- 1. Allstate announces lower auto rates! SPAGHETTI 17 MEAT SAUCE Find out how much you could save with new, lower Allstate Auto rates. Delicious 582-660- 582-334- (12 block QBOS 1 $395 (A $230 savings) KAPLAN Trw I to enroll 4 ls tlaff tOSt ffJIMtafMI. pasta, sandwiches and salads. m loee than C mini ittOC avt III a UV nmmtv.. rC99 Ulan IV n LlBBlIB 17 Exam classes begin 363-444- eat-i- n 3 February 6th Call and nn I For April Live take-o- 0 231 So. 13001. off campus) llltfMIW Utah law prohibit state funded institutionft from prwidina, comraceviion mramawm to minors without take nart in ntw narmtai riMfunt It umi turn iLd Like outreach programs you must be 16 or cider or obtain . parental conBerrt. ti 1313 East 200 South John Thomas Tirana 561-&63- 6. r . ropes r? l; US TENS ' Your food ready 1310 East 200 South Salt Lake City, UT841 02 001-502-50- 40 HAVE A FEVER? IT GOULD BE WORTH $50 (Study runs from Sept. '92 through May '93) To qualify for this investigational research study, you must be 8, have a FEVER due to an upper respiratory infection or cold, and HAVE NOT TAKEN ANY MEDICATION FOR YOUR COLD OR FEVER (including aspirin) for SIX HOURS PRIOR TO CALLING. Volunteers may call 532526 (8 am 5 pm Mon-Frifor information regarding this study. Intermountain Allergy and Asthma Clinic AAAA Medical Research Group 1 .) |