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Show Thursday. October 181 . Page 1. Ownership, Notice To Water Users The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Utah County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in from SW Cor. Sec. 7. T5S. RlE (1.5 mi W of Lehi); and used for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 25 cattle; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs in SW4SWI4 Sec. 7. T5S, RlE. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 W. North Temple, SLC, UT 84116, on or before Oct. (54-54- 100-50- Earl E. (55-665- 321 W. 2600 Matern, S., ((thursday))OCT. 8, 1981 1:00 5:30 AFTERNOON Of offices. 7:20 p.m. occupation specialized from: 'The French Jack Jeppson Community Development Director Published in the Pleasant Grove Review Sept. 24 and Oct. 1,1981. 0 39) AMERICAN CHINATOWN The Sacramento delta community of Locke, the last inhabited rural Chinatown in the country, is the focus of this film which traces Locke from its founding in 1 9 1 2 through today. ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS 93) S3 INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 22 SPORTS CENTER H "Say 9:50 29 MOVIE MUSICAL-COMEDY) On for Me" 1959 Bing Crosby, Debbie Reynolds. A Broadway Priest gets mixed up with a chorus girl and a T.V. charity show. (2 O ASKED FOR IT O 3) YOU NEWS OtE Actor Jack Albertson. Hosts: Mary Martin and Jim Hartz. U.S.A.) S3 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE LIVEWIRE 22 NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE 6:30 OCT) FAMILY FEUD OQD TIC TAC DOUGH 99) OVER EASY Guest: Actor Jack Albertson. Hosts: Mary Martin and Jim Hartz. (Closed-CaptioneU.S.A.) ID (3D WEEKNIGHT SPORTS FORUM 6:35 25) LAST OF THE WILD MORK AND MIND Y Mork bombards an 7:00 apprehensive Mindy with the wildest marriage (Closed-Captione- 10:00 10:30 O (I d 10:35 11:00 O 33) MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT O (DCS) KING FAMILY AT THE CALIFORNIA 11:05 11:15 STATE FAIR 33) SO MOVIE (DRAMA) "Tale Of Two Cities" 1935 RonaldColman, Elizabeth Allan. French the revolution, a carefree During lawyer is awakened to responsibility. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) 85 ALPHA REPERTORY TELEVISION SERVICE The Creative Drive: 1) Marigolds In August; 2) An Engive Of Revolution. TOP RANK BOXING CD GLEN WITH TANYA Glen Campbell and 7:30 TanyaTuckeraretogetheragainatHarrah'sin Las Vegas for an evening of musical entertainment performing such hits as 'Gentle On My Mind,' 'Galveston,' 'Delta Dawn,' and 'Tennessee Woman.' CD BEST OF THE WEST OCUD SNEAK PREVIEWSCritics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert review the latest films and O scenes from: 'The French present Lieutenant's Woman,' and 'Prince 'Paternity' of the City'. 8:00 OCX) BOSOM BUDDIES OCT) SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTATION 'CagneyandLacey' 1981 Stars: LorettaSwit, Tyne Daly, Al Waxman. Two female police officers, and best friends, deal with on the job sexism while outdistancing their male peers by cracking a tough murder case. (2 hrs ) O OS) MOVIE "The (DRAMA) Masquerader" 1933 RonaldColman, Elissa Landi. A journalist pretends he's a member of Parliament. (90 mins.) CD STEPPING OUT This touching film explores the lives of 40 institutionalized mentallyhandicappedpeopleastheyprepare fortheirfirstpublicperformanceatthe Sydney Opera House in Australia. (60 mins.) 8:20 23) TBS NEWS 8:30 CD INSIDE THE NFL (D TAXI Jim is in the role of soothsayer when he foretells of a bizarre catastrophe to befall Alex, that also involves an affair with a beautiful blonde. 9:00 OCD 20-2- 0 IDCIDSNEAKPREVIEWSCriticsGeneSiskel O Pleasant Grove Review no. copies Total printed, (net press run) - Average no. copies The Pleasant Grove Review, publication no. 435780, date of filing, October 1, 1981. The Review is a weekly publication with 52 issues published annually al the annual subscription price of each preceding during 12 months, vendors and counter sales - Average no. copies, 246; Actual no. copies, 275. Mailing of the headquarters of general business offices of the publishers: P.O. Box 7, 59 West Main, American Fork, Utah 84003. 2. Mail Subscription Average no. copies, Actual No. 2,094; - Total paid circulation Average no. copies, 2,340; Actual no. copies, Brett Walker Editor: Managing Randall Wright complimentary, and other free copies Owners: Newtah, Average no. copies, 97; Actual no. copies, 160. Total distribution means Inc., P.O. West Main, Am. Fork, Utah 84003. L. Avocado Bruce Rd., and Susan Southland Manteca, 95336. bondholders. Bittt Bezzant Call Art Director Advertising Campaigns Call for an appointment any twenty-on- years old. 756-766- 9 Published in e the Pleasant Grove Review, Sept. 24 and Oct. 1,1981. samples, 1 PTiTTTl not Copies California, 7777 least 2,435. 95 93010. Wright, L Mont -- Place, Camarillo, Din I At to v riling Advertising l.aoui Our staff is waiting to build YOUR sales. Average no. copies, 2,437; Actual no. copies, and V. Cribb, Margaret or (op -- 59 Robert at 2,275. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other ' member of the fire department. All applicants must be - Marcella Box 7, Newman Copies, 2,000. Bezzant Editor: Applications for the of volunteer fireman are being accepted by the Pleasant Grove fire department until Oct. 31, 1981. Anyone wishing information or an application should contact Mark Johnson or Ray street Complete ... position Paid Circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, address . revenue from the bottom up 2.600. 84062 When you're ready to put it all together . that special sale, promotion or we can build your sales campaign Being Accepted nearest to filing date, Complete mailing address: 11 South Main, Pleasant Grove, Utah Ml Applications 2,490; Actual no. copies of single issue published $7.50., Publisher: issue D00EGd J Advertising 1 Services ULm Distributed: 1. Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing Average no. copies, 24; Actual no. copies, 111. 2. Return from news U i -- End of Summer news SALE Beautiful Blooming SERVICE The Creative Drive: 1) Marigolds In August; 2) An Engine Of Revolution. 28 NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE OCD THE TONIGHT SHOW Guests: Sammy Davis, Jr., Jean Marsh. (60 mins.) OCD SATURDAY NIGHT DCS) A TALE OF RELIANCE AND HOPE 33) S3 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT CFL FOOTBALL: FROM THE 55 YARD LINE CD M.A.S.H. 39 DICK CAVETT SHOW 33) S3 ROCKFORD FILES 22 CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampedersvs Montreal Alouettes (2 hrs., 30 mins.) OCD STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO Baskets, Houseplants Iris Starts Fisher's 671 E. 300 N. Pleasant Grove to order call 8 785-452- 0 MARVCARTWRIGHT MOVIE -- (COMEDY) H "Private Benjamin" 1981 Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. A Philadelphia-borAmerican 'princess' mistakenly joins the Army thinking that the service will offer her condos, yachts and the easy life. (Rated PG) (110 mins.) CD 11:30 OCD NEWS OCD 36851 Known ALPHA REPERTORY TELEVISION & wedding ana riotous but romantic honeymoon on Ork. (Season Premiere) CD MAGNUM, P.I. The code of the West is resurrected when a hot headed young Texan hires Magnum to find his former cheerleader sister. (Season Premiere; 60 mins.) 8ID CD ' California 33) THE LAWMAKERS 3$ LDS WORLD CONFERENCE 93) S3 BENNY HILL O proposals ever, leading to a laughter-fille- hrs,30 mins.) Q OCD CD electronics opinions. minsj DIVISION Sports provide coverage of this game in the best of five divisional playoff series; teams to be announced. CESECRETVALLEYNeighborhoodkidshelp old man McCormack thwart the vidians who are fraudulentlyassessinghis lifelong homein the secret valley. Stars: Hugh Keans-Byrn- for p.m. - David Thurgood - Final plats of Garden Village. All interested parties are invited to the meeting to express their 9:20 55 IN THE FAMILY 9:30 OCX) PM MAGAZINE GG MOVIE --(DRAMA) "The Pilot" 1980 Cliff Robertson, Diane Baker. Frustrated by in both his marriage and career, a problems senior airline pilot takestodrink and finda that he stands to lose a great deal. (Rated PG) (94 NATIONAL LEAGUE OS) will SERIES NBC Brian work. 7:30 Woman,' 'Paternity' and 'Prince the City. - Larson - 976 E. 1000 North, request for home ALL NEWS STUDIO SEE 0M OVER EASY Guest: (D The Pleasant Grove City Planning Commission will meet Thursday. October 1, 1981, at City Hall. Agenda fir Hie meeting is as follows: 7 p.m. - Minutes of the previous meeting and discussion. 7: to p.m. - Gary liobison - Request to convert new office building at 361 South 100 East to condominium offices. Plaze East - scenes present Lieutenant' DIVISION tentative placement of the Oakland A's and the Los Angeles Dodgers in the playoff race, today may be travel day. If not. ABC Sports will provide coverage of the Eastern and Western Division playoff games; region will determine game to be televised in your area, time and teams to be announced. EVENING 6:00 Commission and Roger Ebert review the latest films and O 3) AMERICAN LEAGUE SERIES Due to the OH Planning by 3S U.S.C. (Required 8. 1961. - Dee C. Hansen, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 17, 24 and Oct. 1,1981. Management and Circulation Pleasant Grove Review Sept. 24, Oct. I and Oct. - 31, 1981. SWViSWVi Sec. 5, T6S, 112 W. JackJeppson Published in the The Pleasant Grove City Board of Adjustment will meet Thursday, October 8, 1981, at City Hall to hear the following requests for variances and other items of business. 7 p.m. Richard A. Nimer. 119 E. Drive, request to build double garage with study over it larger than 1000 square feet. Requests variance on size and usage. 7:10 p.m. Darrell Penrod, 585 W. 400 N.. request to build storage 48'. building 30' x Requests variance to build over 1000 square fool building. All interesled citizens are invited to present information for or apoint N.30ft.E350fL ch 56641 Adjustment 100-50- Elwin Ault, Cedar Valley. UT 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a 0 ft. well, deep, at a point N. 1180 ft. E. 950 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 5, T6S, R2W (0.5 mi SE of Cedar Fort); and used for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 15 cattle; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs in 56563 Board Of Bountiful, UT 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a 0 well, ft. deep, at SLB&M. against granting these variances. agents - Average no. copies, 29; Actual no. copies, 54. TOTAL - Average no. copies, 2,490; Actual no. copies, 2,600. the I certify that statements made by me above are correct and complete. BRETT R. BEZZANT Publisher mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent of more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: Jack. S. Pace or P G. Printers, P.O. Box 278, 11 South Main, PI. Grove, Utah 84062. Statement of B-- 7 FANTASTIC CHEESE SPECIALS IN OCTOBER! m ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE Anchored by TedKoppel. O 39) ABC CAPTIONED NEWS T 12:00 OCD TOMORROW Jack the Q(DVEGA$DanTannagoesaftera Ripper impersonator whose victims are Las Vegas 'working girls.' (Repeat; 70 mins.) 12:05 O CD CHICO AND THE MAN 12:20 29 MOVIE --(DRAMA) "So Ends Our "Now Serving Your Real Estate Wants and Needs" Night" 1941 Fredric March, Margaret VERY Sullivan. AGermanrejectsthe Nazi regimeand flees his country with Axis agents hot on his traiM2 hrs., 30 mins.) 12:35 OCD FACES 12:40 OCD NEWS 1:10 CD INSIDE THE NFL 1:30 O CD JOHN DAVIDSON SHOW 22 SPORTS CENTER 2:00 22 TOP RANK BOXING 2:10 CD MOVIE -- (COMEDY) "North Dallas Forty" 1979 Nick Nolle, Mac Davis. They can tackle any oncomingplayerbut they can'tkick the habit of super stardom, adoring groupies and the hazards that come with the game. (Rated R) ( 1 1 7 mins.) Vi "Penny 2:30 OCD MOVIE (DRAMA) Serenade" 1941 Cary Grant, Irene Dunne. A coupleadoptsachildaftertheirbabydiesinan attempt to find happiness. (2 hrs.) 2:50 29) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3:50 29 WORLD AT LARGE 4:00 39 CNN NEWS V, "Arizona 4:30 O CD MOVIE (WESTERN) Stage Coach" 1942RayCorrigan, John King. Innocent man accused of murder: 'Range Busters' step in and find the real murderer. (75 NICE 3 LEVEL C0N00 in Provo, beautifully decorated, Ig. rooms, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, full bsmt., pool, playground, contract poss. only GREAT $63,900. SMALL ACRES- - 1.1 FARMABLE By Utah Lake in Lehi, l"i bdrm home, several out bldgs.. well, animal rights, choice yrs old, 3 set-u- $75,600. EXTRA NICE LARGE LOT IN LEHI with all improvements, almost ft acre and on hillside, choice area, terms avail., only $16,900. i Ji r-- mins.) CFL FOOTBALL: FROM THE 55 YARD LINE 6:00 32 SPORTS CENTER 5:05 39 SUPER STATION FUN TIME 32 - -- ASK FOR MARVIN AT: J " Robinson & Wilson American Fork OFFICE 1 756 3591 HOME 756 3482 ik r i r 'ii r jyy m. m,h,i ':i '. Industry Leaders Proclaim October Cheese Month in Utah Cache Valley Cheese Inc. Western Dairymen Co-op, I --U- o 111th EDglgSU- Vod. SEPT. 30 thru Hon. OCT. 5 iEW TICKETS ON SALE t SALT PALACE BOX FOR GROUP OFFICE AND ALL Z -- I. STORES C M RATES CALL: (Ml) TN IK 363-768- 1 Monday thru Saturday 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Use Your VISA or MASTER CARD (SI 75 Sarvlct Chirjt Pit PDoni Ordir) MAIL TO: RINGONG IR0S tit SIT PALACE 100 SOUTH WEST SALT LAKE NAME ADDRESS ClTT . ClTT, AND IARNUM I IAIIET OCT Sun Mm 1 I All SEATS .00 ON CHILDREN UN0F.il 0. W 3. JU RFiERVfO PERFORMANCE DA- lOOPMt I0IMI I 00 PM 100 HI I 12 AT STARRED 91. W M . 00 PM PERFORMANCES PRICE INCIUOH TA TIME 14101 ... .N DAT PHONE Nl .... STATE .If- - AMI TlekM CltiM Tie lull l I NEVER MAIL CASHI M 0 mibll MlM CMCt Mmprt Hit- MkmM MMMpt Mr prompt WWII tt tCMtl MCltM f TAiMMIICAtc(tf M t. Creamery Gossner Cheese ks Delta Valley Cheese CHEESE is the word in grocery specials for October! Utah cheese makers are helping homemakers by providing supermarkets with cheese at bargain prices. Prices too good to pass up. Add Utah Cheddar to your roast beef sandwich. Wedges of flavorable Swiss for a nutritious evening snack. Cheese goes great with any salad. Cheese is a versatile and delicious source of calcium and protein. Take advantage of bargain prices on cheese this month. OESIREO OATI T- Ofl 3 SOW tOOPM 4 00 PM i SAVE $1 00 ;..MMU 11D0AM OCT 3 OCT 4 OCT CIRCUS TEMPLE UTAH 7 30 f AMILT NIM1:JH TicMi J? 400ftl MI-T3 Fri.OCt CALL (801) 30 SCPT W PERFORMANCES- Western General Dairies, Inc. Chappell Cheese Nelson-Ric- Si r? CHEESE ADDS A SLICE OF LIFE DAIRY FARMERS OF UTAH fc t. i t h C |