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Show .. i H33- - iiiui suii ocpiciuuci v 1 1, iMt I fic r- - Editorial District Spending: It's a Door 'Jam' well known fact that the School District is considering Alpine It's a moving its administrative offices into the old American Fork Hospital. What isn't so well known is what they are planning in the way of renovation as they make the building suitable for Black perform as an auctioneer (he's just great)! Wow - somolxidy paid $3,000.00 for a bull! Can you imagine! We si rolled through IIk-- Home Arts and building, we ate homemade drank pop. The kids ale and candy cotton candy ami dippy dogs. We enjoyed the fruits and vegetables in the horticulture building; weoooolitnl and aaaaahed over the paintings and art in the fine arts exhibits and pretty soon our feet hurl and our were empty. As we left the fair, contented and happy, we asked Andy, Joel and Ben, seven, live and three reseclively, l about the fair. what they liked liked he horses, sheep, Joel and Andy bulls, and rabbits. Ben thought a minute then said, "Well, I liked just about getting logo on the big slide!" Jane and Calvin looked at each other. Calvin reached in his pocket drew out two one dollar bills and Jane said, "Andy, here you can lake him on the slide!" Andy looked up at the lop of the huge slide and shook his head, "I don't want to go on it." Jane handed the money to Joel, "Here, son you can lake Ben on he slide!" Joel took a deliberate stare al the long way to the top of the gigantic slide, slowly shook his head and said, "uh uh." Jane said, "Then give ine the two dollars and I'll lake Ben on the slide! " Something she'd secretly wanted to do all day. Ben stared at the little people al Die lop of the huge slide and slowly shook his head. Exasperated, Calvin put Ihe two dollars back in his pocket and we headed oul Ihe gale. One of mv favorite people celebrated lier 70th birthday last week but not many folks knew about it . And, it was all my fault ! Florence Mendenhall v isited at my home a couple of weeks ago to toll me of an open house her children were having in her honor. Her birthday was coming up, an important birthday, and her children wanted to honor their mother at a party. That's where the hitch conn's in. She handed me a notice to be put in the paper so folks would know they were invited to the party. She asked me to get it in last Thursday's paper, and Mrs. Fowler forgot to take the notice out of her big, messy, purse, type il up and put in a place of importance in last week's 4-- 1 1 pui-sc- Ix-s- I paper. All of a sudden it hit! Just loo late! The paper had lcen photographed and was on the press! This happened once before when Suel and Wanda Bushman were going to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. I guess I didn't sleep any better this time than I did then when I discovered my mistake! Please don't blame the paper! So, folks, do me a favor, call Florence, tell her hello and happy birthday. Maybe it will ease the pain just a bit . . She's a great person and I wouldn't have neglected her for anything. Darn it, I'm going to have to clean out my purse. Maybe there's something else in there that's important! I . rffice use. The school district is considering some improvements that will be well worth the time and money involved -improvements such as a new healing system and belter lighting for administration offices. But when Superintendent Max Welcker made Ihose suggestions recently, he also injected another item for the fix-i- t list - one that is a total waste of public funds. It seems that the school district wants to remove all the building's wide doors and replace Ihem with a more standard, narrower version. While every bureaucrat in the world surely desires a first-rat- e door to his or her office, such a major renovation project, in the case of the Alpine School District, is hardly neccessary. Admittedly, hospital doors are wider than normal so that patients can be moved effeciently. But while wide doors may look a little strange in an office building, the width of the doorways won't impair Ihe function of the building or the performance of school district employees. The only really necessary change in Ihe case of the door "jam" is that the handles on the doors be replaced with doorknobs and locks. It is difficult to estimate the cost involved in removing the wide doors, installing inserts into the existing door frames to reduce the wldTh, hanging new doors and installing wall board on the new wall, not to mention paint - but it surely will be expensive. And the expense involved is the crux of Ihe matter. The district is already more than. $28 million in debt from a previous issue of bonds. And that debt just increased to $39.5 million on Tuesday when voters approved the sale of an additional $31.5 million in bonds. Add to that the future need for more schools within the district, more teachers and more administrative personnel, and it becomes evident that the school district doesn't have all that much money to throw away on smaller doors. The Alpine School District is asking and Saturday, Sept. 19, 1981 Orem City Park Taught by experts at Supreme Courts Classes start week of Sept 21 Clip Entries 8:30 this ad for 10 Judging OFF -- at 10:00 a.m. 1 1 a.m. Match ENTRIES'2.50 the regular price Call for prices 4 FUN MATCH (Cocker Spaniels Only) CLASSES ty of fire-proo- COCKER FROLIC DANCE EXERCISE Tri-Ci- study. But Intermountain Health Care, the hospital's present occupant, evaluation of prepared an the structure's soundness some time ago as they considered whether to renovate or build an entirely new facility. They chose the latter, but their study showed that the old building is in excellent condition. It was found to be earthquake-proo- f, f, and probably bomb-proBut it remains to be patient-proo- f. seen if it is school district-proo- f the taxpayers to finance additional , construction projects. Surely the' taxpayers deserve assurance that their money won't be squandered in a frivolous manner. After all, there is a way to squander it in a reasonable manner. If the doorways must be narrowed, why not at the same time make them pointed at the top to eliminate dead air space when they are used? The district's suggestions for renovation are based on their own Fun Classes also and times 756-522- 4 Call Lynne For Information: at Shear Elegance 2 2 4-4- 6 64 G. M. CHRISTIANSEN We went to the state fair last Friday with Calvin and Jane and it was all fresh and clean. We delightful did the animals; we watched Phil - FURNITURE AND CARPETS Offers A IFdDD0 SeptemmlbcBii0 3Days Quilted Choice Placemats Ruffled placemats of pretty prints. soil-relea- fabric. se size. I an array in Perma press, 14x20-i- n. & i., ri'' i j H44 u 0nly-Thur.Fr- Sat.-Sep- t. "'III 17 Thru 19 il 0?$&l& each kft iDentyne Dontyno anc Wrigloy's Gum Choose from packs of 5, 7 or 8 stick H your favor- ites, at a savings. 89-9- L 1 1 l ''it wj I r' Tremendous Savings In Every s,e,funer Polshelflinerin (tali J1 Department! choice of colors and HIGHLAND HOUSE FINE HOME roll BHHMMBMaMaaMi G.E. Light Bulbs FURNISHINGS 299' Paper Towel Holders 4$1.49 OFFER GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY To Qualify For Free Interest Purchase Must Be Over $500. Previous Sales Do Not Apply. G.M. CHRISTIANSEN FURNITURE AND CARPETS - FKIAKIKILOKI 785-217- pleasing room setting at a great savings. The comfortable Hcrculon sofa and loveseat have loose pillow backs and arm bolsters, lined skirts, spring edge and Scotchgard treated fabric. The fine looking velvet chair features tufted, attached back and is in Herculon cover. Buy now and increase the joy of living. SINCE 1898 EDGEGxl 50 S, Main P.G, , For the practical this grouping combines simplicity and durability to make a home-maker- designs. felr L-- U BT flSB i U FOR 1 Open 10 A.M. 6 P.M. We Deliver All Over Utah 8 1 1008 South StateOrem "Where Every Day Is Sale Day" "Beneath the Highest Sign in Orem" |