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Show 6 - COMET TIMES - MARCH 15, 1997 TOWN COUNCIL NOTES MAR 12th MEETING most of the work can be done on a volunteer basis; he reported that some- one offered to do the digging work. Members present: Mayor Valli Smouse, Jayne Smythe, Pat Drake, Dave Wagstaff and Charlie Kulander. Road Report: Road grader will nwd some repair work-it’s popping out of gear when going downhill. Some erosion control is being done on ditches along roads. Small check dams are being made from rocks to slow down the water. Planning Commission Report: Bruce Keeler not present, but Valli reported that PC was working on complaints involving outdoor lighting. Planning Commission suggested sending out letter containing a copy of the Lighting Ordinance and material showing examples of lighting fixtures that would be in compliance with ordinance. Town Council asked PC to draft a “soft” letter explaining concerns with outdoor lighting. Letter to be sent if there have been complaints. If problem situations are not corrected then a follow—up letter could request compliance within 60 days. PC recommended that if a lot already has a conditional use permit. then any new request for a building permit must be presented to the PC. Charlie will compose resolution about this so that it can be discussed at the next TC meeting. Review of new Conditional Use Permit Forms: Work progressing-to be referred to PC members for additional comments. Administrator/Clerk Job- advertising of position and job description: Agreement on need for paid help to perform several functions. Town needs to find a person to work on Town Council seemed to be back to the firestation alternative for a Town office because they felt that it was going to take too long to get anything on the Community Lot. (The firestation location presents serious problems for anyone who has to work there, since it’s so far out of the community.) Community Lot Building: Valli talked about getting a construction site office trailer. Dave mentioned getting a modular home and gutting it for an office. Dave suggested the Town should get advice about drilling another well of the lot. Well is holding up development; it had cost $10,000. Water is unusable. Valli agreed to check out cost of construction trailers. Valli felt this should be a priority item. Shafer Lane Update: Valli has still not heard back from Town Attorney about his work. Town has been advised that it needs to establish the stretch of Shafer Lane as a public road. If it is established as a public road, then the Town can close the road (except for emergency vehicle use). Then road can be fenced with a locked gate. BLM Land at Front Gate: Valli reported that Brad Grosbeck (BLM) had suggested that Town go ahead and proceed to apply for land under the R&PP law. Charlie will meet with Brad to get project going. Town To Do List: Watershed boundaries still need to be defined by resolution so that Watershed Ordinance can be recorded against all properties within the Castle Valley watershed. Nothing has been done for a year-n'me POA BOARD NOTESMAR 5th MEETING POA Board Members present: Ken Drogin, Jack Campbell and Ray Taylor. Road Report: Still in process of getting State approval to install gabian baskets to prevent continued erosion of the end of Shafer Lane. Richard Stucki suggested that it would be good idea to get work done before spring run-off occured Fire trucks can now get through washout. Dues Report: Dues collection continues to go well. Recent work has been done trying to get correct addresses for members. (Please let POA have your new address if you move.) Special Meeting Feb. 24th: A special board meeting was called to discuss and approve members requests for payment plans and other matters pertaining to their private financial matters. Since this involves confidential information about members. it was not an open meeting. As this meeting may have set an all time record—we got the business done in twenty minutes and went home! Treasurer’s Report: Another ~$5800 of dues payments have been received. Total end of month balance was ~$51,700. This inclludes the $20k that POA members voted at the Oct Meeting of the Members to set aside for a building onthe community lot. Another $20 k, has been transferred to the Town the past several years for maintenance and improvements of the CV roads. Looks good, particularly with dues collection going better than usual. Ray Taylor will invest $20k for Community Lot bldg in 6 month CDs. Community Lot Well: POA Board voted to spend up to $200 to and maintain Town files, take notes at to get this one finished. ShaferLane: meetings, track dates and the timing of legal procedures and possibly do or supervise Town finances. Person may need to keep town office open (if such becomes available). Lois has agreed to train new person(s) in preparation to her leaving job at the beginning of have water tested. Well has very bad Jayne will follow up on. Firestation Office: Dave’s project. Tim’s alledged water. Cost of drilling well was $10k. Will begin checking out well with zoning violation: (overnight rental drillers, State water rights, and testing. Legal Services: Board voted next year. Job will be advertised when Lois completes job description and given it to TC members for review. Discussion about whetherjob would be better performed by one person or by several. Tentative pay rate discussed-$8—$ 10 per hour. About 15-25 hours per week. Expansion of Fire Station: Town Council voted to spend up to $2500 for installing bathroom and office in firestation. Dave hopes that business operating without permit) Valli reported it had been turned over to Kinghom, but nothing has happened. Council wants to pursue correcting situation. BLM Land at Front Gate: bilities were mentioned. Utah Groundwater Conf: Charlie. Master Bag: Bruce will report on work done by PC. Contract with groundwater conference in Moab this CV Inn B&B: recent work will be sent to attorney. Franchise with UP&L: Council not interested in pursuing, particularly with deregulation of the power industry about to occur Zoning Ordinance work: PC working on correcting mistakes made last year in amendments. unanimously to look into obtaining other legal counsel. Several possiBoard voted to send Jack to state summer. Jack attended same conf. in Heber last year. The conf. is to help communities learn how to protect their goundwater supplies. Discussion: does anyone have suggestions about other things the POA could be doing for the commun- ity? Floyd suggested installing some cisterns for fire truck water supplies. |