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Show SUNNY TIMES . MARCH 1994 - 7 Helicopter Issues The controversy surrounding the use of helicopters in Grand County has strongly to the BLM programmatic EA which would have relaxed comstraints on commercial filming in our area. BLM area manager Brad Palmer said Dear Curious, First off, I have the “rude—SOundmade-by-mules” (all together now—— Phhth!) and lots of training in produced a lot of activity this past all the letters they received opposed month. Meetings and letter writing campaigns have revolved around three different things. The Grand County Council is relaxing the criteria. BLM may temporarily shelve this proposal because of Castle Valley residents’ responses. (Use of helicopters for dreams. Some important things about dreams are: 1) They are statements about you, not someone else, and 2) about what’s going on in your life at the time of the dream. 3) Repetitive considering an ordinance that would relocate most helicopter base locations filming in our area can continue as to the Moab Airport. The Canyon Country Partnership Ecosystem Management Forum has formed a working group to propose solutions to programmatic EA could have led to ultimately figure out what the symbols greatly increased helicopter use in our area, and we would have been deprived of the opportunity to even comment on mean, based on your unique experi- ence. Beware of books that have the government controlled land. BLM tried to pass a programmatic Environmental these activities. was by Sigmund Freud He said that if Assessment for filming in the Castle Valley to Professor Valley area, which Castle Valley residents attended both the Grand County ordinance hearing and the Canyon Country you dream about houses with secondstory balconies, you are dreaming about would have permitted an increased Partnership hearings last week. It’s not the helicopter overflight problems over usual, but the evaluation process will not be waived as BLM desired.) This dreams are trying to get your attention. 4) Always write dreams down ‘cause you’ll forget ‘em. 5) Only you can answers! I'll bet that book you read a woman with big, uh, um, a “heavily endowed” woman. But the truth is that number of helicopter overflights and an surprising that Castle Valley residents HE was dreaming out! (Besides, that unlimited number of overflights of are so concerned, as we have been old coot thought everything boiled small planes and hot air balloons. A affected by the filming (and military down to aggression and sex, and since and scenic) helicopter overflights for years. . Those of us working on the problem are trying to come up with a plan that would protect areas like Castle Valley and the river corridor we mules aren’t into either, we don’t pay him a lot of mind.) The way you approach a dream is to ask it questions rather than search for programatic EA, if adopted, means automatic approval for similar future events with no additional public input allowed. There has been no opposition to using helicopters for emergency medical or search and rescue opera- tions. Helicopters used for seismic work, for inspection and repair of transmission lines and pipelines, and for agriculture and ranching also have little opposition. Things get a little more controversial when it comes to commercial filming, with people usually wanting some increased protection from some of the impacts of filming. The strongest opposition arises when the subject is scenic overflights of the national parks, the backcountry, and the communities of Moab and from an increasing amount of noise impact from helicopters. There’s a strong feeling that if we don’t act now, our lives will be more and more heavily impacted as the commercial use of helicopters increases in this area. Thanks to all CV residents who wrote letters and attended last week’s hearings. —Jack Campbell answers. For example, some people say that the “house” can be a symbol for your whole being, and what condition that house is in is a clue to what’s going on with you at the time. Is your dream asking you to “climb to a higher level" (second story) and look out at things (balcony) from a higher or fresher perspective, or even one outside yourself? Or does it suggest that you are on the edge of something? Or are you waiting for a Romeo of sorts to awaken a new part of yourself! What’s going on in your life right now that you would keep having this dream? What is it asking of you, or what message does Castle Valley. This progression makes sense when examined using a cost/benefit approach. There is little resentment 0 about the noise impacts when there are ASK general benefits to the community, as in the case of the emergency medical services. With filming, the economic FESTUS thud in your gut. If nothing’s happening, keep asking. Or let it brew for Send your queries to CVSR 2802, The ber: dreams can also be sequential, so CV Times, or call 4056. maybe you’ll have another dream that will fit with this dream in a larger jigsaw puzzle. Keep me posted, Festus benefits to a number of residents in Grand County make this activity acceptable when reasonable limits are applied. The opposition to scenic overflights is so strong because there are virtually no benefits to anyone other than the helicopter business and the few tourists utilizing the service; yetthis a it have for you? One last thing: Only you know when you’ve hit upon the right mean— ing. It’s like a light bulb inside or a awhile and then go back to it. Remem- Dear Festus: Last column said you were an expert on dreams. What kind of training do you have? Also, I keep having this dream about being in a house I’ve never seen, on a secondstory balcony. I looked it up in a dream low-benefit activity affects all the book, but it was weird Does this dream people who have to hear the noise. mean anything? Castle Valley residents responded Signed, Curious |