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Show 12 o CHANGING TIMES - FEBRUARY1994 QUIK ADS Ad rates: Boxed ads $5-$10, Quik ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by 10th to appear in current issue. Income will be applied to . newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events—or give-aways—are free. Call Jil, 7580, to place ads. THANKS TO FRANK MARTINEAU for donating plexiglas to repair the vandal— ized CV Times distribution box. THANKS to Ed Derderian, Ann Goodenough, Jim and Sally Rains for contributing heaters for the firestation meeting room. We could still use a couple more, along with more chairs, WELL, Grandma Honey spent a little time here and she loved it. But just as she unpacked her paints it was time to put them away. Now she'd like to find something a little more long term. She would like to find a house for rent (of course house sitting would be okay too). A year would be nice. Call Jil at 7580. WANTED: Members of the silent majority to attend POA and Town meetings. Patt Plastow HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HIRE— carpentry, farm & ranch work, concrete, welding, clean-up, painting. No job too small. CV & Moab refs. Barter ok. John at 259-6589 or 4021. usable carpeting, large electric clock. Jack Campbell, 5115. OUTDOOR LABOR FOR HIRE: Animal, plant care. Fences, sheds & RIDE WANTED: I need a ride back from Moab at 7:30 p.m. Wed evenings twice a month (tst and 3rd Wed.) If you come back from Moab (or know someone else who does), please call Mara Ginnane at 259-5115. corrals built and repaired. Basic horseshoing & training. Yard, garden & field work. Trees, orchard & vineyards planted and pruned. Michael Pair 2598493. ANYONE INTERESTED in gathering CV weather info? Call Jil 7580. CASTLE VALLEY TIMES WE LOVE ANIMALS! Don‘t leave them at the kennel, call us for pet-sitting. Olivia and Dashiel Kulander, 7580. EDITOR, Cris Coffey - 259-2245 Jack Campbell - 259-5115 Jil Kulander - 259-7580 Joan Sangree - 259-5542 Milly Dezelsky Alice Drogin Kaaron Iorgen Charlie Kulandcr Maria Loe Laura Mangus Jennifer Redding Donovan Roberts Sam Welch Views expressed by writers in the CVT are not necessarily those ofzhe Editorial Board. QUALITY CUSTOM WOODWORKING Furniture & cabinet design, space planning, furniture, shelving, bathroom and kitchen cabinets. l have a portfolio. Call Karen 259-8820. ASSISTANT INNKEEPER POSITIONS. Responsibility, hard work rewarded w/ excellent pay, interesting work environment. Send letter of application to: Castle Valley Inn Bed & Breakfast, CVSR 2602. Valley residents preferred. ii (7 ublished the 15th of each month. UBSCRIPTIONS—$12 per year CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 *FREE AT FRONT GATE TO RESIDENTS* TO PLACE ADS: Jil Kulander - 259-7580 CVSR 2712, Moab 84532 COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by the pros. We'll have your home looking spiffy for family and guests. First-floor windows. House & pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-4021 or 6589. COMMUNITY CALENDAR P.O.A. Meeting—First Wed, 6:30 p.m. Joint Road Report—" " 7-7:15 p.m. Town Council—First, Third Weds, 7:15 p.m. (above meetings at Firehouse) Planning / Zoning—to be decided Fire Deptz—NEW TIME 2nd & 4th Thurs, 7:30 p.m. Road Committee—3rd Tues, 7:30 p.m. Aerobics for men, women—now 5x/week. 8 a.m. Call 7638 for info. Latter Day Saints Church (Public is welcome.) Sun, 10 a.m., Sunday school Sun, 10:55 a.m., priesthood and auxiliary Sun, 11:50 a.m., sacrament meeting Tues, 7 p.m., youth activities Third Fri, lunch & crafts, Women’s Relief Society Quaker Friends Meeting (Public is welcome.) Sundays, 9:30 a.m., 259-8493 or 9111 Seventh Dav Adventist Church (Public is welcome.) Sat, 9:30 a.m., Sabbath school Sat, 11 a.m. Sabbath service Thanks to this month's CASH DONORS, Mykie Stonford, Wilmo Welch. Milly Dezelsky. Lois Wogstoff, & Melody Toylor. Produced by Featherweed Press CVSR 2607, Moab UT 84532 Castle Valley Times P. O. Box 1903 MOAB, UT 84532 it We couldn't do it without you. |