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Show CHANGING TIMES - FEBRUARY1994 - 3 Let’s Get Refined! Our basic Comtnunity Lot design was approved and adopted by the Town Council on April 7 of last year. It is a good plan, carefully and thoughtfully drawn by Dean Kirkling from ideas given by CV residents. Now it is time to think together about whether there are other ideas that might make the plan even better for the community as a whole. In mid—March the Community Lot Committee will invite community members to bring their ideas for refinements of the plan. It will help to become familiar with the plan before this meeting. Copies of the design and a booklet furnishing details are available for your study. It would be helpful, as you consider your ideas, to ask these questions: - Does it fit into our basic design? - Is it feasible financially? Will it appeal to a significant number of residents? - Will it be easy (or difficult) to maintain? As we develop our community lot we can facilitate community spirit and create a healthy and welcoming place for young and old individuals or groups. It will offer a home for our town equipment and, eventually, our One was that the vibrations coming from the earth not only caused every— thing to wobble, shake, and fall, but also moved through their own bodies, from the ground up and out. Unsettling, yes, but also exquisitely energizing, an energy heretofore unknown to them. They continued to feel this energy throughout 500 aftershocks and in the airport, when the second 5.6 earthquake took place. Sometimes it made them feel a little queasy, but it was not a totally unpleasant feeling. “Unique,” “neat,” “amazing” were some of the words they used. The LA night sky was as dark as the desert’s, filled with stars and constellations. Another remarkable happening was that everyone they interacted with that memorable day spoke to them with kindness and consideration. Everyone helped everyone. No one seemed to be blaming anybody for anything. In the face of an “act of God,” they all became equal humans, caring about one another’s concerns and dilemmas. My friends experienced this sense of humanity and community in a place where they knew no one. It was, for them, a truly marvelous experience, causing them to feel a renewed hopefulness about people in generdlA in LA of all places, where the last “burning in the streets” was full of violence and destruction. There was little looting in LA following the earthquake; a drop in crime was actually reported. Hearing my friends’ story made me think of the New York City blackout, that in general people seemed to be nicer to each other than they normally were. And that some people cherished the candlelight and forced slow pace. My friends believe that part of the real news about the LA earthquake is the level of loving kindness reached and shared by those present. They even wonder if Mother Earth zapped the victims with extra energy to reach out to one another. If so, is the Castle Valley Times the only place one can read about this extraordinary element of the LA earthquake? —Milly Dezelsky town government. Please join us and bring your best ideas, or come to get better acquainted with the design and offer your support. We will announce the date and time in our March issue and at the front gate. —Cris Coffey, 2245 .5 Water Conditioners \ Purchase, Rentals, - Drinking Water Systems Lot Committee, Temp. Chair Purchase, Rentals, if % fiféiszagszza The Los Angeles earthquake brought enormous losses, death, and injury to thousands of stunned residents, drastically changing their lives forever. The following is an account of experiences which fall into a different category— Recently, while in Salt Lake, I talked with a family of six friends, ages 5 to 50, who were in the recent LA earthquake. They were 20 miles from the epicenter in a hotel, and ran out to the sidewalk barefoot and in their underwear. To hear them tell it, it was a terrifying and remarkable experience. They were not at all prepared for some surprising things that happened to them. - Expert Repair Service flesldentlal 8. Commercial - Salt Delivery Service Water Analysis - Problem Water Solutions - Water Coolers Purchase, Rentals - Bottled Water Home & Oillce Delivery - Spas Chemicals, Service 8. Sales to all Make: CULLIGAN OF MOAB 1030 South Bowling Alley Lane Suite #3, Moab, Utah 84532 Call us today! 259-6155 or 5402 |