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Show 8 - VALENTIMES - FEBRUARY 1993 Castle Valley Drive— Our Only Artery In these past winter months I’ve had the opportunity to walk and ride, as well as drive, up and down Castle Valley Drive. It has been a treat to see the Valley in the early morning and late afternoon, to watch the mist rise over the cliffs, and see the deer in their evening migrations. Getting somewhere has been less of an issue than observing the little things as a I walk and ride the Valley. In the process of my amblings I’ve realized that Castle Valley Drive is the only route for cars, horses, walkers, bicyclists, and joggers, indeed for all of us to get anywhere in the Valley. In this sense CV Drive is a “multiple use” road. None of us have the option to take a different route. We have no bridle paths or bicycle paths. In slushy and muddy times the shoulders are hazardous to all but pedestrian traffic, and even we foot soldiers can slip unexpectedly. In dusty times one needs a face mask to keep out the grit blown by wind and speeding vehicles. During my recent journeys I have observed differences in the way motorists respond to others using the job of slower moving traffic (horses, road. Many drivers slowed down when joining together in caring for each other passing me whether I was on foot or horseback. Unfortunately, however, many did not. This meant being splattered with mud and/or diving into the slick and hazardous ditch and shoulder. When on horseback this has sometimes meant handling a nervously rearing and bucking horse. I believe it is the owner’s responsiblity to handle the horse. A slowed vehicle, however, makes the job an easier one and shows common courtesy. bicylces, pedestrians). Slowing down when passing these folks is the respon- sibility of faster moving traffic. We can make this a safe and enjoyable place by and the community we’ve chosen to make our home. —Joan Sangree 9V “MES Subscribe for $12 per year or pick up your copy In this time when we are beginning to discuss the paving of Castle Valley Drive, I hope each of us will acknowledge and respect the right and neccessity of community members FREE EACH MONTH at the front gate. (regardless of our age or means of transport) to use our only artery into and through Castle Valley. Keeping to the shoulder or edge of the road is the VQVUVVVVVVVVVUVVVVVVVVVUVVVVVVVVVVVV 4 J TCASTLE CANYON I 8274 NURSERY ‘ \ 4'51:’13:. 8’. , V ROSES ‘ 7 kinds of PEPPERS $5, f3?“‘f5 kinds of TOMATOES 9 P SHRUBS ¢k\-\ ”3'”;5.t’ = ‘LVEGETABLES "'rig} *‘2 -~, - . . ’ IRRIGATION PARTS I ' c ' FERTILIZER \P NATIVE\ , \\\ I 43' . PLANTS K 3;: 4 kinds of , EREES ERENNIALS .‘a _r ' : fifFRAGRANTSif? BASIL ’ ‘ ,r : . .g )k‘ Niagfi - -’~ ‘- . r .. 1 '5,X\f§ *g. “Not-ecu. o ~ FLOWER 9.11.;573- |