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Show 8 ~ TARDY TIMES - AUGUST 1992 COMMUNITY CALENDAR —QU|KADS— Ad rates: Boxed ads $5 to $10, Quik ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by 10th of each month to appear in current issue. income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events, or for give-aways, are free. WANT TO BUY: Tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and pickling cucumbers for canning! Call Wilma 259—8131. INCREASE YOUTH, VIGOR, & INNER BALANCE with relaxing yoga. Yoga classes forming in CV. Men, women, and children. Call for more info. Renee 259-7538. I WILL CLEAN any room in your house for $5. Call 259—7219. Ask for Faith. HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HlRE— carpentry, plumbing, farm a ranch work, Castle Valley Times Joan Sangree - 759-5542 Jil Kuiander . 259-7580 Cris Coffey ' 259—2245 Town Meeting: First Wed, 7 p.m. P.O.A. Meeting: Precede town meeting, 6:30 pm. Planning/ Zoning: Last Mon, 7 p.m. Fire Dept: 2nd & 4th Tues, 7:30 pm. Aerobics for men, women—now Sit/week, 7:30 a.m. Call 7638 for info. Jack Campbell - 259—51 15 Mykie Stanford - Bookkeeper Ann Benge David Dennison Lou Gostlin W (Public is welcome at all services and activities.) Sun, 10 a.m., Sunday school Mark Horowitz Sun, 10:55 a.m., Priesthood and auxiliary George Ottinger Sam Welch meetmgs Sun, 11:50 a.m., Sacrament meeting Tues, 7 pm, youth activities Third Fri, lunch & crafts, Women's Relief CASTLE VALLEY TIMES published 15th of each month. Ads & Written Contributions due 10th of each month in Suggestion Box or CVSR 2607. Produced by Featherweed Press concrete, welding, clean-up, painting, etc. No job too small. Castle Valley & Society Seventh-Dav Adventist Church (Public is welcome at all services and activities.) Sat, 9:30 a.m., Sabbath school for adults, juniors, primary, kindergarten, and cradle roll Sat, ll am. Sabbath service Moab refs. Barter ok. Call John at 259- 4021. LETTERS toTheTimes HEY, KIDS! Want to earn some money? We want help picking lumbleweeds. Call Joan and Mara at 5542. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVlCES BY THE PROS. We’ll have your home looking spiffy for your family and guests. We do first-floor windows. House & pet sitting available. C.V. references. Call Laura & Sandy at 259—4021. The Cold Within The logs held tight in death's still hands Six humans trapped by happenstance In dark and bitter cold. They didn’t die from the cold without. They diedfrom the cold WITHIN. Was proof of human sin. Each one possessed a stick ofwood, Or so the story’s told -——Author unknown (Submitted by David Dennison) Their dying fire in need of logs, The first woman held hers back. For on the faces around the fire, She noticed one was black. From a Pen Pal Hi, The next man looking cross the way, Saw one not ofhis church. And couldn't bring himselfto give The fire his stick of birch. MANY The third one sat in tattered clothes THANKS He gave his coat a hitch. for this month’s financial contributions Why should his log be put to use To warm the idle rich? The rich man just sat back and thought 0f the wealth he had in store. And how to keep what he had earned from Doug & Mary From the lazy, shiftless poor. Steinbauer, Sam and Wilma Welch, & Lou Gostlin. The black man’s face bespoke revenge As the fire passedfrom sight, For all he saw in his stick ofwood Was a chance to spite the white. The last man of this forlorn group 43 Did naught exceptfor gain. Giving only to those who gave Was how he played the game. Since the commute is pretty far, I haven’t been attending town meetings. Please put my suggestion for the cemetery in: SERENITY. We love to get the Castle Valley Times each month. A big Thank You to all of you for getting the July issue to us. I was glad to see an address in the July issue. I enjoy the news letter so much. I want to send in a contribution to help it continue. My daughter and I look forward to being there for a couple of days on our way to Arizona next month. —Lou, CV Lot 348 (Columbus, Ohio) |