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Show FUTURE TIMES - MAY 1992 - 7 anti-environment government. Linda believes that at least here we can still Rumors and Gossip RUMOR: an unverified or unfounded have an effect on what happens locally. report or story circulating from person For advice to newcomers, Linda again quotes her friend, Lolly. “‘The only way to end up with a small fortune in this town is to arrive with a large one.’ Leave all your ideas back where you came from because they aren’t going to work here anyway. (Besides), those ideas are part of what you left. Think smaller instead of bigger. Think environmentally. Don’t try to change Castle Valley into the place you came from.” Linda sees Castle Valley as a rare place in which we have the opportunity to live varying lifestyles from those necessary elsewhere. She cites some advantages: having a garden, being able to do what we want on our own properties as long as we’re not offending our neighbors, like playing her drum, and being able to work half the year. She looks out her window, gazing at the blue and green mountains with a softness in her eyes taking in the most powerful gift of Castle Valley. The rain has stopped. Time to go back to the garden. —Joan Sangree to person. GOSSIP: idle, often malicious, talk about others. Castle Valley is unique in many ways and is very fortunate to be the home of so many hardworking, creative, and intelligent people. I believe all of us would prefer to have the facts rather than listen to rumors ' and gossip. Unfortunately, rumors are easier to hear, and they seep into our thoughts. Are we a community strong enough to raise above lies spread for someone’s vengeance and ego? For the originators usually have a purpose when they send outrageous rumors flying about. SUMMER FEET 23—Moon will be 5' North of Saturn at 6 am. 24—Last Quarter Moon 9:53 am. 31—New Moon 9:57 pm. June: We can choose to listen and even believe gossip, or we can choose to look for the truth. It takes a little more effort, but it is the only way to make a valued decision or opinion. For instance, if you are interested in financial records and minutes for the Town and/or the Property Owners Association, call me at 259-5077. When you hear those outrageous stories (about your neighbor, friend, or even those you’ve never met), make an ya. May/June Sky Show May: 16—Full Moon 10:03 pm, MDT intelligent choice: 1. Ignore what you’ve just heard. 2. Ask the speaker if they have first hand knowledge of the facts. 3. Don’t repeat what you’ve heard, at least until you have researched the facts. GUARANTEED TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF. -— Lois Wagstaff, Town Bookkeeper . 07—Moon is 7' South of Jupiter at 1 a.m., lst Quarter Moon is 2:47 pm. 15—Full Moon 10:50 a.m., Partial Lunar Eclipse 7 pm. to 1 am. Pioneer lO, launched in March of 1972, was the first spacecraft to fly by Jupiter and the first to pass beyond our solar system. Amazingly, Pioneer 10 is still working, sending information about the Sun’s extended atmosphere. Pioneer 10 is over 5 billion miles from earth now, and its signals, traveling at the speed of light, take 7-1/2 hours to reach us Signal strength? A mere 4.2:: billionths of a trillionth of a watt?» (whatever that means.) —Sam Welch Dry they are, and brown already though it is only May. Skin like fine old leather. Willing servants, common and strong; yet delicate, many-boned arts of work. Callused. resisting any cream, waiting to be embraced by Winter's wool socks. Registered Na vale-Churn: Sheep Exceptional Handspinnlng Fleeces SELL ING For now. they dance unrestrained, and 1 dance with them through the sweet, warm days. — Cris Coffey Ready-to—spln Wool - Handspun Yarns Breeding Stock - Freezer Lambs t ROGER LOWRY 801-259—6589 CVSR 1708 MOAB, UTAH 84532 |