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Show tto km 6ll(o Stein Ccstf 830 p.m. SuL Refreshments - Floor Show Admission Free THE LEHI FREE PRESS Tickets for the BYU produc- fer. Because of the size of the tion of "Royal Hunt of the Sun" cast and the fact that he was are now on sale at the Harris an unknown playwright, Shaffer's Fine Arts Center ticket office attempts to have the play proon the BYU campus. duced on Broadway were unsucThe production, directed by Dr. cessful until a subsequent work, Harold I. Hansen of the Speech "Five Finger Exercise," became and Dramatic Arts Dept., will a popular attraction. run in the PardoeDramaTheater After "Five Finger Exercise" of the Harris Fine Arts Center Iwas made into a motion picture, from March 7 through March 21. "Royal Hunt of the Sun" was The play centers around the produced on Broadway where it conquest of the Inca Indians by ran for more than three years and the Spanish conquistador, Pizar-r- o, was the top box office attraction and the bond of friendship for 18 months. which slowly develops between The musical score and cosPizarro and the Inca chieftain, tume design from the Broadway Atahuallapa. Pizarro is played production will be used during the by Ed Walker and AtahuaUapa run of the play on campus. is portrayed by Tristan Pico, The price of tickets is $1.50 who played Joseph in "Coat of for general admission, 75 cents for senior citizens and missionMany Colors." "Royal Hunt of the Sun" is the aries, and free for students and first play authored by Peter Shaf faculty with activity cards. Group rates are available on request. when children away. Chief Painted Feather finds how well the children have treated his small daughter Smiling Eyes, he makes friends with them. The Sego Lily School County Democrats To Hear Senator Operetta is Well Attended Moss at Convention Senator Frank E. (Ted) Moss will be the keynote speaker for the Utah County Democratic Party Convention to be held at the Provo High School, Saturday, March 29. The convention will begin at 1 p.m. according, to Wayne S. Winters, Chairman of the Utah County Democratic party. Business of the convention wiU include election of new county officers new members of the county central committee and election of delegates to the state "The Inn Golden of the distinguished guests arrive and the parents return home and all ends well. Cast of characters included Sheena Holmstead as Peggy Austin; Bart Evans, Tom Austin, Joe Sommerville, Joey Austin; Nancy Miller, Sally Austin; Christie Worthen, Granny Austin; Gaylon Powell, Traveler; NataleeJones, Ann; John Roberts, John; Lisa Mellor, Smiling Eyes; Ryan Davis, Periwinkle; Chief Painted Feather, Marvin Talyumtawa; Victor Colledge, Kalani Wilkin, Curtis Proctor and Jeff Covington, Indians; Angie Holmes, Mis- Legionnaires Pay Final Tribute To Hyrum Evans Cheese," an operetta presented by Kay Stone's fifth grade class last week at the Sego Lily Elementary School was well attended. Every child in the class participated in the operetta. The setting of the play was in colonial days. "The Inn of the Golden Cheese" was owned by Master and Mistress Austin. An important guest, William Penn and his party, were expected at the Inn and Master Austin was away attress Austin; Carl Hinton, Mastending to his fur trading business ter Austin and Brian Southwick, and his wife had gone after supWilliam Penn. convention. party plies. The Austin children enlist ' State Senator Ernest H. Dean the aid of neighbor children to get will act as chairman of the con- the Inn ready for the guests. vention, with the following com- A traveler stops and warns them mittee chairman assisting: Rules that Indians are in the area and MODERN WAY TO WASH... and order of business, Byron L. tells them not to go outside. McFarlane; credentials, Mark The Indians come demanding food COIN-OPERATBoyack; elections, Gerald Wilde; and threaten to take the white resolutions, Vance Marvin; seating, Vernon Ahman; pariimen-tariaMERVIN PRESTON FAMILY H. Grant Ivins. LAUNDRY MOVES TO IDAHO Currently serving as county ofand Mrs. Mervin Preston ficers with Mr. Winters areReta andMr. FOR SMART WIVES! their family, Diane, Karen, vice-cha- ir lady; Egbert, Provo, and Michail, 12 years old, Nyla, Take a pleasant trip next washday, Gerald Klemm, Pleasant Grove, son, have moved adopted recently and David Stringer, to secretary; instead of spending it in the baseDeclo, Idaho, to make their .treasurer. in home. have lived Lehi ment! Read, rest, chat . . . and wash! They All Democrats of Utah County V for the five PresMr. past years, are cordially invited. Precinct ton 5 serving as manager of chairmen will contact localDe-mocra- ts Stake later Farm, going concerning the conven- to a different area and AND raising tion in the near future. sugar beets on his own responsibility. He will assist in the opand bill constitution Virginia's eration of a 3000 acre farm, with of rights served as a model and his two brothers, Marvin Pres10 the for first drafting guide ton, well known Lehi farmer for amendments to the U. S. some 15 years, and Ken Preston, 315 State Road who lived in Lehi for a year. h) Pvt. Larry Grace of the U. S. Army is scheduled for overseas duty in Viet Nam. He will leave on Sunday, March 2, at 6:30 a.m. by plane from Salt Lake City. He attended Lehi High School and Utah Technical College in Provo, where he took courses in building and construction. He received his basic training at FortOrd, California. Pvt. Grace is a son of Mrs. Erma Grace of Lehi, and the late Forrest Grace. lar- - Well-bre- folks d JIFIIKK) 0 OV t rash (riip I. Radishes L r largo Six J0C celery Clip If .35' Asparagus Years Main Street pictsweet FREIICII FRIES 29 Large Pkg Light - if STRAWBERRIES 09 4 Pkgs 1 Quart DRESSING 39$ HARD ROLLS 39 D02. S0C SALnOIl DEL MONTE Pink Tall Da can MONTE CREAM 303 can 4 lor ZEE TOILET TISSUE rolls 90c 69$ CORN FIG NEWTOHS 12 U. S. D. A. CHOICE MEATS FRESH Watermelons S&WTUNA Chunk 3 cai 03$ SALAD each RIB STEAK Juicy Rtd Rip from Mexico lb. SALAD BOWL KERN'S 4 U. S. D. A. 79$ 79$ 768-254- 49$Doz. Mldtw crisco SHORTENING 5 Pak. While The board also discussed plans for Utah County's CAP Day on May 2. CAP Day is designed to Rmm Marty FROZEN FOODS 3 lb. Can average. BUTTERMILK CAKE D0.IUTS Lehi, Utah IE is III e Fresl ! RHODES BREAD ed that Utah County's poverty level is equal to the national 59$ POWERS v'yJ Juicy trop in Don Hafen and LEMON MERINGUE PIES Cards Welcome Oranges y. 9C are Richard Harvey. 172 West Main Phone Bank America rd and Master Charge Choice Navel Mm Carrots with 50 acquaint the community with some of the social problems of Utah County, and the role from Kansas City, Missouri. CAP plays in solving theseprob-lem- s. Other board members assert- mentioned Dr. Thorpe. Stay Pressed, Slacks for Men & Boys 10 7C Chorus," Skyline men from Utah Valley blending their voices in a harmonious rendition of the good old songs. "The a quartet from Seattle, Washington, will take you through the intracacies of a barbership harmony and lend a little humor along thai way. Also on the program wiube the "Candidates" a quartet from Utah Valley. Tickets for the show are presently on sale. Show Vitamin Rich llicir from Hri4 . District's Head Start. "We have the blessings in Utah FAMILY DINNER HONORS County of no real sensational RETURNED MISSIONARIES social problems, such as a Harlem or a ghetto area, and we can A family dinner was held last thus work at a quiet calm level," Saturday, at the home of Mrs. explained Al Miller, OEO's regNadine Brown, in Payson, honorional representative visiting class, last week. Avocados Onions f iirnmliarc -- w B. C. He formerly attended Dixie College in St. Geroge, Utah, taking first place in his weight class in wrestling, and entering national competition. He was also on the wrestling team at Lehi High School, taken second in state, for his weight. Young Whimpey is to Janee McKnight Whimpey and they live in Ogden at the present time. It will be recalled that his younger brother, Dennis, took first place in the state meet in the 145 pound "The funded principally by the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), whose aim is to eliminate poverty and its causes in Utah County. Head Start is designed to aid underprivileged children prepare to enter grade school. "Head Start helps children get a fair start, who, because of their environment, would be unprepared for grade school," explained Dr. Phil Thorpe, CAP director of Utah County. children are curThirty-fiv- e in Alpine School enrolled rently Western Hats - Boots for the Family Men's and Boys' Work & Dress Shoes I crusty. - Pineapples Lehi while in Vancouver, wrestling run, Levis in all sizes Men's and Boys' Also Wranglers & Colored Levis LAUUBIIY GAD VJASII L and Spirit Hose for Women Two Pair for $1.00 se are seldom coaching SPEBQSA, SLACKS $4.00 a pair off for Ten Days Only - Blouses New Spring Slacks Dresses - Shoes CAR Madagascar is the fourth gest island. with The Utah Valley Chapter of Inc., is announcing the production of their tenth anThe approval of a grant apnual show to be held on Friday and Saturday, March 14 and 15, plication for the Head Start Program of the Alpine School District at 8:08 p.m. in the Provo High totaling $33,717, and a visit from School Auditorium. a regional representative of the This year's show will provide Office of Economic Opportunity, an evening of entertainment as highlighted a recent quarterly-boar- d the group will take you from the meeting of Utah County's 1918 era down to modern 1969 Community Action Program. with Barbershop harmony. Utah County's CAP CommunFeature groups .that will apity Action Program) is a locally pear on the program will include Head Start Program Ladies' Famous Brand Liquid Fit n, POWELL'S assisted ing Elder and Mrs. Niron Fowler. The couple have recently returned after fulfilling an LDS mission in Canada. Among others ice nockey is played on a from Lehi in attendance were Mr. rink from 185 to 200 feet long and Mrs. Milan Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Beck. and 85 feet wide. ED theSu-garhou- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whimpey received word . that their son, Scott Whimpey, student at Weber State College in Ogden, took third place in wrestling competition held at Missoula, Montana, Feb. 23. He received a medal for third place in the 167 pound class. Seven universities from Utah, Idaho, Montana and Washington were represented. Young Whimpey, who completed a two year LDS mission in the Alaskan -- Canadian Mission, married Larry Grace to Serve in Vietnam Full military honors were accorded a fallen comrade, Hyrum V. Evans, Lehi native and veteran of World War I, by members of the Lehi Post 19, American Legion. Interment took place in the Lehi City Cemetery, Tuesday, March 4, where taps were sounded by Alvin Schow as the bugler. Commander Dennis V. Finch took charge of the ceremonies, with Harold. M. Fox performing the duties of chaplain. Color bearers were Sherwin Allred and Glen Gardner, with C. 0. Holmr stead and Ernest Rutledge, color guards. The firing squad included Paul Evans, Grant Evans, Harold Fenn, Irwin Snow and Dean College Wrestling 6, 1968 Uroh Valley Chapter Of SPEBQSA to Present Annual Show Alpine School Dist. Seeks Grant From Takes Third in 21 However Thnrsdiy, March Scott Vhimpey "Royal Hunt in the Sun" Slated For Presentation at BYU Mar. 7-- "INN OF THE GOLDEN CHEESE" -- Cast members of the operetta presented by Mr. Stone's Fifth Grade at the Sego Lily Elementary School. (Q) 09$ or VANILLA WAFERS N. B. 3 C. for Large Size $1.00 85 GROUND PORK SAUSAGE lb. 39 lb. 39 BABY BEEF LIVER SEETHALER SEETHALER SKINLESS 1st QUALITY FRANKS BACON lb. Pkg. lb. Pkg. J0$ MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE " 59$ ,b' More People Than Ever Are Shopping 55 at pm bros. iwr 12 WEST MAIN - LEHI, UTAH Compare our Food Price and 8ara. Prices Effectlre Thursday - Friday - Saturday |