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Show Mpine School District Report... With all members of the board of education and administration personnel present. President R. -J Mr eel changes were Welfare Expenditures 60 Percent Since Report Increased ANNUAL REPORT I fr" Grade ' XtfM .. Chip-ma- n, presented and discussed his annual financial report for board consideration and approval The report, very comprehensive and complete, covered the detailed operations of the 1965 66 fiscal period. It also included an area of statistical compari sons that dated back forty years and was extremely interesting. The annual audit, prepared by Arvid S. Dodge, was reviewed by the board of education. The audit in general put the district in an enviable position. However, Mr. Dodge made some recommendations as to specific procedures that would improve both security and ease of operation. Generally the board and the administration felt the recom mendations to be desirable and will make them a part of accepted procedures. 1950-196- Present Program Tuesday Thalia n Club Features Slides on Hill total welfare with 54 per Cumorah Pageant expected of the budget, compared cent in 1360, 42 per cent in 1350 and 32 per cent in 1940. Utah is currently threatened with the loss of as much as $1.25 million a year in Federal matching funds if the state failf to meet the new Federal requirements in the number of staff and limits on cases per worker. This is despite a 50 per cent increase in total staff since 1963, largely to comply with Federal regulations. Utah welfare officials say they have met Federal requirements for all children's programs, but could not possibly meet the same staffing requirements for adult programs iIth available funds, or with those proposed in the governor's 1967-6- 9 budget. A ten-yeprojection of welfare programs and costs, prepared by the Utah Department of Public Welfare at the request of the governor, indicates a total expenditure of more than $80 million in 1977, compared with expenditures of $28.8 million in 1966, $18.1 million in 1960, and $11.7 million in 1950. The Foundation report noted that the Utah approach to welfare has traditionally tended to be more conservative than that of some other states and of the Federal Government, and that the present state welfare admin- - per cent Increased competition for keen in the years ahead." available Utah tax dollars in the The increase in Utah welfare years to come, resulting from costs averaged more than eight spiralling welfare costs, is fore- per cent a year between 1960 seen in a Utah Foundation study and 1966, compared with an averreleased this week. 0 age of 4.4 per cent in the Public welfare expenditures decade, it was noted by the have increased nearly 60 per Foundation, a private, non profit cent since 1960 and appear head- public service agency. Welfare ed for even more rapid expancosts in Utah, and across the sion in the decade ahead, accordnation, are increasing even more ing to the research report. rapidly than the numbers of wel"By making genuine need the fare recipients. criterion for providing public Changes in basic philosophy ft-- ;at the Federal level, reflected adminUtah welfare assistance, , istrators have been able to in the 1962 welfare law amendcontrol the welfare spending," ment enacted by Congress, are Foundation analysts note. "The responsible for much of the extotal of state and local spending pansion and change in emphasis devoted to public welfare was of public welfare programs. Furmore than 20 per cent in 1942, ther basic changes in this area compared to a little more than have been recommended by the six per cent in 1965. This was a President's Advisory Committee MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? -- David Mitchell, left, who will portray Abraham Lincoln, watches as major factor in helping Utah to on public Welfare, which, if enPaul Zimmerman as George Washington prepares to dance with Laureen Devey as Martha Washmeet the spiralling costs of pubacted into law, could require at School. be seen in the Lehi Children will program Tuesday ington. Elementary lic education over the years. substantial revisions of Utah welEMPLOYED AND fare laws and administrative pro"With the financial requireTERMINATING Third Lehusion Club lo Upon the recommendation of ments of public education still cedures. The Federal government is Assistant Superintendent Qulnn rising, especially at the post-hiThird grade pupils at the Lehi of England and Charles Dickens. Features school level, it is obvious playing a larger and larger role A. Hatch, the following person- that if present trends in wel-fa- re in the state welfare adminisElementary School will present The children will present musiWildlife Films a program next Tuesday, Feb cal selections, participate in philosophy and spending tration, and added Federal dolLehi Patients in 28, It was reported by Principal dancing and dramatizations. continue, the competition for tax lars are being used to obtain a A special occasion for the G. Dale Burgess. Theme for the The program is designed to dollars will become increasingly larger measure of Federal con- Am. Fork Hospital Lehusian Club was the 'couple production will be "Februar- y- bring to the students a better the Birthday Month," and will understanding of these people's party" at which club members Among those receiving treat feature dramatization, singing contribution in citizenship and to entertained their husbands, at ment in the American Fork Hos and dancing by the third grad- encourage them to shape their the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken pital, were the following from Special Men's and Boys' All Star ers in observance of the birth- lives so that they might make Carlton. Potluck dishes from club Lehi: Wm. L. Zimmerman, Clarence days of famous people during some contribution to the country. members made up a lavish buffet Converse Gym Shoes for $7.98 supper. Dr. Max A. Blackham of Bushman, AdellaR. Zimmerman, the month. who was accomPleasant Grove, The program, which is under Lucille Preston, Beda Peck, Lee R. Watkins panied by his wife, showed some Rowena VIbbert, Lydia H. Pow the direction of Mrs. Mary Bar-ra- tt, Teen Age Boys' Super Slim Levis Interesting wildlife films. Mrs. Ruth Peterson and ell, Rhea Brown, Linda Lou 21 were There the for Employed present All Sizes. Miss Kathryn Wanlass, teachers, Bair, Iva Deane Ewell and Lois affair last Friday evening. Neil. will be presented for the students Baltimore, Md. In the morning with parents inNew Spring Dress Sport Coats vited to view the performance Lee R. Watkins graduated from at 2:30 p.m. the University of Utah in elecfor Men NAME BRAND Mrs. Barratt's class will cov- trical engineering, in December, er famous persons of the Colo- and Is now employed by the West- nial Period who had birthdays inghouse Company in Baltimore, New Shipment of Levis in 7 Colors In February. These include Maryland. He is working in' the IN BULK Division. His wife, George Washington, Abraham Aero-SpaLincoln and William Henry Har- - the former Martha Zeeman, and Also Wranglers will present a their , son Brian, age two, are 50-Pou. rlson. The class nd and with him. They are members of special dance, the Minuet, ' will also sing special songs. th Baltimore Second Ward and Ladies' New Spring Merchandise Mrs. Peterson's class will are enjoying LDS Church activitIn Lanudry honor those following this period ies and affiliations. Although of history, especially featuring heavy storms have brought much writers and inventors. These will snow and bitter cold, the family Ladies' NEW SPRING SHOES Also include Henry Wadsworth Long- is doing well, according to his in all colors. fellow, Thomas Edison, Johann parents, Mr. andMrs. W. D. WaCoBill tkins. (Buffalo Bill) Gutenberg, dy and Charles Lindberg. StuAlso NEW CANVAS FOOTWEAR dents will demonstrate a circle CORRECTION dance to the music of the 'Teton in colors. Mountain Stomp" and give poems Mrs. Samuel (Mary) Webb, who and songs. just celebrated her 80th birthday, Miss Wanlass' class will fea- is not maintaining a hospital bed; . ture composers Victor Herbert, she maintains a hospitable and Ej George Frederick Handel and attractive home. We are sorrv Lehi Main Street Main Street - Lehi Frederic Chopin; baseball's im- for the error which occurred in mortal Babe Ruth; Queen Anne last week's Free Press. District Clerk, Elijah ar CLEANING PRODUCTS 25 - 40 and SAUE FROM SODA CRACKERS FLOUR 25 lb. Bag $1.69 LIBBY'S Pineapple-Grapefru- it 2 lb. Box LXv 4 95 Texas Pink Grapefruit sr" each 4C I.G.A. Sunkist Lemons Orange Juice si f fc Zi 3 for lor 7 25c I.G.A. Hamburger Slices Qf. Jar 39 SILVERSMITHS ia vol m "DINNER-FOR-8- E '6& 95 SET " 8 Tuspoom, Knivos, Forks, Placa Spoons, Solid Forks, 1 Buttor Knifs, Sujir Spoon, Sorvinf Spoon, Fed. Sorving Spoon, Cold Moat Fork, Gravy Ladla, Barry Spoon, Dasssrt Sarvar. Consumtr Prict Reg. $99.95 (Chest (j Optional Extra) SAVE 4500 "DINNER-FOR-12- E SET " Ej Consumar Price 9995 Reg. $144.95 (Chost Optional Extra) Trademark! of Oneida Ltd. 5 I'JEBB'S JEWELRY Main Street Ill 1 i 5 Lehi in i imammmiDia id Meaty TableRite ICE PORK 49 Raft SAUSAGE 2 79c lbs. PORK STEAK lb. J SALMON Cut in pieces Just right to Bake Cnt. Vio 59 SALMON 79 Jumbo BOLOGNA Chunk c 39 lb. CORN KING BACON lb- - MILK Vi Gal. 59 49c Brite Fall Whole or Half lb. PIES each Loin End $1.00 ARO Cherry or Apple Lean Juicy Tall Can I.G.A. PICKLES Tall Can 90 VTftSBSS CBSES FRUIT LIBBY'S PITTED for A COUNTRY SPARE lb. RIBS SEGO MILK $1.00 2.29 Tropicano Pure Florida OLIVES 3 lean TUNA FISH 4 for PLATE 49i Large Loaves Light Chunk iromigje DA BREAD Can lor I 5 WONDER BUTTERMILK DRINK 46-o- z ti LVE by O N E Hi SUPREME I'M its WujJLJ o MMUNITY He R POWERS WASATCH 5 5 ! f ii TO i3 ) i 5 SOAPS a v istration "is acting as a stabilizing influence on the 'Great Society' philosophy enamatlng from Washington." 5 5 F 5 MEL'S SUPPLY 11 A woman will spend two hours in a supermarket shopping for a convenience food item that will save her five minutes cooking time. 0' 5 Cartons BAR 1 ns SALE Detergents and Soaps XVt LDS SILVER ce AjrAKAuUJ former missionary In theEasternStates, Mr. Saunders participted in the pageant both years of his missionary service. He showed the home of Joseph Smith and the Angel Moroni statue, with other views. He discussed the selection of character actors, with the appearance of their walking an important consideration. He is now teaching a class on the life of Joseph Smith at BYU. The group met at the home of Mrs. Richard Erickson, with Mrs. Robert White, club vice president, in charge. Refresh-mewere served. Members are reminded to attend the meeting Thursday (tonight) at the new home of Mrs. Raman Watkins, and bring a guest. gh at mm A Club. SPECIAL 5 m Impressive views of the sacred pageant, staged annually at the Hill Cumorah in New York, were shown by Larry Saunders of Pro-v- o, for the members of the Tha-li- an iiaiaiaiaiD r ID. 197 Foundation report noted. In Utah this year. Federal funds to account for 62 are trol. the made: lowing special purchase requests Mary Amberg, Carol Boivie, from school funds: Darlene Be ruing and Wary Sue Orem High - Wrestlin? mat, Phil Shuiattay directed th': Roberts resigned; and LeArta $2,312.00. board's discussion of the budget, Moult on. Wend ell Hanson, Bar -Lincoln Jr. High - Spotlight, building and sites reports for toga Wilkinson, Kathleen Rogers, $210.00. Barbara Hirschi. Denice Nelson The next regular meeting of the January. Clerk Elijah Chipman review and Joyce Oldroyd were hired. Alpine District Board of Educaed these reports in relationship BOARD RECOGNIZES SPECIAL tion will be held March 8, to actual revenues and expendi PURCHASE REQUESTS 1967 at 7:00 a.m. in the district tures for the budget period. The The board approved the fol office. board gave approval for accept ing the reports as prepared. Claims for January amounting Have Shows to $508,794.73 were reviewed by Mr. Abel and approved by the 1960 board of education. Nearly 1 Thursday. February 23. THE LEHI FREE PRESS PICTSWEET PEAS 2 pkgs- 29 - 59c More People Than Ever Are Shipping PftCE BROS, 12 WEST MAIN - mi at LEHI, UTAH Compare our Food Prices and Save. Prices Effective Thursday - Friday - Saturday |