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Show THE I.EHl FREE PRESS, LEW, IT All Miss Petra Clover Serimpian Club Elects Officers For Coming Year Receives Nurse's Cap At U. New officers for the coming season were elected by the members of the Serimpian Club, at their meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Dean Kirkham. The new leaders will take over th.nr positions next autumn. Chosen to serve as president is Mrs. Dan Evans, who has filled Ibis the office of will be Mrs. vear. Reed Miller and secretary, Mrs. Louis Smith. Mrs. Richard Rone was elected permanent historian, with Mrs. Paul Peterson as program chairman and Mrs. Valno Peterson as art chairman. Elected to the civic committee are Mrs. Dean Kirkham, Mrs. Un Richard Webb and Mrs. The gift committee will be Mrs. Philip Eckersley and Mrs. Stanford Giles. Outgoing officers are Mrs. Clovis Hill as president: Mrs. Dan Mrs. VerEvans, non Blamires, secretary, and Mrs. Valno Peterson, historian. On the civic committee are currently serving, Mrs. Dean Kirkham, Mrs. Leo Ixneridge and Mrs. Able J. Ekins; Mrs. J. B. Cooper as program chairman, and Mrs. Ralph Wing as gift chairman. Mrs. Clovis Hill, president, took charge of the meeting and gave a report on the Women's LegisMrs. Richard lative Council. Bone gave a final summary of the book, "The Egyptian," byltfiea Several Waltaire. prospect ive members were voted on by the members. For their next meeting, the group will be the guests of the Letitian Club, their sponsored club. nt Vice-preside- lo II II HI IM I IMMMIII MIIIIIIMM IMl'T "l Paul Hiemlenlui:!, JO, son of Mr. and Mrs. lia.oul Meudt-nhall- , with his visiting teacher, Marcia Parks of American Fork. Paul, afflicted with cerebral palsy, has made reiyarkabh' progress the past years under the care of his parents, his teacher and other specialists. Courtesy Pro'vo Herald Cerebral Palsy Child Aided by Courage, Love of Parents and Visiting Alpine School Teacher ship of a sistei- -. There is a strong bond of affection between Paul A story of Spartan courage on and his "big sister," Edna Mae, the part of a mother and father who now is a junior high school and interest shown far beyond student in Lehi. the call of duty by a visiting To illustrate the progress that school teacher is being written has been made, Dr. Perlesteen 'of Saranear over in a farm home the University of Chicago, a cerebtoga Springs. The central figure ral palsy specialist of world reof this human interest drama is nown, saw Paul when he was Paul Mendenhall, age 10. His par- three. He predicted the child's ents are Harold and Florence mind was such that he would Mendenhall and Marcia Parks of by being given special eduAmerican Fork, is the Alpine profit cation. During the summer of School district visiting teacher. 1951 Paul was taken to Salt Lake Paul, since tirth, Has been se- City where he was in a class verely afflicted with cerebral supervised by Miss Hyman, a palsy. He is one of some 1600 special educational supervisor Utah children so handicapped, and from Iowa. She said he was then more commonly known as spastics. so vvell he By Dena S. Grant He is child, mind, not a a handsome, big brown-eye- d blessed with a brilliant a keen sense of humor and shred of self-pitThe struggle to help Paul is not confined alone to all that constant home care and service from the visiting teacher can give. Other agencies are helping him, such as the Utah Society for Crippled Children, orthopedic medical care provided by the Utah State Department of Health at the Children's Hospital at Fort Douglas and the corrective speech clinic at the University of Utah. Paul's improvement within the past five years is an almost unbelievable story of courage, determination, proper instruction and probably the most important of all, a never wavering deter- mination that this child must not be condemned to a lifetime of complete invalidism. When Paul was 2, his parents adopted a little girl that their son might have the normal compan- - mentally would be the joy developed of any special educational class. All told, Paul nas had eight years of physical and academic development, which includes three years of physical therapy and five of special instruction through the school district visiting teacher service. He has learned to hold himself erect, to sit without support, is able to put all educational toys together and can stand unassisted with crutches and braces. He speaks plainly at times and even under emotional and nervous disturbances can make himself understood. He can dictate a story or letter without errors and can remember all his related subjects. Paul's was the first name on the e children in roll of need of educational training at the time the visiting teacher program was inaugurated five years ago in this district. Twice weekly Mrs. Parks visits her young pupil at his home and Mrs. Mendenhall helps Paul carry out his assignments during in- - tervening periods. Paul is given the same assignments and uses the same text books as the fifth grade class of which he normally would be a member in the Lehi school. Vera Martens, fifth grade teacher, briefs Mrs. Parks on the Enjoy Automatic Heat 1 Lehi 189-- J iill'imMi'lliilijiliiiiliialM $40 For Your Old Highest Prices Dead or Useless Animals Horses - Cows - Pigs Hide i d Biff Morgan's daughter Rusty is something of a night owl. Stays awake way past her bedtime. four-year-ol- Every night Mrs. Morgan complained about how hard it was to get Rusty to go to sleep. Finally Biff decided to handle the situation. "Anyone can get a kid to takes a little patience! sleep Here, hand me her storybook." He grabs the book and goes into Rusty's room. About an hour later Rusty comes padding out in pajamas and hands her mother the book. "Read it quietly," she whispers, "so we Mi j I Supplies fill mm. Tallow Co. Phone George W. Price, ?I6 Fencing j New Whirlpool Utah & NO SPECIAL j Washer on Purchase of a for 1 SO j Heavy Field Fencing NOW-feat- ure- jjtl $16.40 famous Whirlpool triuiteiicy in a new fully automatic j Steel Fence Posts, 6 ft. - 95c Washer that takes less than 25 inches ! of floor-Bpa- j Extra thorough SEVEN IINSIS; -- Barbed Wire $10.00 j per roll I Cedar Posts - gpl IgP - Total cleansing AGIFLOW ACTION; Completely BLE TIMINO; Exclusive SUDS-MISE- R j 85c I (optional); 5 -- YEAR WARRANTY on Transmission. All this at a Record Low Price! & WoiMkrful Whirlpool of up Trading Post Sportsmen's Headquarters Mvin Street Phone 506 Lehi don't wake Daddy." From where I sit, Biff so quick to be a "child-car-e wont be spe- HIGH QUALITY cialist" the next time. If we could just resist being such "know it alls," our neighbors would be better off. Take those who would deny me a glass of beer with my well, I might not care supper for the buttermilk they like. We all ought to realize that we all have different abilities and different preferences, too. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE Copyright, 1953, United Stales Brewers Foundation Recovered and Restyled 1 Is Your Car Ready For Spring Custom Made For Your Home Designed and Styled the Way You Want It Driving ni v a m OR IF YOUR PREFER Trade In Your Old Furnitur e On New Modern, Styles Up-to-da- te Other Complete Lines of New Furniture to Choose From Already you're thinking about those long drives ana" trips you're going to take this spring. But . . think FIRST about your car. It needs a "Spring Tonic' too! Lazy, winter worn motors need Spring conditioning to put them in top form for the new season Drive in for fresh grease and oil motor p complete Utoco check-u- p BOB'S and FLEXI- Lone Eagle "Biff" Falls for His Own Story tune-u- Phone Am. Fork 607 w $ 249.95 We Can Make Your Installation Immediately Don't Delay Clover, student nurse at the Salt Iake General Hospital. was award'xl her cap. Miss Clover, daughter of Mrs. Clara Clover, was one of a group of 35 honored in the lovely exercises. Mrs. Shirley Ann Tuckett Tew, sister-in-lato Mr. and Mrs. Berl Peterson, was also in the group. Mrs. Tew is a student at the LDS hospital. The theme of the capping exercises was, "Although the Lamp is Heavy, We Will Hold It High and Dr. A. W. Keep It Burning." Middleton was the speaker of the evening, recalling the life of Florence Nightingale as a challenge to the young nurses. As the cap was awarded to each student, she was presented with a replica of Florence Nightingale's lamp with tiny lighted candle. The entire group stood, holding their lights, during the singing of "The Lord's Prayer," by Miss Colleen jqk, soprano, who also sang, "You'll Never Walk Alone." 1953 Mr. and Mrs. HONORED OX BIRTHDAY Laurel Madsen and baby daugh- An flttrflPtivA llinrhfvn hnnirad ter; Miss Ferrell Madsen, Janice Mrs. A. F. Madsen on her birth- and Venice. day, March 16. With Mrs. E. W. Jensen, her daughter Mona, hosOn Sunday. March 22, a family tess at her home in Woods Cross, all of their daughters joined Mr. gathering honored Mrs. George E. and Mrs. Madsen. An attractive (Mary) Russon, for her 78th birthfern stand was their gift. On day. A beautiful birthday cake Sunday, the entire family gathered centered the table. Turkey dinat the Madsen home, at dinner, ner was served. Her daughter, with 33 present. Seated around Mrs. Marlin Christiansen was the table with Mr. and Mrs. Mad- hostess for the affair at her homo. sen and her lather, James F. Ferrell, were Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Jensen and family of Woods Cross; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. MadTrade-i- n sen, Jr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Allied and children, fom where I sit ...ly Joe Marsh Call Us For Details First Payment June 1 CeremonV MARCH 26, Salt Lake City; A&mtUtmtmi More Gas Connections Allocated PAYMENT Of U. At an impressive ceremony held in Kingsbury Hall on the Univer- sity of Utah campus, Miss Petra work outlined for this age group and thus Paul is kept abreast of the other children his age. The visiting teacher sought outside help in order to coordinate the effort she was making to help this child. Paul Mendenhall is fortunate. He is being reared in a home where normal atmosphere and homelife are maintained. He loves animals, especially horses and seated in front in the saddle and braced against his father, he rides and hunts with him. He has a new wheel chair and gets' about the place remarkably well. He enjoys radio and television. Paul's case is a clear cut example bearing out the theory that children afflicted with cerebral palsy develop faster if the mind is developed along with the body. stay-at-hom- NO DOWN THURSDAY, MKS. A. F. MADSEX clean-up- Service . i y y y y y y y y y y y y I 1 OVERMAN'S Upholstery All Woik Guaranteed 346 West Center Provo, Utah Phone 1981-- W |