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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE Christmas Gifts for Milady Name of Corporation. Lehi Irrigation Company, location of principal place of business, Lehi City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that there are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment levied on the 1st day of November, 1942, the amount set opposite the names of the respective share holders: Beautiful Lingerie New Wool Pastel Dresses 1 i- -..n ijll Everything in Ladies' Cora's No. Shares Amount Stockholder 4 $4.00 Sarah E. B. Adams 3.6 3.60 F. F. Chllders 9.60 9.6 Robert Comer 1 1.00 L. B. Brown 1.50 1.5 LeRoy Davis 1.00 1.5 4 Mary Farthingham 1 1.00 Don Fowler A. E. Fox 1.60 1.6 2.00 2 Fred Gaines 2 2.00 James H. Gardner 10.00 James Richard Gray10 1 1.00 J. W. Gray 1 1.00 Ole C. Harris 4 4.0C Susie A. Hillier (suite nfV. VslirilA U1UV11 WWAtf QI-..- ULLCl L- ready-to-we- ar Classic Shoppe I MAIN STREET, LEHI PHONE 14 J Julius Jensen 3 SNOW BALL FLOUR $1.45 Bag PEACOCK 'or YELLOW $1.60 Per Bag STAR FLOUR BINDING TWINE Buy now while it is available. 55c PER 100 CALCITE WHY PAY MORE? STOCK OF TREES XMAS COMING FEEDS FOR ALL NEEDS WE DELIVER GILES FEED STORE Yfj welt FREE SHINE with every pair hall soled. Have your shoes shined for 10c Come in and give us a trial, work done while you wait OSBORNE SHOE SHOP HAROLD OSBORNE, Prop. 1st East 4th Norh Lehi ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fox of Salt Lake City, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Keetch, to Mr. Carrol Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Smith of this city, the marriage to take place in the near future. Miss Keetch is a graduate of the Lehi High School. Mr. Smith is also a former student of the Lehi High School. Both young people are popular among the younger set of Ltehi. WE PRINT BUTTER WRAPPERS THURSDAY. DECEMBER THE LE1I1 FREE PRESS. LEHI, UTAH DECEMBER 3. 1342 THTTfiSDAY. MONEY FOR THE -- Question Mrs. Clay Kelsey was released from the Lehi Hospital, Tuesday, bOX Q Bow can I tell if I need snort vitamimst A. Yoa feel below par mentally and physically. Some common symptoms of vitamin deficiencies are: irritability, unexplained tiredness, a poor appetite, cracked skin, ifeless hair, and bleeding gums. Q. Are vitamins needed regularly? A. The body cannot store np snftV eient reserves of most vitamins. Our daily needs must be supplied by foods or food supplements. Q. Whatid people do B.V. (Be-Jpr-e Vitamin )f A. Our ancestors "got along" by eating less refined food and getting vegetables fresh from their own kitchen gardens. Today we not only eat less sensibly but our foods tend to be by modern food storage, transportation, and processing. Q. Is it possible to get too many vitaminsT A. No. Vitamins obtained in dietary supplements and not needed or retained by the body are discarded. With three out of four Americans, the chief problem is not getting too many, but getting enough vitamins. following a recent operation. FOR LIVESTOCK The Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office, Farm Credit Administration, with regional headquarters in the Salisbury Building, Salt Lake City, is now making loans for the purchase of feed for livestock. The basic characteristic of the loan is that it represents a form of federal credit that is made available only to farmers who cannot obtain a loan from other sources including the production credit associations. These loans have been made by the Emergency Crop Loan basis in Office on a nationwide each year since 1931. The rate of interest is 4 percent per annum. The regional office organization includes a field force of field sup ervisors who are assgned to a specfic territory on a county basis. Mr. Daniel D. Bushnell represents this office in Utah County and can be reached at ihe Oreni Ci:y Hall, Provo, Utah. A baby girl was born to Mrs. Fern Barnes at the Lehi Hospital, Friday, i TTdDys -- Merry j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Banes entertained at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. George F. Barnes. ROYAL HOLD INFANT OF FORMER RESIDENT BURIED WEDNESDAY, CHOOSE FROM OUR ; The infant of Mr. and Mrs.' Stephen Carlquist, was buried at Draper, Wednesday. The baby was born in San Francisco. Mr. Carl-- ; quist is a member of the U. S. armed forces and Mrs. Carlquist is the former Iris Nicholes of Lehi. STORE Gift Items for Men, Women and Children WEBB'S Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Johnson of Salt Lake City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manning, Friday. FURNISHINGS Mr. and Mrs. Jay Barnhart and Mrs. J. L. Barnhart spent Monday in Salt Lake City. STATE STREET Select your Xmas Gifts Now Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article. SWEATERS. DRESSES. HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS, BLOUSES. ROBES, LINGERIE LADIES' MEN'S SHIRTS. TIES. SOX. HATS. GLOVES. SCAFRS, SWEATERS. LEATHER COATS." ROBES Shoes for the family Rubber Footwear LOGGER SHOES LEHI. UTAH THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3. 4, and 5 Power's faoe Store No. 1 SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "MISS ANNIE ROONEY" No. 2 Look Who's Here Again W 0m en I III T Save VITAMINS in your cooking.. it's Easy1 With Your - - V. "" IKO t ill with a host of other radio stars 1 RADIO Picture and MONDAY ONLY 6 and 7 SUNDAY December JWALT DISNEY'S f Tests show that of the vitamins in fresh vegetables may be lost through improper cooking. It's easy, however, to conserve these important food values if you're fortunate enough to own an Electric Range. Try following these simple suggestions: one-thir- d H oit iovi siosy "JyT H Famed of the Month., now Book your Picture of the Yeart DitWbultd by IKO RADIO Frum TMi kta'i ami Also Selected Shorts MATINEE SUNDAY 4 P. M. Admission 15c and 20c Children 15c, Adults 30c. Evenings TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. 8 and 9 December BIG DOUBLE SHOW Use little water in cooking. Half a cup is ample e for most vegetables. vitamins are boiled away and poured down the sink when you use large quantities of water, wasting the very things you pay for. By vegetables, this loss is held to a minimum. Avoid the effect of the boiling process. Water-solubl- steam-cooki- vitamin-destroyin- ng g Avoid prolonged and violent boiling. The less time foods are exposed to high heat, liquid and air, the smaller the loss of their vitamin, content. Use covered utensils and do RK0 Radio Pleturt with Barton WscLtn Euttn Psllstt Ajni Moonhesd Sam Lsvtns Ray Collins Marion Martin Wm. Orr House Slippers, Robes, Watchs3, Gift Dishes, Doll Buggies, cldT Broadbent's Store A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL Carpenter Overalls and Coveralls Christmas Everything for Christmas at is as fine as ever j ANY ARTICLE YOU MA?' LOGGER BOOTS I Gifs for all the Family at BROADBENT'S j Mercur. pected to be present. . There will be two sessions, one at 9:30 a. m. and one at 1:30 p. m. S j A baby boy was born to Mrs. at the Robert Brown of Kama Lehi Hospital, Friday. j received treatment Glen at the Lehi Hospital, last week for injuries received while at work at ed Consolidated Holding 38.8 33.02 Company 30.4 25.84 Gilbert Myers 36 30.60 Sylvia Shipley 4 D. J. Strong 3.40 36 26.85 Russell Thompson In accordance with la and an cdrr of the Board of Directors made on the 1st day of November, of each 1942, so many shares necesof as stock be parcel may NOTICE Lehi at be sold will the sary, Memorial building, on the 2nd day of January, 1943, at 2 p. m. to pay CIVIC IMPROVEMENT toASSOCIATION TO MEET delinquent assessment thereon of costs with gether advertising of sale. The annual meeting of the Lehi and expense HERMAN C. GOATES, Civic Improvement Association will Secretary, Lehi, Utah. at 7, December be held, Monday, First publication December 3, 1942. 7:30 p. m. in the M emorial BuildLast publication December 10, 1942. ing. The purpose Of the meeting enwill be to elect officers for the suing year and to transact any DELINQUENT NOTICE other business that may come before the meeting. Name of Corporation, Spring Creek Irrigation Company, location of principal place of business, Lehi SCRAP DRIVE City, Utah. TO CONTINUE Notice is hereby given that there are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of A recent communication from assssment levied on the 1st day of Donald M. Nelson, from WashingNovember 1942, the amount set ton D. C. states that the govern- opposite the names of the respec ment is asking the American farm- tive share holders: er to dedicate the remainder of the No. to increased an the Amount Shares hunt, Stockholder scrap year 12 farms being the best sources of Ronald L. Roberts $6.00 s being W. E. Winn 28 14.00 scrap metal. An effort made to have every piece of avail- Fred Kirkham 11 5.50 able scrap gathered from the farms Clyde Dorton 1.25 2lk before they are covered with snow. Azer Southwick 8 4.00 Make sure your scrap is all gather- J. P. Schow 8 4.00 ed from your farm and premises beIn accordance with law and an fore winter sets In. order of the Board of Directors made on the 1st day of November, of each 1942, so many shares NOTICE neces of as stock be may parcel sary, will be sold at the Lehi on the 6th day There will be a. meeting for the Memorial building, of Januarv, 1943, at 2 p. m. to pay Play School Mothers, Friday, Decassessment thereon to ember 4th at the Play School Room delinquent costs of advertising aether with at 4 o'clock. Very Important. All of sale. and expense mothers be present as We are planJOHN W. SOUTHWICK, ning our Christmas Party. Secretary and Treaurer First December 3, 1942. publication Mrs. Hulda Curtis spent Tuesday Last December 10, 1942 publication in Salt Lake City. Our Supply of Gift Items for Xmas Dean Wilcox underwent a major operation at the Lehi Hospital,' Thursday. I PURCHASE OF FEED 3rs aim Csl v.ij, Swenson of Pleasant Grove Sunday guests of President 431 Mrs. A. Carlos Schow. Mrs. Stella Norman was released from the Lehi Hospital. Saturday. 1.00 7.00 Ellen Jones 1.00 6 J. B. Jorgensen 36 36.00 Eunice Larsen 36.6 36.60 Kathryn Matley Do you have question about vitamins 3 3.00 John Miller and mineral!? Get the answer by writing to the Vitamin Question Box 13 13.00 Janet Mitchell O. Grand Central Box P. Editor, 657, New York City. Enclose stamped, 1.25 1.25 Burt Neilson nam mention and envelope 2 2.00 of this newspaper. The best question Mary A. Reese and answers will be published from 2 2.00 Ann Rivers time to time in this column. 13 13.00 Howard Ricks 1 1.00 E. L. Rutledge 2.5 2.50 Janus Schow FAST DAY SUNDAY 3.00 3 Fred Scown 4.50 4.50 Joseph Shaw 1 1.00 The regular fast day services Bertha Smith 2 1.75 will be observed in all Lehi Wards, Dorothy Southwick 23.00 Sunday. 23 J. W. Street . 5.5 5.50 Elizabeth Trinnaman 4 4.00 RED CROSS SERVICE Charles Turner 1 1.00 COMMITTEE TO MEET Denzil Turner M. W. Wathen 2 2.00 A Red Cross Home Service In 2 1.50 Armond E. Webb 11 6.00 stitute will be held at the American S. W. Wright 1.2 5 1.25 Fork City Hall, Monday, December Frank Yearance 7. All committee members are exBENCH STOCK 1 7 Mr. and Mrs. El firm Cl. and Mrs. Howard Frandsen of HOSPITAL NOTES VlTAMIH 3, not stir. Air destroys certain vitamins, and stirring simply puts extra air into the food. Always use covered utensils when cooking on the surface units of your Electric Range. Also JOHNNY MACK TEX IBROWOITTERk' 2ffi. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. th$ world's finest electric Reddy Kiloualt Power serine produced for you by American business men -i- s the kind of power that serves 90 of the nation. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE |